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34 Cards in this Set

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Generic name: diphenhydramine
Indication for usage: treatment of severe morning sickness
Dose: 25-50mg
Route: Oral
Side Effects: sleepiness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, difficulty urinating. Low Blood pressure, palpitations, increased heart rate, confusion, nervousness, irritability,

Contraindications: Use with caution in mothers with narrow angle glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and asthma, lactation.
Nursing Considerations: Ambulate because it’s anti-cholinergic Monitor cardiovascular effects. Don’t mix with other CNS depressants. Use caution with breastfeeding. May cause dizziness/drowsiness so warn pt.

Generic Name: citric acid and sodium citrate
Indication for usage: Used in an attempt to minimize the possibility of chemical pneumonia , which can occur if the heavily drugged mother vomits and aspirates . Bicitra can reduce the acidity of the mothers stomach contents.
Route: PO
Dosage: 15ml
Side Effects: N/V/D, stomach pain,Black, tarry stools ,Confusion, Seizures ,trouble breathing

Contraindications: Renal impairment or sodium restricted diets, electrolyte imbalance. Addison's disease, diabetes, heart or kidney disease, high blood pressure, hypocalcemia, intestinal blockage, or
Nursing Considerations: Monitor for SE’s. Warn it has a sweet/sour taste. Can be mixed with juice for better taste.
Pertinent Lab Values: Monitor serum electrolytes, especially bicarbonate.

Generic: fentanyl
Trade: Actiq, Duragesic, Fentora, Onsolis, Sublimaze

Action: Binds to opioid receptors in CNS, reducing stimuli from sensory nerve endings, inhibits ascending pain pathways.
Rationale in Labor and Delivery: May be used in Spinals, used for pain relief.
Dose Range: IV/IM: 50-100mcg/dose q1-2h as needed (adjunct to general anesthesia: 2-50mcg/kg), Buccal (general): 100mcg, Buccal Soluble Film: 200mcg-1200mcg (no more than 4 doses per day, separate by at least 2 hours), Transdermal: 25mcg/hr initially, may increase after 3 days, Transmucosal: 200-400mcg for breakthrough pain, Epidural: Bolus of 100mcg followed by continuous infusion of 10mcg/ml concentration at 4-12ml/hr
Safe Range:
Route: IV, IM, Buccal, Transdermal, Transmucosal, Epidural
Contraindications: Increased intracranial pressure (ICP), severe hepatic/renal impairment, severe respiratory depression. CAUTIONS- Bradycardia; renal, hepatic, respiratory disease; head injuries; altered LOC; use of MAOIs within 14 days; transdermal not recommended in those younger than 12 yrs or younger than 18 yrs and weighing less than 50kg.
Side Effects: (frequent) IV: postop drowsiness, nausea, vomiting. Transdermal: Headache, pruritus, nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, dyspnea, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, constipation, decreased appetite. (occasional) IV: Postop confusion, blurred vision, chills, orthostatic hypotension, constipation, difficulty urinating. Transdermal: Chest pain, arrhythmias, erythema, pruritus, syncope, agitation, skin irritations.
Pertinent Lab Values: Creatinine Clearance
RN Considerations and Interventions: Establish baseline B/P and respirations. Assess type, location, intensity, and duration of pain. Resuscitative equipment and opiate antagonist (naloxone 0.5 mcg/kg) must be available. Assist with ambulation, monitor respiratory rate, B/P, heart rate, O2 Sats. Assess for pain relief.
Pregnancy Category C (or D if used for prolonged periods or at high dosages at term)
Tylenol- Postpartum Medication

Generic name: acetaminophen (OTC)
Trade name: Tylenol, Tempra

Action and Rationale: May block pain impulses peripherally that occurs in response to inhibition of prostaglandin syntheses; does not possess anti-inflammatory properties; antipyretic action results from inhibition of prostaglandins in the CNS (hypothalamic heat-regulating center). Relieves mild to moderate pain or fever in postpartum.
Dose range: PO 325-650 mg q4h prn, not to exceed 4g/day; RECT 325-650 mg q4h prn, not to exceed 4g/day.
Safe range:
Route: PO, RECT

