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176 Cards in this Set

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A maternal factor of preterm labor is...

* especially UTI - pyleonephritis
A fetal factor of preterm labor is...
Overstretched uterus
A psychosocial/economic factor of preterm labor is...
Excessive physical or emotional stress
OB history factors of preterm labor are...
Previous preterm labor or delivery
Previous abortion
< 1 year since last delivery
Medicinal management of preterm labor
Tocolytic medications:
Ritodrine (Yutopar)
Terbutaline (Brethine)

These cause uterine muscle relaxation & vasodilation (hypotension and compensatory increased HR)

*Used to stop preterm labor and delay delivery for at least 48 hours for glucocorticiod administration to help fetal lung maturation
Nursing care for preterm labor
*Fluid restriction to 2400cc/day
*Check VS, lung sounds and contractions Q15min. (PULSE SHOULD NOT GO ABOVE 140)
*Continuous FH monitoring (DON'T LET GO ABOVE 180)
Drugs can cause fetal tachycardia, hypoxia and acidosis so have the antidote INDERAL ready (blocking agent
Non-tocolytic medicinal management of preterm labor:
*Nifedipine (Procardia) : Calcium channel blocker, relaxes smooth muscle
*Indomethacin : Prostaglandin inhibitor, relaxes smooth muscle
*Magnesium Sulfate : Can supress uterine contractions
*Glucocorticoids : Dexamethasone (Decadron) or
Betamethasone accelerate lung maturation so decrease severity of RDS
Home management of preterm labor:
*Left side bedrest (BRP)
*Drink 2-3 quarts/day (NO caffine)
*No sex or nipple stimulation
*Oral tocolytic meds (Ritodrine) Take pulse first and report: P>120, palpitations, tremors, nervousness
*Report: Cx Q10min. or closer for 1 hr., cramps, low backache or pelvic pressure for one hr., increase or change in vaginal discharge
Reasons for not stopping preterm labor:
*Dilated to 4cm or more
*Severe PIH
*Prolonged ROM
If preterm labor cannot be stopped...
Limit analgesics and continue EFM
Risks of premature ROM:
*Increased chance of infection (chorioamnionitis)
*Increased risk of cord prolapse
Management of premature ROM:
*Monitor amount and smell of amniotic fluid
*Bedrest with BRP
*Temp QID
*No sex, douching or tampons
*WBC every other day

Call MD FOR:
Fever, uterine pain or contractions, foul vaginal D/C or increased leakage of fluid
Uterine inertia means:
Sluggishness of contractions
Causes of uterine inertia:
*Abnormal fetal position
*CPD (cephalo-pelvic disproportion)
*Inadequate uterine cx
*Overdistention of uterus
*Analgesics given too early or too much
*Regional given too early
*Unripe cervix
Interventions for uterine inertia:
*Promote rest
*Stimulate labor: encourage ambulation; hydration; squatting; nipple stimulation; prostaglandins; pitocin
Problems with inadequate uterine relaxation:
Placental perfusion is decreased during cx - tolerable by a healthy fetus as long as the uterus relaxes AT LEAST 1 MIN. between cx and if CX NOT >90SEC.
Pathological retraction ring:
Bandl's Ring

*can be relieved by IV morphine
Precipitous Delivery:
L&D <3hrs.

*if uterus contracts with unusual vigor before delivery, likely to be HYPOTONIC after delivery (Prone to HEMMORAGE - give PITOCIN)
This occurrs when amniotic fluid is forced into an open maternal uterine blood vessel...
Amniotic fluid embolism
Inversion of uterus can happen when...
Delivery of baby pulls on placenta or if attampts are mede to deliver the placenta before the uterus is contracted (by pushing on uterus and pulling on cord)
If a woman has "borderline" pelvis...
MD may allow a trial labor - proceeds as long as:
dilation, descent, FH and cx are good
A CHANGE in Ph can...
Tell a problem before ABNORMAL Ph occurs
After ROM...
Check FH immediately to R/O cord prolapse
Rx for cord prolapse:
*Relieve pressure on cord (Knee-chest or Trendelenberg)
*O2 at 8-12 L/min. via mask
*Apply sterile saline compresses to exposed cord to prevent drying and atrophy
*Dont push cord back in (may kink)
Postpartum risk of multiple gestation:
More prone to hemorrage R/T excessive uterine distention and uterine atony
If in this position, the infant has to rotate further, labor longer, causes back pain...
Occiput posterior position

