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110 Cards in this Set

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Test to determine a person at risk for preterm delivery. Positive result shows risk of preterm.
Fetal Fibronectin Assay
PIH diagnosed when?
After 20 weeks gestation only and after 48hrs PP
PIH cure?
Delivery of the baby
Pre-eclampsia definition
Hypertension at least 2 occasions
6 hrs apart +30mm or 140/90
at rest on left side
Know baseline
Pre-eclampsia + grand mal seizures
PIH abnormality
Arteriolar Spasm
Arteriolar Spasm affects:
Reduced blood flow to uterus, kidneys, liver, brain
S/SX of PIH CNS irritability
visual disturbances
Grand mal seizures
PIH plasma
Less or more in blood?
Less; causes less clotting and the appearance of edema. HCT rises
High B/P, generalized edema, proteinuria
PIH Treatments
Left sided bedrest, diet modifications (high protein, low salt), plenty of H2O, frequent dr. visits, assess DTRs (hyperreflexive 3-4+)
Severe pre-eclampsia S/SX
B/P 160/100+, 3-4 proteinuria, high HCT, HA, visual disturbances, N/V, hyperreflexia, irritable, oliguria, epigastric pain (late)
Severe pre-eclampsia TX
Complete bedrest, decreased stimuli, seizure precautions, may need IV fluids, central lines, strict I&O, daily wgt, VS, DTRs, Mag Sulfate
Magnesium Sulfate for severe pre-eclampsia
CNS depressant
causes B/P to decrease slightly
loading dose 1st- get very flushed
maintenance dose (4-7mEq/L)
Magnesuim Toxicity S/SX
9 mEq/L or more, flushed, slurred speech, absent DTR or 1+, hypothermic,
Mag Toxicity antidote
Calcium Gluconate
PIH C/S delivery procedures
Avoid vena cava syndrome, so lay on their side, caution w/ epidural, Code Pink team on delivery, continue meds till 48hrs PP
PIH signs of recovery
Eclampsia S/SX
Grand mal seizures, rise in T, strokes, abruptio placenta
Grand Mal seizures procedures
Break seizure 1st w/ valium, then Mag sulfate
Lasix usage?

Heart failure, pulmonary edema
HELLP Syndrome
Hemolysis Elevated Liver function tests Low Platelet count
Arterial Spasm
Extreme low platelet counts
B/P high post 6 wks PP
Chronic Hypertension
Chronic HTN Goals of care

Prevent superimposed PIH (diet)
Prevent uteroplacental insufficiency (Low O2, Low nutrients)
Methyldopa - HTN drug for pregnancy
Diabetes in Pregnancy
insulin requirements ?
1st TM: less needed (N/V)
2nd 3rd TM: insulin need rises
L&D: insulin coverage for D5W IV
PP: abrupt decrease; some no insulin
Effects of diabetes

