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99 Cards in this Set

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neonate Hgb


most critical extrauterine adjustment for newborn to make

establishment of respiratory function

heparin antidote

protamine sulfate

warfarin antidote

phytonadione- Vit K

coag test to monitor for Heparin


aPTT normal level for P on Heparin

1.5-2 times control of 30-40 seconds

[45-80 seconds]

coag test to monitor for P on warfarin

PT and INR

PT levels for P on warfarin

1.5-2 times control of 11-12.5

[16.5-25 seconds[

INR level for P on warfarin

2 to 3

special instructions for warfarin P

1. teratogenic medication

2. do not use with oral contraceptives because of increased risk of thrombosis

3. alcohol inhibits effects of warfarin

meds for P w/ pulmonary embolis






-similar side effects and contraindications as anticoagulants

idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

coagulopathy that is an autoimmune DO in which the life span of platelets is decreased by antiplatelet antibodies

disseminated intravascular coagulation

coagulopathy in which clotting and anticlotting mechanisms work concurrently

when do you suspect coagulopathy

when normal measures to stimulate uterine contractions fail to stop vaginal bleeding

what are tocolytics used for

to treat/prevent preterm labor

what are the common tocolytic drugs

terbutaline (Brethine)

nifedipine (Adalat and Procardia)

magnesium sulfate


hydroxyprogesterone caproate

ritodrine (Yutopar)

adverse effects of terbutaline (Brethine)

nervousness, restlessness, trembling


tachy, palpitations



pulmonary edema


adverse effects of nifedipine (Adalat)


peripheral edema




adverse effects of magnesium sulfate

decreased deep tendon reflexes (DTR)

resp. depression

flushing, warmth, nasal congestion


decreased biophysical profile score

decreased FHR variability

adverse effects of indomethacin (NSAID)

reduced platelet aggregation

adverse effects of hydroxyprogesterone caproate


uticaria, pruritus




fluid retention

adverse effects of ritodrine (Yutopar)

BP changes


tachy (med not DC'd unless mom >140bpm)

pulmonary edema


***notify HCP if >120bpm or RR>20

because these could be s/s of pulmonary edema

contraindications for tocolytics in general


antepartum hemorrhage

heart disease

>37 weeks

advanced cervical dilation/effacement

fetal demise


contraindications for terbutaline (Brethine)

>34 weeks gestation




severe heart D

cardiac dysrhythmias

contraindications for magnesium sulfate

heart block

significant myocardial damage

renal failure

myasthenia gravis

contraindications for indomethacin

should only be used if gestational age is less than 32 weeks gestation

should not be used for > 48 hours

contraindications for nifedipine (Adalat and Procardia)

should not be used concurrently with magnesium sulfate

side effects and danger signs for combined oral contraceptives



leg pain (poss DVT)


eye problems


contraindications for combined oral contraceptives

hx blood clots, stroke, cardiac problems, breast or estrogen related cancers, pregnancy, smoker, >35yo

meds that can decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives

certain drugs that affect liver enzymes such as anticonvulsants and and some antibiotics

function of betamethasone (Celestone)

a glucocorticoid that is given to enhance fetal lung maturity and surfactant production

how is betamethasone given and when is it effective

2 IM injections 24 hours apart

requires a 24-hr period to be effective

therapeutic level of magnesium sufate

4-8 mg/dL

at what level of magnesium sulfate will patient experience loss of DTRs

8-10 mg/dL

at what level of mag sulfate will P experience respiratory depression

> 10 mb/dL

what is a toxic level of mag sulfate that will result in a cardiac arrest

>12 mg/dL

how long should mag sulfate be continued post delivery for severely pre-eclamptic patients

24 hours

when is mag sulfate DC'd immediantly

s/s pulmonary edema

antidote for mag sulfate

calcium gluconate

monitor newborn for ____________ when mom has been given mag sulfate

decreased BP

decreased reflexes

decreased RR

monitor newborn for _____________ when mom has been given ritodrine (Yutopar)


notify if FHR > 160/min

Hcg rises until what week of pregnancy

15 weeks gestation

when is heartbeat auscultated first by doppler or ultrasonic transmitter

10-12 weeks gestation

fetoscope can be used to hear fetal heartbeat by

18-20 weeks gestation

normal FHR


US confirmation of gestational sac should be made by

week 6 gestation

early amniocentesis is performed at approx.

between 14 and 16 weeks gestation

when is chorionic villus sampling done

10 to 12 weeks gestation

what common genetic anomaly cannot be determined by chorionic villus sampling

spina bifida or anencephaly

what is the L/S ratio?