*Sacral pressure, hands/knees position help relieve back pain

*Long labor = more prone to uterine atony (then more prone to pp hemorrage and infection
To change position of breech presentation:
Use tilt board or version

*After version, fetus can turn back to breech
With face presentation:
Baby often has facial edema and bruising, lip edema may prevent sucking
Causative factors of PIH:
*Poor protein intake/water soluble vitamin deficiency (seen more often in low socioeconomic class)
*Family tendency or obesity
*Vascular disease
*Primigravida (esp. <17 or >35) first time exposure to chorionic villi
*Exposure to many chorionic villi (i.e. twins)
Basic symptoms of PIH:
*Edema increases as more protein is lost (colloidial osmotic pressure lost) - Increased edema causes rapid weight gain
*BP 140/90 on 2 occasions at least 6 hrs. apart
*Proteinuria 1 or 2+
*Upper body edema
*Reflex 3+
*Transient H/A
Mild Pre-Eclampsia
*BP S 160 or above or D 110 or above (2x 6 hrs. apart)
*Proteinuria 3 or 4+
*Extensive edema + rapid weight gain (abdominal edema causes n/v, pain)
*Pulmonary edema (rales and dyspnea - can lead to CHF)
*Cerebral edema (severe H/A, CNS irritability, blurred vision, spots)
*Oliguria (400-600ml/day)
*Increased Hct as fluid leaves vessels
*DIC (coagulation failure)
*IUGR (growth restriction)
Severe Pre-Eclampsia

*Severe H/A or epigastric pain when convulsions imminent
Cerebral edema so severe, convulsions occur
Interventions for mild pre-eclampsia:
*High protein diet
*Mild salt restriction
*Emotional support
Immediate bedrest on L side w/ seizure precautions; pad rails; quiet/dimly lit room (noise/light can trigger convulsions; calm approach; only supportive visitors
Interventions for severe pre-eclampsia
Foley assessment for severe pre-eclampsia:
Q1H : check amt., protein and specific gravity
Assessment for severe pre-eclampsia:
Check for all s/s: edema, LOC, H/A, visual disturbances, epigastric pain, n/v, lung sounds (pulmonary edema)
Rules for magnesium sulfate administration in severe pre-eclampsia:

*Keep blood levels at 4-8 mEq/L
*Earliest sign of Mag overload: decreasing knee jerk
*Do NOT give unless:
deep tendon reflexes present
output at least100cc/4hrs.
Signs of magnesium sulfate overdose in severe pre-eclampsia:
*Depressed respirations
*Absent DTR (reflex)
*Decreased output
*Flushing, nausea, slurred speech
Antidote for magnesium sulfate:
Calcium gluconate
Effects of magnesium sulfate on newborn:
Depression (esp. respiratory depression)
HELLP syndrome assessment for severe pre-eclampsia:
H = Hemolysis RBC
EL = Elevated Liver enzymes
LP = Low Platelets

*So check CBC, platelets, liver enzymes (SGPT, SGOT)
What to do during the tonic phase of eclampsia
*Turn on left side to drain secretoions (& best for placental perfusion)
*NO tongue blade
*O2 via mask
What to do during the clonic phase of eclampsia
Give magnesium sulfate
For a PT in the postictal state with eclampsia (coma)
*Watch closely, labor could begin and woman couldn't tell you
*Painful cx could cause another seizure
*Monitor continuously for cx, FHR and vaginal bleeding
(convulsion could cause abruptio placenta)

**Remember: hearing is the last sense lost and the first regained
Postpartum pre-eclampsia and eclampsia can occur...
Up to two weeks pp (usually two days)

Include assessments for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in pp assessments
For postpartum pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, check BP:
At least Q4H

**No ergot products (R/T increased BP)
For postpartum pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, give:
Magnesium sulfate up to 48 hrs. pp