perinatal mortality, hyperglycemia, polyhydramnios, PIH, infections from glycosuria, congenital abnormalities
Care of Diabetes w/ Preg
Preconception counseling, prenatal vit.,folic acid, HbA1c glycohemoglobin measurement s/b 6 or less (avg. over 4-12 wks)
Preg. Diabetes Calories
1st TM: 25-30/kg
2nd 3rd TM: 30-35/kg
3 meals, 3 snacks , last snack is vital
(eat peanut butter)
When to deliver early if diabetic
If HbA1c comes back high
If suspect LGA
Insulin requirements when
more calories required so more insulin required
Glucose Challenge Test
normal levels
24-48 weeks
Normal less than 140
3 hr Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
High carb diet 2 days then NPO
100 grams glucose wait 3 hrs
FBS: 95 or less 1 hr:180 or less
2 hr:155 or less 3 hr: 140 or less
Any two abnormal or any >200
S/SX of Diabetes
Frequent urination
Wgt loss
Gestational Diabetes Mgmt
Abnormal: insulin or glyburide
F/U 6 weeks PP
Cardiac Decompensation
Functional Classification level rises
crackles, tachy, dyspnea, orthopnea, moist cough 28-32 weeks (cardiac output rises in plasma volume)
Congenital Heart Defects
Given SBE prophylaxis (antibiotics) to prevent bacteria into heart
Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) S/SX, Tx
fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, arrhythmias,
No caffeine, SBE antibiotics at delivery,
Rheumatic Heart Disease Mgmt
High nutrient (Fe, folic acid), restrict NA, increased rest, heparin
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Mgmt
digitalis, diuretics, anticoagulants, bedrest, may need heart transplant
AP care of Cardiac Pts
Decrease anxiety, high nutrient diet, low Na, adequate calories, avoid URIs, frequent visits,
IP & PP Care of Cardiac Pts
Position w/ head & shoulders raised, O2, short 2nd stage, watch 48 hr PP (cardiac output increases), longer hosp stay, increase rest, limit visitors
Rh Incompatibility
What causes opening of barrier?
Abruptio Placenta
when to give?
If mom is antibody (-)
Cannot give if already (+)
ABO Incompatibility
Mother O
Baby A or B
causes jaundice in baby
expulsion of POC (products of conception) 20 weeks or early
Threatened spontaneous AB
Bleeding first 1/2 pregnancy
need pelvic rest
Inevitable spontaneous AB
Cx dilates
painful contractions
increased bleeding
Complete AB
All POC expelled
D&C not needed
Incomplete AB
partial expulsion of POC (placental tissue)
need D&C
Missed AB
fetal death, but POC retained for long period
D&C or can wait it out 6 weeks (at risk for DIC)
Ectopic Pregnancy
#1 cause
PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
Ectopic pregnancy
pain location?
referred pain on wrong side or shoulder
Ectopic pregnancy S/SX
pain over site, abdomen tender, cervical motion tenderness, bluish tinge to umbilicus, low RBC, high WBC,
Ectopic preg Tx
Placenta Previa
Total - covers whole cervix
Partial - covers part of cervix
Low lying - doesn't cover but sits low
Placenta Previa
Classic sign?
Intermittent painless bleeding
Placenta Previa Mgmt
No vaginal exams
Maintain bedrest ( causes constipation; give stool soft.)
C/S required for partial or total
Abruptio Placentae
Premature separation (after 20 weeks)
usually caused by HTN, abd trauma, short umbilical cord
Abruptio Placentae S/SX
Vaginal bleeding with constant abdominal pain
<250 blood loss: bedrest, observe
>250 blood loss: C/S
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
excessive N/V; beyond 1st TM
correct F/E imbalances
IV:glucose, vit.B1, elect.
Zofran, Reglan
Labor Loop
stretching of cervix----
increase in oxytocin----
increase in myometrial activity
To attempt VBAC,
you must have had...
Lower segment transverse
Effacement of cervix
Taking up of the internal os and cervical canal into uterine sidewalls

Primi: usually must efface before dilation
Dilation of cervix
Longitudinal muscle fibers pull over baby's head
When to start?
Once completely dilated only or can cause tearing
Natural physiologic anesthesia
Less blood to area=thinning of perineal area
Premonitory signs of Labor
Lightening, Brax.Hicks, Bloody show, ROM, Nesting Instinct
Other= wgt. loss, N/V,
Cervical Ripening
Can you induce to ripen cervix?
No. Induction will not work until cervix is fully ripened.
Can use ripening balloon to help
What is an Amniotomy?
Release of prostaglandins causes?
Increased contractions
Infection of both layers of BOW
Foul-smelling & cloudy amniotic fluid
What procedure is performed if unsure that BOW broken?
Sterile Speculum Exam

inspect for ferning on litmus paper
First nursing action upon BOW braking?
Listen to fetal HR to r/o umbilical cord prolapse
True labor signs
1. cervix effaces/dilates progressively
2. contractions regular, closer, longer, stronger
3. Pain in back and abdomen
4. ambulation intensifies
Stages of Labor
1st: True labor --10 cm
2nd: 10 cm -- birth of neonate
3rd: Birth -- birth of placenta
4th: First 1-4 hr after delivery
5 Critical Factors in Labor
Most adequate pelvis for birth?
Most desirable position of baby?
Occiput Anterior
Only breech presentation that may be delivered vaginal?
Frank breech presentation

*No preemie breech can be delivered vaginal
Who can apply forceps?
A MD only; although nurse midwives can use vacuum
Upright and lateral position in labor causes...?

