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58 Cards in this Set

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Detrimental experiences during peripartum that affect breastfeeding
-late initiation of breastfeeding after birth
-extended separation from infant
-supplementation w/ formula
-limited or no help w/ breastfeeding problems
-gift packages w/ formula
What is the correlation of anesthesia/analgesia w/ breastfeeding
disturbance of infant neurobehavior functioning and suckling
In US, if mom is HIV+ what is the recommendation for feeding
Standard recommendation of exclusive breast milk use
first 6mos of life
What is recommended after first 6mos of life regarding breast milk
feed in conjunction with other food until 1st birthday
The benefits of breast milk are associated with...
how long the infant was fed breast milk and whether it was exclusively or supplemented w/ other feedings
What is colostrum comprised of
-fat-soluble vitamins
What are the benefits of colostrum
-more bank for your buck bc baby doesn't feed well yet
-rich in immunogobulins to protect GI tract
-natural laxative to rid baby of meconium
Describe transitional milk
same components of colostrum, greater volume
By what day has mom formed mature breast milk
10 letters = day 10!
Mature breast milk nutrition facts
protein, fat, carbohydrates
vitamins, minerals, enzymes
Percentage of fat in breast milk
Advantage of breast milk r/t preterm infants
promotes greater developmental gains
Ho is breast feeding less likely to result in overfeeding and obesity
baby has to work to get the milk; when baby is satisfied he stops sucking
What benefits does a hard suck promote
good tooth and jaw development
What maternal benefits concerning the uterus result from breastfeeding
releases oxytocin which stimulates uterine contractions; this helps with uterine involution and coagulation
What two conditions does breastfeeding put mom at a lower risk for
breast cancer and osteoporosis
Oxytocin is commonly referred to as "the maternal hormone." Explain its relation to breastfeeding.
promotes mommy-baby bonding
Drugs commonly contraindicated if breastfeeding
alcohol, amphetamines, antihistamines, cyclosprine, cocaine, heroine, methadone, lithium
What classification is cyclosprine and what is its significance in breast milk
immunosuppressant; baby's immune system is already compromised
What method is recommended if mom has consumed large amounts of alcohol
pump and dump before feeding
When are breasts first formed in utero
What is the only gland not fully developed in fetal life
mammary gland
Define parenchyma and stroma
-tree-like ducts
-CT, adipose, blood vessels, & lymphatics
What are the two divisions of breast tissue
parenchyma and stroma
What is the functional unit of milk making
alveolar cell
How many ducts lead up to the nipple to carry milk
The ducts empty milk at the nipple, where do they originate
lobular-alveloi system
What are Montgomery tubercles
small pimples on the nipples that secrete a substance that lubricates and acts as antimicrobial protection
What month do we first see appearance of colostrum; what hormone is responsible for this
3rd month; prolactin
What week of pregnancy is the breast fully prepared for lactation
Describe breast involution r/t weaning
2 weeks without stimulation
Hormones associated with development of breast milk
hPL, hCG, progesterone, estrogen, prolactin
What system does milk production rely on?
positive feedback
What is PIF
Prolactin inhibiting factor, negatively controls prolactin
What event leads to high levels of prolactin release from the anterior pituitary
placental expulsion
What causes prolactin levels to drop to non-pregnant levels
no nipple stimulation for 2 weeks
What hormones i responsible for milk let down
Where is milk ejected from when oxytocin causes the myoepithelium to contract?
When does Lactogenesis I take place and what does it produce
during pregnancy; colostrum
When does Lactogenesis II take place?
after delivery of placenta
Placental expulsion causes what hormone to rapidly decrease and what hormone to rapidly increase
progesterone; prolactin
When do we see copious secretions of milk pp; what phase of lactogenesis is this associated with?
2-3days; II
What takes place during Lactogenesis III
ongoing production of mature milk
Define Galactopoieses
ongoing production of mature milk
What happens to the cells and mammary glands during breast involution
cells undergo apoptosis; proteolytic degradation and reabsoprtion
What period of time is coined, "sensitive time," and is optimal time for breastfeeding
1st period of reactivity, 1st few hours of life
Describe the latch we want to promote
wide open latch
What action causes oxytocin release and milk let down
nipple stimulation and stretching
How many feedings should be given daily
8-12 (q2-3h)
Explain how mom should decide which breast to start feeding the baby on
whichever breast she finished the previous feeding with
How many stools should be expected daily
How many wet diapers should be expected daily
How much wt should baby gain daily
First line of treatment for nipple fissures
open to air, lubricate with breast milk
What is nystatin and what is it used for
topical ointment for candidiasis
What is the most common reason for early weaning
nipple discomfort
Tx for breast engorgement
-unlimited to feeds on baby's cues
-warm shower
-red cabbage