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58 Cards in this Set

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1. (vtr) 输送,传输. 2. (vtr) 当指挥. Hint: 乐队 3. (n) 行为,举止 1. (n.) The manner in which a person behaves, esp. on a particular occasion or in a particular context. Example: the conduct of the police during the riot(暴乱) 2. (n.) The action or manner of managing an activity or organization. Example: his conduct of the campaign 3. (Verb) Organize and carry out. Example: in the second trial he conducted his own defense
区别 辨认 . (Verb) Recognize or treat (someone or something) as different. Example: the child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy 2. (Verb) Perceive or point out a difference. Example: bees are unable to distinguish between red, black, and various grays
1. (adj) 引人注目的. 2. (adj) 非凡的,出色的. Hint: 人 3. (adj) 非凡的,异常的. 1. (adj.) Worthy of attention; striking. Example: a remarkable coincidence
1. (n) 星象算命,占星术. 1. (n.) A forecast of a person's future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth. 2. (n.) A short forecast for people born under a particular sign, esp. as published in a newspaper or magazine.
1. (n) 鼬鼠,黄鼠狼. 1. (n.) A small, slender, carnivorous mammal related to, but generally smaller than, the stoat. 2. (n.) A deceitful or treacherous person. 3. (Verb) Achieve something by use of cunning or deceit. Example: she suspects me of trying to weasel my way into his affections
1. (n) 衰退期,萎缩期,不景气的时期. Hint: 经济 2. (n) 后退,退回,退后,撤退. 1. (n.) A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters. 2. (n.) The action of receding; motion away from an observer.
肠;内部 1. (n.) The part of the alimentary canal below the stomach; the intestine. 2. (n.) The parts deep inside something large. Example: the train picks up speed for its final plunge into the subterranean bowels of Manhattan
路面 人行道 铺石 铺路材料 1. (n.) Any paved area or surface. 2. (n.) The hard surface of a road or street.
残废的 有生理缺陷的 1. (adj.) Having a condition that markedly restricts one's ability to function physically, mentally, or socially. Example: a special school for handicapped children
(n) 监牢,监狱, 1. (n.) Prison. 2. (n.) A person who deliberately collides with others when slam-dancing.
(度假)胜地;手段;凭借 1. (n.) A place that is a popular destination for vacations or recreation, or which is frequented for a particular purpose. Example: a seaside resort 2. (n.) The tendency of a place to be frequented by many people. Example: places of public resort 3. (Verb) Turn to and adopt (a strategy or course of action, esp. a disagreeable or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation. Example: the duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed
迂回的;弯曲的 1. (adj.) Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals. Example: he's as devious as a politician needs to be 2. (adj.) (of a route or journey) Longer and less direct than the most straightforward way. Example: they arrived at the town by a devious route
1. (vtr) 释放,放出. 2. (vtr) 解放. 1. (Verb) Set (someone) free from a situation, esp. imprisonment or slavery, in which their liberty is severely restricted. Example: the serfs had been liberated 2. (Verb) Free (a country, city, or people) from enemy occupation. Example: twelve months earlier Paris had been liberated
1. (adj) 合格的,有资格的. 2. (adj) 条件优的. Hint: 择偶 1. (adj.) Having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions. Example: customers who are eligible for discounts 2. (adj.) (of a person) Desirable or suitable as a partner in marriage. Example: the world's most eligible bachelor
1. (n) 商品 货物. 1. (n.) Goods to be bought and sold. Example: stores that offered an astonishing range of merchandise 2. (n.) Products used to promote a particular movie, popular music group, etc., or linked to a particular fictional(虚构的) character; merchandising.3. (Verb) Promote the sale of (goods), esp. by their presentation in retail outlets(经销店). Example: a new breakfast food can easily be merchandised
1. (adj.) Completely engrossing; compelling. Example: the book is a riveting account of the legendary freedom fighter
1. (n) 胡言乱语,无意义的话. 1. (n.) Unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense. Example: he talks gibberish
1. (vtr) 怨恨,愤恨,对…感到气愤. Hint: 针对人 1. (Verb) Feel intense dislike or disgust for. Example: she loathed him on sight
1. (adj) 灵活的,柔软的. Hint: 身体 2. (adj) 敏捷的. Hint: 头脑 3. (vi) (运动等前)做准备活动, 活动肢体. 1. (adj.) Giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation. Example: a cozy cabin tucked away in the trees 2. (adj.) (of a relationship or conversation) Intimate and relaxed. . (n.) A cover to keep a teapot hot. 4. (Verb) Impart a feeling or quality of comfort to (something). Example: the wood stove really cozies up the house
烤架 烧烤(食物) 1. (n.) A metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire; a gridiron(烤架). 2. (n.) A portable device for cooking outdoors, consisting of such a framework placed over charcoal or gas fuel. 3. (Verb) Cook (something) using a grill. Example: grill the trout(鳟鱼) for about five minutes
1. (vtr) 给…裹上糖衣,美化,使(不愉快的事情)变得容易接受. Hint: 比喻. 1. (Verb) Coat (an item of food) with sugar. Example: sugarcoated almonds 2. (Verb) Make superficially attractive or acceptable. Example: you won't see him sugarcoat the truth
1. (vi) 重新聚焦. Hint: 本义 2. (vi) 重新集中, Hint: 比喻 3. (vtr) 重新调整(相机的)焦距. Hint: 本义 1. (Verb) Adjust the focus of (a lens or one's eyes). 2. (Verb) Focus (attention or resources) on something new or different. Example: refocus attention on yourself through repeating your main points
1. (vtr) 用力拉,用力拖,用力拽. 2. (n) 拉扯,拖,拽. 1. (Verb) Pull (something) hard or suddenly. Example: she tugged off her boots 2. (n.) A hard or sudden pull. Example: another tug and it came loose
1. (n) 茧疤 老茧. 皮肤上的 2. (vi) 形成老茧 (adj.) (of a part of the body) Having an area of hardened skin. Example: a callused palm
1. (n) 疲劳,疲惫,疲乏. Hint: 生理 2. (n) 疲惫,倦怠,厌倦. Hint: 心理 3. (n) 疲劳. Hint: 材料等 4. (npl) 作战军服,作战服. 1. (n.) Extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness. Example: he was nearly dead with fatigue 2. (n.) A reduction in the efficiency of a muscle or organ after prolonged(持续很久的) activity.3. (Verb) Cause (someone) to feel tired or exhausted. Example: they were fatigued by their journey
值得纪念的事物;大事记 1. (Noun (plural)) Objects kept or collected because of their historical interest, esp. those associated with memorable people or events. Example: World Series memorabilia 2. Memorable or noteworthy things.
