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48 Cards in this Set

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When evaluating someone for an STD what 3 areas should not be overlooked in your physical exam?
-skene's glands
-bartholin glands
This STD prevalence has increased 10 fold in the last 10 years...
herpes simplex
approx. 85% of herpes lesions are caused by which virus?
herpes simplex type 2
herpes viruses are considered __ viruses.
An STD that presents as, classic vesicular lesions preceded by a prodromal phase of mild parestesia and burning approx. 2-5 days after infection that progresses to painful vesicular and ulcerated lesions 3-7 days after exposure is most likely ___
herpes simplex
Primary herpes infections can be characterized by what 3 symptoms?
-low grade fever
-inguinal adenopathy
clear vesicles that lyse and progress to shallow, painful ulcers with a red border indicate what type of infection?
herpes simplex
usually the diagnosis of herpes is made by__&__ but can be confirmed by viral cultures if needed.
history and physical exam
Name the meds that you can prescribe in the treatment of herpes.
in pregnant women with active herpes...what should be considered and why?
c-section, due to high fetal mortality rates
An infxn of the female upper genital tract that is spread along the mucosal surfaces from the initial infxn of the cervix is called __?
pelvic inflammatory disease
What are the 2 organisms responsible for PID?
chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhea
How can examination of the cervix help you to determine the bug that has caused PID?
C.trachomatis usually is evident by the mucopurulant cervicitis, while gonorrhea seems to reside in the endocervical cells without always promoting a purulent inflammatory response.
oral contraceptives help to limit PID
indolent endometritis develops with further extension more commonly with infection of what bug?
__ infxns are manifested by mucopurulent cervicitis, acute urethritis, salpingitis, or PID
What is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome? and how does it relate to the female genital tract?
preihepatitis, (localized fibrosis with scarring of the anterior surface of the liver) may be caused by chlamydial infxns more often than by gonorrhea.
Name the 2 lab tests that have recently become popular in the diagnosis of chlamydia
ELISA performed on cervical secretions
Monoclonal fluorescent antibody test carreid out on dried specimens
What are the treatments available for chlamydia trachomatis?
if outpatient, Zithromax 1 gram p.o., doxycycline 100mg p.o. bid x 7 days, or floxin 300 mg, p.o. bid x 7 days.
in pt's positive for chlamydia what other tests should be done?
other std's (all of them)
infertility occurs in approx. 15% of patients after 1 episode and up to 85% of pts., after 3 episodes of what genital infection?
gonorrhea with salpingitis
Infections with __ are easily acquired and can affect almost any part of organ of the body.
N. gonorrhea
A __ infection of the lower genital tract is characterized by a malodorous, purulent discharge from the urethra, Skene's duct, cervix, vagina, or anus.
N. gonorrhea
A __ or __ discharge from the cervix should alert you that your pt. probably has a __ or __ infection.
greenish to yellow

gonorrhea or chlamydial
Infection of the __ glands is frequently encuontered and can lead to secondary infectins, abesscesses, or cyst formation.
Bartholin's glands
Approx. 15% of women with N. Gonorrhal infections of the cervix will develop __
Pt.'s that exhibit muscular guarding, cervical motion tenderness, and/or rebound tenderness..may have __
the preferred treatments for gonorrheal infections include?
rocephin 125mg IM x1 or
cipro 500mg p.o. x1
the preferred treatments of PID include?
cefoxitin 2 gm IM or rocephin 250mg IM plus doxy 100mg bid x14 days

if severe can give clinda IV or gent IV
infection by __ causes soft, fleshy growths on the vulva, vagina, cervix, urethral meatus, perineum, and anus.
the diagnosis of HPV is made based on __
physical exam
__ __ are usually characterized by their narrower base and more 'heaped up' appearance
venereal warts
condyloma lata lesions are characterized by their ___
flattened tops
Treatment of HPV includes...what therapies?
podofilox get, imiquimod cream, electrocautery, cryosurgery, surgical excision, laser surgery , or intralesional interferon injections.
treponema pallidum, is the causative agent in what STD?
a rounded or ovoid raised lesion with indurated edges and a depressed center, that is painless is indicative of what STD?
the signs of secondary syphilis infection are characterized by what symptoms?
low-grade fever, headache, malaise, sore throat, anorexia, generalized lymphadenopathy, and a diffuse, symmetric maculopapular rash.
the rash of syphilis is often seen over what specific areas?
palms and soles and can be referred to as the "money spots"
Name the types of nontreponemal serologic tests for syphilis
vdrl-venereal disease research laboratory
rpr-rapid pasma reagin
artautomated reagin test
what type of bugs will you see under a microscope if syphilis is present?
what is the treatment of choice for syphilis?
pen G 2.4 million units IM or doxy 100mg p.o. bid, or tetracycline 300mg po qid x14 days
HIV targets __ and monocytes.
helper t cells
Depletion of __ is an important manifestation of HIV infection.
CD4 (helper T cells)
__ is now one of the top five causes of death in reproductive aged women
What are the three primary methods of contracting HIV?
-use of contaminated needles or blood products,
-perinatal transmission form mother to child
-intimate sexual contact
What is the screening test for AIDS?
ELISA that tests for antibodies agains HIV
What is the confirmation test for a positive HIV ELISA?
western blot
name 3 classes of drugs used to treat HIV
nrti-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
nnrti-nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
haart-highly active antiretroviral therapy