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123 Cards in this Set

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6 P's of orbital dz?
Periorbital changes
Fast progression of orbital dz leads you to believe...
Your pt's proptotic eye goes down and in - you suspect...
lacrimal gland lesion
When your patient's eyes are proptotic and they complain of diplopia, you must first ask...
"do you see two DISTINCT images?"

Helps determine if refractive
A pulsating eye leads you to believe...
vascular issue e.g. fistula
Positive retropulsion means...
you push on the eye and it doesn't give
Mean exophthalmometry protrusion in white men?
16.5 mm
Mean exophthalmometry protrusion in white women?
15.4 mm
Mean exophthalmometry protrusion in black men?
18.5 mm
Mean exophthalmometry protrusion in black women?
17.8 mm
Mean exophthalmometry protrusion in asian men?
16 mm
Mean exophthalmometry protrusion in asian women?
16 mm
This EOM is the first to go in grave's...
Corkscrew vessels is a sign of ___ in orbital dz
arteriovenous fistula
Between MRD1 and MRD2, which is more diagnostic?
MRD1 b/c MRD2 more variable
What is a "thrill"?
the vibration felt due to a hardened artery
What is crepitous?
Air cracking out of orbit/skin, sign of suborbital or subdermal emphysema
Suborbital emphysema is...
a sign of break in a cranial sinus (e.g. ethmoid), evident when do valsalva - air enters in sinus and causes proptosis. Due to abnormal communication b/w ethmoid and retrobulbar space
Subdermal emphysema is...
a sign of abnormal communication between subdermal space and retrobulbar space - lid "blows up" when do valsalva
What kind of X-ray would you order for orbital dz?
Caldwell Waters - checks for every orbital bone
What types of ultrasound would be useful for vascular tumors and thyroid dz?
A & B scan
T/F - CAT scans are useful for vascular tumors.
False - does not pick up BVs that well
T/F - CAT scans are not useful for EOMs and the orbital wall.
False - CAT scans are useful for these structures, but not the best for vascular structures e.g. vascular tumors
MRIs are useful for what types of structures?
Vascular structures e.g. vascular tumors
Difference b/w T1 and T2 MRIs?
T1 = water (i.e. vitreous) is dark T2 = water is white
What is congenital anophthalmos? Tx?
no orbit; Tx = socket expansion and prosthesis
What is goldenhar syndrome?
aka Craniofacial cleft syndrome; dermoid at inferotemporal limbus, preauricular skin tags, vertebral skeletal defects, eyelid colobomas
What is Crouzon syndrome?
"squished frog/tadpole appearance" - basically flattened face; exophthalmos due to shallow orbits, receeded cheekbones, strab, nystag, optic atrophy, craniosynotosis (coronal sutures)
DDx preseptal vs orbital cellulitis?
Preseptal = no pain on motion, normal EOMs, no fever
What does Dr. S mean by "marching" in orbital cellulitis?
redness tends to go further away from center, an indication of spreading/progress
Main DDx symptom of orbital cellulitis vs orbital tumor?
Sudden onset of "pushing on back of my eye" = orbital cellulitis

Gradual = orbital tumor
Common cause of orbital cellulitis?
acute sinusitis
T/F - VAs can be decr in orbital cellulitis?
Most common congested sinus in orbital cellulitis?
T/F - Anorexia is assoc w/ orbital cellulitis
Tx orbital cellulitis in children?
Admit to hospital; options:
- Vancomycin IV or Nafcilin IV + Ceftriaxone IV
- If allergic to penicillin/cephalosporin give Vancomycin IV or Clindamycin IV + Gentamycin IV
Oral meds appropriate for orbital cellulitis?
Yes, but only after pt responds to IV Tx
Tx preseptal cellulitis?
- Amox/clav (Augmentin)
- Cefaclor
- If allergic to penicillin, use Trimethprim/Sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim), Trimethoprim
- If allergic to sulfa, use Erythromycin, Zithromax, or Clarthromycin
You should order [this lab test] to DDx Pseudotumor IOIS vs [this orbital dz]. How do you know it's Pseudotumor IOIS?
CAT scan, DDx vs Thyroid.

