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153 Cards in this Set

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Time from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next
Length of time from the beginning of the contraction to the end
Begins with onset of first true labor contraction and ends with complete dilation of the cervix
Stages of Labor:
First Stage (three phases)
First true contraction to 3cm
Contractions mild, Q 5-20 min.
last 30-45 sec.
P8 M5 hrs.
Woman often happy, talkative, friendly
Stages of Labor:
First Stage
PHASE 1: Latent Phase
Contractions mod-strong, Q 2-5 min. last 45-60 sec.
P4 M2 hrs.
Woman often more quiet, serious, focused. Less able to tolerate distractions. Keep conversation to a minimum
Stages of Labor:
First Stage
PHASE 2: Active Phase
Contractions strong, Q 2-3 min. last 60- 90 sec.
P50 min. M10-15 min.
Woman often panicky, irritable, feels out of control. N/V, wretches, shakes, rectal pressure. Bloody show increases.
Stages of Labor:
First Stage
PHASE 3: Transition
Reason for numbness and tingling of lips, fingers, toes and lightheadedness/dizziness
Respiratory alkalosis due to hyperventilation during Transition (last phase of first stage of labor)
If this is seen, have woman breathe into cupped hands or a paper bag.
Numbness and tingling of lips, fingers, toes and lightheadedness/dizziness. (Respiratory alkalosis due to hyperventilation during Transition)
Begins with complete dilation of the cervix and ends with birth of baby.
Stages of Labor:
Second Stage
Contractions strong, Q 2-4min./60-90sec. Stage lasts 5 min - 2-3hrs.
Change in contractions from crescendo to decrescendo to overwhelming urge to push, Woman often panicky, N/V, Pain may be overcome by tremendous pressure sensation.
Stages of Labor:
Second Stage
The fetal occiput is directed towards the mother's left, anterior side.
LOA (Left Occiput Anterior )
(Most Common)
The fetal occiput is directed towards the mother's right, anterior side.
ROA (Right Occiput Anterior)
The fetal occiput is directed towards the mother's left, posterior side.
LOP (Left Occiput Posterior)
The fetal occiput is directed towards the mother's right, posterior side.
ROP (Right Occiput Posterior)
The fetal sacrum is closest to the mother's symphysis and rotated slightly to the mother's right
RSA (Right Sacrum Anterior)
The fetal occiput is directed towards the mother's right
ROT (Right Occiput Transverse)
The fetal occiput is directed towards the mother's left
LOT (Left Occiput Transverse)
Lower back pain is associated with the baby in this position
Interventions for lower back pain during delivery
Mother on hands and knees, partner massages lower back
In a cephalic presentation (head first), the FHB is heard loudest:
Below the umbilicus
In a sacral presentation (breech), the FHB is heard loudest:
Above the umbilicus
Relationship of presenting part to ischial spines
Head level with ischial spines
0 Station
Head 1cm above ischial spines
-1 Station
Head 2cm above ischial spines
-2 Station
Head 1cm below ischial spines
+1 Station

(*remember + is "positive" - good that baby is coming)
Head 2cm below ischial spines
+2 Station

(*remember + is "positive" - good that baby is coming)
Station when head is seen at the perineum (crowning)
+4 Station
First action when membranes rupture?
Check FHR, NO ambulation if head not at 0 Station (risk of cord prolapse
To check for ROM during initial assessment...
Use Nitrazine paper:

Normal vaginal secretions acid (<6.5) paper stays YELLOW

Amniotic fluid alkaline (>6.5) paper turns BLUE
Another check for ROM during initial assesment...
"Ferning" - When dry, vaginal fluid smeared on a glass slide creates a characteristic fern pattern
Degree of flexion fetus assumes
Good Attitude
Neck to chin = complete flexion (smallest A-P diameter)
When presenting part has settled far enough into pelvis to be at the level of the ischeal spines
Engagement (engagement means lightening has occurred)
If not engaged, fetus described as...
In primip, non-engagement of head at beginning of labor could be...
