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100 Cards in this Set

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Dull, ill-defined pelvic ache worse prior to menstruation and relieved by menses; Hx of sexual problems
Pelvic congestion syndrome
5 aspects of a BPP
NST, tone, movements, breathing, amniotic fluid volume
BPP of 4 or less
Delivery if fetus is >26wks
pH of amniotic fluid
Definition of maternal leukocytosis
Amenorrhea eval
Uterus on pelvic U/S: if FSH increased --> karyotype; if FSH decreased --> cranial MRI

Uterus absent on U/S: if 46,XX/ nml testosterone, indicates abnormal Mullerian dev't; if 46,XY/male testosterone levels, indicates androgen insensitivity
How does FSH aid in the diagnosis of amenorrhea
If increased, is hypergonadotropic amenorrhea: peripheral problem

If decreased, is hypogonadotropic amenorrhea: central problem
Cause of amenorrhea in female athlete's trial
Decreased GnRH/LH --> estrogen deficiency
Test to determine whether vaginal bleeding is from a fetal hemorrhage
Apt test
Rx for gonorrhea or chlamydia
Ceftriaxone and azithro (or doxy)
Most common cause of a nonreactive NST
Sleeping baby: wake up with vibroacoustic stimulation
Cause of vaginismus
Involuntary contraction of perineal musculature (psychological)
Rx for vaginismus
Relaxation, Kegels, gradual dilation w/ dilators, fingers, etc.
Rx for primary anorgasmia
After what point are breech presentations attempted to be converted?
37wks (b/c most self-resolve by then)
When are fetuses at highest risk from ionizing radiation exposure?
Effects of ionizing radiation
Mental retardation, microcephaly, abnormal genitalia, growth restriction, microphthalmia, cataracts
Test when suspect anovulation as cause of infertility
Mid-luteal phase serum progesterone (should be increased to >10)
Monomorphous pink papules, absence of comedones
Steroid-induced folliculitis (steroid acne)
Most preventable cause of fetal growth restriction in the US
Smoking (causes 1 in 3 cases)
Most common infection leading to IUGR
DES exposure in utero increases the risk for
Adenocarcinoma of the vagina
pH of vaginitis infections
Normal (4-4.5) in yeast infections; elevated (5-6) in BV and trich
How to distinguish BV and tric clinically?
Pruritis and inflammation seen only in trichomonas
Decreased long-term variability can be due to this benign condition
Fetal sleep
Yellow mucopurulent discharge from the cervix
Most commonly chlamydia
Dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, dyschezia
Rx for endometriosis
OCPs; GnRH analogs; danazol
Bilateral, multinodular, solid masses on both ovaries
Pregnancy luteoma: benign condition, no Rx
Things to rule out with hyperemesis in pregnancy
Hyaditiform mole
Enlarged uterus, hyperemesis, and greatly increased hCG
Hyaditiform mole
Vomiting, weight loss, ketonuria
Hyperemesis gravidum (can have mild increases in ALT/AST, amylase/lipase)
Definition of arrest of descent
No change in descent of fetal presenting part after 2hrs in nullips, 1 in multips (add an hr with epidural in place)
Definition of arrest of dilation
Dilation does not change (once >4cm) >1cm/hr in nullips or 1.2cm/hr
What is the Zavanelli maneuver?
Last resort for a shoulder dystocia: pushing baby back into uterine cavity followed by C-section
Mechanism of hypotension post-epidural
Sympathetic block --> vasodilation of lower extremity vessels --> blood redistribution and venous pooling in lower extremities
Relationship btwn hypothyroidism and hyperprolactinemia
TRH stimulates prolactin production
When is a contraction stress test indicated?
When the BPP score is 6
Best Abx for UTIs in pregnancy
Amox, nitrofurantoin, cephalexin
Why is the risk of UTI increased in pregnancy?
Progesterone causes smooth muscle relaxation --> ureteral dilation --> facilitates bacterial colonization and ascension
Post-delivery, woman with respiratory failure, cardiogenic shock, and DIC
Amniotic fluid embolism (can also occur post-amniocentesis)
Rx for AFE
Respiratory support first; then IVF
How to differentiate btwn central and peripheral precocious puberty?
Central: high basal LH that increases with GnRH stimulation

Peripheral: low LH with no response to GnRH
Rx for central precocious puberty and reasoning
GnRH agonist; prevention of premature epiphyseal plate fusion
How to distinguish mastitis from breast engorgement
Mastitis is usually unilateral
What lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio indicates lung maturity?
> 2.0
Management of decreased fetal movements with no fetal heart tones heard on Doppler
Ultrasonography to confirm IUFD
When is serial fibrinogen monitoring necessary after IUFD?
Only if monitored expectantly to look for DIC (e.g. not if fetus is evacuated)
What is the cause of primary dysmenorrhea
Increased prostaglandins
Rx for women with refractory PMS
Low-dose SSRIs; if unsuccessful, alprazolam
Precocious puberty is defined as before what age
8yo in girls
Cause of central precocious puberty
Early activation of the HPO axis
Cause of peripheral precocious puberty
Gonadal or adrenal release of excess sex hormones
Rx for HELLP syndrome
Immediate delivery if >34wks; otherwise steroids, monitoring, etc.
What is pseudocyesis
Woman who desperately wants to be pregnant presents with all the signs and symptoms, but has a normal endometrial stripe and negative hCG
Best measurement on U/S for estimation of fetal size
Abdominal circumference (b/c affected in both symmetric and asymmetric fetal growth restriction)
At what antibody titer level is the mother already sensitized (i.e. RhoGAM not helpful), and at what level is the fetus at risk for hemolytic disease

