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74 Cards in this Set

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last words on the page:

she tried to make an appointment.
(she wondered) where are Veronica and Charles now?
Dónde estarían Verónica y Charles ahora?
a bandage

el vendaje

a relative

un pariente
Abigail’s raised voice could be heard throughout the house

la voz de Abigail podía oírse en toda la casa

to delve into an open sore

ahondar en una llaga abierta

to penetrate into, to study in depth

ahondar en

to deepen, explore, to study thoroughly


to make angry, to anger


around her
a su alrededor
as if there were many people

como si hubiese (or hubiera) mucha gente

Christmas cards and invitations
tarjetas navideñas e invitaciones
come up to Boston just for the day
ven a Boston aunque sólo sea para un día

legal action, lawsuit

demanda judicial

did you learn anything about . . . ?

te has enterado de algo relacionado con . . . ?

don’t get smart with me

no te hagas el listo conmigo

don’t give her the opportunity

no le dé oportunidad
don’t let her assert
no le deje manifestar que + not subjunctive

to miss (someone)

echar de menos

the sender’s name and address. or “the sender.”

el remite

in perspective

en perspectiva

to be available

estar disponible

for your own good,

por su (tu) propio bien,

how much damage could they do to the senator?

hasta que punto podrían parjudicar a la senadora?

her sleep was interrupted

su sueño había sido interrumpido

I have this in the bag already
ya lo tengo en el bolsillo
I want to know who owns the house
quiero saber a quién pertenece la casa
if she dares to affect the pose of a bereaved widow

si osase (or osara) aparecer como una viuda desconsolada

unstable, unsteady


tenant, occupant


it is unlikely
es poco probable

the time for the taping

la hora de grabación

real estate, property

la inmobil-iario, -a

I warn you.

la prevengo


la rodilla

crying, weeping


successful programs

logrados programas

the heirs

los herederos

onslaughts of depression

ataques depresivos

to dare


outwardly she was calm

su apar-iencia era de tranquilidad

to harm, to be detrimental to



por lo tanto

to plan (synonymous with pleanear or planificar)


to show, like a film, or to project (light)


to throw, to hurl (synonymous with lanzar)


related to

relacionado con

to send (like mandar)


to snap (respond to someone by snapping at them)

responder con brusquedad



to be aggrieved, saddened

sentir apenado

she was determined to

estaba decidida a

she wondered if she could phone them

se preguntó si podría llamarlos

to have the intention

tener el propósito

the bank dealing with the interests

el banco que se ocupa de los intereses

the letter was brief
la carta era breve
the more she delved into it
cuanto más profundizaba en ella

the pillow

la almohada
the realty company that has been renting it for years
la inmobil-iaria que se ha encargado del alquilarla, durante años

to be unhappy about the idea that you want to

sentir apenado ante la idea de que quieras

to set up an appointment

concertar una cita

to shrug
encogerse de hombros

troubled dreams

extrañas pesadillas

a new tenant all lined up

un nuevo inquilino en perspectiva

an open wound, ulcer, sore

una llaga

to bandage


angry voices

voces airadas

we both know it

ambos lo sabemos

what did you find out?

qué es lo que has descubierto?

with mixed emotions,

invadida por sentimientos contradictorios
you want me to tell you something?
quieres que te diga una cosa?

you wanted to have me obligated to you

lo que querías era que te estuviera agradecida
your damn program

tu maldito programa