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49 Cards in this Set

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Saccadic eye movement allows for? relative eye speed versus others?
rapid change of eye position. fastest in terms of speed, eye movement.
Classifications of saccades
1. volitional saccades, voluntary saccades.
2. reflexive saccades
3. Spontaneous saccades
4. Quick phase of nystagmus
5. rapid eye movement sleep
Overview of saccades generation
Cortex - command to make saccade
Brainstem - generates pulse and steps signals
EOMS - make the actual movement
Main sequence is the ____ portion of the data/curve
linear portion
velocity amplitude relationship
saccadic speed must be faster with longer duration
Duration amplitude relationship
larger saccades require more time.
Static hypometria
step size error, static undershoot, corrected by a corrective saccade, occurs more in periphery.
Static hypermetria
step size error, signal is too large, static overshoot. occurs more often in central.
glassadic hypometria
error in pulse signal, glassadic undershoot, corrected by glissade
glassadic hypermetria
error in pulse signal, glassadic overshoot, corrected by glissade.
Combined dysmetria
pulse and step problem
If step size error then corrected by a?
corrective saccade
If pulse size error then corrected by a?
Sampled data model
Once programmed saccade, saccade cannot be modified
Continuous sampling model
saccade can be modified up to 70 msec before saccade occurs.
Saccadic omission
intervention to prevent blurring of vision during a saccade
Saccadic suppression
reduction in visual sensitivity during saccadic eye movement.
Saccadic masking
reduction in ability to detect blur during saccadic eye movements.
Higher visual levels of saccades include?
frontal cortex, parietal cortex, thalamus, superior colliculus and basal ganglia.
Premotor neurons generate?
pulse and step.
From burst neurons 2 classes
excitatory burst neurons, generate pulse signal.
inhibitory burst neurons, inhibit antagonist EOMs.
excitatory burst neurons for horizontal saccades are located in the?
PPRF, paramedian pontine reticular formation
inhibitory burst neurons for horizontal saccades are located in the?
rostral medulla
Burst neurons for vertical and torsional saccades are in the
Tonic neurons for horizontal saccades
carry the step signal, and are the neural integrates which integrate burst signals to step signals. Nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH) and medial vestibular nucleus (MVN).
Tonic neurons for vertical or torsional saccades
INC or interstitial nucleus of cajal, integrates burst signal from excitatory burst neurons in the riMLF to step signals.
Pause neurons
discharge in the absence of saccades but stop discharging before and during saccades. pause to allow saccades to occur. Also stop firing during blinks. located in the nucleus raphe interpositus.
Cerebellum plays a role in saccades?
control of saccadic accuracy.
Dorsal vermis and fastigial nucleus - saccadic amplitude.
flocculus calibrates the saccadic pulse-step match.
Pursuits are generated to? And are evolved from?
follow or track a moving target. evolved from OKN.
Pursuit latency
100-150 msec
OKN latency
70 msec
VOR latency
16 msec
Saccadic latency
200 msec
Ramp target stimulus of pursuits?
100 msec latency, as eye begins to move there is a pursuit that lags behind and is corrected by a catch up saccade. The pursuit then become accurate.
Step-ramp target stimulus of pursuits?
150 msec latency, as eye begins to move there is a pursuit that becomes increasingly accurate as the target and eye movments coincide.
Initial stage of pursuits are considered?
open loop, first 100 msec of pursuits, does not recieve feedback to modify its performance, this is the intrinsic property of the pursuit system.
2nd stage of pursuits are considered?
closed loop, remainder of pursuits, able to receive feedback and modify its performance.
Pursuit gain, up to 40 deg/sec
nice and smooth
pursuit gain, 40-100 deg/sec
saccadic intrusion, target moving too fast or in unpredictable path.
Pursuit gain, above 100 deg/sec
jerky saccadic pursuit
Neurophysiology of pursuits
retina -> LGN ->(motion info) Middle temporal, Medial superior temporal, and posterior parietal -> Dorsolateral pontine nuclei, accesory optic system, nucleus of optic tract, cerebellum, flocculus and dorsal vermis synthesis pursuit signal -> neural integrators -> final pathways.
Lesions on horizontal pursuits, Primary visual cortex
Contralateral field defect, no vision or pursuit occurs
Lesions on horizontal pursuits, Middle temporal
contralateral field, does not see or percieve motion well.
lesions on horizontal pursuits, medial superior temporal
impairs pursuits for targets moving toward size of lesion, ipsilateral.
lesions on horizontal pursuits, posterior parietal
contralateral inattention
lesions on horizontal pursuits, frontal eye frield
ipsilateral defect
lesions on horizontal pursuits, dorsolateral pontine nucleus
ipsilateral defect
lesions on horizontal pursuits, cerebellum
ipsilateral defect.
Center for horizontal conjugate eye movements is?
abducens nucleus. recieves information from PPRF (excitatory burst neurons), NPH, MVN (step signal) and sends information via MLF to contralateral ocularmotor nucleus.
ultimate cerebellum ensure that?
all classes of eye movement are calibrated.