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27 Cards in this Set

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True Or false? When Odysseus realizes that Zeus has ordered Calypso to release him unharmed, he expresses his pent up anger at her for having kept him prisoner for so long.
True Or false? Odysseus initially displays mistrust toward Calypso when she infroms him that he is free to leave.
True Or false? Despite his hospitality, King Alcinoos demands that Odysseus remain in Phaiacia and marry his daughter, Nausicca.
True Or false? When Broadsea refuses to apologize to Odysseus after having insulted him, he is eventually punished by Athena.
True Or false? Odysseus finally reveals his true identity to Alcinoos and the Phaiacians at the eend of Book VIII
After his raft is destroyed, Odysseus is assisted by Ino who provides him with a ?
magic veil
Who inspired Nausicca to go down to the beach where she assisted Odysseus?
What is the term that best describes Odysseus's refusal of Calypso's offer?
WHo does Odysseus first approach when he enters the court of the Phaiacians?
Queen Arete
What is the specific topic of the story Odysseus requests of Demodocos?
trojan war
After hearing the story of the Trojan war, odysseus..?
Provide the greek term that relates to the following: Odysseus kills all of the suitors
arete, dike
Provide the greek term that relates to the following: Odysseus has the maids executed
Provide the greek term that relates to the following: Odysseus strings the bow
Provide the greek term that relates to the following: Eumauos loyally assits his master
List one specific instruction that Odysseus gives to Eumaous and Philoitios
dont let the women out, lock the gate
What sign is usually sent by Zeus?
After he strings the bow, who does Odysseus kill first, and how?
Antinoos - shoots him through the neck while he is drinking wine
How does Eurymachos attempt to appease Odysseus as he requests for mercy from him
blames antinoos, offers him land
Who are the two people that Odysessus shows mercy to and what were their titles?
Medon (marshall) Phenious (minstrel)
After the battle how is Melanthios punished?
everyone of his extermeties are cut off
What does Argos symbolize?
1. Shape of the household (kingdom)= neglected running down falling apart
2. loyalty- held out 20 years to wait for his master to come home then died once he saw his master
3.Odysseus's appearence- looks bad, Argos looks bad
What does Argos symbolize?
1. Shape of the household (kingdom)= neglected running down falling apart
2. loyalty- held out 20 years to wait for his master to come home then died once he saw his master
3.Odysseus's appearence- looks bad, Argos looks bad
What does Argos symbolize?
1. Shape of the household (kingdom)= neglected running down falling apart
2. loyalty- held out 20 years to wait for his master to come home then died once he saw his master
3.Odysseus's appearence- looks bad, Argos looks bad
According to Alcinoos, what is the trait which motivates Poseidon to seek revenge on the Phaiacians?
What do the Phaiacians intend to do in order to appease Posiedon?
sacrificed 12 bulls, vowed never to assist people again
How did Euamous the swineherd orginally become a servant in Ithaca?
laertes purchased him