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91 Cards in this Set

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Patient with has been trying to get pregnant without success. She asks the nurse, "What should I do?" what does the nurse tell her to do?

- Keep a record of her basal body temp and menstrual cycles for 6 months

- To determine the dates of ovulation, a woman takes her oral temperature before rising each day and records it on a chart for 3-4 months

- Ovulation causes an abrupt fall and then a rise in body temperature (basal body temperature {BBT})

A woman worried about infertility wants to keep a record of her temperature, when should the nurse advise her to take her daily temp?

- In the morning
- To determine the dates of ovulation, a woman takes her oral temperature before rising each day and records it on a chart for 3-4 months
- Ovulation causes an abrupt fall and then a rise in body temperature (basal body temperature {BBT})

A 18 year old male comes into the clinic with genital herpes, what type of lesions will you see?

- genital herpes - has lesions called vesicles

- Pimples progress to papules, vesicles, and finally crusts in 1-3 weeks

When should a male do a TSE?

- right after a warm shower
- age 13 or 14 perform monthly
- after a bath or shower because warm water relaxes the scrotal sac
- Do not touch the scrotum with cold hands, that may stimulate the cremasteric reflex, which causes the scrotum to contract
- Testicle should feel rubbery and smooth
- Instruct client to palpate the testicle between the thumb and first finger progressing along the posterior surface of the epididymis
- Check inguinal and femoral areas for bulges which may indicate a hernia
- Epididymis is on top and behind the testicle
- Notify a healthcare provider if any small, painless lumps are palpated or if the testicle is enlarged

What symptoms would a female with fibroid tumor c/o?

- Complaints of heavy menstrual flow (menorrhagia)
- S/S – Abnormal vaginal bleeding, menorrhagia, pelvic heaviness and pressure, urinary retention, constipation
- Most common type of benign uterine tumor is the fibroid tumor (myoma)
- Range in size
- Grow slowly and arise from muscle cells

- Believed to result from hormonal influences due to shrinkage after menopause

What is the position for a cervical exam?

- Lithotomy position

What would you tell your female patient to do to prevent toxic shock syndrome (TSS)?

- To prevent toxic shock syndrome - change tampon's frequently (at least every 4 hours)
- If any of the S/S occur, remove the tampon and call the physician immediately
- Change tampons frequently, failure to remove may result in infection
- Use Tampons intermittently
- Insert tampon carefully to avoid abrasions
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after tampon insertion
- A serious condition associated with the use of tampons, particularly those with plastic inserters
- A bacterial toxin, Staphylococcus aureus, is believed to be the cause
- S/S – fever of 102 degrees F or greater, vomiting, diarrhea, drop in B/P, weakness, dizziness, peeling red rash, decreased Hgb, decreased urine output

What are some complications that can arise from a mastectomy post-op that relate to immobility?

- Bleeding, hoemans sign, pneumonia, lymphedema
- you want them to turn, cough and take deep breaths (to prevent DVT), Incentive Spirometer
- Postoperative exercises to prevent lymphedema if lymph node surgery is done
- Elevate affected arm for several days

What would u tell a patient with Syphilis?

- With STD's patient's need to be taught about the "ping pong effect" (getting the STD again from the still infected partner)

What do you tell a patient who has come in for a pelvic exam?

- tell them to relax, and to empty bladder
- The client needs to empty the bladder prior to the examination
- Encourage the client to breathe deeply to minimize discomfort

Patient comes into the ER and complains of abnormal bleeding/spotting, what would you suspect?

- suspect cervical cancer (especially if there is bleeding after intercourse)

- S/S of cervical cancer – Bleeding that does not occur in the early stages such as spotting between periods or after intercourse

If a patient has a vasectomy, how long should he use protection during sex to prevent pregnancy?

- wait 6 weeks post vasectomy to prevent pregnancy chances
- It may take up to 6 weeks after a vasectomy for the semen to be totally free of sperm
- Sperm count is taken 6 weeks to 2 months after the procedure
- Alternative birth control measures must be used until sperm counts remain at zero for 6 weeks
- Sperm counts should be taken after 6 months and then yearly to assess surgical effectiveness

What complication can arise immediately (post-op) after a woman has abdominal surgery?

- DVT (look to prevent thrombophlebitis post op)

What does a pan hysterectomy include?

- Total hysterectomy (pan hysterectomy) – Removal of entire uterus and cervix

What is a subtotal hysterectomy?

- Removal of the uterine body and fundus, leaving the cervix

What is a salpingectomy?

- Removal of an oviduct

What is a pan hysterosalpingectomy?

- Removal of the uterus, cervix, and oviducts

What is a Pan hysterosalpingo-oopherectomy?

- Removal of the uterus, cervix, oviducts, and ovaries

A woman with heavy bleeding with period and complaining of fatigue, why?

- Anemia (lack of Iron)
- lack of o2 to the tissues make the patient pale and tired

What is one of the S/S of rectocele?

-S/S of a rectocele - patient would have hemorrhoids
- S/S – Backache, fatigue, heaviness in the pelvic region, bowel difficulties, incontinence, flatus, hemorrhoids, and alternating constipation and diarrhea

What should a female patient avoid to prevent harsher PMS symptoms?

