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109 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Muscles that make up the Erector Spinae group
Iliocostal, Longissimus, Spinalis
What is the common tendon for the erector spinae group?
thoracolumbar aponeurosis
Origin of the spinalis
Thoracis: spinous processes of the upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae.
Cervicis: Ligamentum nuchae and the spinous process of C-7
Insertion of the spinalis
Thoracis: spinous processes of upper thoracic
Cervicis: spinous processes of cervicals, except C-1
What is the name of C-1
What is the name of C-2
Which is the only vertebra to lack a spinous process, and what replaces it?
C-1/Atlas. Posterior tubercle
Lordosis or kyphosis? Cervicle, Thoracic, lumbar, sacral
Cervical: lordosis
Thoracic: kyphosis
Lumbar: lordosis
Sacral: kyphosis
Someone who has an exaggerated curvature of the spine that results in the hunching over of the neck is said to have...
a hyperkyphotic curvature of the thoracic spine
What nerve serves the spinalis muscle?
Dorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves (or spinal nerves)
What nerve serves all of the erector spinae group?
The dorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
What are the origins of the longissimus?
Thoracis: thoracolumbar aponeurosis
Cervisis and Capitus: Transverse processes of upper 5 vertebrae
What are the insertions of the longissimus?
thoracis: Lower nine ribs and transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae
Cervical: TVP of cervical vertebrae
Capitus: Mastoid process of temporal bone
What nerve serves the longissimus?
Dorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
What are the origins of the iliocostalis?
Lumborum: thoracolumbar aponeurosis
Thoracis and Cervisis: Posterior surface of ribs 1-12
What are the insertions for the iliocostalis?
Lumborum: TVP of lumbar vertebrae 1-3 and posterior surface of ribs 6-12
Thoracis: Posterior surface of ribs 1-6
Cervisis: TVP of lower cervicals
What three branches make up the transversospinalis group?
Multifidi, Rotores, and Semispinalis Capitis
The transversospinalis group is located deep to which muscles?
erector spinae muscle group
What nerve serves the muscles of the transversospinalis group?
dorsal primary division of spinal nerves
What is the origin of the multifidi?
Sacrum and TVP of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
What is the origin of the rotatores?
TVP of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
What do the the multifidi and the rotatores insert into?
Spinous processes of lumbar through the axis (C-2)
What is the span of the multifidi?
2-4 vertebrae
What is the span of the rotatores
1-2 vertebrae
What nerve serves the rotatores?
dorsal primary division of spinal nerves`
What nerve serves the multifidi?
dorsal primary division of spinal nerves
What nerve serves the semispinalis capitis
dorsal primary division of spinal nerves
What is the origin of the semispinalis capitis/
TVP of thoracic vertebrae and articular processes of lower cervicals
What is the insertion of the semispinalis capitis?
Spinous processes of upper thoracic and cervicals (except C-1), and the superior nuchal line of the occiput
In contrast to the other back muscles, the spenius capitis and cervicis what?
run obliquely
The splenius capitis is deep to what muscles?
trapezius and the rhomboids (major and minor)
The splenius cervisis is deep to which muscles?
splenius capitis
What is the origin of the splenius capitis?
ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C-7 through T-3
What does "nuchae" mean?
Back of the neck?
What muscle inserts into the mastoid process and lateral portion of superior nuchal line?
Splenius capitis
What is the insertion of splenius capitis
mastoid process and lateral portion of superior nuchal line
The splenius cervicis originates with...
spinous processes of T-3 through T-6
Which splenius muscle inserts into the TVP of the upper cervical vertebrae?
What is the insertion for the splenius cervicis
TVP of upper cervical vertebrae
What is TVP
Transverse processes
The splenius muscles are innervated by...
branches of dorsal division of cervical nerves
What is the nervation for the splenius capitis?
branches of dorsal division of cervical nerves
What is the nervation for the splenius cervicis?
branches of dorsal division of cervical nerves
Rectus Capitis Posterior major and minor and the oblique capitis superior and inferior make up what grouping of muscles?
What is the innervation for the suboccipital muscles?
Suboccipital nerves
The suboccipital muscles are about the size of what?
pinky nail
What is the origion of the Rectus Capitis Posterior major?
Spinous process of C-2 (axis)
What is the origin of the rectus capitis posterior minor?
Tubercle of the posterior arch of the atlas (C-1)
What is the origin of the oblique captis superior?