CPD (abnormal presentation)
Cephalopelvic disproportion (pelvis too small or head too big)
Relationship between long axis of fetus and woman
Presentation or Lie
(99% are vertical, 1% horizontal & usually need c/s)
This presentation/lie can be cephalic or breech
Vertex = head well flexed
(as opposed to brow, face chin presentation)
Types of breech presentation
Complete - thighs on abdomen, legs on thighs
Frank - thighs flexed, legs extended
Footling - one or both legs extended
FHR decreases at beginning of contraction
Early decelerations - Normal (r/t head compression)
FHR decreases 30-40 sec. after contraction starts and stays low beyond end of contraction
Late decelerations - Bad, due to uteroplacental insufficiency (not enough blood and O2), often Pitocin IV is to blame, (causes contractions)
Treatment for late decelerations
Turn on L side
Turn off Pitocin
Give O2
Increase IV rate
Call MD
Decreased FHR at unpredictable times during contractions
Variable decelerations
Due to cord compression
Treatment for variable decelerations
Turn on L side (or R if already on L)
Call MD
Are pain meds (ie. opioids/narcotics) OK to give mom when 8-9cm dilated (in transition)?
NO (Mom at risk of respiratory depression when in transition)
Third Stage of Labor
Placental stage
(cord lengthens, rush of blood, active bleeding r/t separation)
Stage 3 (Placental stage) Meds
oxytocin (pitocin) and Ergonovine (methergine) given AFTER delivery of placenta -increase uterine contractions and decrease bleeding
Check BP before giving this med
Ergonovine (methergine) (increases BP so don't give to a woman with increased BP - & never before uterus empty, can cause retained placenta fragment)
Irregular contractions
Felt in abdomen only
Go away with position change (walking)
No Effacement and Dilation of cervix
False signs of labor
Regular contractions
Felt in lower back & sweep to abdomen
Don't go away with position change
Cause Effacement and Dilation of cervix
True signs of Labor
Effacement (paper-thin cervix) and then dilation (0-10cm) happen with this type of mother
Effacement and dilation happen together with this type of mother
Can you get a spinal headache from an epidural?
NO (dura not entered)
When and why do you get a spinal headache and how long does it last?
1-3 days after spinal anesthesia (due to loss of CSF) can last for days or weeks (pain in head unless flat)
Pre-epidural, do what?
Start an IV at a rapid rate to keep BP up.
What is the common cause of a temperature in the first 24 hrs after delivery?
Comfort measures post-episiotomy
Ice for the first 24 hrs, then heat (sitz bath)
When assessing the fundus after delivery remember to...
Have mom empty bladder first
Full bladder = Higher fundus
*also prevents uterus from contracting well
Describe the mother's pulse postpartum
Often see bradycardia for the first 24- 48 hrs (as heart compensates for decreased vascular resistance in pelvis)
Describe the mother's urine output postpartum
Should void large amounts frequently (at least 150cc at a time, extra fluid elimination during first 12 pp hours)
Disadvantages of amniotomy (membrane rupture)
Increased risk of infection
Increased risk of cord prolapse
Removal of cushion (more pressure on head)
What do you do with a "boggy" postpartum fundus?
Massage it. It should be round and firm.
boggy = increased risk of bleeding
Word used to describe the decreasing size of the uterus after delivery
How often do you check uterine tone, position and height after delivery?
Same time frame as vital signs (Q1hr x 4, etc.)
Describe uterus for first 1-2 hrs after delivery
Fundus midway between symphysis and umbilicus
Describe uterus by 12 hrs after delivery
Fundus at umbilicus or 1 cm above
How much should fundal height decrease per day after delivery?
1 cm (1 finger width)
*ie. day 2 = 2 cm below umbilicus, etc. until, at 2 wks, no longer palpable above symphisis and by 6 wks - pre-pregnant size.
