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248 Cards in this Set

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there is a...% in cardiac output due to increase in.. and ....
40% increase in cardiac output due to increase in SV of 30-30% and HR 15-30%
secondary increase in co in pregnancy are due
increased catecholamines and auto transfusion from uterus
increase in BV of
blood volume increases progressively after
7 weeks gestation and reaches peak at 33 weeks w little change after
the shift in volume of goes to uterus, kidneys, breasts and striated muscle
of the total blood volume increase, the increase in plasma volume of...is relatively greater than the increase in rbc mass of and this results in..
45%-25%/hemodilution and a relative decrease in hg-dilutional anemia
increased blood volume serves two purposes
facilitates maternal and fetal exchange of nutrients, gases and metabolites (increased viscosity)
reduces the impact of maternal blood loss at delivery
ebl at delivery
vaginal is 500, csex is 1000
what is autotransfusion
during labor , the contracting uterus, auto transfuses 300-500 cc of blood compensating for the usual maternal blood loss at birth.
autotranfusion can increase co by
in normal pregnancy, ...and...remain unchanged
syst bp, pulmonary artery p
aortocaval compression is otherwise called
supine hypotension syndrome
whent he parturient lies supin,e the ..and the ..is compressed
inferior vena cava, lower aorta
....% decrease in CO can occur from aortocaval compression
in the awake state, this....compensates for the decreased co seen due to aortocaval compression
increased svr and hr; blood flow increase through collateral veins at the paravertebral venous plexus incuding epidural veins
tx for aortocaval compression
pressors/ left tilt/right hip roll
the most critical time for the parturient is the and why
immediate postpartum period when cardiac output is at its highest and thus places the greatest strain on the heart
auto transfusion of the uterus, complete and sudden relief of inferior vena caval obst, high circultating catecholamines
cardiac output returns to normal wihtin
2 weeks post partum
all coag factors except for..increase
...and..increase throughout pregnancy and peak at 50% above normal by end of second trimester (respt)
mv, o2 consumption
..space increased due to increased vt/mv
overall alveolar vent is ...higher at end of gestation
pac02 decreases
the development of alkalosis due to decreased co2 tension is prevented by
a compensatory decrease in serum bicarb
pa02 increases
hyperventilation would shift the oxyghemoglobin curve to..and cause the maternal blood to
left to hold on to oxygen
two things offset the effects of hyperventilation and shift the curve to the right allowing o2 to be released to fetus
increase in bicarb and increase in 23dpg
the po2 required for 50% saturation on the dissasociation curve
the bohr effect is..and shifts the curve to the...
as co2 diffuses from blood to alveoli, there is a reduction in pco2 and hydrogen ions---decreased carbonic acid and a left shift resulting in an uptake of 02 and a left shift
how does the fetal placental interface effect the o2 diss curve
co2 from fetus enters blood, forms increased carbonic acid, increased h+ ions, right shift with release of oxygen where its needed.
hg can carry more oxygen at a
low pco2
decrease of ...% of FRC and resultant
20%, resultant reduced oxygen storage capacity combined with increased oxygen consumption leads to an unusual rapid decline in arterial oxygen in the apneic patient
elevated gi r/t hormones in pregnancy
progesterone-decreases gastroesophogeal sphincter tone and gastrin increases maternal gastric output
mendelson syndrome
gastric contents over 25 cc, ph < 2.5,
tx for mendeslons syndrome
non particulant anatacid 30 cc sodium citrate
non particulant
all parturients are at risk for aspiration after
8-10 weeks gestation
w/an elective c sextion npo status is
6 hrs
scopolamine reduces..
