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43 Cards in this Set

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postpartum period and changes
-Birth to approximately 6 weeks after delivery
-body returning to pregnancy state
-physiologic changes
-emotional changes
Breast changes
-decrease in estrogen
-decrease in progesterone
-colostrum(thin yellowish fluid)-packed with anitbodies
breast continued
Oxytocin released by nipples stimulation..causes prolactin to be released
-prolactin caused milk production
- milk can take 2-3 days to come in.
breats continue
estrogen and progesterone increased during pregnancy
-dont want baby to lose more then 10% of their weight
-Want baby to feed from breast every 2-3 hours
- baby maintains glucose to milk comes in, milk comes in quicker with 2nd 3rd and 4th babies.
assess breasts for
-signs of engorgement/red/hot/painful/edematous/mastitis(infection actually gets into tissue/nipple condition (blistering-make sure baby is latching on properly)?
What do we do if mother is not breastfeeding?
-encourage tight fit bra-dont stimulate nipples-cabbage leaves-ice packs- dont heat
-may take 5to7 daysfor milk to stop
Ibuprofen and vicodin safe for breast feeding
-begines right after the delivery of the placenta( comes down to pelvic area begins when placenta is out
-exfoliation- sloughing off of dead tissue at the site of the placenta
- leaves the site smooth and without scar tissue for further implantations
immediately begins to descend down
-is midline
-by 1 hour after delivery is at umbilicus
-descends by approximately 1cm per day
-becomes completely non palpable by 10 days post-partum
-make sure mom has voided before assessing the fundus(mom has voided lay her flat as tolerated to assess)
after pains
-intermittent contractions
-caused by release of oxytocin
-usually last 2 days
-more painful for multiparas
after pains part 2
-uterus contracts back to somewhat size mom who is breastfeeding experiences contractions do to oxytocin made through nipple stimulation
-natural way to get uterus back is breastfeeding
-more painful in multi-paras do to the uterus being stretched out more then once
What could impede involution?
macrosomic baby- five pregnancys and the last one ten pounds
-retained placenta and blood clots
-alot of pregnancies
post-partum hemorrhage
firm fundus but constant drip(was there a vaginal rip)
- should void 6-8 hours after delivery
-should have a minimum of 150ml void
-Less than that can be related to urinary retention related to decreased bladder tone( maybe bladder got beat up)
-assess for signs of UTI
-drinks lots of fluids-2000ml/day
drink throughout the day,stock with water avoid caffeine pop they dehydrate
What are the signs of a UTI?
painful urination
-important especially after c-section
-assess bowel sounds
-needs to be passing flatus
-may not stool for 2-3 days after delivery
-may need stool softeners
(not required to stool before leaving the hospital;)
lochia =flow (shedding of epithelium)
3 types
-lochia rubra (bright red)
-lochia serosa (pink to brown)
lochia alba(yellow to white
bleeding flow
bright red- 1to3 days
pink to brown 3 plus days
- yellow to white discharge usuallyy occurs by ten days moms by six week check uphas usually stopped all discharge
abnormal Lochia
-saturating one pad in less than a hour
- large clots
- significant lochia despite firm fundus... could indicate vaginal tear
- foul smelling ( infection )
Is the flow getting less /whats goin on/ how was the baby delivered
initially appears edematous and bruised
- completely closed by two weeks
area between the posterior portion of the labia majora and the anus
type of lacerations
-first- superficial layers of the skin
-second-extend through the perineal muscle
-third- extend through the anal sphincter muscle
-fourth- extend through anterior rectal wall and can be damaging to the perineum(moms could need colostomy)
Echymosis or bruising