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, intolerance to tartrazine (yellow dye#4), alcohol, table sugar, sacharin
Adverse Effect: Anaphylaxis, leucopenia, neutropenia hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rash, urticaria, angioedema, cyanosis jaundice, delirium followed by vascular collapse, convulsions, com, death.
Pertinent lab values: AST, ALT, bilirubin, creatitine, BUN,
RN Considerations/Interventions: Assess and monitor liver functions studies: AST, ALT, bilirubin, creatinine; renal function studies: BUN, urine creatinine, occult blood, albumin, if patient is on long-term therapy. Presence or blood or albumin indicates nephritis. Blood studes: CBC, pro-time if patient is on long term.
Pregnancy category: Pregnancy (B)
Motrin- Postpartum Medication

Generic name: ibuprofen
Trade name: Motrin, Advil, Excedrin

Action and Rationale: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by decreasing enzyme needed for biosynthesis; analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic. It is used dysmenorrheal, fever in postpartum.
Dose range Safe range /: PO 200- 400 mg q4-6h, not to exceed 3.2 g/day
Route: PO (chew tab, suspension, tab)

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, asthma, severe renal disease, severe hepatic disease. While lactating.
Adverse Effect: Tachycardia, peripheral edema, palpitations, dysrhythmias, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, tremors, confusion, insomnia, anxiety, depression, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, constipation, flatulence, cramps, dry mouth, peptic ulcer, hematuria, oliguria, purpura, rash pruritus , sweating.
Pertinent lab values: Observe BUN, creatinine, AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT), Hgb,
RN Considerations/Interventions: Monitor for blurred vision, palpitations, blood pressure, pulse for character, quality, rhythm.
Pregnancy category: Pregnancy (B) 1st and 2nd trimesters
Generic Name: misoprostol
Trade Name: cytotec

Action: synthetic prostaglandin: ↓gastric acid secretion pepsin, ↑bicarbonate & mucus
causes uterine contractions
Use in LD: category x, abortion, premature birth
Dose Range: 100- 200 mcg up to 4xs/day
Safe Range: see above
Route: tablet

Contraindications: prostaglandin allergy, don’t give during lactation (diarrhea in nursing baby), use in pregnancy for ↓risk of gastric ulcers from NSAIDS
S/E: diarrhea, abdominal pain, N&V, gas, dyspepsia, HA, uterine cramping, spotting
Lab Values: obtain negative pregnancy test before safe administration, plasma levels ↓ if take with food
RN Considerations/Interventions: *sound alike drug to mifepristone, metoprolol & cytosar. Give with food to ↓diarrhea, give after meal & at HS, take for duration of NSAID therapy, may increase mucus secretion in stomach, with abortion report ↑ bleed/ pain/ fever.
Generic Name: nalbuphine hydrochloride
Trade Name: nubain

Action: synthetic opioid antagonist analgesic, moderate- severe pain, during labor analgesia

Use in LD: category x, abortion, premature birth
Dose Range: 10 mg for a 70 kg adult, SC IM or IV Q 3-6 hrs prn, 20 mg single dose
Safe Range: maximum daily dose of 160 mg
Route: SC, IM, IV

Contraindications: hypersensitivity
S/E: allergic reaction, resp depression, ↑↓ HR, cold/clammy skin, confusion, dizzy, weak, lightheaded, n&v, HTN
Lab Values: interferes with opioid drug test
RN Considerations/Interventions: watch resp depression, renal/hepatic patients, can cause withdrawl,
Trade Name: Pitocin