- avoid caffeine to prevent exacerbations of symptoms

- Low salt diet for 1-2 weeks during the premenstrual cycle

- Medications to increase excretion of sodium: HCTZ, HydroDiuril, Esidrix

- Increased protein and decreased sugar intake

- Elimination of allergens, omission of caffeine

- Positive stress management, support groups

- Active exercise, anti-anxiety medications if symptoms are severe

Vesicovaginal fistula, what are the s/s?

- S/S urine leaking into vaginal area
- Vesicovaginal – Between bladder and vagina
- Ureterovaginal or Vesicovaginal fistulas will leak urine into the vagina

What is Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)?

- To prevent toxic shock syndrome - change tampon's frequently (at least every 4 hours)
- If any of the S/S occur, remove the tampon and call the physician immediately

- Change tampons frequently, failure to remove may result in infection

- Use Tampons intermittently

- Insert tampon carefully to avoid abrasions

- Wash hands thoroughly before and after tampon insertion

- A serious condition associated with the use of tampons, particularly those with plastic inserters

- A bacterial toxin, Staphylococcus aureus, is believed to be the cause

- S/S – fever of 102 degrees F or greater, vomiting, diarrhea, drop in B/P, weakness, dizziness, peeling red rash, decreased Hgb, decreased urine output

What can be a long term complication of PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)?

- sterility (infertility)

- Untreated PID can lead to: chronicity and sterility due to blockage of the oviducts with scar tissue

What is the test for Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

- BPH test = PSA with DRE

- Prostate specific antigen (PSA) – a glycoprotein found in prostate gland tissue that is elevated in prostatitis, BPH, and adenocarcinoma (0-4 ng/mL)

- DX – DRE, urodynamic testing, endoscopy, PSA, ultrasound

What is the position for a DRE exam?

- modified standing

What cause of Orchitis?

- post puberty mumps
- Orchitis – inflammation of the testes that may result from infection or injury
- Causes – Mumps after puberty (may result in sterility)
- S/S – Pain and swelling in the scrotum, sometimes urethral irritation
- Tx – Scrotal support, ice bag to the scrotum (do not apply heat)

If patient has painful swollen scrotum (possible caused from orchitis), what would you suggest they wear?

- Patient with orchitis - wear underwear that supports the scrotum

What is the most important thing to look for when doing a cone biopsy (Coniztion)?

- Post cone biopsy - watch for excessive bleeding
- There may be some bleeding during and delayed bleeding after the procedure

What causes fibrocystic breasts (Chronic Cystic Mastitis)?

- caffine adds to fibrocystic breasts

- Caffeine aggravates cyst formation: coffee, tea, chocolate, and cola drinks

What would a patient complain of after laparoscopic surgery?

- shoulder pain from abdominal laparoscopy

- Shoulder pain may occur due to gas trapped in the abdomen under the diaphragm

- Severe pain may indicate hemorrhage

Post uterine surgery, what do we watch for?

- Post uterine surgery to watch I & O's
- Document I&O’s
- Watch Urine output

Post mastectomy, what is one of the treatments to prevent swelling (Lymphedema) for the arm on the operative side?

- Post mastectomy - to prevent swelling on operative side – elevate affected arm
- Elevate affected arm for several days
- Lymphedema – most common cause is infection; monitor and report signs of infection
- Avoid taking blood pressure, giving injections, or drawing blood on the operative side

What is the most important question to ask when screening for breast cancer?

- Family history important in breast cancer screening

- Menarche prior to age 12

- Late menopause (after 50)

- Long or irregular menstrual cycles

- Women older than 40

- Hx of fibrocystic breast disease

- Hx of cancer of the other breast

- Hx of endometrial or ovarian cancer

- Women who have never had a baby (nulliparous)

- Women who had their first baby after the age of 30

- Women who have not breast fed

- Women on Antihypertensive therapy

- Radiation exposure before age 30

- Diet high in fat

- Obesity

- Alcohol and tobacco use

- Previous breast surgery (biopsy, implants)

- Estrogen replacement therapy for longer than 8 years

For an ABDominal ultrasound, how would you want the bladder - Full or Empty?

- full
- Do not void for several hours prior to a pelvic ultrasound

What is the best way to prevent pregnancy?

- Abstinence and then second is condoms to prevent pregnancy

What is the most important aspect for care with a sexual assault patient?

- Rape patient - crisis intervention, emotional support and preserve DNA evidence

- Provide emotional support (priority)

What are the S/S for gonorrhea?

- gonorrhea - foul smelling discharge
- A yellow-green purulent vaginal discharge

Patient has gonorrhea, what else will you check for?

- check for other STD's, REPORTABLE STD

- Individuals with gonorrhea should also be tested for other STD’s, including HIV

At what age does a woman start getting mammograms?

- at age 40 for people not deemed to be at familial risk

- Women > 40 years should have annual mammogram

What do you assess for post TURP?

- Monitor I&O (make sure the TURP is patent and make sure there are no blood clots)

- Monitor for catheter obstruction: bladder spasms and pain

What is a patient with HPV (Genital Human Papillomavirus or Condylomata acumate) higher risk for?