**Uterus may be boggy with increased lochia (R/T mag sulfate)
Most spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) occur due to ...
Fetal or placental defects
A threatened miscarriage is characterized by...
*Small amount of bleeding/cramps
*Cervix closed
An inevitable miscarriage is characterized by...
*Moderate amount of bleeding/cramps
*Cervix open
An incomplete miscarriage is characterized by...
*Heavy amount of bleeding/cramps
*Part of products of conception passed
A complete miscarriage is characterized by...
*Entire products of concepltion passed, then bleeding stops
Complications of spontaneous abortions include:
*Hemmorrage (esp. w/ incomplete AB - do D&C so uterus can contract)

*Infection (often endomitritis s/s are fever, pain, foul D/C)
Often seen with hemorrage due to debilitating effects of blood loss)
In 95% of ectopic pregnancies (implantation outside the uterus), implantation occurs where?
In the tubes

**Any obstruction (scar tissue from infection or surgery) prevents the fertilized egg from moving down tube
Assessment for ectopic pregnancy
*Has missed 1 or 2 periods
*Gets n/v
*At 6-12 weeks - tube rupture (closer to uterus = more bleeding) expelled into pelvic cavity
*Sharp, stabbing unilateral pain in lower abdomen
*Dark vaginal spotting (not bleeding)
Diagnosis and treatment for ectopic pregnancy
*Detected by u/s
*If possible, remove before rupture

*If PT has had one ectopic pregnancy - more likely to have another than other women
Rx for uterine rupture:
Immediate c/s with general anesthetic
Symptoms of hydatiform mole
*Uterus larger than it should be for gestational age
*Excessive n/v
*No FH
*Blood or urine test strongly positive (even after day 100 - *also seen w/ mult. pregnancy)
*PIH symptoms before 24 weeks
*Brownish-red vaginal D/C at 12 -16 wks. (then D/C of fluid filled vesicles)
Rx for hydatiform mole
*Do repeat D&C and biopsy for choriocarcinoma (a mole can convert to this uterine Ca)

*Check blood or urine for HCG every month for a year to see if new villi developing (negative for a year = free of complications of mole)

*NO pregnancy for one year
When are purse string sutures put in for incompetent cervix?
14-18 weeks
After cervical purse string sutured put in place...
*Monitor for cx & FHR
*Make sure patient knows s/s of labor
*Notify MD if contractions or bleeding begins
Total placenta previa
Implantation totally blocks os
Low placenta previa
Implantation in lower rather than upper uterus
Symptom of placenta previa
Abrupt, painless bleeding
NSG care for placenta previa
*O2 for distress
*Monitor bleeding
How is placenta previa diagnosed?
Risks of placenta previa
More prone to infection and hemorrage
Predisposing factor for placenta abruptio
Hypertensive disease
Symptoms of placenta abruptio
*Heavy bleeding
*Hard abdomen
*Sharp stabbing pain high in fundus on initial seperation
*Shock symptoms
*Late decels on monitor R/T placental insufficiency
*If bleeding extensive, fibrinogen is used up trying to clot blood = *DIC

*Suspect if bruising, petechiae or venipuncture sites bleeding 15 min. later
NSG care for placenta abruptio
Same as placenta previa (O2 & monitor bleeding) + check fibrinogen levels QH till delivery
NSG care for hemorrage
Amount of bleeding (most important)
Save pads & weigh
Save and report clots or tissue passed

Amt. and location of pain/cramps
Check VS & s/s of shock
Monitor FHR & fundal height
O2 prn
RhoGAM if needed
Meds often used for hemmorage
oxytocin, antibiotics, analgesics

