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175 Cards in this Set

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Any intrauterine bleeding before 20 weeks gestation without dilation or expulsion of products of conception. What type of abortion?
Threatened abortion
The symptoms cannot be stopped, and a miscarriage will happen. Products of conception do not exit the body, but dilation of cervix and bleeding are evidence that a viable pregnancy is not possible. What type of abortion?
Inevitable abortion
The pregnancy is lost and the products of conception do not exit the body. What type of abortion?
Missed abortion
Only some of the products of conception exit the body. What type of abortion?
Incomplete abortion
All of the products of conception exit the body. Cervix is dilated. What type of abortion?
Complete abortion
The lining of the womb, or uterus, and any remaining products of conception become infected. What type of abortion?
Septic abortion
What is the definition for a pregnancy that ends before week 20 of gestation.
Spontaneous abortion
T or F All Rh-neg pts should receive RhoGAM with any vaginal bleeding?
Primary causes of 3rd trimester bleeding?
Placental abruption
Placenta previa
Placenta Accretia
Vasa Previa
Normal or abnormal? The uterus is palpated above the pubic symphysis at 12 weeks?
Normal or abnormal? During pregnancy, cardiac output increases by 30-50% and heart rate is increased 10-15 bpm?
Normal or abnormal? A new systolic murmur is heard in a pregnant patient?
Normal or abnormal? A new diastolic murmur is heard in a pregnant patient?
Normal or abnormal? CXR reveals cardiomegaly in a pregnant patient?
Normal. Not actually cardiomegaly, the heart is displaced by the uterus upward and to the left
Normal or abnormal? WBC count increases during childbirth to more than 20 million/mL?
What is the term for a patient that has prolonged and heavy mentrual bleeding that occurs at regular intervals?
What is the term for excessive and prolonged menses?
What is the term for intermenstrual bleeding that occurs at any time b/w menstrual periods?
What is the term for increase in frequency of menstruation
What is the term for scanty menstruation?
a female comes in with acute onset of upper right-quadrant abdominal pain and tenderness aggravated by breathing, coughing or movement. PAin is referred to the right shoulder following an episode of PID. Laparoscopy reveals "Violin String adhesions. Name the syndrome?
Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome
(Acute gonococcal perihepatitis)
What drug can be used for premature labor to cause uterine relaxation?
Terbutaline (B2 agonist)
Magnesium sulfate
What should be administered to a patient that has preeclamsia prior to 32 weeks to prevent RDS, Intraventricular hemorrhage, Necrotizing enterocolitis?
What are the indications for a women to receive antibiotics during labor? (5 points)
1. History of group B strep
2. Urine Culture GBS
3. Preteen labor prior to 37 weeks
4. Membrane rupture for more than 18 hours
5. Temperature greater than 100.4 in labor
a patient who has had multiple myoectomy is at increased risk for?
Uterine rupture
Name an absolute contraindication for IUD use?
If a fetus is breech when should a external cephalic version be performed?
37 weeks
What drug are given to a pregnant women with a diastolic pressure above 110?
T or F all postmenopausal women with vaginal itching should undergo biopsy?
What illegal drug can lead to placenta abruptio?
How does aspirin affect:
1. Ductus ateriosus?
2. Labor onset?
3. Labor duration?
How does aspirin affect:
1. Ductus ateriosus? Constriction
2. Labor onset?
3. Labor duration?
What drug causes chondrodysplasia punctata in utero? (Hypoplasia bone, eyeball abnormality, mental retardation)
Treatment of choice of chlamydia in a pregnancy?
What is the leading nonobstetric cause of postpartum death?
Pulmonary embolism
What is the most common congenital infection?
What stage of labor? The cervix is dilated 6 cm.
1st, active
What stage of labor? The cervix is dilated 1 cm
First, latent
What are the stages of labor?
1. First
Latent: Onset of labor to 4 cm dilation
Active: 4 cm to complete cervical dilation (10 cm)
2. Second: Complete cervical dilation to delivery of infant
3. Third: Delivery of infant to delivery of placenta
Is early deceleration normal? What causes it to happen?
Early deceleration is normal.
It is caused by uterine contraction
What causes Late decelerations?