- higher risk of cervical cancer

- At least 10 of the HPV virus types can lead to development of cervical cancer

What presents candida?

- Presents with cottage cheese look
- Symptoms include: intense vulvar itching, inflammation and irritation, burning after urination, and a white, cottage cheese-like discharge

What is the most prevalent surgery used for prostate enlargement?

- TURP - most common prostate surgery

- Transurethral resection of the prostate

- Most common procedure, particularly for older men or those who are a poof surgical risk

- Surgeon removes prostate tissue through the urethra using a resectoscope

- No incision is necessary

- Recovery is shorter than other approaches

- Complications: hemorrhage, urinary incontinence, and ED

Q1. What childhood infectious disease most significantly affects male fertility?

Q2. Couple trying to have a baby, what child hood disorder would you ask about?

- Mumps can cause infertility

- Mumps

- Cryptorchidism, orchitis after mumps

Is Gonorrhea a reportable disease?

- Yes

What can you teach a man with gonorrhea to do?

Wear a condom and tell other sexual contacts to get treated

Pt having a TURP and c/o pain, what do you do?

- Assess the catheter for kinks

Pt with a swollen scrotum, what can you do for him?

Ice packs and scrotal support

How often does a man do a TSE (Testicular Self Exam)?

Monthly after a warm shower

Gonorrhea is state mandated reporting

Gonorrhea is state mandated reporting

Vaccinate for mumps!!
Vaccinate for mumps!!
What STD is highest risk to develop cervical cancer?


What is used to monitor for prostate cancer?

- PSA (normal levels are 0-4)

What can you teach a pt with a vasectomy?

Come back for check up because it will be six weeks before all sperm is gone out of system

What is a panhysterectomy?

Same thing as a total hysterectomy (removal of entire uterus and cervix)

What might bleeding after sex indicate?


S/S of toxic shock syndrome?

- Fever of 102 and greater.
- Vomiting, diarrhea, drop in B/P, weakness, dizziness, peeling red rash, decreased Hgb, decreased urine output

What do you teach a pt with a total mastectomy?

- Elevate arm and assess lung sounds

What is basal body temp?

- Fertility Awareness Method. Take temp each morning for many months before rising to acquire your ovulation days (rhythm method)

Pt comes in with smelly discharge, how do you test for gonorrhea or chlamydia?

- Stained smear test and/or culture and sensitivity

What is the long term effect of PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)?


What do you tell a pt who is about to get a uterus ultrasound?

- Dont void

What is important to teach a pt who has genital herpes?

- Tell partners

How often does a woman do a SBE?

- Monthly, usually a week after menstruation

What age does a woman start to get mammograms?

- At age 40, earlier if hereditary

What should u avoid with fibrous breasts?

- Avoid caffeine with fibrous breasts

First sign of gonorrhea?

- smell

What is a colposcopy?

- A lighted, magnifying speculum that is inserted into the vagina to view the vagina and cervix, pt will have slight bleeding and cramping

Post op for D&C (Dilatation and Curettage)?

Monitor voiding and urinary retention

What is menorrhagia?

excessive bleeding

What is metrorrhagia?

- bleeding between menstrual periods
- Metrorrhagia is uterine bleeding at irregular intervals, particularly between the expected menstrual periods

S/E of menorrhagia?

- may result in anemia
- Menorrhagia: Excessive uterine bleeding occurring at the expected intervals of the menstrual periods.

S/E of metorrhagia?

- May indicate cancer or retained placental tissue
- metorrhagia: Uterine bleeding at irregular intervals

Expectations of menopause?

-Hot flashes, perspiration, fatigue, vaginal dryness and atrophy, weight gain, skin dryness, sagging breasts and osteoporosis

A fistula is an opening between two organs that normally do not open into one another

A fistula is an opening between two organs that normally do not open into one another

Ureterovaginal =

between ureter and vagina

Vesicovaginal =

between bladder and vagina

Rectovaginal =

between rectum and vagina

Sign of rectocele?


Why does infertility happen with long term PID?

- Scarring of the fallopian tubes (oviducts)

What is a major symptom of a benign uteran tumor?

- abnormal heavy bleeding

What is important post op hysterectomy?

DVT, use ted hose

What is the fastest growing group to acquire HIV/AIDS?

- WOMEN of color and heterosexual


- EIA and Western Blot

S/S of chlamydia?

- Gray white discharge with itching and burning

Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection

Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection

Young adults have the highest incidence of gonorrhea

Young adults have the highest incidence of gonorrhea

What type of antibiotic for gonorrhea?

Broad spectrum (Rocephin)

Syphilis is a bacteria infection that is reportable to the public health dept. Lesions. Can be spread to a fetus. Many types of blood test to dx

Syphilis is a bacteria infection that is reportable to the public health dept. Lesions. Can be spread to a fetus. Many types of blood test to dx

Sentinel Node Biopsy?

- The node that drains the area of the breast affected by the tumor is identified and removed
- If the node is cancer free, it is assumed that no cancer cells exist in the other nodes