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45 Cards in this Set

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Two or more people with relatively independent, stable and well defined tasks and roles, working towards a common goal.
Examples of Orginizations
Cults, citites, companies
Five Function Model
"Why are we here?"
a. Who are we?
b. What is our place in the world?
c. These questions need to be answered so that we can build a sense of identity for the company.
"Where are we going?"
-Working through problems.
-Strategy and Decision making
-SWOT Matrix
"How do we get there?"
-Bureaucracy- Teams SDWT
"Why should I care?"
-Org. don't move, people do.
-1st person bc, org. need to stay motivated
"How are we doing?"
-mistakes aren't all bad, learning from mistakes.
A groups shared beliefs and values.
The amount of space people are going to put between themselves and others.
High-Context Culture
Setting is key to meaning
-Who serves you tea.
-Traditional Societies
Low-Context Culture
Setting is not significant, what matters is the agreement itself.
-Capitalist Societies
Cultural Artifacts
Customs, traditions, rituals, ceremonies, sayings

Levels of Culture- (Schein)
Espoused Values
What people say.

Levels of Culture- (Schein)
Underlying Assumptions
Unconscious, taken for granted, perceptions, thoughts and feelings.

Levels of Culture- (Schein)
Dream, or ideal future identity.
Ideal present action, process of making dream reality.
Two or more people working together to interact and influence each other, common goal, social entity within an organization.
To divide into departments.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.
Limitations of SWOT
-Quality of Data.
-Quality of Analysis.
-Judgment in identifying key factors.
Selective Attention
Process of reaction to certain stimuli selectively when others occur simultaneously.
Halo Effect
A favored person can do no wrong, scapegoat can do no right.
Primary Effect
Over-relying on ones first impressions.
Recency Effect
Over-relying on the most recent observations and data.
Sunk Costs
Spend so much money on something they refuse to buy a new product because of how much was spent on the last product. (car)
Offices and Desks (Government by bureaus)
Division of Labor (Bureaucracy)
-Allocation of functions.
-Allocation of responsibility.
Centralization (Bureaucracy)
-Hierarchy- levels of authority.
-Span of Control- # of under one boss.
-Chain of Command- who your boss is.
-Scalability- ability to change size.
Formalization (Bureaucracy)
-Everyone follows rules.
-Career Identification
-Self directed work team
-most sig. type of team
-high interdependence
-responsible for all work
Informal rules and expectations about how the team functions, about what individuals do.
Process Losses
Resources expended toward team development and magmt. rather than the task itself.
-planning a meeting
Social Loafing
Coasting on other's work.
Evaluation Aprehension
Being afraid to share an idea for fear you'll be considered foolish.
Favoring consensus too highly.
Group Polarization
Some groups can end up in extreme positions.
Encouraging creative ideas.
Constructive Conflict
Encouraging debate as a means of inquiry.
Power over (Follett)
Management manipulates workers
Power with (Follett)
Each worker has freedom and interdependence.
BHAG- Collins Parra
i.True BHAG is clear and compelling.
ii.Has true finish line so the organization can know if it has achieved the goal.
iii.BHAG’s stimulate progress
Ex. Kennedy’s “Man on the Moon” goal during the 60’s.
Be a clock builder not a time teller.
i.If you tell someone the time, the answer is complete; make someone build their own skills.
ii.Continue on as leaders come and go.
Core Values/ Idealolgies
i.Be able to motivate the team.
ii.Core values are what drives the team and keeps it going, they should not be combined with financial gain.
iii.The point is to set reasons for a company’s existence beyond just making the dollar.
Cult Like Cultures
i.The point is to build an organization that preserves it’s ideologies in concrete ways.
ii.Ex. A restaurant makes food. What does Disney make? It makes people happy.