Pregnancy Category X: High Alert Drug- Not expected to present risk of fetal abnormalities. Small amount is present in breast milk, breastfeeding not recommended.
Action & Use in LND: Induces labor at term. Controls postpartum bleeding. Adjunct in management of abortion.
Side Effects: Tachycardia, PVCs, hypotension, n/v Adverse Effects: Maternal: hypertonicity, cervical/vaginal lacerations Fetal: bradycardia, CNS/brain damage, low APGAR scale
Route, Dose Range: IM give 10 units/ml IV infuse 10-40units/1-4ml

Contraindications: Inadequate uterine activity/progress. Not indicated for elective induction
RN Considerations & Interventions: Assess baseline VS and fetal heart rate. Monitor intrauterine pressure and contractions q15min. Notify MD: if contractions last more than 1min, occur more frequently than q2min, or stop. Maintain careful I&O and check for blood loss. Keep Pt and family informed of labor progress.
Generic Name: dinoprostone
Trade Name: Cervidil/PREPIDIL

Action: Produces contractions similar to those that occur during labor by stimulating the myometrium (oxytocic effect). Initiates softening, effacement and dilation of cervix. Also stimulates GI smooth muscle

Use in LD: Preg Cat C - to “ripen” cervix in pregnancy at or near term when induction is indicated. As vaginal suppository:induction of midtrimester abortion up to 28 weeks. Mgmt of nonmetastatic gestional trophoblastic disease.

Dose Range: Cervical ripening: gel-0.5mg: if response unfavorable, may repeat in 6 hr(do not exceed 1.5 mg/24 hr). Abortifacient: one 20mg suppository, repeat q 3-5hr (not to exceed 240mg total or longer than 48hr)
Safe Range Cervical ripening:: if response unfavorable, may repeat in 6 hr(do not exceed 1.5 mg/24 hr). Abortifacient: one 20mg suppository, repeat q 3-5hr (not to exceed 240mg total or longer than 48hr)
Route: Vaginal insert/vaginal suppository .

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to prostaglandins or additives in the gel or suppository.Avoid in situations which prolonged uterine contractions should be avoided: previous C-section or uterine surgery, cephalopelvic disproportion, traumatic delivery or difficult labor, multiparity, hyperactive or hypertonic uterus, fetal distress, unexplained vaginal bleeding, placenta previa, vasa previa, active herpes genitalis, obstetric emergency requiring surgical intervention, situations which vaginal delivery in contraindidated, presence of acute PID or ruptured membranes, concurrent oxytocic therapy.
S/E: Gel: urterine contractile abnormalities, warm feeling in vagina. Suppository: headache, drowsy, dizzy, syncope, coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, hypotension, hyprertension, diarrhea, N/V. Allergic reaction:chills, fever, anaphylaxis.
Lab Values: na.
RN Considerations/Interventions: Monitor frequency, force and duration of contractions. Monitor VS. Ausculate breathe sounds! Wheezing and sensation of chest tightness could be sign of allergic reaction. Asses N/V, diarrhea, premedicate pt with antiemetic and antidiarrheal. Monitor amount and type of vaginal discharge. Notify physician IMMEDIATELY if symptoms of hemorrhage occur. Monitor uterine activity, fetal status, and dilation and effacement of cervix continuously throughout therapy. Insert should be removed at the onset of labor.
Generic Name: naloxone
Trade Name: Narcan

Action: Blocks effects of opioids
Use in LD: Pregnancy category B. Reversal of CNS depression & respiratory depression, Mgmt of refractory circulatory shock
Dose Range: Adults Postoperative opioid induced resp. depression, IV 0.02-0.2 mg q 2-3 min until response obtained:repeat q 1-2 hr if needed.
Safe Range: is a pure antagonist with no agonist properties and minimal toxicity