1. (n) 鄙视 轻蔑 (vtr) 蔑视 (vtr) 不屑. (n.) The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt. Example: her upper lip curled in disdain (Verb) Consider to be unworthy of one's consideration. Example: gamblers disdain four-horse races
1. (n) 沉着 镇静. (n.) The state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself. Example: she was struggling to regain her composure
1. (adj)敏感的 . 1. (adj.) Having or showing sensitive insight. Example: an extraordinarily perceptive account of their relationship
敏捷的 1. (adj.) Quick and light in movement or action; agile. Example: with a deft motion of her nimble fingers 2. (adj.) (of the mind) Quick to comprehend. Example: she is well-read and intellectually nimble
1. (n) 篷,顶篷,遮雨蓬,遮阳篷. Hint: 欧式饭店门前拱形篷 1. (n.) A sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to keep the sun or rain off a storefront, window, doorway, or deck.
污点 渍痕 (n.) A blurred or smeared mark on the surface of something. Example: a smudge of blood on the floor (n.) An indistinct or blurred view or image. Example: the low smudge of hills on the horizon (Verb) Cause (something) to become messily smeared by rubbing it. Example: she dabbed her eyes, careful not to smudge her makeup (n.) A smoky outdoor fire that is lit to keep off insects or protect plants against frost.
1. (vtr) 挂牵,念念不忘. 2. (vtr) 使…全神贯注,使…着迷,迷住…. 1. (Verb) (of a matter or subject) Dominate or engross(使全神贯注) the mind of (someone) to the exclusion of other thoughts. Example: his mother was preoccupied with paying the bills
1. (vi) 起皱. 2. (vtr) 使起皱,把…弄皱. 4. (vi) 难过地皱起. Hint: 脸 5. (vi) 崩溃,垮掉. 1. (Verb) Crush (something, typically paper or cloth) so that it becomes creased and wrinkled. Example: he crumpled up the paper bag 2. (Verb) Become bent, crooked, or creased. Example: they heard the jetliner(大型喷气式客机) crumple moments before it crashed 3. (n.) A crushed fold, crease, or wrinkle.
1. (vtr) 变出. Hint: 比喻,像变魔术一般拿出 2. (vi) 变魔术,变戏法. 3. (vtr) 使出现在脑海,使想起. Hint: 比喻 4. (vtr) 用魔法变出.
1. (vtr) 捏住,握紧,抓紧,攥紧. 2. (vi) 胜券在握. Hint: 遥遥领先 3. (vtr) 使收紧,使绷紧. Hint: 肌肉 1. (Verb) (with reference to the fingers or hand) Close into a tight ball, esp. when feeling extreme anger. Example: she clenched her fists, struggling for control 2. (Verb) (with reference to the teeth) Press or be pressed tightly together, esp. with anger or determination or so as to suppress a strong emotion. Example: her teeth clenched in anger 3. (n.) A contraction or tightening of part of the body. Example: she saw the anger rise, saw the clench of his fists
预感;肉峰 V 弯腰驼背 1. (Verb) Raise (one's shoulders) and bend the top of one's body forward. Example: he thrust his hands in his pockets, hunching his shoulders 2. (Verb) Bend one's body into a huddled position. Example: I hunched up as small as I could 3. (n.) A feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts. Example: she was acting on a hunch
1. (adj) 义务的,必须的,强制性的. 1. (adj.) Required by a legal, moral, or other rule; compulsory. Example: use of seat belts in cars is now obligatory 2. (adj.) So customary or routine as to be expected of everyone or on every occasion. Example: after the obligatory preamble(前文 序言) on the weather he got down to business
(n) 抑制剂. Hint: 药物 (n.) A drug or other substance that acts to suppress or restrain something. Example: an appetite suppressant
块状物 1. (Verb) (of a thick or sticky substance that hardens when dry) Cover and become encrusted on (the surface of an object). Example: a pair of boots caked with mud 2. (Verb) (of a thick or sticky substance) Dry or harden into a solid mass. Example: the blood under his nose was beginning to cake
不新鲜的 陈腐的 1. (adj.) (of food) No longer fresh and pleasant to eat; hard, musty, or dry. Example: stale bread 2. (adj.) No longer new and interesting or exciting. Example: their marriage had gone stale 3. (Verb) Make or become stale. 4. (Verb) (of an animal, esp. a horse) Urinate.
1. (adj.) Important; famous. Example: she was a prominent member of the city council 2. (adj.) Projecting from something; protuberant. Example: a man with big, prominent eyes like a lobster's
1. (n.) A person's knowledge or experience of something. Example: the students had little acquaintance with the language 2. (n.) One's slight knowledge of or friendship with someone. Example: I renewed my acquaintance with Herbert
雏菊 菊科植物
绿松石 青绿色
vt. 使 ... 失去方向感; 使 ... 迷惑
adj 传染性的;感染性的