*Check for infection pp R/T debilitating effects of blood loss
TORCH infections stands for:
T - Toxoplasmosis
O - Other (Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, AIDS, hep B or C)
R - Rubella
C - Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
H - Herpes simplex II
Toxoplasmosis is transmitted by..
Eating poorly cooked meats or spread hand-to-mouth via kitty litter/animal feces
Prmary symptoms of syphilis
Asymptomatic for three wks. post-infection, then blister (chancre) to painless ulcer, oozing fluid highly contagious
Secondary symptoms of syphilis
Occur 3-6 wks post-infection (maybe 5 mos.) RASH (esp. genital area - also palms and soles) Highly infectious lesions
Latent stage of syphilis
No symptoms
Tertiary symptoms of syphilis
Begin years after initial infection. Lesions (gummas) may grow anywhere and cause destruction (aorta, heart valves)
If mom infected with syphilis early in pregnancy (before 18 wks.)...
Disease won't cross placental barrier - if treated, fetus not affected
When is the blood test for syphilis (VDRL) done?
First prenatal visit and third trimester
Effects of congenital syphilis
*Enlarged liver and spleen
*Rhagades (scars around mouth)
*Corneal opacity (can leaf to blindness)
Symptoms of gonorrhea
Maybe none

Early - Lower UTI symptoms: dysuria, frequency,purulent green-yellow D/C

Late - Symptoms of upper UTI: abd. pain, n/v, fever, PID
Treatment for gonorrhea
Mom and partner get penecillin (if allergic erythromycin)
If gonorrhea present at time of delivery:
Mom - risk for infection (endometritis, PID)

Baby - Conjunctivitis & pneumonia
Symptoms of chlamydia
Often none

Vaginal or urethral (male) D/C, pain, and burning on urination
Rx for chlamydia
Erythromycin or tetracycline
Chlamydia during pregnancy can cause
Fetal death or preterm labor

(Also, like gonorrhea, if mom infected at time of delivery - conjunctivitis or pneumonia for baby)
If the mother takes this, it will reduce the cance by 2/3 that the baby will be infected with AIDS
Zidovudine (ZDV, AZT) from the fourth month of pregnancy on

** May cause anemia in newborn
How can infection with AIDS affect early fetal development?
*Prominent, box-like forehead
*Increased distance between inner canthus of eyes
*Flat nasal bridge
All newborns have antibodies to HIV from HIV+ mom, true or false?

*If uninfected, will revert to negative after passive antibodies gone (by age 1 1/2 yrs.)
NSG care for HIV+ newborn
*Bathe early to remove maternal blood
*No skin punctures till bathed
*No internal monitor
*No breast feeding
Signs of HIV in a newborn are usually seen at...
6 mos. old
Hepatitis B or C
Breast feeding not allowed
If mom has rubella during first trimester...
Fetus may have malformation of heart, eyes (cataract, glaucoma) and ears (deafness)
If mom has rubella after first trimester...
Fetus has rash, systemic infection, IUGR
Rubella-induced thrombocytopenia can cause

(Post first trimester infection)
Blueberry muffin morula R/T decreased platelets

(Infants may have CP or MR)
Percentage chance of congenital anomalies if mother gets rubella during the first month...
If mother not immune - OK to give rubella vaccine during pregnancy?
No. Give after pregnancy (no pregnancy for 2-3 mos. after given)
Symptoms of cytomegalovirus
Usually asymptomatic or mild symptoms

(Problems arise in the immunosuppressed - NB, elderly, chemo)
Cytomegalovirus is one of the leading causes of...
Hearing impairments in children
Herpes simplex II is spread by...
Breaks in skin (usually sex) during shedding

(Can be spread hand-genital-face, etc)
Symptoms of Herpes simplex II
Painful, clustered, pinpoint vesicles which drain and ulcerate
If mother with Herpes simplex II is shedding at time of labor...
Do C/S within 3 hrs. of ROM
If pregnant mother has history of Herpes simplex II...
Cervical culture done Q2 weeks from 32-36 and then weekly - viral shedding possible without symptoms

**Unless negative - deliver C/S
Herpes simplex II treatment for mom:
Acyclovir (Zovirax)
Herpes simplex II cervical lesions can lead to...
Hiatal hernia during pregnancy...
Often gets worse as uterus pushes stomach against diaphram
Mothers with peptic ulcers...
Have fewer symptoms during pregnancy
Severe intractable vomiting during pregnancy is called
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Hyperemesis gravidarum is seen in...
Psychologically stable women who frequently respond to stress with GI problems
Assessment for hyperemesis gravidarum
*Daily weight
*Skin turgor
*Mucous membrane
*Fundal height
*Emotional status
Rx for hyperemesis gravidarum
*IV fluids & electrolytes
*Dry diet of 6 small feedings with clear liquids an hour after
90% of anemias during pregnancy are...
Iron deficiency anemia
True anemia is an Hct of...
30 or below
In iron deficiency anemia we see...
Small (microcytic) and hypochromic RBCs
Rx for iron deficiency anemia
PO iron supplements
Folic acid deficiency is associated with...
Neural tube defects

