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110 Cards in this Set

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Very Premature

<32 weeks


32-34 weeks

Late premature

34-37 weeks


Appropriate for gestational age: 5.7-9.1 lb


Small for gestational age: <5.7 lb


Large for gestational age: >9.1 lb

Low birth weight (LBW)

< 2500 grams

Very low birth weight (VLBW)

<1500 grams

Extremely low birth weight

<1000 grams

Why are preterm neonates at higher risk for intracranial bleed?

Small blood vessels; crying > increases ICP > ruptures vessels.

What should you avoid putting on a preterm neonate's fragile skin?

Alcohol, adhesives.

What kind of tape is okay to use on preterm neonates?


What are reasons that preterm neonates have trouble with thermoregulation?

Large surface area in relation to size, limited brown fat, immature temperature regulation in the brain, decreased/absent capillary reflexes.

Why might hyperglycemia occur in a preterm neonate?

Immature kidneys secrete glucose slowly.

How often do preterm neonates need to be fed and why?

q2-3 hours; ~8 times per day. Small stomachs.

What are the reasons for anemia of prematurity?

Red blood cell life is short; low bone marrow production until ~32 weeks.

What is kernicterus?

Destruction of brain cells by invasion of indirect bilirubin. [Bili level: ~20]

Why are preterm neonates susceptible to kernicterus?

Low serum albumin available to bind and excrete direct bilirubin.

Why do preterm neonates start with supplements before getting breast milk?

It takes ~3 days for mother to begin producing milk.

What is persistent patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)?

Failure for the PDA to close: blood stays in the pulm. artery which leads to pulm. hypertension, which causes the PDA to persist.

What does Indocin (indomethacin) do and what is it?

Causes PDA to close; causes uterine relaxation. It is a prostaglandin inhibitor.

When can the pregnant woman receive Indocin (indomethacin) and why?

>32 weeks gestation, otherwise drug will cause premature PDA closure in the womb.

Neonatal Sepsis s/s

LOW TEMP, resp. distress, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, lethargy, poor feeding, diarrhea, vomiting.

Neonatal sepsis diagnostics

CBC with Differential (increased bands, decreased neutrophils, decreased platelets), blood culture.

Neonatal sepsis treatment

Broad spectrum AB, VS, nutrition, fluids, O2, parental support.

What is Retinopathy of Pre-Maturiy (ROP) and what is it caused by?

Damage to immature blood vessels in the retina that results in scarring and possible blindness. Caused by high O2 levels.

Who is most at risk for retinopathy of pre-maturity?

Very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates

What is intracranial hemorrhage and what can cause it?

Bleeding into ventricles r/t hypoxia, increased BP, increased fluids (pneumothorax), resp. distress syndrome.

What is necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and what are the risk factors?

Bacteria in bowel, leads to infection, which leads to destroyed bowel tissue, which can lead to sepsis. Factors: prematurity and tube feedings

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) treatment

Stop tube feeding, start IVF + TPN, AB, ventilator, platelet transfusion.

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) s/s

Abdominal swelling, sepsis, emesis, blood in stool.

What is transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN) and what is it related to?

Rapid, shallow RR 70-80/min r/t slow absorption of lung fluid.

When should amnioinfusion be done? What is no longer accepted practice?

Done for late decels. No longer used to dilute meconium staining.

How does jaundice spread?

Cephalocaudal: from head to toe.

Is Hyperbilirubinemia very concerning in a 1-2 day old infant?

No, less significant. Need proper nutrition to increase alb binding; parents may place crib near window to expedite bilirubin breakdown.

Is hyperbilirubinemia very concerning in a 4-5 hour old infant?

Yes, more significant. May rise steadily.

Pathologic hyperbilirubinemia treatment

Immediate exchange transfusion, phototherapy, frequent bilirubin checks, increased feeding to speed up alb binding.

What are important things to remember for an infant under bili lights?

Cover eyes and genitalia. Place infant prone or lateral to protect internal organs.

What is this called?

What is this called?


What is this called?

What is this called?


How is gastroschisis and omphaceles treated?

IV + NGT, TPN, silastic "silo" covering over viscera which allows gravity to brings viscera back into cavity, surgical closure after contents returned to abd. cavity.

What is bladder extrophy?

Extrusion of bladder through abd wall.

Normal temperature in a term infant?


What APGAR score would prompt further evaluation by NICU?

Less than 7 consistently.




<100 bpm


>100 bpm

APGAR Resp. Effort: 0


APGAR Resp. Effort: 1


APGAR Resp. Effort: 2

Good cry/good respirations

APGAR Muscle Tone: 0


APGAR Muscle Tone: 1

Some flexion

APGAR Muscle Tone: 2

Active motion

APGAR Reflex Irritability: 0


APGAR Reflex Irritability: 1


APGAR Reflex Irritability: 2

Strong cry/reflexes

APGAR Color: 0


APGAR Color: 1


APGAR Color: 2


What is caput succedaneum and is it concerning?