Postpartum breasts during first 2 days
Soft (colostrum)
Postpartum breasts on day 3
Engorgement (milk)
Postpartum pericare
Wash front to back w/ squirt bottle & warm water after each void or BM, change pad Q2-3 hrs
If the head can’t go through the birth canal its usually because the head is too big and not because its in the wrong position. True or False?
False (The opposite is true)
What maneuvers can be one after week 30 to determine fetal presentation and position?
Leopold’s Maneuvers
When auscultating, the FH is heard loudest where in cephalic presentations? Breech?
Below umbilicus, above umbilicus
What is the progesterone deprivation theory?
Progesterone decreases at term and causes labor to start
What is the fetal adrenal response theory?
Increase cortisone from mature adrenal glands causes labor.
What is the prostaglandin theory?
Increased amounts produced by uterine decidua and cause labor.
What are some preliminary signs of labor?
Lightening, weight loss, full of energy, braxton hicks contractions, ripening of cervix, ROM, show.
What is the difference between Braxton Hicks contraction and true contractions?
BH contractions are irregular, felt in abdomen only, go away with position change, and no E& D of cervix. True contractions are regular, felt in lower back and sweep to abdomen, don’t go away, and cause E&D of cervix.
If a women has ROM and the baby is not well engaged what does the MD check for?
Cord prolapse. O2 may be getting cut off.
What are the 3 things to make note of while having contractions?
Duration, intensity, frequency
How much time (minimum) needs to be in between contractions to allow uterine blood vessels to fill?
1 minute.
How do you determine the frequency of contractions?
Time from beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next.
The thinning of cervix from 2cm to paper thin
The opening of the cervix (0-10cm) due to contractions and pressure of presenting part.
What are the 3 phases of the 1st stage of labor?
Latent, Active and Transition phase
During the latent phase how far dilated does the women get and what is she like?
3cm usually happy
During the active phase how far dilated does the women get and what is she like?
4-7 cm she is more focused and less able to tolerate distractions
During the transition phase how far dilated does the women get and what is she like?
8-10cm she is panicky, feels out of control, wretches, shakes, irritable.
If a woman begins to hyperventilate during the transition phase what should she do?
Rebreathe into paper bag or cupped hands.
What is the order of cardinal movements of labor?
Engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, and expulsion.
If the woman’s has ROM what color should the fluid be?
Upon ROM, what would yellow fluid indicate? Green or brown?
Yellow- blood incompatibility, Green or Brown- Fetal distress passing of meconium. (Normal with breech due to squeezing)
While doing a vaginal exam what do you want to check for?
Lesions, cord, drainage, bleeding.
What is the most common infection seen in L&D?
During labor there is an increase in P&R also R/T dehydration/infection. True or false?
How often do you check temperature if there is no ROM and temperature is normal?
How often do you check temperature if there is ROM or temperature is not normal?
Electronic fetal monitoring during lab can be done 2 ways external or internal. What is the internal called and what is important to remember when removing it?
Fetal scalp electrode. Turn it counter clockwise to remove
The FHR changes from 140 to 120 but you don’t need to report this to the MD because its still within normal limits. True or False?
----- ---- ----------- is the single most reliable indicator of fetal well being.
Short term variability (2-3 beats)
FHR --------- at beginning of contraction but rate returns to normal by end of contraction. Due to ---- -----------.
Decreases, head compression
How often should the woman void when fully dilated?
What can you do to help with pain, foley insertion, etc.?
Put roll under right hip.
What are 2 examples of the types of positioning a woman can do for comfort while in labor?
Hands and knees for posterior baby helps to rock and tilt pelvis, and squatting increases pelvic diameter 11/2-2cm and helps bearing down effects.
What is something that is useful for comfort of the perineum stretching during the 2nd stage?
Hot compresses
What is the pushing called that is only 6-7 seconds long at a time along with slight exhalation?
Open glottis pushing
What are ways to avoid an episiotomy?
gentle pushing, hot packs, no pushing after crowning, iron out perineum, oil to head, deliver side- lying or semi sitting.
Which is worse a first degree or 4th degree laceration?