**Prenatal vitamins contain folic acid or can just give folate
Sickle cell hemoglobinopathy is...
A recessive, hereditary hemolytic anemia
Pregnancy complications of thalassemia:
Low birth weight infants
Epileptic seizures during pregnancy...
May be more frequent or severe

(Decreased blood levels of antiepileptic meds caused by physiological changes of pregnancy)
If a woman has n/v - she still needs to take seizure meds True or False
Postpartum, antiepileptic medication blood levels will...
Increase drastically if not adjusted
A mother with myasthenia gravis will...
Usually tolerate labor well (already have some degree of muscle relaxation)

**Relapses often occur pp
During pregnancy, symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may...
Improve due to circulating levels of corticosteroids

**Symptoms return after delivery
For a mother with systemic lupus erythematosus...
If disorder active, or she develops vascular or renal complications (nephritis) - pregnancy usually makes it WORSE

**Give predinisone throughout pregnancy
If an asthma attack occurs...
Use Demerol if needed (relieves bronchospasm)
Chance of developing ARDS increases as...
Trauma of pregnancy and delivery increases
Vein distention + obstruction of venous blood returning from lower extremeties (large uterus) + increased coagulation factors =
Prone to clots
Can lead to pulmonary embolism
If occurs - give O2
Rx for tuberculosis
INH & Rifampin for 9 months

**Give Vitamin B6 with INH to prevent fetal neurotoxicity
UTIs can cause:
Pyleonephritis and/or preterm labor

**Women with previous UTIs are most prone
Rx for UTI during pregnancy
Antibiotic for 2-3 wks.
*Sulfa drugs interfere with protein binding of billirubin = hyperbillirubinemia in baby

Knee-chest for 15 min BID
*frees ureters from weight of uterus & allows drainage (also preventative!)
Symptoms of cardiac decompression
*Increased fatigue with usual exertion
*Increased pulse
*Generalized preogressive edema
Class I Heart Disease
No limitation of physical activity
Class II Heart Disease
Slight limitation of physical activity

**Often admitted near term for evaluation
General care for all classes of heart disease during pregnancy
*Increase rest on L side to decrease burden on heart
*Gain enough weight for a healthy pregnancy - but not so much that supplying addtl. cells w/ nutrients overburdens heart
*Prevent, report and treat infections immediately
For a mother with heart disease in labor...
*Semi-fowlers on side (facilitates breathing and relieves pressure on inferior vena cava = increased blood return to heart)
*Prophylactic penecillin during labor and through early pp (to prevent bacterial endocardiditis)
For a mother with heart disease during vaginal delivery...
*Lessen need to push (strains heart) with an epidural or pudendal block to shorten second stage
*No ergot products (Methargine) after delivery (increases BP)
Postpartum care for a mother with heart disease
*Heart must make a rapid adjustment post-delivery of placenta (Blood volume increases 20-40% in 5min)
*Routine pp check + VS, I&O, daily weight, initially bedrest & BRP
*Progressive ambulation (check pulse and color before and after walking)
*Regulate IV rate carefully
*No straining with BM
Infection of genital tract in 28 days pp:
Puerperal infection
Predisposing factors for a Puerperal infection
*Prolonged ROM
*Retained placental fragments
*PP hemorrhage
General symptoms of puerperal infection:
*Temp of 100.4 or above for 2 or more days (not incl. first 24hrs. pp)
*Elevated WBC
General symptoms of puerperal infection PLUS perineal pain, pressure, feels hot, inflammation or drainage of suture line:
Perineal infection
S&S of endometritis:
*Often seen 3-4 days pp
*General symptoms of puerperal infection PLUS:

