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75 Cards in this Set

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Approximately what percent of patients with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) have more than one STD?
20 to 50%
In approximately what percent of cases will a single sexual contact with a patient who has an active herpes infection result in transmission of the infection?
60 to 80%
What percent of genital herpes lesions are caused by the herpes simplex virus type II?
Approximately what percent of patients with an initial herpes genitalis infection will require hospitalization for pain control or management of urinary complications?
The normal progression of symptoms in primary herpes infections is a prodromal phase followed by
vesicle, ulcer, crusting, resolution
Primary herpes genitalis infections are characterized by malaise, low-grade fever, and inguinal adenopathy in approximately what percent of patients?
Herpes genitalis lesions recur in approximately what percent of patients?
Compared with primary genital lesions, recurrent herpes lesions are
A pregnanat patient at term presents in active labor. Her membranes are intact. She has active herpetic lesions in the vagina. If vaginal delivery occurs, what is the likelihood that the newborn will be infected?
Neonatal herpes infection acquired at the time of delivery is associated with a mortality rate of approximately
An 18-year-old patient presents with a 5-day history of very painful vulvar ulcers that began as small "blisters." She is now complaining of a low-grade fever, headache, and meningismus. Large, painful vulvar and perineal ulcers and inguinal adenopathy are found on examination. The most likely diagnosis is
Primary herpes vulvitis
A 23-year-old G3 P2001 patient presents at term in early labor with an active herpes infection of the labia that has been present for the past 3 days. Membranes are intact. Contractions are regular at 3-minute intervals and have been present for the last 3 hours. Her last term labor was 3 years ago and lasted 12 hours, ending in a vaginal delivery of a normal 7-pound infant. Which of the following is the best management of this patient?
Immediate cesarean delivery
All of the following are caused by infection by Chlamydia species EXCEPT
granuloma inguinale

(Associated with Chlamydia are: cervicitis, PID, and lymphogranuloma venereum)
Chlamydia infections are frequently associated with co-infections by
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Antibodies to Chlamydia are found in approximately what percent of sexually active women?
20 to 40%
How long does it take to confirm the diagnosis of Chlamydia using the culture technique?
48 to 72 hours
Outpatient treatment with doxycycline or erythromycin for suspected or confirmed Chlamydia infection is associated with a cure rate of
A common sequela of infection by Chlamydia trachomatis is
involuntary infertility
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a
gram-negative intracellular diplococcus
Infection of the pharynx is found in what percent of heterosexual women with confirmed Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections?
10 to 20%
For women, a single encounter with a partner infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae is estimated to lead to infection in what percent of cases?
80 to 90%
Following inital infection by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, symptoms first appear in
3 to 5 days
A 22-year-old G0P0 patient has just been successfully treated for Neisseria gonorrhoeae salpingitis and asks about her chances of infertility. Based on this single infection, her chances of involuntary infertility are approximately
15 to 20%
A 22-year-old G0P0 patient has just been successfully treated for her thrid episode of Neisseria gonorrhoeae salpingitis and asks about her chances of infertility. Based on this single infection, her chances of involuntary infertility are approximately
70 to 80%
Lower genital tract infections by Neisseria gonorrhoeae are usually characterized by
malodorus, purulent vaginal or urethral discharge
Which of the following is the most frequent site of gonrorheal infection in women?
Which of the following criteria is required to make a diagnosis of acute salpingitis?
adnexal tenderness
All of the following are criteria for the hospitalization of patients with pelvic inflammatory disease EXCEPT
patient <20 years of age

(reasons to hospitalize PID patients - coexisting pregnancy, WBC count >20,000, nulliparity)
The initiaion of treatment for presumped pelvic inflammatory disease is based on
clinical suspicion
The development fo cervical cancer is associated with
human papillomavirus (HPV)
In approximately what percent of cases will a single sexual contact with an individual with an HPV infection result in transmission of the infection?
60 - 70%
Lesions caused by HPV may be confused with those of
secondary syphilis
Human papillomavirus infection is associated with
kissing lesions
The HPV is found in approximately what percent of women?
2.5 to 4%
All of the following modalities are used to treat simple condylomata acuminata EXCEPT