What position should the mother be placed in to treat decelerations?
Uteroplacental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia
Placenta Abruptio
Left lateral decubitus (Displaces uterus off of inf vena cava increasing venous return therefore increases CO
What causes Variable decelerations?
Umbilical cord compressions
If morning sickness persists after the first trimester what should one consider for the diagnosis?
Hyperemesis gravidarum
If your considering Hyperemesis gravidarum what type of pregnancy do you need to rule out first?
Molar Pregnancy
R/O with Ultrasound and B-hCG
If a patient has hyperglycemia in the first trimester of pregnancy, what type of diabetic should this patient be managed as?
Pregestational Diabetes
If a UA demonstrates glycosuria before 20 weeks what would be the diagnosis?
Pregestational diabetes
Idiopathic HTN without significant proteinuria develops >20 weeks. What type of HTN is this?
Gestational HTN
Why are ACEI and or diuretics contraindicated in pregnancy?
ACEI & Diuretics: Uterine Ischemia
Patients close to term or preeclamsia worsens, how do you manage?
Induce delivery with IV oxytocin, prostaglandin or amniotomy
Patient with severe preeclampsia, describe the three steps of management?
1. Control BP
2. Prevent Seizures
3. Deliver by induction or c-section
Patient with severe preeclampsia what is the treatment of choice for the HTN?
Hydralazine and/or labetalol
What is the target BP for a patient with severe preeclamsia?
What does the diastolic BP need to be maintained at?
DBP maintain 90-100 to maintain fetal blood flow
What is the drug of choice to prevent seizures in preeclampsia?
Magnesium Sulfate
What toxicity causes Loss of DTRs, Respiratory paralysis, coma?
How do you treat it?
Magnesium Sulfate

Calcium Gluconate
How long should Magnesium Sulfate be continued as a seizure prophylaxis (Magnesium Sulfate) in a patient with severe preeclampsia?
continue Magnesium Sulfate seizure prophlaxis for 24 hours postpartum
What is the treatment of choice for severe preeclampsia?
Delivery or c-section once patient is stable
Spread of gonococci into the upper abdomen may cause perihepatitis with an audible hepatic rub, Name the syndrome?
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (perihepatitis)
1. What is the infecting organism of Chancroid?

2. Is a Chancroid painful or painless?
1. Hemophilus ducreyi
2. Painfull
Pregnant female with HTN, proteinuria (>300mg/24 h) and edema of face and hands, Name the diagnosis?
The following risk factors are for the following disease?
African American
Multiple gestations
Exteme ages (<15 or >35)
Chronic HTN
Positive famaily History
Patient with preeclamsia and seizures, what is the diagnosis?
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes,
Low enzymes, Low Platelets, name the syndrome?
HELLP Syndrome

Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes,
Low enzymes, Low Platelets, name the syndrome?
What is HELLP syndrome?
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes,
Low enzymes, Low Platelets, name the syndrome?
The following are risk factors for what type of pregnancy?
Previous history of PID
IUD, DES exposer, Prior pelvic history, and a positive histroy of the disease?
Ectopic Pregnancy
Describe the risk factors for Ectopic Pregnancy?
1. Previous history of PID
2. IUD,
3. DES exposer,
4. Prior pelvic history
5. a positive history of ectopic pregnancy
Patient presents with abdominal pain that radiates to the shoulder, vaginal bleeding, cervical motion tenderness, pelvic mass 1-8 weeks after missed period, What is the diagnosis?
Ectopic pregnancy
Presence of fixed abdominal tenderness on turning the patient and may be seen in ectopic pregnancy, Name the sign?
Adler's sign
Name all the abortions that present with vaginal bleeding and occur less than 20 weeks?
1. Threatened abortion
2. Incomplete abortion,
3. Complete abortion
4. Inevitable abortion
Patient complains of abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. The membranes remain intact and no products of conception are expelled. Internal cervical os is closed and the fetus is viable, Name the abortion?
Threatened Abortion
Which abortion is there abdominal pain and bleeding with the internal cervical os is open and some products of conception are expelled?
Incomplete Abortion
Vaginal Bleeding, all products of conception are expelled and the cervical os is closed?
Complete Abortion
Membranes are ruptures, the internal cervical os is open and no products of conception are expelled, patient complain of abdominal cramps, what type of abortion?
Inevitable Abortion
Retained fetal tissue, , no vaginal bleeding, no products of conception are expelled and the internal cervical os is closed, What type of abortion?
Missed Abortion
Patient b/w 30-55 premenstrually has bilateral lumpy and tender breats. Mammography shows dense breat\st tissue, Diag?
Fibrocystic breast disease
(Benign cyst formation)
What is the most common infecting organism in Mastitis?
Staph Aureus
a women who is breastfeeding presents with a warm, tender, swollen and erythematous breast,
Mastitis (Staph Aureus)
Nonmalignant condition that affects menopausal women. The subareolar ducts become blocked with debris, causing pain, inflammatory nipple discharge, and retraction of the nipple. Name the diag?
Mammary duct ectasia
Benighn neoplasm found in young women, they are usually round, rubbery, movable, and nontender, name diag?
What are the two most common causes of third trimester bleeding?
1. Placenta previa
(Painless Bleeding)
2. Placenta abruptio
(Painful Bleeding)
Abnormal implantation of the placenta near or at the cervical os?
Placenta Previa
(Painless Bleeding)
What are the risk factors for Placenta previa?
1. Advanced maternal age
2. Multiparity
3. Smoking history
4. Prior C-section
Patient presents at >20 weeks gestation with PAINLESS vaginal bleeding? Fetus not in distress?
Placenta previa
T or F, Vaginal examination is contraindicated in a patient with Placenta Previa? (Painless bleeding)
What is the diagnostic test of choice to diagnos Placenta Previa? (Painless bleeding)
Premature seperation of a normally implanted placenta?
Abruptio Placentae (Painful Bleeding)
Pregnant women >20 weeks gestation with unremitting abdominal and back pain) Painful vaginal bleeding. There is fetal distress? whats the diagnosis?
Abruptio Placentae
Fetal Distress and Painfull Bleeding >20 weeks getation?
Placenta Previa or Abruptio Placenta
Abruptio Placenta
No fetal distress and painless bleeding, >20 weeks getation?
Placenta Previa or Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
A placenta that adheres to the myometrium, associated with postpartum hemorrhage
Placenta accreta
Fetal Vessels associated with the cord tranverse across the lower uterine segment and present in advance of the fetal presenting part, Causes rapid bleeding when disrupted during labor.
Vasa Previa
Blood-tinged vaginal discharge that occurs when the cervix is dilated and the onset of labor is imminent?
Bloody Show
How can Gestational thrombocytopenia and ITP be differentiated?
How do you define Thrombocytopenia:
1. nonpregnant patients?
2. Pregnant patients
1. Platelet count < 150,000/щL
2. < 100,000
Patient complaines of Petechiae, ecchymoses, and nose and gum bleeding?
Gestational Thrombocytopenia or ITP
ITP lasts after delivery
How can Gestational thrombocytopenia, ITP, HELLP, Pseudothrombocytopenia, TTP and HUS? be differentiated?
ITP will persist after delivery
HELLP variant of preeclampsia and will have hemolysis and increased liver enzymes
ITP: FAT RN: Fever, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Renal disease, Neurologic disease
HUS Renal disease
Weakness in the fascia of the posterior vaginal wall in which the rectum appears as a bulging mass, Name the condition?
Protrusion of the bladder into the anterior vaginal wall. Asking to bear down will enhance the protrusion, Name the condition?
