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45 Cards in this Set

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(Ignore this card)
At what time PP does the patient undergo a period of acquaintance with her newborn?
2-6 weeks PP
At what point does the patient achieve a sense of maternal identity?
Around the 4th month PP
What are the three stages of development of the father-infant bond?
(1) making a commitment - the father takes the responsibility of parenting; (2) Becoming connected - the father experiences feelings of attachment to the infant, and (3) Making room for the infant - the father modifies his life to include the care of the infant
How long should the PP patient wear a well-fitting bra continuously after birth?
For the first 72 hours
To relieve breast engorgement, how often should the infant nurse?
every 2 hours
For breast engorgement, when should cool compresses be allowed and when should warm compresses be used?
Cool compresses between (i.e., following) feedings; warm compresses prior to feedings
How can the patient make her nipples more erect if she has flat nipples for breastfeeding
roll the nipples between her fingers just before breastfeeding
What is the basic Tx for sore nipples
apply a small amount of breast milk and allow it to air dry after feeding
The PP patient should not perform housework requiring heavy lifting for at least how many weeks PP?
The PP patient should not lift anything heavier than
her infanat
The PP patient should not drive for how long?
2 weeks PP
Encourage women sho are lactating to add an additional how many calories/day to their prepregnancy diet?
(Ignore this card)
A DVT is more likely in a multiparous or nulliparous
multiparous woman
DVT is more common at what age?
> 35 y/o
DVT is more common with what chronic disease?
To prevent a DVT, what should the patient do with her legs when sitting?
elevate them
What is the antidote to heparin?
Protamine sulfate
What is the antidote to warfarin?
Phytonadione (Vitamin K)
ETOH inhibits which medication r/t DVT?
warfarin (Because soldiers who drink ETOH are not going to fight as well in a war!)
List the S/S of a PE
chills, tachypnea, hemoptysis, heart murmurs, distended neck veins, elevated temperature, hypotension
What sort of Tx is used with a PE?
thrombolytic therapy - Alteplase (Activase) or Streptokinase (Streptase) - to break up blood clots
Idiopathic Thromocytopenic Purpura - a coagulopathy that is an autoimmune disorder in which the life span of platelets is decreased by antiplatelet antibodies
Risk factors for ITP are
genetic factors inherited from parents
Risk factors for DIC are
abruptio placentae, amniotic fluid embolism, missed abortion, fetal death in utero, severe preeclampsia or PIH, septicemia, cardiopulmonary arrest, hemorrhage, hydatidiform mole
What happens to urine output with DIC?
What happens to fibrinogen levels with DIC/ITP
What happens to PT with DIC/ITP
What happens to fibrin split product levels with DIC/ITP
What is the Tx if ITP does not respond to medical management
What surgery may be performed if DIC occurs?
Administration of what may cause PPH?
magnesium sulfate during labor
S/S of water intoxication
lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, headache, malaise; can progress to seizures, coma, and death
Do not administer Methergine if
What happens to heart rate and B/P with uterine atony
tachycardia, hypotension
Are nulliparous or multiparous women more likely to have inversion of the uterus
Fundal implantation of the placenta may lead to
inversion of the uterus
a benign uterine fibroid tumor
Complete inversion of the uterus is evidenced by
a large, red, rounded mass that protrudes 20-30 cm outside the introitus
Partial inversion of the uterus is evidenced by
palpation of a smooth mass through the dilated cervix
Retained placenta is more common
in preterm births between 20-24 weeks gestation
Terbutaline (Brethine) is a
What is the distinguishable symptom of hematomas
pain, rather than bleeding
What sort of women have less distensible tissue?
Women with light skin, especially those with reddish hair