Pseudotumor = BOTH muscles and tendons inflamed

Thyroid = only muscles inflamed (not tendons)
Pseudotumor IOIS main complaint?
Orbital pain
Tolosa-Hunt sydrome is a form of this orbital dz.
Pseudotumor IOIS
What does IOIS stand for in Pseudotumor IOIS?
Idiopathic Orbital Inflammatory Syndrome
Pseudotumor IOIS has this sign that is different from Orbital cellulitis, and it is caused secondary to trabeculitis.
Incr IOP
What cranial nerve is affected in Pseudotumor IOIS? How?
Decr sensation of CN V
T/F - Possible to see optic disc edema in Pseudotumor IOIS
Your 34 yo pt comes in with a painful unilateral proptotic globe, restricted EOMs, eyelid erythema and edema, and intense conj injection. Your pt's temperature is normal. You suspect...
Pseudotumor IOIS (normal temp, no fever in adults)
Tx Pseudotumor IOIS?
Steroid (prednisone), anti-ulcer med (rantidine), low dose radiation if steroids fail, or as adj Tx; immunosupp Tx if above fail
What are Choriostomas?
when primordial tissues fuse, dermoid/epidermoid tissue is trapped b/w suture of bone and create "skin tags". More commonly external vs internal
Most common benign choriostoma?
dermoid cyst
These cystic tumors can have hair
dermoids + epidermoids (orbital/periorbital)
Epidermoids arise from this tissue in development...
Dermoids arise from this tissue in development...
Your pt presents with a flesh colored bump on the brow ridge. On palpation you feel a small round "ball" that moves freely inside. There is no inflammation. You suspect...
dermoid/epidermoid (cystic tumor)
Lipodermoids usually show up on...
the conjunctiva
Most common benign vascular tumor in children?
Capillary hemangiomas (strawberry nevus)
T/F - Capillary hemangiomas occur after birth.
True - first several mos after birth (not at birth)
T/F - Capillary hemangiomas will blanch if pushed.
Tx Capillary hemangiomas?
Steroid IV (betamethasone and triamcinolone), but can depigment eye and incr IOP.

can also just monitor b/c can resolve over time on its own
This tumor is often assoc w/ neurofibromatosis
ON glioma
ON glioma demographic?
Females 2-6 yrs (Females 3x > males)
T/F - ON gliomas are rapid growing and benign.
False - slow growing and benign (not metastatic but can take vision)
Lisch nodules and cafe au-lait spots on a child are very diagnostic of...
ON gliomas
What are lisch nodules?
small brown elevations on iris, diagnostic of ON glioma
You want to check the VF of your 3 yo female pt, who you suspect ON glioma, but you know the responses will be poor. What is an alternative?
Multifocal ERG
ON Giloma Tx?
If VA good, NOT surgery. Surgery only if VA loss or severe proptosis

Under 5 yo = chemo
Over 5 yo = radiation of ONH
This tumor must be ruled out in cases of sudden unilateral proptosis in young children...
Most common malignant tumor of orbit in kids?
Why is Rabdomyosarcoma so serious?
Can metastasize
Enlarged lymph nodes at the neck/underarms, bruised eyelids (that won't go away) with a Hx of nosebleeds in a child makes you think...
Why is a chest and bone x-ray indicated for Rabdomyosarcoma?
look for metastasis
T/F - Main demographic of Rabdomyosarcoma is children.
T/F - Males are more likely to get capillary hemangiomas.
False - equal to females
The main difference in etiology of orbital cellulitis in adults vs kids is...
kids = assoc w/ polyps, allergies
What is Red Man Syndrome?
Side effect of vancomycin, a Tx for orbital cellulitis
Cavernous hemangioma demographic?
middle aged women
T/F - Cavernous hemangioma tends to be slow growing.
True - 4 yrs from signs to dx (avg)
Where can you find Cavernous hemangiomas?
Muscle cone
T/F - Cavernous hemangiomas are vascular
T/F - Cavernous hemangioma has (+) retropulsion
Your pt has decreased VAs due to increased hyperopia, (+) retropulsion, axial proptosis, choroidal folds, disc edema. Orbital T2 MRI is hyperintense. CT scan reveals intracanal lesion. Dx?
Cavernous hemangioma
What artery is involved in a low flow, low pressure fistula? What demographic?
Meningiohypophyseal a.