Contraindications: hypersensitivity . in OB may cause acute withdrawal syndrome in mother and fetus if mother is opioid dependent.
S/E: Ventricular arrhythmias, hypertension, hypotension, N/V
Lab Values: NA
RN Considerations/Interventions: Monitor VS, Resp Rate, rhythm, depth, ECG, LOC,assess pain level, Assess for S& S of opioid withdrawal
*Note* Zofran has not been approved by the FDA for obstetrical use. All route/dosage information is not necessarily consistent with off-label dosages prescribed by a physician who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology.

generic name: ondansetron (on-dan-se-tron)
trade name: Zofran, Zofran ODT

action: Blocks the effects of serotonin at 5-HT3-receptor sites (selective antagonist) located in vagal nerve terminal and the chemoreceptor trigger zone in CNS.
rationale of use in L&D: hyperemesis gravidarum
route/dosage: (Adults & Children > 11yr): PO: 8 mg Q8-12h IM: 4 mg. IV (Adults): 0.15 mg/kg
safe range: a safe dosage range for pregnancy, lactation, ped. use has not been safely established

contraindications: Pt. with hypersensitivity to the drug or its components.
adverse effect/side effects: HA, constipation, malaise, arrhythmias, hypotension, extrapyramidal effects
pertinent lab values: ALT (SGPT), AST (SGPT), Bilirubin (direct and total), Chem 10
RN considerations/interventions: Pt with hepatic impairment should not be prescribed a daily dose that exceeds 8 mg.
Pregnancy Category: B
Magnesium sulfate

Pharmacology and action: Depresses myometrial contractility, relaxes smooth muscle of the uterus.
Dosage and Administration: Continuous IV infusion via a pump, initial loading dose of 4-6 grams in 20 minutes, then 2 g/hr. Therapeutic level at 5-8 mg/dL in maternal serum levels, or as tolerated by the patient.
Maternal Effects: Flushing, drowsiness, HA, lethargy, nausea and vomiting. Respiratory depression can occur with serum levels above 9 mg/dL.

Fetal effects: none
Nursing Considerations: Monitor FHR and UCs Monitor serum mag levels. Assess lungs for s/s pulmonary edema. I&Os
S/S of toxicity include: Absent DTRs, resp rate <14, hypotension, muscle relaxation, decreased LOC.

Generic: docusate sodium

Indications: Constipation
Dosage: 50-200mg/day PO, 50 – 100mg rectally as an enema
Pregnancy: A
Adverse Effects: Abnormal taste, bitter, diarrhea, nausea
Mechanism: Stool softner

Morphine sulfate:
Trade Names: Duramorph

Class: Analgesic, opioid
Pregnancy Cat: C
Nursing Considerations: Monitor respiratory status, bowel movements, blood pressure (injection)
Side Effects: dizziness, N/V, HA, confusion, sedation

Rubella Vaccine

Trade: Meruvax

Adverse effects: Erythema at injection site, injection site pain, rash, lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, myalgia, common cold, fever
Pregnancy Cat: C
Contraindications: Active febrile infection, pregnancy, immune-deficiency

Tucks –Active ingredient: Witch hazel
Class: Astringent

Indications: temporarily relieves the local itching and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids,
aids in protecting irritated anorectal areas, temporarily relieves irritation and burning
Directions: Adults:
When practical, clean the affected area with mild soap and warm water, and rinse
Gently dry by patting or blotting with toilet tissue or a soft cloth before applying
Apply externally to the affected area up to 6 times daily or after each bowel movement
After application, discard pad

Vitamin K


Class: Nutritive Agent
Dose/route: Prophylaxis: 1 mg IM soon after birth

Indication: Prevention of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.
Adverse Effects: Skin reaction, anaphylaxis
Monitor: Reduction in bleeding

Contraindications: Use cautiously with impaired liver function.

