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100 Cards in this Set

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Rx for advanced (Stages II+) ovarian cancer
Surgical removal, followed by adjuvant chemo (taxane + carboplatin)
When is magnesium sulfate given for preeclampsia?
During delivery and 24 hours postpartum
Therapeutic level of mag sulfate
Mag sulfate levels associated with respiratory depression and cardiac arrest
>12 and >15
Contraindications to expectant management of severe preeclampsia (e.g. indications for delivery)
Thrombocytopenia < 100,000,
Inability to control BP w/ max doses of 2 antihypertensives, Non-reassuring fetal surveillance,
LFTs < 2x nml,
Persistent CNS Sx
How fast should hCG rise in a normal pregnancy?
Should double (or increase by 66%) every 48 hours
Inappropriately rising (e.g. too low) beta-hCG levels indicate
Abnormal pregnancy (e.g. ectopic, incomplete abortion, or resolving complete abortion)
Distinction btwn a normal gestational sac and a pseudogestational sac
Pseudo is located in the midline
Serum progesterone <5 indicates
Specific for nonviable pregnancy
What is the Arias-Stella reaction?
Hypersecretory endometrium of prengnacy on histology that occurs w/ BOTH ectopic and intrauterine pregnancies
Culdocentesis is looking for
Blood in peritoneal cavity, e.g. from ruptured ectopic (or purulent fluid from infection)
Medical Rx for ectopic
Relative contraindications to MTX for ectopic
Cardiac activity
Mass >3.5cm (often correlates with b-hCG > 15,000)
Absolute contraindications to MTX
Breastfeeding, immunodeficient, alcoholic, blood dyscrasia, pulmonary disease, PUD, hepatic/renal/hematology dysfxn
When is more than one dose of MTX needed?
If beta-hCG levels plateau or increase after 7 days
Asherman's Syndrome includes the presence of what?
Uterine synechiae (intrauterine adhesions)
What is threatened abortion, what is the risk of subsequent spontaneous abortion, and what are the risks if carry to viability?
Bleeding in the first trimester without tissue or fluid loss
Greater risk of preterm and low birth weight
What is inevitable abortion?
Gross rupture of membranes w/ cervical dilation (contractions typically begin soon afterward)
After what time are the fetus and placenta typically expelled separately?
After how many days should surgical abortion be performed instead of medical?
49 days since LMP
3 drugs for early medical abortion
Mifepristone (antiprogestin), MTX (antimetabolite), misoprostol (prostaglandin)

All induce uterine contractility, either directly (misoprostol) or by decreasing progesterone inhibition
Rx for a septic abortion
Broad spectrum IV Abx, IVF, prompt evacuation of uterus
What is postabortal syndrome and how is it treated?
Uterus fails to remain contracted after spontaneous abortion or elective abortion (pain, bleeding, open cervix, hematometra)
Suction curettage
At what beta-hCG level can an intrauterine pregnancy be appreciated?
Most common abnormal karyotope in aborted fetuses
Autosomal trisomy
Systemic maternal diseases associated w/ early pregnancy loss
Rx for significant anemia during spontaneous abortion
Effect of single, prior first trimester surgical abortion on fertility/ likelihood of future early pregnancy losses
No effect/ no increased risk
Once pt at high risk for cervical cancer and has lesion, management option
Cervical biopsy (can skip Pap smear, a screening test, as well as colposcopy since lesion can already be visualized)
Screening tests for a normal African American couple wanting to conceive
CBC and Hb electrophoresis
Valproic acid is associated with an increased risk of these three abnormalities
Neural tube defects, hydrocephalus and craniofacial malformations
Women with poorly controlled DM during organogenesis are at risk for structural anomalies in these two systems
CNS and CV
Chorionic villus sampling is used to detect
Chromosomal abnormalities
Three components of triple screen + extra of quad screen
AFP, hCG, unconjugated estriol
Inhibin A
Test for Down's in first trimester
PAPP A (pregnancy associated plasma protein A)
Risk of fetal loss with CVS
Most sensitive screen for Down's in second trimester (and its sensitivity)
Quad screen, 80-85%
Risks of gestational diabetes
Shoulder dystocia, metabolic disturbances, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios and fetal macrosomia
Risk of pre-existing, but not gestational, diabetes
Most common anomaly associated with valproic acid
Definition of postpartum hemorrhage
>500cc in a vaginal delivery or >1000cc in a C section
Most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage
Uterine atony
Significant blood loss during delivery --> inability to breast feed, amenorrhea, constipation, slurred speech
Sheehan Syndrome
Cause of Sheehan Syndrome
Anterior pituitary necrosis after significant blood loss
Hormones affected by Sheehan Syndrome
Gonadotropin, TSH, ACTH
Increased risk of endometritis
C section
With vaginal delivery: prolonged labor, prolonged ROM, multiple vaginal exams, internal fetal monitoring, manual removal of placenta, low SES
Most common cause of postpartum fever
Most common bacteria in postpartum endometritis
Polymicrobial, aerobes + anaerobes (often staph and strep)
Sign that can distinguish postpartum depression from postpartum blues
Ambivalence toward newborn/ family
Safest method of suppressing lactation
Breast binding, ice packs and analgesics
Cause of a normocytic anemia in pregnancy
Hemodilution: maternal blood volume increases more than RBC volume

