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66 Cards in this Set

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Serratus anterior (moves the scapula)
Ant. trunk. O=ribs 1-8. I=superior scapula. A=protracts & rotates scapula. Boxer's muscle
Pectoralis minor (moves the scapula)
Ant. trunk. O=ribs 3-5. I=scapula corocoid process. A=synergistic to serratus anterior
Trapezius (moves the scapula)
Post. trunk. O=occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, spines of C7-T12. I=scapula spine, acromion, & clavicle. A=elevates, depresses, & adducts scapula, also extends head
Levator scapulae (moves the scapula)
Post. trunk. O=C1-C4 transverse processes. I=medial scapula border. A=elevates scapula
Major & Minor rhomboids (moves the scapula)
Post. trunk. O=lower ligamentum nuchae, C7-T5 spine. I=medial scapula. A=elevates & adducts scapula (paddling muscles)
Pectoralis major (moves humerus, does not originate on scapula)
Trunk. O=clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6. I=humerus greater tubercle. A=flexes, adducts, rotates humerus medially
Latissimus dorsi (moves humerus, does not originate on scapula)
Trunk. O=T7-L5 spines, iliac crest, ribs 8-12, inferior scapula. I=humerus intertubercular groove. A=extends, adducts, rotates humerus medially (rower's muscle)
Deltoid (moves humerus, originates on scapula)
Scapular. O=scapular spine, arcomion & clavicle. I=humerus deltoid tuberosity. A=abducts, extends, flexes, & rotates humerus
Supraspinatus (moves humerus, originates on scapula)
Scapular. O=supraspinous fossa. I=humerus greater tubercle. A=abducts & laterally rotates humerus
Infraspinatus (moves humerus, originates on scapula)
Scapular. O=infraspinous fossa. I=humerus greater tubercle. A=rotates humerus laterally
Subscapularis (moves humerus, originates on scapula)
Scapular. O=subscapular fossa. I=humerus lesser tubercle. A=rotates humerus medially
Teres minor (moves humerus, originates on scapula)
Scapular. O=lateral scapula. I=humerus greater tubercle. A=rotates humerus laterally
Teres major (moves humerus, originates on scapula)
Scapular. O=scapula inferior angle. I=humerus lesser tubercle. A=extends, adducts, & rotates humerus medially
Coracobrachialis (moves humerus, originates on scapula)
Scapular. O=scapula coracoid process. I=medial humerus shaft. A=adducts & flexes humerus
Biceps brachii (moves the forearm)
O=scapular coracoid process & upper glenoid cavity. I=radial tuberosity. A=flexes & supinates forearm
Brachialis (moves the forearm)
O=anterior humerus. I=ulnar coranoid process. A=flexes elbow
Brachioradialis (moves the forearm/wrist/hand/fingers)
Ant. O=distal, lateral humerus. I=near radial styloid process. A=flexes elbow
Triceps brachii (moves the forearm)
O=inferior glenoid cavity & posterior humerus. I=ulnar olecranon process. A=extends forearm
Flexor carpi ulnarus (moves the wrist/hand/fingers)
Ant. O=humerus medial epicondyle. I=carpals & metacarpals. A=flexes & adducts hand
Palmaris longus (moves the wrist/hand/fingers)
Ant. O=humerus medial epicondyle. I=palmar aponeurosis. A=weak wrist flexor
Flexor carpi radialis (moves the wrist/hand/fingers)
Ant. O=humerus medial epicondyle. I=based 2nd & 3rd metacarpals. A=flexes & abducts hand
Pronator teres (moves the wrist/hand/fingers)
Ant. O=humerus medial epicondyle & ulnar coronoid process. I=lateral radius. A=pronates forearm & hand
Extensor carpi ulnaris (moves the wrist/hand/fingers)
Post. O=humerus lateral epicondyle. I= 5th metacarpal. A=extends & adducts hand
Extensor digiti minimi (moves the wrist/hand/fingers)
Post. O=humerus lateral epicondyle. I=5th phalange. A=extends 5th digit & hand
Extensor digitorum (moves the wrist/hand/fingers)
Post. O=humerus lateral epicondyle. I=phalanges 2-5. A=extends hand & phalanges
Extensor carpi radialis (moves the wrist/hand/fingers)
Post. Longus/Brevis. O=lateral epicondyle & supracondylar ridge. I=2nd & 3rd metacarpal. A=extend and abduct wrist
Iliopsoas (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Ant. O=ilium & lumbar vertebrae. I=femur lesser trochanter. A=prime mover of thigh flexion, flexes trunk
Sartorius (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Ant. O=anterior superior iliac spine. I=proximal medial tibia. A=flexes & abducts hip, rotates thigh laterally (tailors muscle, allows crossed legs)
