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49 Cards in this Set

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a large area of the ocean that is partly enclosed by land
a body of salty water more or less landlocked
small area of ocean that is partly enclosed by land
large body of salty water that covers 3/4 of the earths surface
moisture that falls from the clouds
to change from a liquid to a vapor
to change from a vapor to a liquid
water cycle
movement of water between earths land air and bodies of water
from the sun
a substance in the gaseous state
a rock like deposit consisting of the calcareous skeletons secreted by various anthozoans. coral deposits often accumulate to form reefs or islands in warm seas.
volcanic force or activity invasion of the earths crust by magma
a strip of rocks sand or coral that rises to or near the surface of a body of water
ring shaped island formed by coral reefs around an underwater volcano
plate tectonics
a theory that explains the global distribution of geological phenomena such as seismicity volcanism continental drift and mountain building in terms of the formation destruction movement and interaction of the earths lithospheric plates
continental shelf
gently sloping underwater edge of a continent that is beneath the oceans surface
continental slope
ocean floor from the edge of the continental shelf to the continental rise
continental rise
gentle rise at the base of the steeper continental slope
mid ocean ridge
underwater mountain range where sea floor spreading happens
deep narrow valley in the ocean floor
abyssal plain
large flat area on the ocean floor
ocean basin
deep part of the ocean beyond the continental rise
flat top seamount
the total amount dissolved salts in water
amount of matter in a given volume of something
the state of being dissolved
surface current
large circular streams kept in motion by prevailing winds and rotating the earth
subsurface current
generally at a much slower speed than a surface current and the subsurface current is driven by difference in the density of seawater
Gulf Stream
is an example of a surface current in the North Atlantic
is an example of a surface current in the north pacific
like rivers of water that move through the ocean
is a current created near the shore due to convection and caused deep cold currents to rise to the surface along some western coastlines
neap tide
a tide with the least difference between low and high tide that occurs when the sun and moon pull at right angles to eachother
spring tide
a tide with the greatest difference between high and low tide that occur when the sun and moon are aligned with the earth
the daily rise and fall of earths waters on shores caused mostly by the moon's gravity
gravitational pull
the force or attraction between the earth sun and moon that keeps the earth rotating on its axis
tidal bulge
results when the moon pulls the earths waters the ocean beneath the moon the moon move toward the moon resulting in a tidal bulge
is a way in which energy travels from one place to another
is the highest point the wave reaches
is the lowest point on the wave
is the distance from one crest to the next crest
is a wave whose crest falls forward and crashes into the trough
benthic zone
is the ocean floor this zone extends from the continental shelf to dark sparsely populated depths shallow lighted water extending over shelf contains 90% of marine species
neritic zone
this zone extends from the low tide to the edge of the continental shelf it is usually only as deep as 200m this zone has the richest life because it has the best conditions for life light is plentiful allowing plants to thrive the temperature is stable and the pressure is low
intertidal zone
this zone lies between the low and high tide lines sometimes it is covered in water and sometimes it is dry plants and animals that live in this zone have evolved special structures and techniques to survive in fast moving waters and changing tides
pelagic zones
is the water in deep oceans
Humboldt Current
a current off the coast of South America that feeds huge schools of fish
Coriolis effect
Currents north of the equator move in a clockwise direction; currents south of the equator move in a counter-clockwise direction
the distance wind blows over open water