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22 Cards in this Set

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What is an amniotomy?
Artificial rupture of the amniotic membranes (AROM)
What station and dilation does the patient have to be in for an amniotomy? why?
- Fetus has to be at 0 station and 2 cm dilated
- So cord doesn't prolapse
What are the risks of an aminotomy?
- Prolapse of the cord
- Infection
Why would a doctor perform an aminotomy?
- Used to induce labor or accelerate it
- Permits use of internal fetal monitoring
What is the nursing care after an aminotomy?
- Keep them clean and dry
- Assess FHR before and after
- Assess fluid for color, amt, odor
- Temp every 2 hours
- decrease number of vaginal exams
How often should a women's temp be taken after having an aminotomy?
Every 2 hours
What is an External Cephalic Version?
- Manually turning the fetus from the outside from a breech or shoulder presentation to a vertex presentation
At what weeks gestation can an external cephalic version be performed? Can it be performed during labor?
- After 36-37 weeks
- No
What is the nursing care for an external cephalic version?
- Maternal V/S throughout
- FHR throughout
- Assess for ctx after procedure
- Give RhoGAM if Rh neg
When is an episiotomy performed?
Just before birth when about 3-4 cm of fetal head is visible
What are the 2 types of episiotomy?
- Median or midline
- Mediolateral
Of the 2 types of episiotomy which has longer healing time, more blood loss, and more complications?
What is the nursing care for an episiotomy?
- Assess for redness, swelling, tenderness, and hematomas
- Cold application for 1st 12 hrs
- Educate on perineal hygiene
- Take temp
True or False
For a forceps assisted birth, the fetus must be fully engaged, mother fully dilated, ROM, and bladder empty.
What would you look for on the newborn with a forceps assisted birth?
- Facial edema
- Bruising
- Caput
- Cephalhematoma
- Facial palsy
- Subdural hematoma
How many "pop offs" are allowed with vacuum extraction?
What are the 2 kinds of skin incisions for a c- section?
- Vertical
- Pfannenstiel (just above the symphysis)
What are the 3 kinds of uterine incisions for a c-section?
- Low transverse
- Low vertical
- Classic
Does the skin incision and the uterine incision have to match?
When is the only time a classic incision is used? What can not be done for the next pregnancy when this is done?
- Emergency- fetal distress
What is the difference between induction and augmentation of labor?
- Induction starts contractions
- Augmentation stimulates ctx after labor has started if progression is unsatisfactory
Oxytocin is ALWAYS adminstered how?
- On a pump