*Abdominal tenderness
*Uterus painful and not well contracted
*Lochia dark brown and foul smelling (maybe increased amt.)
Rx for puerperal infections:
*Handwashing to decrease spread
*Change pad often
*Culture and use of appropriate antibiotic
*Increase fluids
*Semi-Fowler's promotes lochia drainage (esp. endometritis)
Mastitis can occur...
When infant a week or months old (often 2-4 weeks pp)
Symptoms of mastitis:
*Flu-like symptoms
*Breast hot, red, hard
*Joint pain
*Scant breast milk
*Bloody, foul D/C from nipples
*Enlarged axillary lymph nodes
Rx for mastitis:
Broad spectrum antibiotics

*Preventable by proper BF, prompt Rx of cracked nipples, good handwashing
Symptoms of superficial vein thrombophlebitis:
*Palpation of a hardened vein

**No need for anticoagulants unless condition persists
Symptoms of deeper vein thrombophlebitis:
Redness + warmth (or pale + cool) limb
Pos. Homan's sign

**Some have no symptoms
Rx for thrombophlebitis:
*Reduce inflammation
*Prevent embolism (bedrest, elevate leg, no valsalva maneuver)
*Elastic stockings
*Relieve pain
(Heparin antidote - Protamine sulfate)
(Coumadin antidote - Vit. K)

*Coumadin takes up to 3 wks to become effective, start before stopping heparin, goes through breastmilk
Most frequent cause of pp hemorrhage:
Uterine atony
Predisposing condition of uterine atony:
Over-distention of uterus
Symptoms of uterine atony:
Boggy uterus and increased bleeding
Rx for uterine atony:
Bladder full & uterus boggy?
*Void first then:
*Massage uterus
*Nipple stimulation
*Void often
*IV Oxytocin (Pitocin) (uterotonic agent - quick onset, may be given immediately after delivery for at-risk PT)
*Methergine (uterotonic agent - slower onset, longer action)
Anytime uterus is contracted but there is increased bleeding, suspect:
Perineal lacerations are classified...
1st degree - 4th degree

Ice first 24 hrs - then heat (sitz)
If a vaginal hematoma occurs later...
Mom complains of pressure or pain in vagina or perineum
With a perineal hematoma mom complains of...
Severe pain, pressure or fullness of perineum
If retained fragment of placenta large...
Bleeding seen immediately pp
If retained fragment of placenta small...
Bleeding may not be seen until a week or more pp (instruct mom to call MD if any change back to rubra)
A deficiency in clotting (low fibrinogen)
Often occurs with abruptio placenta
Suspect when puncture sites, uterus, etc. continue to bleed
DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation)
PP anterior pituitary necrosis

**Occurs after hemorrhage
Sheehan's syndrome
NSG care after hemorrhage:
*Woman exhausted for weeks
*Usually put on iron
*Check for s/s of infection & decrease exposure to
*Can still BF
*Let others help
Cervix favorable for induction (pitocin administration) if...
* > 50% E
*At least 3cm D
*Fetal head at -1 - +1 station or lower
Contractions should be...
< 90 sec. with at least 1 min. rest in between
If cx are > 90 sec. or < 1 min. in between...
*Turn on L side
*Turn off pitocin
*O2 at 8-12 L via mask

*Call MD if position change doesn't work
Pitocin has this effect on diuresis

So you get decreased urine output - can cause water intoxication
Pitocin can predispose baby to...
After induction started, baby may not be born for...
2-3 days
Forceps can cause...
Facial paralysis
With vacuum extraction...
Infant often has marked area of pressure under cap
Most common reason for c/s:
CPD (cephalopelvic disproportion)
Reasons besides CPD for c/s:
*Unsuccessful induction
*Placenta previa or abruptio
*Cord prolapse
*Fetal distress

*C/s done to ensure safety of fetus
Baby may have difficulty breathing post-c/s because...
Chest not compressed during delivery
Pros of the newer, bikini incision:
*Decreased infections and blood loss
*Less likely to rupture during future labors (lower uterus more passive)
Don't need c/s next time (VBAC)