Post-menopause females
Your 60 yo female pt hears a whooshing sound when sleeping on her side. You note that the globe is not pulsating. Dx?
Fistula at meningiohypophyseal a.
High flow fistula demographic and cause?
Young male, trauma; ICA fistula in cavernous sinus
T/F - You do not see incr IOP in arteriovenous fistulas.
False - there is incr IOP, in high flow
Orbital bruit with pulsatile proptosis are key indicators of...
high flow arteriovenous fistula
What type(s) of palsies occur in high flow arteriovenous fistulas? Low flow?
High flow = 3rd/6th palsy

Low flow = 6th palsy
T/F - You see engorged episcleral veins only in high flow arteriovenous fistulas.
False - seen both in high and low flow
Cavernous hemangioma appearance on MRI T1 and T2?
T1 = hypointense
T2 = hyperintense

Remember tumor is vascular
Typical VF defect on cavernous hemangioma?
Variable - ON is choked at muscle cone
On orbital CT scan or MRI, you see this highly diagnostic sign on arteriovenous fistulas.
Enlargement of sup ophthalmic vein
Tx high flow arteriovenous fistula? Low flow?
High = surgery
Low flow = most resolve on own (60%)
Lacrimal gland tumors include these types...
Pleomorphic adenoma, pleomorphic adenocarcinoma, cylindroma
S-shaped lid is a sign of this tumor.
Lacrimal gland tumor
Lacrimal gland tumor demographic?
males slightly more vs females

2nd-5th decade, 4th decade highest
T/F - Lacrimal gland tumor progression is rapid.
False - slow (Sx for 12 mos)
What type of Lacrimal gland tumor has a 50% survival at 5 yrs?
cylindrome type
Most common cancers in women? Men?
Women = breast & lung
Men = lung & prostrate
Chemo/radiotherapy for cancer often results in this ocular Sx.
Dry eye
Breast cancer has its highest risk of metastasis during...
First 2 years
What is the most important factor in Dx orbital tumor secondary to metastatic breast cancer?
Hx of cancer
Radiation retinopathy involves...
closing of microvasculature therefore see multiple CWS
T/F - Orbital ultrasound is indicated for metastatic tumors to the orbit.
False - not a solid mass (diffuse) therefore not diagnostic
T/F - Anisocoria is commonly found in blowout fractures of the orbit.
True - parasymp damage
What EOM is usually affected in orbital blowout fractures?
IR (orbital floor break so IR gets trapped)
T/F - Proptosis occurs with blowout fractures.
False - enophthalmos (orbital floor drops so globe pulls back)

Thus also can see ptosis
#1 place of orbital trauma? #2?
#1 = home, #2 = street/highway
Orbital trauma almost always occurs in (males/females)?
Top occupation of orbital trauma
Top activity leading to orbital trauma?
Orbital trauma usually results in what kind of VAs?
Hand motion
Orbital trauma usually (sharp/blunt) objects?
% not wearing eye protection in orbital trauma?
Afrin is indicated for orbital trauma because...
(nasal decongestant) so pt won't blow nose (valsalva can push sinus contents into orbit)
If the AC is not well-formed in orbital trauma, what test should you do?
Seidel test to make sure no leakage
T/F - Orbital floor blowout fracture is an ocular emergency that must get surgery STAT
False - not necessarily an emergency, want swelling to subside first

Surgical repair of orbit at day 7-14 if persistent diplopia or large fracture of bone present
T/F - Orbital roof blowout fracture is an ocular emergency that must get surgery STAT
True - possible CSF leakage
If your pt talks about any Hx of flying FBs and complains of pain (whether active or subsided), MUST do this test...
Orbital X-ray
Wood and vegatative matter are tolerated (poorly/fairly well/well) as a foreign body.
Copper alloys, brass, bronze are tolerated (poorly/fairly well/well) as a foreign body.
fairly well
Lead is tolerated (poorly/fairly well/well) as a foreign body.
Steel is tolerated (poorly/fairly well/well) as a foreign body.
Stone is tolerated (poorly/fairly well/well) as a foreign body.
T/F - Topical antibiotics are indicated for intraorbital foreign bodies.
False - systemic e.g. cefazolin