1. contractions more intense, not pain
2. fetal head descends quicker
3. labor may be shorter
4. fetal diameter best with pelvic dia.
1st Stage of Labor---3 Phases

1. Latent Phase (early labor)
2. Active Phase
3. Transitional Phase
Labor begins when contraction are..?
3 cm and contractions 5-7 min apart lasting 30 seconds apart and moderate
After BOW breaks how often do you take mother's T?
Every hour along with pulse to assess for infection of BOW.
Latent Phase pain meds?
Vistaril IM to calm

No narcotics
Active Phase
Should progress 1 cm per hour
Active Phase Mgmt
Mouth care
Stroke arms and legs firmly
Encourage efforts
Drain bladder; full impedes descent
Active Phase pain meds
Narcotics can be given now

Nubain IM to "take the edge off" or epidural
#1 concern with epidural
Hypotension from vasodilation
**over hydrate with 1000 cc to avoid
**assess B/P q 5 min
Transition Phase
Dilation to last 8-10 cm
Biggest issue is descent

**Fear of abandonment
Physical sensations during transitional phase
N/V, belching, chills, trembling, sweating, hyperventilation
Is an increase in bloody show normal in transition phase?
Feeling felt when head is crowning
"Ring of Fire" sensation
Cardinal Movements

Engagement, Descent
Flexion, Internal Rotation
Extension, External Rotation (head)
Shoulder Rotation, Expulsion
Placenta should be removed by what time after birth?
5-30 minutes
Fourth Stage of Labor
B/P returns to prelabor level
Pulse slightly lower than labor level
Pt. very thirsty and hungry
Leopold's Maneuvers

**feeling for baby's position and presentation
1st: feeling fundus for head (breech)
2nd: checking which side back is
3rd: feeling pubic symphosis for head
4th: how dipped into pelvis is head
Where baby's heart beat is?
Should be below umbilicus, if above umbilicus it may be breech
Oxytocin Challenge Test OCT
Give Pitocin, assess 3 contractions of 40" in 10 minutes
If 50% are late decel.=(+) test= BAD
*cannot give if pt. cannot push
What is amnioinfusion?
Injection of fake amniotic fluid to give more room for fetus to move off of cord
Biophysical Profile BPP

5 components
8-10 WNL, <6=hypoxia
1. NST s/b reactive
2. U/S fetal breathing
3. U/S fetal movement
4. U/S fetal muscle tone
5. U/S amt. of amniotic fluid
Positive OCT
Nursing Mgmt
Change pt. position
Administer O2
Turn off pitocin
Raise IV rate
Administer tocolytics
Fetal Scalp pH test
Assesses for fetal acidosis

*If <7.20= acidosis
Hypotonic Labor Patterns
Hypotonic Labor Mgmt
Preterm Labor S/SX
20-37 weeks
contractions q 10 min
leaking clear, pink, brown fluid
feeling baby push down,
low, dull backache
Tocolytic drugs to stop labor until term or for corticosteroids (to strengthen lungs)
Terbutaline (tocolytic) SE
*relaxes uterus
Tachycardia, diastolic drop, palpitations, N/V, HA, SOB, high pulse ***pulmonary edema
Magnesium Sulfate (tocolytic) SE
*relaxes smooth muscle (uterus)
Mag Toxicity, pulmonary edema, resp. depression
Other tocolytics
Calcium antagonists - (no edema risk)
Prostaglandin Inhibitors
Oxytocin Antagonists