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97 Cards in this Set

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How long does it take a post partum uterus to get back to its nongralegs by facvid or original size
6-8 weeks
Where does the retroflexed uterus get trapped with an incarcerated uterus.
sacral hollow
During a pelvis exam on a child baring age girl, you see a echogenic device with intense sound beam attenuation. What could it be.
In the 2nd trimester it is important to locate the placenta. Why?
prevent placenta previa
What is another technique of scanning the placenta if previa is a possibility
tell me why the baby position in frank breech
legs by face bottom down
When we do pelvic ultrasound for post partum and post abortive patients, what are we looking for
retained product of conception
Complete failure of fusion of the mullerian ducts leads to uterus ____, which has 2 uteri each with its own cervix
What trimester is the most accurated measurement for gestational age
How many mins should you sit on the heart if no cardiac activity is seen or recorded?
Partial fusion of the 2 mullerian ducts leads to formation of a _____uterus. Duplication of uterus and a single cervix.
Are the most common neoplasm of the uterus and occur in 20-30% of women older than 30 years old
Considered low amounts of amniotic fluid, almost none
What is noUterine tumors are rare bet an indication to do a TV U.S.
Considered high amounts of fluid
Our goal on a first trimester exarm is to determine whether the pregnancy is?
Intrauterine and living
The two paired ____ ___ultimately develop into fallopian tubes,uterus,cervix, and upper 2/3 vagina
mullerian ducts
The adnexa should be scanned for presences of ____ during all pelvis exams.
cysts, neoplasms
It is important for the sonographer to stay ____ in decisions about race, raising children and disabilities
Uterine tumors are rare benign conditions but are readily recognized on ultrasound. Highly echogenic mass w/in the myometrium w/o doppler.
What is another name for leiomyoma
The ___ is fixed midline but the body of the uterus can be mobile, and changes degrees of bladder and rectal distention
The blastocyst divides into 2 layer. The outer layer becomes the
chorionic membrane
Between ___ weeks limb buds evolve into paddle shaped upper and lower limbs with early development of hands and feet.
By thPlacentse end of the 10th week what should the crown rump lenght be measuring?
30mm or 3.0 cm
It is not common that vaginal bleeding occurs during implantation. T/F
What can be measured to help dx down syndromes in the first trimester
Nuchal Translucency
What are the 3 disk layers before the embryo is formed
Placenta development begins at ___ gestational week
What week should you be able to start seeing the heart beat?
What is the first structure that can be measured for the purpose of calculating GA
gestational sac
The placenta is derived from what tissue
trophoblastic tissue
At fertilization a fusion of egg and sperm, eash haploid gamete with____ individual chromosomes, result in zygote
Finding the yolk sac helps to determine an ____ pregnancy
what membrane extends up to an merges with the edge of the placenta in week 10
During the first trimester cardiac rates which should be recorded using ____ mode, vary with GA
What does the morula transform into
Fertilization most often occurs within ___ day of ovulation
Are we able to see 1st or 2nd yolk sac?
What is the first structure identified in the gestational sac
yolk sac
The 1st trimester is based on menstrual dates:in patients with a 28 dya cycle, it begins 2 weeks before fertilization
1st day of LMP
Which of the 2 membranes cover the embryo
A line of decreased reflectivity around the follicle suggests what will occur within 24 hours
Ruptured graafin follicle results in formation of the ____
corpus luteum
Days 6-14 go with which uterine response
In the absence of HCG the corpus luteum _____ after 14 days
If you see a mid gut herniation after 14 weeks this is normal? T/F
Midline defect lower abd wall as well as anterior wall of bladder, part of bladder is seen outside the body?
bladder extrophy
Follicle stimulating hormone FSH and Lutenizing hormone is secreted by what?
pituitary gland
Results for a failure of the intestines to return to the abdomen during 2nd stage of intestinal rotation.
When implantation occurs in endo, HCG production signals the corpus luteum to continue secreting ___ to prevent shedding of endometrial lining
Sono:fluid filled bowel and stomach within thoracic cavity at the level of 4 chamber veiw of the heart. What should you suspect?