Nursing Considerations: Monitor for frank and occult bleeding (guaiac stools, Hematest urine, and emesis). Monitorpulse and blood pressure frequently; Apply pressure to all venipuncture sites for at least 5 min; avoid unnecessary IMinjections

AE: pain at site, hyperbilirubinemia if dose is too large, kernicterus, rash

Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment

Pregnancy Cat:B
Indications: For prophylaxis of ophthalmia neonatorum due to N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis.
Dosage/Administration: For prophylaxis of neonatal gonococcal or chlamydial ophthalmia, a ribbon of ointment approximately 1 cm in length should be instilled into each lower conjunctival sac. The ointment should not be flushed from the eye following instillation. A new tube should be used for each infant



Prevention of sensitization to the RH factor in RH negativewomen and to prevent hemolytic disease in the newborn in subsequent pregnancies

Dose: One vial IM within 72 hours of birth. Antepartal: One vialmicrodose RhoGAM IM at 28 weeks in RH- negative women, after amniocentesis, andspontaneous therapeutic abortion

Soreness at injection site

Contraindicated in Rho (D) positive patient, thrombocytopenia, and bleeding disorders. Cautious use in pregnancy. Confirm criteria for administration is present. Ensure correct vial is used for the patient. Inject entire content of vial. Teach name of drug, expected action, possible adverse effect, report soreness at injection site to nurse, woman should carry information regarding RH status and dates of RhoGAM injections with her at all times.

Chances of serum sickness is possible but only ~0.2% chance so teach pt. to report if they feel nauseated, or have a rash, or any change in condition after receiving injection. This medication comes from human serum.

Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)

10 mg Supp 10 mg rectal PR

Assess bowel status/fluid status

Therapeutic effect: Soft, formed BM

Suppository may be inserted at time bowel movement is desired. Contraindicated in presence of anal or rectal fissures, ulcerated hemorrhoids, proctitis

AE: constipation

*Note* metoclopramide has not been approved by the FDA for obstetrical use. All route/dosage information is not necessarily consistent with off-label dosages prescribed by a physician who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology.metoclopramidegeneric name: metoclopramidetrade name: Reglan

action: Blocks dopamine receptors in chemoreceptor trigger zone of the CNS. Stimulates motilityof the upper GI tract and accelerates gastric emptyingrationale of use in L&D: hyperemesis gravidarum, GERD, diabetic gastroparesisroute/dosage: (Adults) PO, IM, IV: A single dose of 20 mg. may be given preventatively. Otherwise 10-15 mg. 30 min. AC/HS (not to exceed 0.5/mg/kg/day). (Neonates, Infants, Children) PO, IM ,IV: 0.4-0.8 mg/kg/day in 4 divided dosessafe range: Safety not est. in pregnancy or lactation

contraindications: hypersensitivity, possible GI obstruction or hemorrhage, HX of seizure disorders, pheochromocytoma, Prakinson’s disease

adverse effect/side effects:

pertinent lab values: Chem 10 (hyperemesis/ est. electrolyte values)

RN considerations/interventions: Use cautiously in pt. with hx of depression, diabetes, renal impairment, OB, lactation, neonates ( high risk for methemoglobinemia), elderly (oversedation), pt. taking CNS depressants or with hx of alcohol or drug abuse. Assess respiratory status, look for signs of pyramidal effects.Pregnancy Category: B

Methergine Generic: methylergonovine

Trade: Methergine

Action: Stimulates alpha-adrenergic, serotonin receptors, producing arterial vasoconstriction. Causes vasospasm of coronary arteries. Directly stimulates uterine muscle.Rationale in Labor and Delivery: Prevention or treatment of postpartum or postabortion hemorrhage due to atony, involution (not for induction, augmentation of labor). Off-Label: treatment of incomplete abortion.

Dose Range: PO: 0.2 mg 3-4 times a day, continue for up to 7 days. IV/IM: Initially 0.2 mg after delivery of anterior shoulder, after delivery of placenta, or during puerperium. May repeat q2-4hr as needed.Safe Range:

Route: PO, IV, IM

Contraindications: Hypertension, pregnancy, toxemia, untreated hypocalcemia. CAUTIONS- Renal/hepatic impairment, coronary artery disease, occlusive peripheral vascular disease, sepsis.