TVP of atlas (C-1)
What is the origin of the oblique capitis inferior?
spinous process of axis (C-2)
What is the insertion point for the rectus capitis posterior major?
inferior nuchal line of the occiput
What is the insertion point for the rectus capitis posterior minor?
Inferior nuchal line of the occiput
What is the insertion point for the oblique capitis superior?
Between nuchal lines of occiput
What is the insertion point for the oblique capitis inferior?
TVP of atlas (C-1)
What nerve serves the rectus capitis posterior major?
What nerve serves the rectus capitis posterior minor?
What nerve serves the oblique capitis superior
What nerve serves the oblique capitis inferior?
The quadratus lumborum is the deepest muscle of the what?
The abdomen
The quadratus lumborum is deep to what structures?
thoracolumbar aponeurosis and the erector spinae group
What is QL?
Quadratus Lumborum
What is the origin of the quadratus lumborum?
posterior iliac crest
What is the insertion of the quadratus lumborum?
last rib and TVP of L1-4
What is the nervation for the QL?
Branches of first lumbar and 12th thoracic
What is the nervation for the quadratus lumborum?
Branches of first lumbar and 12th thoracic
What muscles make up the abdominals?
Rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis
What muscles make up the suboccipitals?
Rectus Capitis Posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, oblique capitis superior, oblique capitis inferior
Rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominis make up what grouping of muscles?
the abdominals (the abs)
Which muscles make up a "washboard belly"?
rectus abdominis
Which muscles are located just lateral to the rectus abdominis?
external obliques
The internal obliques are deep to which muscles?
external obliques
The internal obliques run in which direction?
perpendicular to the external obliques
The transverse abdominis plays a major role in...
forced exhalation
What is the origion of the rectus abdominis?
pubic crest, pubic symphasis
What is the insertion of the rectus abdominis?
cartilage of ribs 5-7 and xiphoid process of sternum
What nerves serve the abs?
branches of intercostals
What is the nervation of the rectus abdominis?
branches of intercostals
What is the origin of the external obliques?
lower 8 ribs
What is the insertion for the external obliques?
anterior part of iliac crest, abdominal aponeurosis to the linea alba
The linea alba runs from the .... to the ....
xiphoid process; pubic symphasis
What is the nervation of the external obliques?
branches of intercostals
What is the origin of the internal obliques?
lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, and thoracolumbar fascia
What is the insertion of internal obliques?
internal surfaces of lower three ribs (10-12), abdominal aponeurosis to the linea alba
What is the nervation of the internal obliques?
branches of intercostals
What is the origin of the transverse abdominis?
lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia, and internal surfaces of lower 6 ribs (7-12)
What is the insertion of the transverse abdominis?
abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
What is the nervation of the transverse abdominis
branches of intercostals
What is the primary muscle of respiration?
The diaphragm separates what?
upper and lower thoracic cavities
What three origins does the diaphragm have?
Costal attachment: inner surfaces of lower 6 ribs (7-12).
Lumbar attachment: Upper 2-3 lumbar vertebrae.
Sternal attachment: Inner part of xiphoid process
What muscle inserts into the central tendon?
What is the insertion of the diaphragm
central tendon
What is the nervation of the diaphragm?
What is the result of an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm?
hiccup: air rushes into lungs and vocal cords snap shut.
What organ attaches to the central tendon of the diaphragm via ligaments?
the heart
What are the two groups of intercostals?
external and internal
The fibers of the external and internal intercostals run... to each other.
The external intercostals are used for ... , while the internal intercostals are used for...
inhalation and exhalation respectively
What is the origin of an intercostal?
The inferior border of the rib above
What is the insertion of an intercostal?
The superior border of the rib below
What is the nervation for the intercostals?
The belly of the superior serratus posterior is partially deep to the ... and has fibers that parallel the superficial ...
scapula; rhomboids
The serratus posterior inferior is deep to...
thoracolumbar aponeurosis
The origin of the serratus posterior superior
spinous processes of C7 to T3
The insertion for the serratus posterior superior
Posterior surface of second through the fifth ribs
The nervation for the serratus posterior superior
spinal nerves 1 through 4
The origin of serratus posterior inferior
spinous processes T12- L3
The insertion of serratus posterior inferior
Posterior surfaces of ninth through twelfth ribs
The nervation of serratus posterior inferior
Spinal nerves 9 through 12