(how are we healing? how does wound look. is the wound foul smelling ?)
What could impede involution?
macrosomic baby- five pregnancys and the last one ten pounds
-retained placenta and blood clots
-alot of pregnancies
post-partum hemorrhage
firm fundus but constant drip(was there a vaginal rip)
- should void 6-8 hours after delivery
-should have a minimum of 150ml void
-Less than that can be related to urinary retention related to decreased bladder tone( maybe bladder got beat up)
-assess for signs of UTI
-drinks lots of fluids-2000ml/day
drink throughout the day,stock with water avoid caffeine pop they dehydrate
What are the signs of a UTI?
painful urination
-important especially after c-section
-assess bowel sounds
-needs to be passing flatus
-may not stool for 2-3 days after delivery
-may need stool softeners
(not required to stool before leaving the hospital;)
episiotomy/Lacterations- offer mom frozen peri-pad, they can do cold for the first 24 hours (apply every 2 to 3 hours
- excessive edema can impair wound healing
-some redness is normal but significant pain present warrants further investigation
perineum: edema
-ibuprofen- good for pain and inflammation
cold for 1st 24 hours> frozen peri-pads are in utility room/kitchen freezer
-can apply every 2-3hours
-Heat after the first 24 hours- sitzbath
-tucks-witch hazel-comfort
-dermoplast spray-comfort
Rectal Area:
-hemorrhoids -swollen blood vessels
*Nupercainal Ointment
-if no hemorrhoids before PG then go away
-if hemorhoids before PG just get worse
DVT- assesing for signs and symptomsof Deep Vein thrombosis
* what are the signs and symptoms of DVT?
*Pedal edema normal for a few days after delivery last edema is not
*encourage patient to ambulate
*avoid crossing legs
*elevate legs
-any pain with dorsiflexion ask them to do it
-look at legs
pedal edema
- feel legs
getting them to ambulate helps with venous return
post partum- what normal emotions would you expect?
happy-excited-assume care-bonding time-attentive to infants cues- claiming/ labeling
psychological adaptation to PG danger signs
- avoids eye ontact with the baby
-Negative verbalization to or about the baby
-Identifies baby with negative characteristics
-Unrealistic expectations of the infant
-bothered by infants cry
( high risk for shaken baby syndrome, identify and report to social worker)
Baby Blues
-insomnia--related to;hormonal fluctuations
-physical ehaustion
- Maternal role adjustment
baby blues is a normal occurence during the postpartum period
-should not last more than a few weeks
may experience more then crying
postpartum depression
-no specific criteria
-occurs within 9 months of birth
- becomes non-functional
-with drawn
- decreased appeitite
- expresses desire to harm herself
-expresses desire to harm the infant
- May have somatic symptoms
(induced by some sort of anxiety
- headache
-not themselves
at risk for post partum depression
-if mom has hx of postpartum then puts mom at higher risk.
- mom previously depressed puts her at a greater risk
- baby may come ot not crying with no respiratory distress
- if close in age baby dont usually phase them ie. 9 months
- how old is child
- is new marriage or partnership
-starting a new family
-get them involved with naything if possible
-give present to siblings when at the hospital
other important things
-blood pressure
- slight elevation in termp related to dehydration
-bradycardia normal immedietly after delivery
- hemorrhage
35-60 baby 12-20 mom
baby temp above 97.8
if hypovalemic may have increased hear rate
pain-assess for pain with every assessment
-non- pharmacologic
cold packs
sitz bath
give c/s moms pillow to cough
-have mom rate on scale
- baby rate with face scale
--fill out scoring system
-what is baby doing?
pharm- motrin vicodin tylenol
fundal check why is it important?
-trying to avoid postpartum hemorrhage
-greater then 500 ml after vaginal delivery
-greater than 1000ml after c-section
postpartum hemorrhage=
refers to>500 ml after vaginal delivery
refers to>1000ml after c section
-early pph occurs within the first 24 hours after birth
-late pph>24hrs after birth
hypovalemic shock
risk factors for pph
c-section transitional cut
- if mom was placenta previa or placenta abruptio
-placenta left behind
-hypertension if mom was on magnesium
-quick delivery
-too long of labor
-using pitocin puts at risk for pph
-lots of pregnancies
-big babies
-twins/trips/multiple babies
signs of shock
-cool pail cold clammy
-increased respiratory rate
-loc changes
- decreased blood pressure late sign
-hemoglobin changes
rubella vaccine- not contagious
- if chart states immune means that the titer is greater than 1:8

- if less than 1:8 not immune> needs vaccine
- vaccine has an egg base so if allergic to neomycin, eggs should not receive
it is alive virus recommend do not get pregnant 4-6 weeks
- should not give vaccine if allergic
- give it for the future pregnancys
sub q- redness at site rash infection