Side Effects: (frequent) Nausea, uterine cramping, vomiting. (occasional) Abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, diaphoresis, tinnitus, bradycardia, chest pain. (rare) allergic reaction (rash, pruritus), dyspnea, severe or sudden hypertension.

Pertinent Lab Values: May decrease serum prolactin. Serum calcium levelsRN

Considerations and Interventions: Determine baseline serum calcium level, B/P, pulse. Assess bleeding before administration. Monitor uterine tone, bleeding, B/P, pulse q15min until stable (about 1-2 hrs). Assess extremities for color, warmth, movement, pain. Report chest pain promptly. Provide support with ambulation if dizziness occurs.Pregnancy Category C

Dermaplast Pain Relieving Spray (OTC)Action: Benzocaine USP 20% and Menthol USP 0.5% work as a topical anesthetic.

Rational: Used to relieve perineal pain and discomfort postpartum especially if the patient underwent an episiotomy.

Dose/Safe Range: spray to affected area not more than 3 to 4 times dailyRoute: Topical

Contraindications: Do not spray in eyes. Do not use with serious/deep cutsSide effects: N/APertinent lab values: N/ARN Considerations/InterventionsInstruct patient to keep the perineal area clean.Contact doctor if condition worsens.


preg cat: C - action: produces strong, prompt, contractions of uterine smooth muscle, possibly mediated by calcium and cAMP. used to terminate preganancy betweeen 13-20 weeks gestation. Also used for postpartum hemorrhage from uterine atony.

- dose range: terminate preganacy:250 mcg 1.5-3.5 hours apart. should not exceed 12mg. postpartum hemorrhage: 250 mcg every 15-90 minutes as needed. Max dose is 2 mg.

- nursing considerations: pretreating patient with antiemetics and antidiarrheals decrease risk of GI effects

-Administered: IM injection

- Side effects: fever, headache, anxiety, arrythimias, chest pain, blurred vision, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, uterine rupture, endometritis, backache, leg cramps, coughing, wheezing, rash, breast tenderness, chills, hot flashes.

- contraindications: patients with acute pelvic inflammatory disease, cardiac, pulmonary, renal, or hepatic disease.

Drug name: Norco

Generic name: Hydrocodone/acetaminophen

10mg/325 mg

Action & Rationale: Moderate to moderately severe pain

Dose Range: 1 tab every 4–6 hrs as needed Safe Range: max 6 tabs/day

Contraindications: do not use with other narcotic analgesics S/E: CNS/respiratory depression, GI upset, constipation, lightheadedness, sedation, drowsiness, facial flushing, diaphoresis

Lab values: serial liver and/or renal function tests for pt with severe hepatic or renal disease

RN Considerations/interventions: obtain VS, if respirations are 12 or less withhold meds, suppresses cough reglex, crosses placenta, found in breast milk, may prolong labor if administered in first stage of labor, respiratory depression in neonate, may cause withdrawl symptoms in neonate if mother used regularly.

*Note* Zofran has not been approved by the FDA for obstetrical use. All route/dosage information is not necessarily consistent with off-label dosages prescribed by a physician who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology.

generic name: ondansetron (on-dan-se-tron)trade name: Zofran, Zofran ODTaction:

Blocks the effects of serotonin at 5-HT3-receptorsites (selective antagonist) located in vagal nerve terminal and the chemoreceptor trigger zone in CNS.

rationale of use in L&D: hyperemesis gravidarumroute/dosage: (Adults & Children > 11yr): PO: 8 mg Q8-12h IM: 4 mg. IV (Adults): 0.15 mg/kg

safe range: a safe dosage range for pregnancy, lactation, ped. use has not been safely established

contraindications: Pt. with hypersensitivity to the drug or its components.