Fluid-filled swelling under scalp; Normal variation.

What is a cephalohematoma and is it concerning?

Hemorrhage of blood between the skull and periosteum; needs to be watched.

Bulging fontanels (w/o crying) may indicate:


Depressed fontanels (w/o crying) may indicate:


Normal respiration rate of a newborn

40-60/min, may be irregular

Normal heart rate of newborn


What is the point of maximal impulse (PMI) in a newborn?

Lower left sternal border

A newborn female has red-tinged vaginal discharge. What is this and is it a concern?

Pseudomenstruation related to hormones; normal variation.

How long is the postpartum phase?

6 weeks after birth

Define involution

Uterus returns to pre-pregnant shape

Define afterpains

Moderate to severe cramp-like pain r/t involution. More severe in multi-parous women.

Define lochia

A bloody discharge from the uterus that contains sloughed off necrotic tissue and reflects uterine healing.

Define endometrium

Mucous membrane that lines the uterus.

What is the first intervention for a boggy uterus (assuming bladder is empty)?

Massage fundus.

By what day is the endometrium fully restored in a postpartum woman?

By 16th day.

Lochia rubra appearance, duration

Red; 1-3 days

Lochia serosa appearance, duration

Pink, brown-tinged; 3-10 days

Lochia alba appearance, duration

Yellowish-white; 10-14 days but may last longer

What is considered heavy lochia?

Saturating 1 pad per hour

What is normal blood loss from vaginal delivery?

Usually does not exceed 500 ml

1 mL blood = ___ gram in weight


What is methergine (methylergonovine)contraindicated in?

HTN. BP > 140/90

What is hemabate (carboprost tromethamine) contraindicated in?


How does methergine (methylergonovine) work?

Stops postpartum bleeding by causing vasoconstriction. Also increases BP.

How does hemabate (carboprost tromethamine) work?

Stops postpartum bleeding by constricting soft tissues (like the uterus).

1st degree laceration/tear

Shallow; involves just below or just inside vagina

2nd degree laceration/tear

Involves skin below vagina, the perineum, and muscles of the perineum

3rd degree laceration/tear

Extends to anal sphincter

4th degree laceration/tear

Extends through anal sphincter

What should the nurse assess in women with episiotomies or tears?

REEDA: Redness, edema, ecchymosis, discharge, approximation

How long should the woman refrain from inserting anything into her vagina?

6 weeks

How soon can a women resume menstruation after birth?

usually 7-9 weeks; by 12 weeks

How much should a postpartum women be voiding?

250-300 mL q4-6 hrs

What treatment is available for a spinal headache?

Blood patch.

What is a spinal headache caused by?

Loss of spinal fluid r/t epidural.

What is diastatis recti abdominis?

Separation of the abd. rectus muscles. Common; should resolve in 6 weeks.

Taking-In Phase

Focused on self, dependent on others for care, needs assistance, may last for several hours or days. Needs comfort-rest-food.

Taking-Hold Phase

Focus on infant, self care, responds well to instructions and praise. Lasts from 2 days to 12 week.

Letting-Go Phase

Giving up previous role, see self as separate from infant, gives up fantasy delivery and baby. Lasts from 1 week on.

Who received Rhogam?

In Rh-neg women with Rh-pos baby.

When is Rhogam given (in relation to birth)?

Within 72 hours after birth.

What is Healthy People 2020's goal for breastfeeding?

95% of mothers breastfeed

When does colostrum occur and what does it contain?

1-3 days; electrolytes, protein, fat soluble vitamins, IgA, passive immunity via establishment of GI flora.

When does transitional milk occur and what does it contain?

7-10 days; high protein, low fat, increased H2O content, higher calories than colostrum.

When does mature milk occur and what does it contain?

About 14 days postpartum; ~20 kcal/oz, primary carbohydrate (lactose), appears similar to skim milk, higher fat content in AM.

How often should a woman breastfeed?

q2-3 hrs (8 feedings per 24 hrs)

Postpartum hematoma s/s

Severe pain that cannot be controlled with analgesics, tachycardia, hypotension, heaviness/fullness of vagina or rectal pressure.

For Gomco or Mogen clamp: how do you care for the circumcision site?

Apply protective lubricant over site after each diaper change for 1st week.

Should parents clean any yellow crusts that form after a circumcision?

No, this should not be removed or washed.

For plastibell: how do you care for the circumcision site?

Do not apply lubricant; allow plastic ring to fall off on its own in 7-10 days.

How should a car seat be used in infants less than 1 year and less than 20 lbs?

Rear-facing, backseat.