lower gastroesophogeal sphincter tone and may promote passive regurg
gfr increases after the fourth month and at term is
elevated 50-60%
blood urea and creatine is reduced by
serum psudocholinestarase levels will fall during the first trimester and remain low throughout gestation bu
there is a reserve so only 10% of women are really at risk
effects of preg on induction and depth of anes
increased induction speed and depth
pregnancy enhances inhalation agent uptake as mush a
why does induction occur faster
increase in MV delivers more VA, decreased frc favors the rapid replacment of alveolar content with inspired agent
mac returns to normal by
third postpartum day
why is there an increased sens to LA
changes in csf ph, likely due to engorged venous plexus of epidural veins
why is there an engorgment of the epidural venous plexus
obst of the inferior vena cava by enlarging uterus and the increase in circulation blood volume
effects of the engorged venous plexus
decreased csf volume, decrease in potential epidural space, increase in epidural space pressure
how does the engorged epidural plexus effect the spread of la
cephelad, placement difficulty (higher incidence of dural puncture and the epidural catheter migration into the epidural veins
why does thiopental have a doubling of the elimantion half life
because of the 45% increae in plasma with a resultant increase in greater volume of destribution
progesterone has ...effects on sedation
at term uterine blood flow accounts for about % of the maternal cardiac output
because uterine vasulature is max dilated,...is absent
auto regulation
uterine blood flow is proportional to
mean perfusion pressure
ap-vp/vascular restistance= blood flow
blood flow is directly proportional to the difference between the uterine artery and inv. propr to
venous pressures but inversly prop to uterine vascular resitance
three major factors that decrease uterine blood flow
systemic hypotension, uterine vascular vasconstriction and uterine contraction
common causes of maternal hypotension includie
aortocaval compression, hypovolemia, sympathetic blockade after regional anesthesia.
how can systemic hypotension in the praturient be minimized
fluid loading, ephedrine pre treat,epidural with minimal la concentration and + narcotics to supplement, right uterine displacement and oxygen supplementation
...causes uterine vascular vasconstriction
release of endogeneous catecholamines and exogenous sympathomimetics
uterine contrations decrease blood flow by
elevating uterine venous pressure brought on by the increased intramural pressure of the uterus.
50% of fetal cardiac output flows with little resistance through
two umbilical arteries towards the placenta
where is fetal blood cleaned and oxygenated
in the villi
blood from the placenta to fetus goes through
one umbilical vein
at term blood flow is
120 ml/kg/min 360 ml/min
substances are exchanged across the placental membrane by 5 mechanisms
diffusion, bulk flow, active transpot, pinocytosis, breaks
...are transported by diffusion
respiratory gases, fatty acids, small ions.
water is transported by
bulk flow
positive rh blood type denotes that the individual carries the
d type antigen
..% of uterine blood flow passes to the intervillous space of the placenta and
80%, 20% supplies the actual myometrium of the uterus.
the fetus can survive up to 10 minutes w/out oxygen due to
redistribution of fetal blood flow to the brain and the placenta
decreased oxygen consumption
anaerobic metabolism
the fetus can survive up to ten minutes without oxygen because of
redistribution of blood flow to the brain, heart and placenta
decreased oxygen consumption
anaerobic metabolism
transfer of oxygen across the placenta is dependent upon the
ratio of maternal blood flow to fetal umbilical blood flow
well oxygenated blood from the placenta has a pa02
of only 40 torr.
normal maternal pa02 is
95-104 torr
to aid oxygen transfer (3)
fetal hg curve is left shifted
hemoglobin conc in fetus is 50% greater that the mother
doublebohr effect
double bohr effect
the fetal blood entering the placenta has a high pc02, which diffuses into the maternal blood which then releases more oxygen because it becomes more acidic. so even more oxygen is diffused into the blood of the fetus. the bohr effect allows even maternal blood to give up more oxygen that is typical and encourages the fetal blood to take up more oxygen than would be typically possible thus doubling the effect.
