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68 Cards in this Set

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(Ignore this card)
How often should VS be taken in the latent phase
every 30-60 minutes
How often should VS be taken in the active phase
every 30 minutes
How often should VS be taken in the transition phase
every 15-30 minutes
Assess temperature how often during labor
every 4 hours
How often should contractions be monitored in the latent phase
every 30-60 minutes
How often should contractions be monitored in the active phase
every 15-30 minutes
How often should contractions be monitored in the transition phase
every 10-15 minutes
How often should FHR be monitored in the latent phase
every 30-60 minutes
How often should FHR be monitored in the active phase
every 15-30 minutes
How often should FHR be monitored in the transition phase
every 15-30 minutes
Encourage voiding every ___ during labor
2 hours
How often should VS be taken in the second stage
every 5-30 minutes
How often should FHR be monitroed in the second stage
every 15 minutes and STAT after birth
first degree laceratoin
extends through skin of perineum and does not involve the muscles
second degree laceration
extends through skin and muscles of perineum
third degree laceration
extends through skin, muscles, perineum, and anal sphincter
fourth degree laceration
extends through skin, muscles, perineum, anal sphincter, and anterior rectal wall
During the third stage, gently cleanse the vulvar area with what
warm water or 0.9% sodium chloride, then apply perineal pad or ice pack
(Ignore this card)
What is ECV
External Cephalic Version - attempt to manipulate the abdominal wall to direct a malpositioned fetus into a normal vertex cephalic presentation
When should ECV be performed?
after 37 weeks gestation
ECV caries a high risk of
prolapsed cord
Contraindications to ECV include
uterine anomalies, previous C-section, cephalopelvic disproportion, placenta previa, multifetal gestatoin, and/or oligohydramnios
What mother needs to take RhoGAM at 28 weeks?
the Rh-negative mother
Bishop Score
used to determine the maternal readiness for labor by evaluating if the cervix is favorable
What is rated on the Bishop score?
cervical dilation, effacement, consistency, position, and presenting part station
How does the Bishop Score work
the five factors are assigned a numerical value of 0 to 3, the total score is calculated, and a score is assigned
ON the bishop score, what number do nulliparas need to indicate readiness for labor?
ON the bishop score, what number do multiparas need to indicate readiness for labor?
5 or more
What does cervical ripening do to the dosage of oxytocin needed for induction
lowers the dosage needed
Give three examples of prostaglandin gel used to ripen the cervix
Cytotec, Cervidil, Prepidil
What are prostaglandin gels used for
Ripen the cervix
Can balloon catheters be used to ripen the cervix
Yes - inserted into the intracervical canal
How do hydroscopic dilators and sponges ripen the cervix
absorb fluid from the surroudning tissues and then enlarge
What cervical ripening method is made from dessicated seaweed
laminaria tents
Synthetic dilators and sponges which ripen the cervix contain what
Magnesium sulfate (lamicel)
When are synthetic dilators and sponges used, and what do they do
They ripen the cervix, used before ROM
How do synthetic dilators and sponges ripen the cervix
absorb fluid and expand causing cervical dilation
When cervical ripening is performed, hyperstimulation of the uterus may occur. What is the Tx?
administer terbutaline (Brethine) sub-Q
If there is fetal distress and the mother is placed laterally, which side should she be on?
left side
Labor should be induced with what maternal medication complications?
Rh-isoimmunization; DM; pulmonary disease; PIH
Should labor be induced with fetal demise or with chorioamnionitis?
With both
When inducing labor, the nurse may initiate oxytocin how long after the administration of prostaglandin
6-12 hours
What must the nurse ensure has happened before the administration of oxytocin
ensure that the fetus is engaged at a minimum station of 0
When administering oxytocin via piggyback, which infusion port should be used
the one closest to the client
What should uterine resting tone be
10-15 mm Hg
there is a problem if uterine contraction frequency is more often than every
2 minutes
There is a problem if uterine contraction duration is longer than
90 seconds
There is a problem if uterine contraction intensity is greater than
90 mm Hg
If a nonreassuring FHR is noted, the IV fluid rate may be increased up to
200 mL/hour
When inducing labor and noting a nonreassuring FHR, describe the medicataion to be administeed
tocolytic terbutaline (Brethine) 0.25 mg Sub-Q to diminish uterine activity
Augmentation of labor
the stimulation of hypotonic contractions once labor has spontaneously begun, but progress is inadequate
What instrument is used to perform an Amniotomy
Labor typically begins within how many hours of ROM?
12 hours
There is an increased risk of what with ROM?
cord prolapse
In order to reduce the risk of infection or malposition of fetus following AROM, what should be limited?
maternal activity
When an amnioinfusion is performed, what is instilled and how?
0.9% sodium chloride or LR solution thorugh a transcervical catheter
In a vacuum-assisted delivery, when is the vacuum released and removed?
preceding delivery of the fetal body but after the delivery of the head
What position is the mother in during a vacuum-assisted delivery
What neonatal S/S is a normal occurrence with a vacuum-assisted delivery?
caput succedaneum
How long does it take for caput to resolve?
24 hours
Is an episiotomy used to prevent cerebral hemorrhage?
Yes, in a fragile preterm infant
Which type of episiotomy is easier to repair?
midline (Median)
Which type of episiotomy is associated with lower blood loss
midline (Median)
Which type of episiotomy is associated with a higher incidence of 3rd and 4th degree lacerations
midline (Median)
Which type of episitiomy is sometimes associted with 3rd degree lacerations
A tender uterus and foul-smelling lochia may indicate