Diaphragmic hernia
The superficial layer of the endometrium become ishemic, degenerates, sloughs off the basal layer and is expelled. What uterine response?
Days 1-5 go with what uterine response?
Which of the 2 stimulate progesterone which peaks after ovulation?
lutenizing hormone
Protusion of intestines into amniotic cavity through an opening defect in the anterior abd wall. This usually occurs to the RT of umbillical
Place the 3 uterine responses in order
Place in order the ovarian respone, the 3 different phases the ovaries go thru
follicular, ovulation,luteal
days 15-28 would match up with what ovarian response
Sono shows a sudden decrease in follicular size and free fluid in cul-de-sac, what has occured
What week should the normal mid gut herniation be back in the abdominal cavity
In the ovarian phases which one is between days 1-14?
ovulation occurs within 24-36 hours after onset of _____surge
lutenizing hormone
Is excessive proliferation of trophoblastic tissue. It usually happensshortly after implantation, it can occur months to years after any type of pregnancy. HCG grossly elevated
Most common form of GTD, more common in Taiwan
Molar pregnancy
What is imminent when any of the following 2 are present? Moderate effacement of ce3rvix cervical dilation greater than 3 cm or rupture of membranes
The presence of an embryo within the uterus, w/o evidence of cardiac activity. May be retained for months following embryonic demise.
missed abortion
Sono:absence of myometrium surrounding the pregnancy,poor visual of placenta, diagnosed later in gestation, presence of empty uterus seperate from developed fetus,oligohydraminos, and unusual fetal presentation
abdominal ectopic
The future pregnancy may be in jeopardy but the pregnancy continues. Closed cervix
threatened abortion
Evacuation of all product of conception
Def-Simultaneous development of a gestation w/in the uterine cavity and gestation outside the uterine cavity
heterotopic pregnancy
Implantation outside the endometrium cavity. Most common location is in the ampullary part of the fallpoian tube 90%
The placenta is divided into 2 section, what are they called?
Maternal, Fetal
The surface of the placenta is covered by the amniotic membrane
Fetal portion
The identification of a grade III placenta in the 2nd and early 3rd trimester may indicate impending?
placental insufficency
A placenta divided into 2 lobes but united by primary vessels and membranes
Appear sono as focal hypoechoic areas within the placenta
fibrin deposition
presence of large pools of maternal blood within the placenta, may be caused by early intervillous thrombosis or perivillous
maternal lakes
placental covering the internal cervical os is called what?
complete placenta previa
clinically serious condition in which velametously inserted cord vessels precede the presenting fetal part of overlie the cervix
vas previa
Clinical spotting signs of spotting during first and second trimesters sudden ,painless profuse bleeding in thrid trimester? Occasional cramping. Pitfalls can be over distended bladder may compress lower uterine segment.
placenta previa
Premature seperation of the placenta from the uterine wall.
Abrubtio Placentae
Sono: Evaluation of placenta from uterine wall, complex mass without flow by doppler, placenta may appear normal, may appear thickened
abruptio placentae
What does the normal umbilical cord contain?
2 arteries 1 vein
The vessels in the umbilical cord are surrounded by?
Whartons jelly and covered with amnion
Cystic dilation of the primitive embryonic allantois. Small and located within cord AWAY from fetal abdomen
Allontoic Cyst
Wrapping of umbilical cord around around the fetal neck.
Nuchal cord
Known as short umbilical cord syndrome, limb body wall complex, or cyllosomas
Body stalk anomaly
A tumor that consists of hair,tooth,skin, and is bilateral in nature
Endometriomas are known to manifest typical ___ ___ appearance at gray scale imaging.
ground glass
Usually occurs as a result of ascending spread of microorganisms from the vagina and cervix into the fallopian tubes
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the most common causes of this inflammation
A fallopian tube with pus
When the fallopian tube becomes blocked are the fimbrial of cornual end, it becomes convoluted and incomplete septa are visible.
Tubal Inflammatory Disease
While evaluating the ovaries you come across one with no blood flow. What should you suspect?
Ovarian Torsion
To perform a TVS the bladder needs to be?
chorioadenoma destruens, most common form 80-95% of persistent trophoblastic disease is also called?
Invasive Mole