(Can tx condylomata acuminata with podophyllin in tincture of benzoin, trichloracetic acid, and 5-fluorouracil)
Which of the following does NOT make a patient more resistant to therapy for condylomata acuminata?
Vaginal delivery of a patient with extensive condylomata acuminata of the vulva may result in
infant laryngeal papillomas
Transplacental spread of Treponema pallidum can occur
at any time during pregnancy
The chancre of primary syphilis will
spontaneously heal in 3 to 9 weeks
Which of the following is characteristic of primary syphilis?
Chancre is often asymptomatic
The most contagious stage of syphilis is
The mucous patches of seconary syphilis will
spontaneously heal in 2 to 6 weeks
Which of the following is a nontreponemal test?
All of the above (Rapid plasma reagin (RPR), Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), & Automated reagin test)
Which of the following is the approximate sensitivity of the VDRL test in detecting primary syphilis?
Which of the following is the sensitivity of the RPR test in detecting primary syphilis?
Which of the following is the sensitivity of teh fluoorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test in detecting primary syphilis?
Which of the following is the sensitivity of the microhemagglutination assay-Treponema pallidum (MHA-TP) test in detecting primary syphilis?
Which of the following serologic tests for syphilis has a sensitivity of approximately 100% for secondary sypphilis?
All of the above (

Which of the following does NOT result in a false-positive VDRL or RPR test?
Which of the following is characteristic of secondary syphilis?
Low-grade fever, headache, malaise, sore throat, anorexia, and generalized lymphadenopathy
Without intervention, the risk of transmission of the HIV to a fetus is approximately
The diagnosis of HIV infection is established on the basis of
Western blot testing
Painless, ulcerated vulvar lesions are characteristic of infections with
Treponema pallidum
Which of the following conditions ahs an incubation period (from infection to clinical symptoms) of >1 month?
Condyloma acuminata
Multiple vulvar vesicles are typical of which of the following infections?
Genital herpes
Which of the following is the incubation period for herpes?
3 to 7 days
Which of the following is the incubation period for genital warts?
1 to 8 months
Which of the following is the incubation period for syphilis?
10 to 60 days
Which of the following is the cuasative agent for genital warts?
Human papillomavirus
Which of the following is the cuasative agent for syphilis?
Treponema pallidum
Which of the following is the causative agent for chancroid?
Haemophilus ducreyi
Which of the following is the causative agent for lymphogranuloma venereum?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Which of hte following is the causative agent for granuloma inguinale?
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
Which of the following STDs is generally NOT associated with lymphadenopathy?
Genital warts

(associated with lymphadenopathy are herpes, syphilis, chancroid, and lymphogranuloma venereum)
Which of the following STDs is associated with a purulent, hemorrhagic secretion?
Which of the following STDs is characteristically associated with multiple vesicular lesions that often coalesce?
Which of the following is NOT associated with acute cervicitis?
Treatment of the acute phase is surgical
What percent of normal women with Neisseria gonorrhoeae cervicitis will develop acute pelvic inflammatory disease?
A Word catheter being used to drain a Bartholin gland abcess should be left in place for a minimum of
1 week
Condyloma acuminata that exceed 2 cm in size are best treated with
Laser therapy
The initial involvement in pelvic tuberculosis typically is
A false-positive screening test for AIDS is more likely in what women who
are taking oral contraceptives
Measures to prevent HIV include use of latex condoms containing
Nonoxynol 9
When neurosyphilis is clinically suspected, a VDRL should be obtained on what fluid?
Cerebrospinal fluid
What is the additional risk for ectopic pregnancy in patients with a history of salpingitis?