What is the most common cause of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding?
Can you name another cause of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding?
1. Atrophic Vaginitis
2. Endometrial Carcinoma
Patient presents with amenorrhea, obesity, hirsutism and infertility, What is the diagnosis?
POS (Stein-Leventhal syndrome)
T or F all postmenopausal women with vaginal bleeding require a biopsy to r/o endometrial carcinoma?
How would you classify a
1. Hydatiform mole
2. Invasive mole
3. Choriocarcinoma
They are all Malignant gestational trophoblastic neoplasms.
Patient with a positive prenancy test <20 weeks presentd with vaginal bleeding and signs of preeclampsia.
Incease B-hCG titer out of proportion with gestational age, absent heart sounds and cluster of grapes appearance on gross exam and snowstorm appearance on ultrasound?
Maligant Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasm.
1. Hydatiform mole
2. Invasive mole
3. Choriocarcinoma
At 20 weeks where is the fundal height of the fetus?
What does GPAL stand for?
(Georgia Power And Lights)
Gravida, Para, Abortions, Living Children
What is the most common cause of vaginitis?
Gardenella Vaginalis
Thick white cottage cheese appearing discharge, Pseudohyphae, what is the infection?
Strawberry-appearing cervix or vaginal mucosa, vaginal discharge is green and frothy.
What is the infection?
A woman under the age of 30 years presenting with a mobile breast mass that has well-defined borders most likely has?
A benign tumor, patterns often present with a bloody discharge from the nipple in the absence of a breast mass?
Intraductal papilloma
Patient who presents with an erythematous and warm breast may have?
Inflammatory breast carcinoma
Eczemoid breast changes in the nipple( itching, oozing and bleeding)?
Paget's disease of the breast
How is the Expected date of confinement calculated?
Nagele's or McDonald's rule
What is Nagele's or McDonald's rule?
1. 1st day of LMP
2. Go back 3 months
3. Add 7 days
(based on a 28 day menstrual cycle)
If a womens LMP is Jan 15 what would be the EDC?
October 22
Go back 3 motns from LMP Oct 15 and add 7 days Oct 22
What does each of the terms stand for?
1. Gravida?
2. Parity (P)tpal?
Gravida: # of total pregnancies
Parity: # of deliveries
t: term infants (37 to 42 wk)
p: Pre term 20 to 36 wks
a: abortions <20 weeks
l: living children
When should the initial visit occur and each susequent visit?
1. Initial visit: 6-8 weeks after LMP
2. Every 4 weeks Initial visit- 28 wks
3. 2 to 3 weeks 28-36
4. 36 to delivery weekly
When does fundal height measurement start?
20 weeks (Umbilicus)
When do you listen for fetal heart tones?
10 weeks
When do you do a urinalysis for glycosuria and proteinuria?
10 weeks
When do you add a routine vaginal examination?
37 weeks
What happens at 10 weeks gestation?
1. Fetal Heart tones are heard
2. Urinalysis for glycosuria and proteinuria
When is the fundus seen at the uterus?
20 weeks
What is the normal fetal heart rate?
120-160 bpm
What is the term for first awarness of fetal movement?
Primigravida: 18-20 weeks
Mulrtigravida: 14-18 weeks
When does quikening occur in:
Primigravida: 18-20 weeks
Mulrtigravida: 14-18 weeks
Bluish discoloration of vagina and cervix, Name the sign?
Chadwick's sign
What is Chadwick's sign?
Bluish discoloration of vagina and cervix,
Softening between the fundus and cervix, Name the sign?
Hagar's sign
What is Hagar's sign?
Softening between the fundus and cervix
At how many weeks of gestation does the uterus reach the:
1. symphysis pubis
2. b/w pubis and umbilicus
3. umbilicus
4. 2-3 cm below xiphoid process
1. symphysis pubis
12 weeks
2. b/w pubis and umbiliccus
16 weeks
3. umbilicus
20 weeks
4. 38-40 weeks Gravid uterus 2-3 cm below xiphoind process
When is Chroionic villous sampling done?
b/w 10-13 weeks (first trimester)
What is the advantage of chronic villous sampling?
The ability to do it in the first trimester (this allows the option of a first trimester termination, also results are available within 48 hours. CVS is a diagnostic not screening test.
What is the disadvantage of chronic villous sampling?
Unlike amniocentesis, CVS specimens cannot be used in AFP testing for neural tube defects.
Also risk is slightly higher with CVS than amniocentesis
Name some factors that increase AFP?
(five of them) SPAM IS HIGH IN AFP
1. Spina Bifida
2. Placental anomalies
3. Abdominal Wall defects
(Omphalocele, gastroschisis)
4.Multiple gestations
What is MUGR in association with Montagia and Galeazi?
Montagia ulnar
Galeazi is radius
Define the normal Menstrual cycle?
Normal Menstrual Cycle?
28 days
How long is the Luteal phase of the cycle?
Normally 14 days
Name the hormones, and their source, that are involved in mainitaining a normal menstrual cycle?
1. From the ovary?
2. From the Pituitary?
3. From the hypothalamus?
1. From the ovary?
Estrogen and Progesterone
2. From the Pituitary?
3. From the hypothalamus?
Prolactin and TSH
What do all the following have in common?
1. Spina Bifida
2. Placental anomalies
3. Abdominal Wall defects
(Omphalocele, gastroschisis)