1st degree is a laceration into what? 4th degree?
skin or vaginal mucosa, lumen of rectum
Immediately after delivery what do you want to do?
Suction mouth AND THEN nose.
What do you do if you see meconium-stained amniotic fluid?
Intubate, deep suction before first breath
A woman often has shaking chills after labor what should you give her?
Warm blanket
If placenta won’t separate what should you have the baby do?
If uterus is not well contacted what are 3 things you can do?
nipple stimulation, fundal massage, or pitocin IV
How should you lay that baby to allow mucus to drain from mouth?
Lay baby on side with head 30 degrees down
If you suction a baby vigorously what can that cause?
To prevent heat loss what do you want to increase?
use of O2 and glucose
While doing apgar scoring a baby with a score of 0-3 is in good condition True or False?
False (0-3 indicates serious danger)
Where do you put the prophylactic eye meds?
In the lower conjunctival sac. (delay for first hour to allow mother-child bonding)
When giving vitamin K to the newborn where should it be given?
In the vastus lateralis
*given to promote synthesis of clotting factor
What are 8 parts of the nursing care for mom after a vaginal devliery?
Check temperature once then Q15 minutes x4, BP P R, check fundal tone, height and position, assess lochia and perineum, promote elimination, assess pain and promote comfort, monitor IV and assess effects of anesthesia.
What should the newborns P R and temperature be?
110-160, 30-60, 98-98.6
This is an anesthesia injected local into cervix at 4 & 8 o’clock. Relieves ------- pain, but not vaginal or perineal sensation (can push).
Paracervical Block, uterine
This is an anesthesia injected into nerve at level of ischial spines. Relieves ------- and -------- pain. (can push)
Pudendal Block, vaginal and perineal
What can an epidural cause? What do you want to do for this?
Maternal hypotension. Give lots of IV fluids before and during, check BP frequently, nausea is first sign.
What is a disadvantage to general anesthesia?
Newborn depression especially respiratory depression.
*it's the quickest though.
During postpartum Hgb Hct and RBC are the same as prelabor True of False?
What is the normal WBC count?
15,000- 30,000
Blood clotting factors decrease during postpartum True or False?
False (they increase)
How often should vitals be done?
Q1h x 4 then Q4H for 24H then Q8H
A temp. of -----or greater on two or more occasions would suggest some type of infection.
P&R often see ----------- for the 1st 24-48H.
Increased P&R could mean…?
Hemorrhage, infection, or dehydration.
How often should breasts be assessed?
Milk production is under the influence of --------- .Let down reflex caused by --------
Prolactin, Oxytocin.
How should a women care for engorgement if BF?
Nurse frequently, supportive bra, warm soaks or shower on breasts.
How should a women care for engorgement if not BF?
Decrease fluid intake to1000cc/day, supportive bra, no breast or nipple stimulation, ice packs
Pain caused by uterine contractions after birth. Common in multips
Uterus may not stay well contracted anytime it has been -------------
How much should a women void each time?
What is the lochia called the 1st 3 days pp? 4-9days pp? 10-?days?
Lochia rubra (red)
Lochia serosa (pink to brown) Lochia alba (yellow to white)
>---ml of blood loss in first 24 hours is considered hemorrhage
What is a major cause of post delivery hemorrage?
Uterine atony
When doing perineum care you should apply heat for the 1st 24 hours and then ice after that. True or False?
False ( the opposite is true)
Can a woman who had a C/S eat afterwards?
No they are NPO until they have bowel sounds
What are the 3 maternal phases ?
Taking-in, taking-hold, and letting-go
What one of the 3 maternal phases requires the most teaching?
Taking hold
Do sutures need to be removed if the women has an episiotomy etc.?
No they dissolve
Can BF be used as a form of birth control?
Immediately after ROM...
Check FHR
OK to ambulate during labor EXCEPT...
If head is not engaged (0 station or below) & ROM
Good APGAR score
Abdominal pain between contractions could mean...
Full bladder or uterus not relaxing