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58 Cards in this Set

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shen is also known as _____ and a description of good shen includes...
Good Shen aka Vitality is described as a person with a healthy/clear complexion, firm muscle tone, sparkling eyes with good eye contact, even respriation, clear speech/mind and an appropriate response to the external world
What are the basic categories used to describe Shen?
Face, Eyes, Breathing, Speech, Response to external stimuli

Complexion, Response, Eyes, Breathing, Speech
what causes a lack of shen
less nourishment and access to the shen
an individual with a lack of shen has an unhealthy complexion that is dark and lack luster, as wekk as poor muscle tone due to_____
poor noursihment
How does impaired Zong Qi affect the Shen
it contributed to a lack of shen and causes difficult/shallow breathing
False shen is described as ___ rising and ___ sinking, when does this occur?
Flase shen is when the yang rises and the yin sinks. This is the flase energy that occurs before death
T?F Shen disturbances look like falkse shen with agitation and withdrawl
F - shen disturbance looks like a lack of shen but with agitation or withdrawl
what kind of condition is shen disturbance related to?
Heat/Cold insubstantial phlegm
How does heat insubstantial phlegm interact with other organs, and how dies it manifest in the person
Insubstantial heat phlegm harasses the heart

it makes ppl cranky, agitated, impulsive, aggressive violent, can cause a red/greasy complextion, big eyes, harsh breathing/voice
How does insubstantial cold phlegm interact with other organs? how does it manifest in the person
Insubstantial cold phlegm mists the hears

it can cause the Px to be apathetic, catatonic, depressed, may cause mumbled/repeated speech, dull eyes/face
What are the main causes of Measles?
a) Blood Heat
b) Blood Deficiency
c) WInd Heat
d) Toxins
d) Toxins
What is the main charateristic of carbuncles?
a)Several infected pores and/or glands
b) One infected pore and/or gland
c) several infected pimples/glands
d)one infected pimple/gland
a) several infected pores/glands (hair follicles)
How do you determine the amount of robustness of a patient?
c)vitality of a person
c) robustness is determined by a persons vitality
Patients with asthma will usually develop the following on the elbow:
b) Eczema
What are the main symptoms that will help you differentiate between a chronic and acute boil?
d)All of the above
d)heat, pain, inflammmation

chronic: no heat s/s, flat, deep rooted, non healing

acute: xs heat s/s, raised, swollen, painful, pus
What would non pitting edema on the upper eyelid indicate?
a)Lung obstuction
b)Stomach stagnation
c)Spleen damp
d)Wind damp
c)Spleen damp (chronic)
These are all indicative of heat except:
a) red corner of eye
b) ulcerations of canthus
c) swelling under eyes
d) pterygium
e) red sclera
c) swelling under eyes
a) red corner of eye = heat fire
b) ulcerations of canthus damp-heat or wind-heat
c) swelling under eyes - kidney xu
d) pterygium - wind-heat or damp-heat
e) red sclera - lung heat
Which sign(s) could indicate the patient has Spleen Xu?
a) pale white corners of eyes
b)eyes open during sleep
c) unusual staring
d) dark circles under eyes
e) swelling of upper lid & drooping of eye
b) swelling of upper lid & drooping of eye
e)eyes open during sleep
a) pale white corners of eyes => blood xu
b)eyes open during sleep => SP & ST Xu
c) unusual staring => disturbance of LV Wind
d) dark circles under eyes => kidney XU
e) swelling of upper lid & drooping of eye => Spleen Qi Xu
What would be the sign(s) of wind heat?
a) Red eyes
b) Swelling under eyes
c) Yellow sclera
d) Ulceration of the canthus
e) pterygium
a) Red eyes
d) Ulceration of the canthus
e) pterygium
white copious nasal discharge is indicative of?
a) Cold
b) Lung Heat
c) Exterior Condition
d) Interior Heat
e) Liver Wind
a) Cold
Watery-Clear => exterior condition
copious-thick green/yellow -> heat
A person with a Xu collapse syndrome will have which of the following?
a) slack jaw
b) lock jaw
c) open mouth
d) closed mouth
e) red lips and mouth
a) slack jaw and c)open mouth
Lips that are too moist is usually to damp caused by cold in which organs?
a) LU
b) LV
c) SP
d) KD
e) ST
c) SP and e) ST
Match the lip color with the cause:
1) pale a) cold
2) purple b)blood stasis
3) blue c) heat
4) red e) blood xu
1e, 2b, 3a, 4c
purulent discharge from the ears is an indication of ?

