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41 Cards in this Set

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Cyanosis of the extremities, blue hands and feet within 6-10 hours, pink body
Caput succedaneum
swelling or edema occouring in or under the fetal scalp during labor. Usu localized from pressure on cervix. usu resolves after birth.
Cavernous Hemangioma (strawberry nevus)
a raised, clearly delineated, dark red, rough surfaced birthmark commonly foound on the head region
sub q swelling containing blood vessels found on the head of an infant 1-2 days after birth, usu disappears witin a few weeks to two months.
Ductus arteriosus
a comm channel between the main pulmonary artery and the aorta of the fetus, it normally becomes a a ligament after birth, but sometimes remains patent.
Ductus venosis
a fetal blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood between the umbilical vein and the inferior vc, by passing the liver. It becomes a ligament after birth.
Epstein pearls
small white specs found along the gum margins and at the junction of the hard and soft palates; commonly seen in the newborn as a common manifestation. Contain keratin, hard to the touch.
Erythema neonatorum toxicum
innocuous pink poplar rash of unknown cause with superimposed vessicles; it appears within 24-48 hours after birth and resolves spontaneously within a few days. No TX ness. Flea bite, diaper area and trunk.
in the fetus, an unossified space, or soft spot, consisting of a strong band of connective tissue lying between the cranial bones of the skull. Anterior=diamond
Foramen ovale
special opening between the atria of the fetal heart. Normally the opening heals/closes shortly after birth; if it remains open, it can be repaired surg.
a benign tumor consisting of a mass ob bv's, capillary hemangioma, strawberry mark.
yellow pigmentation of the body tissues caused by presence of bile pigments
abn stucture or function of brain tissue caused by the deposition of unconjugated bilirubin in brain cells, may result in impaired brain function or death.
fine, downy hair found on all body parts of a fetus, except palms of hands, soles of the feet; after 20 weeks gestation.
dark green or black material present in the large intestine of a full term infant, the first stools passsed by a newborn.(thick, tarry, black.
tiny white papules appearing on the face of the neonate as a result of unopened sebaceous glands, they usus disappear spont within a few weeks. Not tx ness, usus appear across nose.
shaping of the fetal head by overlapping of the cranial bones to facilitate movmnt throught the birth canal during labor. Usu diminishes in a few days.
Mongolian spots
macular areas of blue/black on the dorsal area and buttocks; usu disappears by the time the child reaches school age (DOCUMENT)
Infant from birth through first 28 days days of age.
Neonatal period
the interval from birth throught the first 28 daysof age, Represents the time of greatest risk to the infant.
Nevus flammeus (port wine stain)
large port wine stain of dense capillaries
Occipital frontal circumference
head circ, 32-37 cm, 12.5-14.5 in, aprox 2 cm larger than the chest circ.
Ortolani's maneuver
a manual procedure performed to rule out the poss of devel dysplastic hip (hip dislocation.
Physiologic jaundice
a harmless condition caused by the normal reduction of RBC's, occouring 48 or more hours after birth , peaking at the 5th to 7th day, and disappearing between the 7th and 10th day.
A common metabolic disorder caused by an inborn error in the metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine.
blood tinged mucus from the vagina in the newborn female infant; caused by withdrawal of maternal hormones tht were present during preg.
wrinkles and ridges in the scrotum
Sole creases
indicaor of gestational age in the first 12 hours of life. Development of the sole creases begings at the top (anterior)portion of the sole, and as gestation inc, proceeds to the heel.
an abnormal ocular condition in which the axies of the eyes are not directed at the same point. Cross eyed.
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
hemorrhage on the sclera of a newborns eye, usu caused by changes in vascular tension during birth.
Telangiectatic nevi (stork bite)
small clusters of pink-red spots appearing on the nape of the neck and around the eyes of infants; localized areas of capillary dialation.
fungal inf of the oral mucous membranes caused by candidia albicans. Most often seen in infants, characterized by white plaques in the mouth.
Transitional stool
thin, brown to green stools consisting of part meconium and part fecal material that are passed for the first day or two. (after meconium)
Umbilical stump
umbilical cord that remains attached to the baby that consists of two unbilical arteries and one vein that sloughs off within two to 7 days.
Vernix caseosa
a protective, cheeselike, whitish substance made up of sebum and desquamted epithelial cells that is present on the fetal skin.
Lochia Rubra
red and present for the first 2-3 days
Lochia serosa
pinkish red, present form the 3rd to the 10th day
Lochia alba
creamy white and present from the 11th day to the 21st day.
redness, edema, ecchymoses, discharge, approximation.
Breast, umbilicus, bladder, bowel, lochia, episiotomy, embolus
What assessments are done to the postpartum mother
VS, BUBBLEE, Bowel sounds, heart sounds, lung sounds.