lung sufactants found in 3rd trimester

the higher the _____________, the more mature the lungs are


When is the alpha-fetoprotein level assessed

16-18 weeks gestation

what does an elevated alpha-fetoprotein level indicate

spina bifida, hydrocephalus

how does one obtain and alpha-fetoprotein level

maternal blood sample


the fertilized egg stays in the fallopian tube for about ____________ days

4 days

how many days between fertilization and implantation

7 days

oral contraceptives predispose patients to


GTPAL indicates

# pregnancies

# term deliveries

# preterm deliveries (20-37weeks)

# abortions (<20wks)

# living children

Hagar's sign

uterus becomes globular in shape, softens, and flexes easily over the cervix-a probable sign of pregnancy

Goodell's sign

cervical softening due to increased vascularity congestion and edema

- a probably sign of pregnance

Chadwick's sign

the bluish discoloration of the cervix

-a probable sign of prenancy

quickening is felt when

16-20 weeks for multipara

about 18 weeks for pimipara

legal point of fetal viability

22 weeks

Nagele's rule

subtract 3 months

add 7 days

recommended weight gain

3-4 lbs/month first trimester

1 lb/week thereafter

total of 25 to 35 lbs

considered postpartum hemorrhage for vag birth

>500 mL blood loss

considered postpartum hemorrhage for c-section

>1000mL blood loss

meds for postpartum hemorrhage

oxytocin (Pitocin)

methylergonovine (Methergine)

misoprostol (Cytotec)

carboprost tromethamine (Hemabate)

ballottment usually observed during

4th or 5th month gestation

gestational hypertension parameters

begins after 20 wks

>140/90 at least twice, 4 to 6 hours apart

no proteinuria

(BP will return to baseline w/in 6 wks postpartum)

mild preeclampsia parameters


proteinuria >+1

possible transient HAs

possible episodes of irritability

edema may be present

severe preeclampsia

> 160/100

proteinuria > 3+


serum creatinine > 1.2 mg/dL

HA/blurred vision

hyperreflexia w/ poss anle clonus

pulmonary/cardiac/hepatic involvement

extensive peripheral edema

epigastric and RUQ pain



usually preceded by HA, severe epigastric pain, hyperreflexia, and hemoconcentration, which are warning signs of probable convulsions


variant of GH in which hematologic conditions coexist with severe preeclampsia involving hepatic dysfunction.

*** diagnosed by lab tests, not by s/s

HELLP stands for

Hemolysis resulting in anemia and jaundice

ELevated ALT or AST, epigastric pain, N/V

LP platelets < 100,000/mm3 resulting in abnormal bleeding and clotting time, bleeding gums

petechiae, and possible DIC(disseminated intravascular coagulopathy)

gestational hypertensive diseases are associated with

placental abruption

kidney failure

liver rupture

preterm birth

fetal and maternal death

hyperemesis gravidarum is associated with

altered thyroid disease

hx migraines,

first pregnancy or multiples

fetus with chromosomal abnormalities,

gestational trophoblastic disease

gestational DM is associated with

spontaneous abortion

increased urinary and vag infections




maternal age >25

previous large baby

high risk groups for preeclampsia are

African Americans

young primipara

antidote for magnesium sulfate that should always be on hand

calcium gluconate

untreated DM can lead to



uncontrolled glucose metabolism is assoc with

increased incidence of;



-neonatal hypoglycemia

-respiratory distress syndrome

-premature delivery

differential between placenta previa and placenta abruptiva

placenta previa is painless BRB bleeding

the most common cause of bleeding in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters

placenta previa

abruption placentae is characterized by

abd pain or low back pain

blood is dark red

a woman with ___________ is more likely to have infection of hemorrhage postpartum

placentae previa

recommended amount of milk for pregnant woman to drink per day

one quart


purse-string suture to prevent premature cervical dilation

symptoms of spontaneous abortion

vag bleeding

abd cramping


normal fetal heart rate


the four Ps

the four components of childbirth





Station refers to

the location of the presenting part in relation to the ischial spines and indicates the degree of advancement of the presenting part through the pelvis

stations are represented by

cm above (-) ischial spine

cm below (+) ischial spine

*** remember 4 on the floor!

+ 4 presenting part crowning

definitive signs of labor

progressive uterine contractions and effacement and dilation of cervix

prematory signs of labor (prodromal signs)

weight loss of 1-3 lbs

nesting instinct

burst of energy

passage of mucous plug

primaparas cervix will

efface and then dilate

multiparas cervix will

efface and dilate at the same time

four stages of labor

1) 0 to 10 cm dilated

2) BIRTH-full dilation thru birth

3) DELIVERY of neonate

4) maternal stabilization from delivery of placenta to stabilization of v/s

Phases of the first stage of labor

1) latent 0-3 cm dilation

2) active 4-7 cm dilation

3) transition 8-10 cm dilation