a. damp- heat or phlegm-heat in the LV & GB
b. Blood Xu
c. Kidney Jing Xu
d. LV & GB fire
A. damp- heat or Phlegm-heat in the Lv & GB
Bad breath is an indication of?
a. Sp qi xu
b. St fire
c. Blood xu
d. KD Shi
St fire
Black, Dry & Withered ears indicate?
a. damp-heat
b. KD jing xu
c. LV & GB fire
d. Sp xu
B. Kidney Jing Xu
Pale gums are an indication of?
a. Blood Xu
b. Sp qi Xu
c. GB fire
d. Blood shi
Answer: Blood Xu
The most common cause of gum bleeding is?
a. Blood xu
b. St heat
c. Sp heat
d. KD heat
St Heat
five elements:

_______________ People are characterized as philosophers

a. Wood
b. Fire
c. Earth
d. Metal
e. Water
Pattern baldness is caused by
a. Liver Blood xu
b. Jing xu
c. Blood stagnation
d. Yin and Blood xu
b. Jing xu

class notes
A moist complexion type is related to:
a. Yin excess
b. Lung Qi excess
c. Good prognosis
d. Both A and B
c. Good prognosis

class notes
True or false: The face color is closely related to the condition of the mind, heart, and spirit.
True. The face color is also related to the state of Qi and blood. Page 299.
A scattered complexion type indicates which of the following:

a. a new disease such as drinking too much
b. a floating complexion where there is a mild exterior attack
c. an old disease such as alcoholism
d. a deep, interior disease
a. a new disease such as drinking too much; the redness in the face is patchy
A yellow complexion typically indicates which of the following:
a. spleen xu or cold
b. damp or cold
c. spleen xu or damp
d. damp or fluid retention
c. spleen xu or damp
If a person's complexion has moisture, it is said that the person has good:
a. liver qi
b. spleen qi
c. both a and b
d. stomach qi
d. stomach qi

book page 299-300
If a person's skin is blue/green, then there could be problems with which organ or substance:
a. Liver
b. Spleen
c. Blood
d. both A and C
d. both A and C

class notes
Bright white skin indicates:

a. fright
b. yang xu
c. yin xu
d. cold
b. yang xu

page 301; class notes
Premature graying is caused by which of the following:

a. all of these
b. decline in Kidney jing
c. shock
d. the scattering of Qi
a. all of these

class notes
Dull, brittle hair indicates:

a. shen disturbance
b. lung qi xu
c. yin xu
d.liver blood xu
d.liver blood xu

class notes
T/F For accurate hand diagnosis in infants the child much be less than 3 years old
F The child much be less than 2 yrs
Which finger should be examined for infant boys and infant girls
Boys- left index finger
Girls- right index finger
T/F when examining an infants finger, rub the finger away from the heart and look for venules to appear
F Rub towards the heart
Venules at the Gate of Life indicate_______________
a serious/life threatnening disease in an infant
Red venules at the Gate of Qi incate _____________
the venules indicate an interior heat condtn in an infant
A mother brings you her 1yr boy, and hand inspection results with blue venules at the gate of wind- what does this tell you about the child
the child has an exterior cold attack or a very mild cold disease
what are conditions are ideal for examing tongues?
1st thing in the morning, with natural lighting
upon examing a Px tongue, you notice that it deviates to the right side. What pathology is likely?
LV wind
Extreme heat, interior turbid phlegm and wind cold invading the paricardium can cause the tongue to be _____
rigid, stiff, difficult to protrude
Your Px has a pale tongue that trembles, what is the pathology?
most likely SP Qi xu,

pale tongue and trembling could also be accompanied by spittle and/or teethmarks with SP Qi xu
Your Px tongue is flaccid and pale, and has a very weak pulse. what is the pathology
severe Qi and blood xu
Bob looks terrible, upon examinig his tongue you observe that it is flaccid and deep red, and his pulse is floating and empty. what is wrong with bob?
bob has yin collapse and severe consumption of body fluids
Red papillae indicate _____, while purple papillae indicate____
xs heat vs blood stasis
evidence of Spittle/strings can be caused by what pathologies?
damp accumulation
SP Qi xu
xu cold in middle jiao
lingering evils in the ___ manifest in the groin, while lingering evills of the KD manifest in the ____
SP - groin

KD - knee
Rashes in the armpit indicate ____

a) HT heat
b) Wind Heat
c) Yin xu
d) LV heat
LV Heat
____ complexion indicates Yang and intact upright qi while ____ is Yin and indicates an exhaustion of upright qi
distinct complexion


obscure complexion
Rashes that itch are likely to be whihc of the following?
a) blood heat
b) blood xu
c) wind heat
d) damp heat
e)none of the above
b) blood xu
c) Wind heat (L-contact dermatitis) (general itching of skin is WIND)
if your Px has hives the diagnosis is likely to be
blood xu or wind heat