(iron deficiency would cause microcytic)
Physiologic respiratory/ acid base changes during pregnancy
Increased minute ventilation --> compensated respiratory alkalosis
Why does minute ventilation change in pregnancy?
Because tidal volume increases (RR stays constant)
Why are pregnant women susceptible to pulmonary edema?
Decreased plasma osmolality
Tocolysis with alpha agonists (e.g. terbutaline) increases the risk of this respiratory finding
Pulmonary edema
Hydronephrosis is more common on which side during pregnancy?
Snowstorm pattern on ultrasound
Gestational trophoblastic disease
First step in the work-up of GTD
CXR (will need weekly quants and a CBC as well)
Substance that produces insulin resistance?
Chorionic somatomammotropin (previously called human placental lactogen)
Does insulin cross the placenta?
Normal PVR
PVR > 300cc indicates
Overflow incontinence (due to underactive detrusor muscle or obstruction)
Name for detrusor overactivity incontinence (e.g. when bladder is contracting too frequently)
Urge incontinence
Incontinence due to increased abdominal pressure in the absence of a detrusor contraction
Genuine stress incontinence
What is used for measurement of hypermobility in genuine stress incontinence?
Straining Q-tip angle (if >30 degrees from horizon)
Best surgical options (2) for pts with genuine stress incontinence w/ hypermobility
Retropubic urethropexies or slings
When are urethral bulking procedures effective for incontinence?
When there is little to no mobility of the urethra
Urethral bulking procedures are best for this type of incontinence
Intrinsic sphincteric deficiency
Best medical Rx for urge incontinence (detrusor overactivity)
Anticholinergics, e.g. oxybutynin
Kegel exercises are useful for this type of incontinence
Stress urinary incontinence
What does vaginal estrogen help with in terms of incontinence?
Urgency, but NOT urge incontinence
What is repaired in rectoceles?
Defects in the rectovaginal fascia
What is repaired in central and lateral cystoceles?
Defects in pubocervical fascia
Rx for uterine prolapse
Vaginal hysterectomy
Cause of stress incontinence
Increase in intra-abdominal pressure (coughing, sneezing) when the patient is in the upright position
What structural defects are associated w/ stress incontinence?
Cystocele or urethrocele
Continuous loss of urine
Vesicovaginal fistula
Cause of mixed incontinence
Increased intra-abdominal pressure causes the urethral-vesical junction to descend causing the detrusor muscle to contract
Small amt of continuous leaking
Overflow incontinence
What is colpocleisis and what is it used to treat?
Surgical obliteration/ closure of the vaginal canal; vaginal prolapse
Best least invasive option for prolapse
Management of pt with FHR in the 60s and head at the introitus?
IF patient cannot deliver vaginally with 1-2 pushes, go to assisted operative vaginal delivery
Significant amt of vaginal bleeding after placement of an IUPC
Presume uterine perforation–remove, monitor fetus; if reassuring, can reattempt
Advantages of the midline episiotomy over the mediolateral episiotomy
Less pain, less blood loss, ease of repair
How long does the fourth stage of labor last?
From delivery of the placenta until two hours afterward
Abnormalities that may indicate Down's
Flattened nasal bridge, small size, small rotated/ cup-shaped ears, andal gap toes, hypotonia, a protruding tongue, short broad hands, Simian creases, epicanthic folds, and oblique palpebral fissures
Most likely fetal complication after maternal treatment with mag
Respiratory distress
Mom with T1DM will most likely have a baby that is small/large and hypo/hyperglycemic?
Appearance of a septic infant
Pale, lethargic, high temp
Infants born to diabetic mothers are at increased risk of these 5 complications:
Hypoglycemia, polycythemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypocalcemia, respiratory distress
When to start treatment and testing in an infant born to an HIV+ mother
Treatment immediately
Testing starts at 24hrs
2 growth issues in diabetic mothers
Growth restriction
Other risks in diabetics
Caudal regression syndrome
CV defects
Preterm birth
Hypertensive complications
When should zidovudine be initiated in pregnancy?
14wks (oral, switch to IV at delivery)
Most common cause of sepsis in pregnancy
Drug for thyroid storm contraindicated in pregnancy
Radioactive iodine (concentrates in fetus --> hypothyroidism)
Rx for thyroid storm in pregnancy
Thioamitdes, propanolol, sodium iodide, dexamethasone
White classification for diabetes in pregnancy
Class A1: gestational, diet controlled
Class A2: gestational, insulin controlled
Class B: onset >20yo w/ duration <10yrs
Class C: onset <20yo or duration >10yrs
Class D: onset <10yo or duration >20yrs
Class E: calcified pelvic vessels
Class F: nephropathy
Class R: retinopathy
Class H: ischemic heart disease
Class T: prior kidney transplant
Rx for bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy
Immediate oral metronidazole to reduce risk of preterm delivery (no partner treatment needed)
Highest mortality rates in pregnancy (>25-50%)
Pulmonary hypertension, Marfan's syndrome, aortic coarctation w/ valve involvement