4.Multiple gestations
Increase levels of AFP. SPAM
What is the life span of a normal corpus luteum in the absence of pregnancy?
14 days
What stimulates the maturation of the fillicle and it's production of Estradiol?
What causes follicular rupture, ovulation and establishment of the corpus luteum?
Describe the following curves on a basal body temperature chart of a 25 year old women?
1. Monophasic curve
2. Biphasic
3. Elevated temperature following a Biphasic curve?
1. Monophasic curve
Anovulatary Cycle
2. Biphasic
3. Elevated temperature following a Biphasic curve?
What is the most accurate test of ovulation?
Endometrial Biopsy
What hormone caused mid-cycle spotting or light bleeding?
Decline in Estrogen wqhich occurs right after the LH surge
Decline inwhich hormone causes the onset of menses?
Normal menses occurs because of progesterone withdrawal
What levels of both FSH and LH would you expect in a 63 year old woman who is not on estrogen replacement thereapy?
High FSH and LH. The ovarian response to FSH and LH is decreased in menopause. Therefore there is less estrogen and progesterone being produced. There is no negative feedback to inhibit rising FSH and LH.
What is the main physiological stimulus for prolactin release?
Suckling of the breast
What is the most common presenting symptom of a prolactinoma in a women?
Secondary amenorrhea
What is no menstruation for 6 months or more in a women who previously had regular menses?
Seconday Amenorrhea
What is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea?
What is the progestrone challenge?
Test used for secondary amenorrhea, IM injection 100mg of progesterone resposce is a normal period.
Name some causes of hyperprolactinemia?
1. Pituatray adenoma
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Reserpine, Methyldopa, Phenothiazine, contraceptives
If a patient is not menstruating and they have galactorrhea, what do you think of?
1. Pituatray adenoma
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Reserpine, Methyldopa, Phenothiazine, contraceptives
List the differential diagnosis of persistent vaginal bleeding in a preadolescent female?
1, Neoplasm (Sarcoma Botyroides)
2. Precocious puberty
3. Foreign Body
4. Sexual assualt
5. Infections
Breast hyperplasia is a normal from what age?
Neonate - 6 months
What percent of women were abused as children?
What is the most common cause of vaginal bleeding in childhood?
Foreign body
What is the median age for menopause?
What is the most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding?
Atrophic endometrium and Atrophic vaginitis
The persistance of corpus luteum, delayed menses, pelvic mass, negative pregnancy test. Clinically confused with ectopic pregnancy, Name the syndrome?
Halban's syndrome
What are the common changes associated with estrogen depletion?
1. Menstrual cycle changes
2. Cardiovascular disease
3. Osteoporosis,
4. Genitourinary atrophy
5. Vasomotor changes
6. Psychological changes
What are the expected changes in gonadotropin levels after menopause?
FSH increases 10-20 fold
LH increases 3 fold
Which two hormone declines as a result of menopause?
What happens to progesterone production in menopause?
Progesterone is no longer produced in menopause.
What is the leading cause of death for women?
heart disease
How much does the risk of coronary heart disease increase after menopause?
After menopause what is the percent of bone loss per year?
2.5% first four years
then 1.5% annually
What risk factor are associated with bone loss and osteoporosis?
1. White
2. Asian
3. Thin women
4. Sedentary life style
5. Smoking
6. age of menopause

What causes approximately 60% of spontaneous abortions ?

60% of spontaneous abortions are caused by chromosomal abnormalities.

Loss of tone in the uterine musculature which may lead to acute hemorrhage.

Uterine atony. Normally contraction of the uterine muscle compresses the vessels and reduces flow. This increases the likelihood of coagulation and prevents bleeds.

Placenta attaches abnormally to the myometrium which is associated with increased risk of heavy bleeding at the time attempted placental delivery.

Placenta accreta

Which of the following medications should be discontinued in pregnancy?

Amoxicillin, lisinopril, acetaminophen, insulin, methyldopa?

Lisinopril is contraindicated pregnancy

Methyldopa is the preferred treatment of hypertension in pregnancy

What is the most common breast mass in premenopausal women.


T or F progestin-only pills as contraceptives are ideal for breast feeding mothers

True progestin only pill is ideal for breast feeding mothers because the pill does not interfere with lactation the way combination pills do

At what age may cervical cancer screening be discontinued for women who have no high grade lesions or cervical cancer history?

65 years old cervical cancer screening may be discontinued in women with no past medical history of cervical cancer.