Role of beta-hCG and what secretes it
Syncytiotrophoblast: to maintain corpus luteum (for its progesterone production until placenta takes over)
Definition of missed abortion
IUFD <20wks w/ complete retained products of conception and a closed cervix
Sx of missed abortion
Brown vaginal discharge and loss of pregnancy symptoms
Medical Rx for spontaneous vs. elective abortion
Misoprostol/mifepristone can eliminate products of conception from uterus

Methotrexate is an abortifacient (useful for ectopic as well)
FSH and LH levels in Turner's
High (due to poor estrogen function: lack of negative feedback)
Inhibin levels in Turner's
Low (b/c is a marker of ovarian function)
When do you not need to treat for both chlamydia and gonorrhea?
When the other infection has been ruled out with a highly sensitive test, e.g. NAAT
Management of pt with antepartum hemorrhage
Resuscitation first! IVF, etc.; then ultrasound, then emergency C-section if needed
Cause of neonatal thyroidtoxicosis if mother has just had thyroidectomy due to Graves?
Thyroid stimulating Ig levels remain high for several months after thyroidectomy and can cross placenta
Increased osteoporosis/fracture risk in pts who drink more than ___ drinks/day
Why is asymptomatic bacteriuria treated in pregnant women?
Progresses to pyelo in 30-40%, which may cause septicemia, preterm labor, and low birth weight
Management of placental abruption if pt and fetus are stable
What two lab values raise concern for DIC after IUFD?
Low fibrinogen and low platelets
How do granulosa cell tumors present in postmenopausal women?
Breast enlargement, lack of menopausal symptoms
4 methods of treating vaginal warts
Trichloroacetic acid, podophyllin, excision, fulguration (electric current)
Condyloma acuminata vs. condyloma lata?
Former is HPV (pink, clustered, teardrop lesions); latter is secondary syphilis (flat, velvety lesions)
Which common STD is always tested for, even if asymptomatic, in pregnancy?
Chlamydia (not gonorrhea)
Indications for inpatient Rx for PID
High fever, unresponsive to orals, inability to take orals b/c of N/V, pregnancy, non-compliance
Unexpected potential Abx regimen for PID
Clinda + gent
FSH and LH in premature ovarian failure
Both increased due to lack of negative feedback from estrogen; FSH/LH >1 b/c FSH is cleared slower
Flank pain and hematuria in pregnancy
Nephrolithiasis (which may lead to hydronephrosis beyond the physiologic amt in pregnancy)
BUN and Cr levels in pregnancy
Both decrease due to increased GFR and renal plasma flow
Uterine tenderness, hyperactivity, and increased uterine tone
May be placental abruption, even without bleeding: can have concealed hemorrhage
Besides HTN and cocaine use, risk factors for abruption include
Short umbilical cord
Tobacco use
Folate deficiency
Cause of stress incontinence
Weak pelvic floor muscles --> urethral hypermobility with increased intraabdominal pressure --> ineffective sphincter closure
Rx for stress incontinence
Kegels and urethropexy
Cause of urge incontinence
Detrusor hyperactivity
Rx for urge incontinence
Rx for overflow incontinence
Bethanechol and alpha blockers
Dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia
Management of ovarian cyst seen on US in a postmenopausal pt
Exploratory surgery
2 first line options for endometriosis
Management of suspected hemorrhagic cyst
Repeat US in 2mo
Pathophys of interstitial cystitis
Disruption of glycosaminoglycan layer in bladder mucosa
Rx for interstitial cystitis
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), pentosan polysulfate, or anti-inflammatory and analgesics
How to aid fertility in women with endometriosis
Clomiphene citrate (+ IUI if needed)
Management of chronic pelvic pain if NSAIDs and OCPs have failed?
Diagnostic laparoscopy to look for endometriosis (can't use GnRH agonist until diagnosis confirmed)
2 non-gyne conditions associated with chronic pelvic pain
Interstitial cystitis
How do GnRH agonists work vs. danazol
GnRH agonists down-regulate HPA axis, decrease FSH/LH/estrogen

Danozol suppresses the mid-cycle surge in FSH/LH
50% of women with chronic pelvic pain have a history of
Physical or sexual abuse
Imaging study of choice for potential ovarian cancer
Transvaginal US
Surgical management of chronic pelvic pain due to past unilateral PID in pt hoping for future fertility
Laparoscopic unilateral salpingectomy (leave both ovaries if can)
Which 2 nerves are at risk of entrapment after LTCS