Gluteus maximus (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Lat. hip&butt. O=dorsal ilium, sacrum, coccyx. I=femur gluteal tuberosity & iliotibial tract. A=extends, abducts, & rotates thigh laterally (stair-stepper muscle)
Gluteus medius & minimus (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Lat. hip&butt. O=laterally ilium. I=femur greater trochanter. A=abducts & rotates thigh medially
Tensor fasciae latae (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Lat. hip&butt. O=anterior iliac crest & anterior superior spine. I=iliotibial tract. A=abducts & rotates thigh medially
Gracilis (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Med. O=lower pubis. I=proximal medial tibia. A=adducts thigh
Pectineus (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Med. O=pubis. I=posterior proximal femur. A=adducts, flexes, & medially rotates thigh
Adductor longus & brevis (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Med. O=near pubic symphysis. I=femur linea aspera. A=adducts & medially rotates thigh
Adductor magnus (moves the thigh at hip joint)
Med. O=inferior ishium & pubis. I=femur linea aspea. A=adduct, flexes, & medially rotates thigh
Rectus femoris (quadriceps femoris)
O=anterior inferior iliac spine & acetabulum. I=patella & tibial tuberosity. A=extends leg & knee, and flexes thigh
Vastus lateralis/medialis/intermedius (quadriceps femoris)
O=proximal femur (intermedius is deep to rectus femoris). I=patella & tibial tuberosity. A=extends the knee
Biceps femoris (hamstrings)
O(2)=ishial tuberosity & linea aspera. I(2)=fibula head & tibia lateral condyle. A=extends & laterally rotates thigh, and flexes knee & lower leg (at knee)
Semitendinosus (hamstrings)
O=ishial tuberosity. I=proximal medial tibia. A=extends & medially rotates thigh, and flexes knee & lower leg (at knee)
Semimembranosus (hamstrings)
O=ishial tuberosity. I=tibia medial condyle. A=extends & medially rotates thigh, and flexes knee & lower leg (at knee)
Popliteus (sural)
Posterior to knee. O=femur lateral condyle. I=proximal tibia. A=unlocks knee to allow flexion
Tibialis anterior (move joints of ankle/foot/toes)
Ant. O=proximal lateral tibia. I=1st metatarsal & 1st cuneiform. A=prime mover of foot dorsiflexion, also inverts foot
Extensor digitorum longus (move joints of ankle/foot/toes)
Ant. O=tibia lateral condyle & fibula. I=phalanges 2-5. A=dorsiflexes & eerts foot, extends digits 2-5
Fibularis (peroneus) longus (move joints of ankle/foot/toes)
Lat. O=proximal head of fibula. I=1st cuneiform & 1st metatarsal. A=plantar flexes and everts foot
Fibularis brevis (move joints of ankle/foot/toes)
Lat. O=distal fibula. I=5th metatarsal. A=plantar flexes and everts foot
Frontalis (epicranius)
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=raises eyebrows
Occipitalis (epicranius)
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=draws scalp posteriorly
Obicularis oculi
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=closes eye
Corrugator supercilii
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=draws eyebrow inferiorly (frown)
O=skull bones or fascia. I=deep beneath masseter. A=causes cheek to cave inward (sucking)
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=elevates & protrudes lower lip (pouting)
Orbicularis oris
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=shapes lips during speech (& kissing)
O=zygomatic. I=obicularis oris. A=draws mouth upward (smiling)
Levator labii superioris
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=elevates upper lip
Depressor labii inferioris
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=depresses lower lip (pout)
Depressor anguli oris
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=draw corners of mouth downward
O=fascia by ear. I=skin at mouth angle. A=draws mouth laterally (tension)
O=skull bones or fascia. I=skin. A=draws lower lip back and down, tenses skin of neck
O=temporal, frontal, parietal bones. I=coronoid process of mandible. A=elevates and retracts mandible
O=zygomatic arch. I=lateral mandible, & angle of mandible. A=closes mouth
Superior rectus
O=annular ring. I=anterior eyeball. A=looking up
Inferior rectus
O=annular ring. I=anterior eyeball. A=looking down
Lateral rectus
O=annular ring. I=anterior eyeball. A=looking laterally
Medial rectus
O=annular ring. I=anterior eyeball. A=crossing eyes
Inferior oblique
O=annular ring. I=anterior eyeball. A=looking up & laterally
Superior oblique
O=annular ring. I=anterior eyeball. A=looking down and laterally