carbon dioxide diffuses across the placenta by
fetal hemoglobin has..affinity for co2 than maternal
fetal hemoglobin can carry...%..o2 than maternal
20-30 more
goal of the anatomic shunt is
to maximally perfuse the placenta and bypass nearly all of the nonfunctional lung and liver
blood from the placenta through the one umbilical vein passes through the
ductus venosus on its way to the inferior vena cava
from the ductus venosus through the inferior vena cava blood then flows through the...inot the ... and then to
right atrium into the foramen ovale into the left atrium
the well oxygenated blood from the left atrium enters the ...throught the and pumped by the ..into the vessels of the head and forelibms
left ventricle thorugh the mitral valve and the left ventricle
blood entering the right atrium via the superior vena cava is preferentially directed into the ..via the
right atrium via the tricuspid valve
blood is pumped from the right ventricle into the
pulmonary artery
from the pulmonary artery blood flows into the
ductus arteriosus into descending aorta and through two umblical arteries to oxygante the placenta
average oxygen saturation of blood in umblical vein is..after it mixes with blood in the ductus venosus it is
80%, 67%
ductus arteriosis connects the....to the...and protects the
connects the main pulmonary artery to the desending aorta and thus protects the lungs against circulatory overload
the foramen ovales helps prevent
blood from moving in the reverse direction
all circulatory adjustments during the first few hours of life shunt an ever increasing amount of blood through the
primary changes of circulation at birth are
loss of tremendous blood flow through the low resistance placenta which double the SVR of the fetus. , increasing pressure of the left ventricle and atrium. Pulmonary vascular resitance decreases due to the expansion of lungs with the first breath. FA/DA closure
the first breath of the new born generates initial negative intrathoracic pressure of
40-60 cmh20
functional closure of the da occurs due to
increased oxygen in the area
another name for persistent fetal circulation is
persistent pulmonary hypertension
right to left shunt causes
hypoxia and acidosis
...WOULD cause right to lefts shunt
anything that would cause the pulmonary vascular resitance to be higher than the systemic vascular resistance
..%of pregnancies are complicated by pregnancy induced hypertentsion
most patients with pih
under 20 , primigravidas
pih is characterized by
preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP ( hemolytic elevated liver enzymes and low platelets)
potential maternal complications of pih are
arf, cerebral hemorrage from hypertension, pulmonary edema
pre eclampsia occurs after the
20th week of gestation
pre eclampia features
intravascular depletion with increased caridac output and generalized vasoconstriction
severe preeclampsia progresses to eclampsia when
seizures occur
first priority of the eclamptic patient is to
control convulsion
increased PVR results frm and in
from hypoxemia and acidosis and results in Results in RV failure with R to L shunts across the foramen ovales and left V failure with a R to left shunt across the ductus arteriosus
preeclampsia results in a uterus that is
the main problem of the HELLP syndrome starts with activation of the
coagulation cascade
symptoms of hellp are
gradual w the onset of headaches, blurred vision, n/v, band pain around the upper abomen and tinglinging in the extremities.
definitive therapy for PHI is
delivery of the fetus and the placenta
...is an extremely effective anticonvusant, tocolytic, and mild general vasodilator.
the cns depression effects of mag are due to
cerebral artery vasodilation
magnesium depresses both
smooth muscle contraction and cns catecholamine release with the result of lowering of the bp and improved blood flow
side effects associated with the use of magnesium are
abnormal muscle contraction resulting in muscle weakness including resp insufficiency.
...provides superb analgesia during the labor and delivery of a parturient with PIH and why
LEA. Decreased maternal endogenous catecholamines helps to lower maternal oxygen requirments and improves uterine blood flow by decreasing the maternal hyperventilation. Decrease in BP. Assists overall with the hyperdynamic state
managment technique of the PIH patient
managment of hypertension, evaluation of the absence of the severe coagulopathy, supplemental oxygen, adequate prehydration with great caution . Monitoring should include use of pulse oximeter and cont recorded fetal heart rate/uterine contractions and occ. CVP
prehydration for the PIH patient
50o cc NS for T10 level or 50-100 cc of 25% albumin
add benefit for LEA for the PIH patient secondary to systemic benefits
provides block for cesarean section
prehydration/med for level of LEA required for Csextion
1-2 L NS, for t4 level and ephedrine 2.5-5.0 mg
approx size of tube for ETT for GA for the parturient PIH
induction for GA for the patrient with PIH
reduced propofol and thiopental and no ketamine. no def dose for succ because of magnesium dosing. succ 1.5 mg/kg. no further MR-decrease muscle tone and not required. initial maint is best achived with IA with a 100% oxygen delivery 1.5 mac for the first minute and 2/3 to 1/2 mac until delivery.
anes tx of the parturient with PIH after delivery
opiods are further supplemented as tolerated and IA are reduced or eliminated. N20/TIVA Propofol as tolerated. blunt hypertensive resopnse to intubation, surgical stimulation and expected light extubation condiitions w opiods, mag, lidocaine and more frequently bb or antihypertensives.
the PIH parturients are prone to...within 24 hrs of delivery and why
prone to convulse and develop pulmonary edema. because the sympathetic block from the epidural begins to dissapate. and mag is weaned over 48 hrs, antihypertensiv therapy is cont as needed
three stages of labor
first stage ( latent-4 cm cervical dilation) and active greater than 4 cm dilation)
second- complete dilation of the cervix till delivery involving the descent of the fetus through the pelvis and out of canal
third- involves delivery of the placenta
what is an actual shunt
patent foramen ovale
regular contractions are..apart
10 cm
the epidural can generally be placed in the ...
latent phase
innervation at...occurs with pain during the first stage
pain caused by fetal descend through the pelvis and the placental delivery stretches the pelvic and peritoneal structures with inervation at
epidural is usually placed
nearly all opiod analgesics..
cross the placenta and can effect the fetus and cause resp depression w/ acidosis and sedation.
opiods are typically used
earlly in labor, w/in 4 hours of delivery
...are seldom used because
benzo ... amensia
most common side effect of labor epidurals is
hypotension secondary to sympathetic blockade and result in vasodilation
prior to placing epidurals it is essential to
establish the ptient with their pain relief expectations
epidurals should only be attempted in a location where
complete anestethia equipment and resuscitative drugs are available
absolute contraindications to epidural include
patient refusal, coagulopathy, plt count less than 100,000, skin infection at side, rasied ICP, hypovolemia. which may lead to circulatory collapse
relative contraindications to epidurals
uncooperative patients, prex nuerological disorders as such a MS maybe contraindicated because of any new neurolgical symptoms .
fixed cardiac output states including aortic stensois, hypertrophic obstructive obstructie cardiomyopathy, mitral stenosis and complete heart block. patients are unable to increase cardiac output in response to the symp. blockade and subsequent peripheral vasodilation caused by epidural blockade.
anatomical abnormalities such as scoliosis
previous back surgery ( ***infection)
labor epidurals are...procedures
prior to epidural positioning and placement...administer....
non particulant (clear) antaci and 500-1000 cc LR fluid bolus
spinal cord ends at
typical depth from skin to lumbar epidural space is
5 cm
test dose i
lido 1.5 % and epi 1:200,000 3 cc (45 mg LIDO and 27 mcg EPI)
intravascular placement o EPI woulld
give you increase in HR and BP unless the pt is BB
lido test dose ( ...% occurence) will give you a
.5-2.5% occurence will give you a fast block o t8-10
after pt positioning with an epidural, give
5 cc of .25% bupicivacine and 100 mcg of Fentanyl and begin frequent monitoring for of BP and watch for signs of hypotension
begin epidural infusion with
.1% bupivicaine and fentanyl 2-5 mcg per cc at 6-10 cc/hr
inadequate analgesia as labor progresses can be treated with
an additional bolus of .25% bupivicaine 5-10 cc
if pt is completely ditated and ready to push or i the process its pref to treat epidural w
Fentanul 50-100 mcg to avoid using la and maint the greatest motor function
when the epidural tip is removed than..
maintain the now recognized intrathecal catheter as you would
any other spinal or as an epidural with 1/10 of the mg volume dose. label the cather as intrathecal and cont to communicated with anyone who may handle the catheter.
pres free intentional intrathecal opiod placement is reseved for the
multip parturient as tehir progress through labor is typically fast and this is a one shot technique and the duration can not be extended or converted for emergency C/S.
one shot intrathecal opiods have no
have no side effects of sympthetic blockade.
side effects of intrathecal opiods
n/v urticaria.
ex of small gage needles to elimnate post dural puncture headaches
pencan 25 G or whitacre 25 G
...are typically not used due several reported cases of cauda equina syndrome
cont spinal catheters 28 gage.
the FHR is controlled by the
autonomic nervous system
the inhibitoryt influence on the HR is conveyed by the
vagus nerve
excitatory influence on the HR is conveyed by the
symp. nervous system
progressive vagal dominance on fetal hr occurs as the
fetus approaches term and after birth this results in a gradual decrease in the baseline FHR
...influence the FHR through the vagus nerve in response to change in fetal blood pressure
almonst any stressful situation in the fetus evokes the...which ellicits
baroreceptor reflex..which ellicits selective peripheral vasoconstriction and hypertension with a resultant bradycardia.
vasonstriction due to stressful stimuli with resultant bradycardia in the fetus may be caused by
hypoxia, uterine contractios, fetal head compression, perhaps fetal grunting or defaction.
chemoreceptors located in the...of the fetus resond to tachycardia and hypertension, excess co2 and acidosis and produce
aortic and carotoid bodies/produce tachycarida and hypertension
a...or...refects a healthy fetal nervous system
variable FHR or baseline variability
variability should be normal after
32 weeks
sustained decreased baseline variability is a
potential sign of fetal asphixia and thus a nonreassuring FHR
FHR accelerations of...beat/min for more than..sec are normal and considered reassureing
a15 beats/min for more than 15 sec
accelerations reflect
normal oxygenation and are related to fetal activity in response to uterine pressure
absence of acelerations is
the timing for FHR decelerations is relative to
the uterine contraction and has specific corresponding etiologies
early decelerations of (10-40 beats/min are simultaneous to contractions and re the result of
vagal reflex and head compression
early decelerations are not associated with
fetal distress and are thus reassuring
late decelerations have an onset of
10-30 seconds after contractionsbegin and end 10-30 seconds after the conraction ends. this is a sign of uteroplacental insuficiency and overall fetal circulatory decompression.
all late decelerations are considered/ late deceleration with a decrease in variability
potentially threatening to the fetus
variable decelerations may be a sign of
head and umbilical cord compression
variable decelerations are shown by an acute fall in the
FHR and a rapid down slope and a variable recovery phase and may not be in a constant releationsip with the contraction
...are the most commonly encountered patterns during labor and occur frequently in patient who have experienced premature rupture of membranes and decreased amniotic fluid volume
variable decelerations
variable decelerations are caused by
compression of the umbilical cord
a....if not corrected may lead to acidosis and fetal distress and is non reassuring
persistent variable decelration
nonreassuring variable decelerations associated with the loss of...are non reassuring and represent a threat to the fetus
beat to beat variability
non reassuring hr
decrease in variability, late deceleration w/ persistent decrease in variability, no variability fetal bradycardia.
implied with any regional anes. is a potential for
general anes.
any regional anes required a
t4 sensory level for cesarean section
cardiac accelerator fibers originate from
1st to 5th thoracic spinal nerves.
diaphragm innervation is at
sensory dennervation to the thoraci region which is partially blocked can lead to the
quiet respirations causing the pt to feel that they can not breath.
tingling or weak ability to grasp the hands implies
low cervical blockade for c5,6,7
ability of the patient to lift their head implies that
muscles of accessory breathing are intact
with routine or scheduled c sections, ..is pref over..due to..
spinal v. epi, due to faster placement and consistent dense sensory and motor blockade.
typical spinal dose
.75% bupivicaine 7.5mg/cc 10.5-15 mg with addition of fentanyl 12.5 mg or PF morphine .15 mg
true emergent c/x is treated at
only induce GA after confirmation with
surgical team readiness.
incision with c/x occurs
after you confirm an established airway
an emergent c/x in a pt with a previously dosed labor epidural ca be dosed with
increments of 15-20 cc chloroprocaine 3% or alkanized 2% PF lido (1cc sodium bicarb 8.4% per 10 cc of LIdo) epi is not used because it can slow the onset of the block
why is epi not used for cx dosing of epidural
it ca slow the onset of block
migration of labor epidural catheters can result in
high spinal or toxic blood levels respectively and should be treated with RSI GETA.
inadequate or patchy sensory level of labor epidural catheters should be treated with
IV ketamine 10-25 mg or 30-50% N20. and the SR can infilrate with 1% lidocaine
GETA in the parturient has an increased risk because of
difficult airway, increased risk of aspiration
incidence of failed intubaation is x higher in the parturient
dosing for RSI induction for the parturient
succ 1.5 mg/kg/ propofol 2 mg/kg
incision is pertmitted after
confirmation of proper ETT placement
...given after fetal delivery
antibiotics, oxytocin 20 u/LTR PSR. Methergine 0.2 mg IM or Hemabate 025 mg IM PRS for uterine atony.
extubate the praturient w
awake with protective reflexes intact
normal apgar score, moderate, needs res.
normal is 7-10
mod 4-6
need res 1-3
..apgar score is defin
all elective surgeries should be
postponed until 6 weeks after delivery
with surgery during preg. during first signs of labor
give tocoltics such as torbutaline and ritordine
FHR for intra gestational surgery should be included
pre and post op 10-16 weeks gestation
for intra gestational surgery, rSI GETA should be utilized with GA after
10-16 weeks gestation
maintaine uterine displacement with the parturient in the supine position for intra gestational surgery...
after 24 weeks gestation
most common surgeris for the parturient
cerclage and lap
..prevents or blocks fetal delivery in .5% inc
placenta previa
..presents typically with painless vaginal bleedng
placenta previa
..previa that aheres to the uterine surface
placental accreta
placenta previa that invades the muscle
placental increta
...placenta previa that completely invades the uterine muscle and surrounding tissue
placental pecreta
..premature superation of the life giving placenta from the uterine wall witha ...inidence
abpruption placentae with a 1-2 % incidence
...indicated by painful vaginal bleeding
abruptio placentae
risk factor for abpurtio placenta
hypertension, traum, short umbilical cord, multiparty, prolonged rupture of membraes, cocaine and etoh abuse
severe abruptio requires
emergency RSI GETA, C/S and aggresive volume managment
uterine rupture may occur with
parturients whith any history or previous extensie uterine manipulation particulary VBAC (vag birth after cesarean)
presentation of uterine rupture
loss of uterine tone, bleediing, fetal distress.
treatment for uterine rupture
emergency open hysyterectomy with aggresive volume managmenti
incidence of post partum hemmorage
tx post partum hemmorage
oxytocin 2030 U/L, Methergine .2 mgIM (uterine an smooth muscle constrictor) Hemabate (form of prostogland/uterine/smooth muscle constricotor/increase BP)
problem with prolapsed cord and %
1%, cord compression and fetal demise
risk factors for prolapsed cord
excess lenght of cord, multiparty, multgestations. low birth weight, malpresentation. * premature or artifical rupture of membranes
treatment for cord prolapse
immediate c/s with RSI
dystocia or inneffecive labor is caused by
inadequate uterine contractions, abnormal fetal presentationor cephalopelvic disproportion
prolonged latent phase is defined as
greater that 20hrs in prima and 14 hrs in multi
in the prolonged latent phase, the cervix remains
dilated to 4cm but completely effeaced.
most common abrnormal fetal presentation and %
breech 3-4%
typically breech presentation is due to
multiple gestations and fetal prematurity
cord prolapse occurs in % of breech presentation
..are often placed with external cephalic version
why are epidurals placed for external cephalic version
discomfort, manipulation can result in placental rupture/distress and requires immediate cx-placement avoid the need for RSI and GETA.
csec rate for breech
amniotic fluid embolism has a greater than...mortality rate with a ...% rate
amniotic fluid embolism in a parturient presents with
sudden respiratory distress, tachypnea, cyanosis, cardiovascular collapse and bleeding.
chest compressions are at best ..in a parturient
innafective due to pisiton
risk of uterine rupture after VBAC is
.2-1.5 %
...%of patients w a dural puncture will develop a PDPH
zero-24 hrs following a dural puncture, encourage the pt to
increase fluid intake/helps to ensure that the rate of CSF production is adequate
....can be used as tx for PDPH
intravenous caffeine 500 mg/ caffeine sodium benzoate in one liter iv fluid and infuse this over one hour, may be repeated every 8. 300 mg oral caffeine will provide temp analgesia
epidural blood patch is performed
24-48 hrs following dural puncture with a severe PDPH
epidural bloodpatch uses and is effective
15-20 ml of blood in the patch, 95% of the time.
after a blood patch, the pt should
remain in the decubitus position for 30 minutes after placement before they are allowed to ambulate