adverse effect/side effects: HA, constipation, malaise, arrhythmias, hypotension, extrapyramidal effectspertinent lab values: ALT (SGPT), AST (SGPT), Bilirubin (direct and total), Chem 10RN considerations/interventions: Pt with hepatic impairment should not be prescribed a daily dose that exceeds 8 mg. Pregnancy Category: B


Class: Opioid/Acetaminophen Combination



Class: Opioid/Acetaminophen combination

Indications: Moderate to moderate/severe pain

Preg Cat: C

Dosage: Acetaminophen 325 mg to 650 mg/oxycodone 2.5mg to 10mg ORALLY every 6 hours as needed; MAX 4000 mg acetaminophen/day

Adverse Effects: N/V, dizziness, lightheadedness, sedation, somnolence

Nursing considerations: Pain reduction, mental and repiratory status, bowel movements, BP, renal function, LFT, CBC (long term use)

Ferrous Sulfate – Iron supplement


Lidocaine Hydrochloride

XylocaineIndications: Local Anesthetic at skin puncture site.

Contraindication:Known history of hypersensitivity, use with caution if there is inflammation, or sepsis or both at proposed site of injection.

Complications: Drowsiness, Nervousness, blurred vision, tremors, seizures, resp arrest, hypotension, bradycardia, cardiovascular depression.


Meperidine Analgesic

Indications: Pain, SedationContraindications: Hypersensitivity to drug, Asthma, Resp Depression.

Complications: Tachycardia, Resp Depression, LIghtheadedness, dizziness, nausea, vomitting, hypotension, Seziures, increased intracranial pressure.

Dose: 15-50 mg increments max of 150mg

Route: Oral, Sub Q, IM, IVReversal: Narcan

Toradol – Postpartum Medication

Generic name: ketorolac Trade name: Toradol

Action and Rationale: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by decreasing an enzyme needed for biosynthesis; analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effects. It is used for mild to moderate pain

Dose range/ Safe range: Adult multiple dosing: IV BOL/IM 30 mg q6h max 120 mg/day, with transition of 20 mg PO, then 10 mg q4-6h; Single dose: IV BOL/IM 30 mg IV or 60 mg IM, then 20 mg transition dose, not to exceed 40 mg/day then 10 mg q4-6h

Route: IM, IV, Opthalmic solution, PO

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, asthma, sever renal disease, severe hepatic disease, peptic ulcer disease, L&D, lactation, CV bleeding.

Adverse Effect: Hypertension, flushing, syncope, pallor, edema, vasodilation, dizziness, drowsiness, tremors, tinnitus, hearing loss, blurred vision, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, cramps, dry mouth, peptic ulcer, GI bleeding, perforation, taste change, neprhotoxicity, dysuria, hamaturia, oliguria, azotemia, blood dyscrasias, prolonged bleeding, purpura, rash pruritus, sweating. Pertinent lab values: Assess and monitor BUN, creatinine, AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT) Hbg before treatment, test for occult blood in urine.

RN Considerations/Interventions: Assess eyes for redness, swelling, tearing, itching, bleeding, blurred vision, tinnitus, jaundice, yellow sclera and skin, clay-colored stools, hypertension, cardiac conditions. Administer IM/IV for 5 days or less. Pregnancy category: Pregnancy (C)

Mylicon – Postpartum medication Generic name: simethicone Trade name: Gas-X

Action and Rationale: Disperses, prevents gas pockets in HI system; does not decrease gas procuction. It is commonly used to relief postpartum flatulence or bloating.

Dose range: Adult and child >12 years PO 40-100 mg pc, hs; Infants: PO 20 mg qidSafe range: Chew tabs 40, 80mg; tabs 50, 60, 95, 125mg; drops 40mg/0.6ml; caps 125mgRoute: PO

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity Adverse Effect: GI-Belching, rectal flatusPertinent lab values: N/A RN

Considerations/Interventions: Asses for excess gas production, decreased bowel sounds, recent surgery, other GI conditions Pregnancy category: N/A


Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccination