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124 Cards in this Set

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What is seen or measured.
A conclusion based on observation or evidence.
An untested prediction. A good hypothesis states both cause and effect (“Ifthen”
A broad explanation of natural events that is supported by strong evidence.
Compares the results of an experiment between two (or more)
Controlled Experiment
Group being tested or receiving treatment. (ex: new drug)
Experimental Group
“Normal” group. Should be identical to experimental group in every way
except oneit does not receive the treatment (i.e.: no drug, or given the original drug or a
Control group:
A sugar pill or other “fake” treatment give to the control group so subjects do not
know which group they are in.
Variable that is being tested (ex: new drug). In a graph the
[ ]variable is always plotted on the X axis.
Independent Variable:
Variable that is measured at the end of an experiment; the results
(ex: does patient get better?) The[ ] variable is always plotted on the Y axis.
Dependent Variable
Characteristics of a good experiment
1. Can be repeated by anyone and get the same results.
2. Have large sample size/many test subjects.
3. Are performed for longer periods of time.
4. Test only one variable.
5. Are peer reviewed – examined by several scientists to determine its accuracy.
6. Does not have to agree with the hypothesis. A scientist’s guess is allowed to be
incorrect – and usually is.
7. Is objective – the experiment and conclusion are fair and unbiased. Fact and opinion are
not mixed.
All living things must maintain
To maintain homeostasis, organisms carry out the same basic life functions
excretion, transport, respiration, growth, synthesis, regulation and synthesis
What makes up an organism’s metabolism
All life processes
Failure to maintain homeostasis causes
disease and death.
make their own food
eat other organisms
is carried out by plants, alga and blue-green bacteria (autotrophs). It takes
the radiant energy of the sun and puts it in the bonds of sugar molecules
Photosynthesis occurs mostly in the...
chloroplast of plant cells
small holes in their leaves that let them exchange the gasses
used in photosynthesis
open and close the stomates
Guard cells
In respiration, organisms get energy by breaking the bonds of
sugar molecules
The released
energy is used to make a molecule of _______, which gives all organisms their energy.
__________________ requires oxygen, and yields more ATP (energy) for a molecule of
sugar than anaerobic (no oxygen) respiration.
Aerobic respiration
movement of molecules from high concentrations to low concentrations.
Requires no energy (passive transport).
requires the use of energy, usually moving molecules from a low
concentration to a high concentration (against the flow of diffusion).
Active Transport
is the diffusion of water into or out of the cell. If water diffuses into the cell, the
cell swells (get larger) and may burst. If it loses water (being put in salt water for example) it
will shrivel up.
coordination and control of other life functions.
is a change in the environment that you respond to.
nerve cell
is the electrical signal carried by the nerves. Neurotransmitters are chemicals
that help carry the impulse.
An impulse
is a chemical signal secreted by different glands in the body. Examples of
hormones include insulin, adrenaline, testosterone and estrogen
are proteins on the surface of the cell membrane that receive signals
from the nervous and endocrine system.
Receptor molecules
The most common elements in living things are (in order)
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and
Nitrogen (CHON).
___________________ compounds have Carbon AND Hydrogen (ex: C6H12O6 is organic, H2O, CO2,
and NO3 are not).
Organic molecules are also __________than inorganic molecules.
sugars and starches
All carbohydrates are made from _______ ________ and they supply energy.
simple sugars
(like glucose)
_________ store energy and include fats, oils and waxes
They are made from fatty acids and
____________ are made from amino acids and also make hormones and cell structures.
The _______ of proteins and how they fit together that determines what
proteins can do.
1) make enzymes
2) make receptor molecules on the cell membrane. These are used to receive
chemical messages (like hormones).
3) make antibodies
4) make hormones
Four specific jobs of proteins
they affect the rates of chemical reactions
Enzymes are catalysts
one type of enzyme fits one type of molecule. Change its
shape and the enzyme will no longer work.
lock and key model
wHAT cause proteins and enzymes to lose their shape so
that they no longer work properly?
very high temperatures
What measures the strengths of acids and bases?
The pH scale
A low pH (0-6.9) is a ______.
A high pH (7.1-14) is a _____.
A pH of 7 is _______.
neutral (water).
_______are the basic unit of life
(all living things are made of cells).
cell theory
__________ is made of lipids and proteins
The cell membrane
When only some molecules can pass through it (typically small molecules like water and oxygen) it is said to have ....
The cell wall is mostly for
he cell membrane is needed to control
movement _____ and _____ of the cell.
into and out
________is the only kingdom that completely lacks cell walls.
The animal kingdom
are classified mostly by evolutionary history and those with common ancestors are
grouped together.
__________are large groups of related organisms (fungi, bacteria, protists, animals, plants).
A _______ is able to successfully reproduce amongst its members.
A scientific name is made up of an organism’s _________ and ________.
Genus and species.
Cells are specialized into ,,,,
Specialization or differentiation occurs because only some genes in the nucleus of a
cell are ....
“turned on”
Tissues work together to form
organs (heart, lungs, kidney).
Food is moved through the digestive system by muscular contractions called...
__________ is the fluid of the blood
Food is broken down ______ and ________.
mechanically and chemically.
Moves material (water, nutrients, hormones, wastes) through the body.
Transport/Circulatory System.
______ blood cells carry oxygen.
______blood cells fight disease.
clot the blood.
The job of the immune system is to protect the body against
Three Types of pathogens include ...
viruses, bacteria, and parasites
________ ________ Cells are the main components of the immune system
White Blood Cells
universal donor blood type
Blood type O
________ ______ is the universal acceptor blood type
type AB
A _______ is an injection of a dead or weakened pathogen.
_____________ are drugs used to stop infections by bacteria and will NOT fight viruses.
_________ respiration (breathing) provides oxygen needed for chemical respiration (which
releases energy from sugar).
The ________ is the muscle that allows breathing to occur.
The ______are very important in respiration because it is here that the oxygen enters the blood and CO2
leaves. The _______ took like microscopic sacs surrounded by capillaries.
Removes metabolic waste from your body.
Excretory System:
Your ________ excretes salt, water, urea and CO2.
________excrete CO2 and water and the ________ excretes sweat.
The ________ filter waste from blood and reabsorb nutrients.
The _______ filters toxins and dead red blood cells from the blood.
________ only pull and must work in pairs.
The _________ makes insulin and glucagon which control blood sugar.
_______ __________ make adrenaline when the body is under stress.
Adrenal glands
___________ (male), estrogen and _____________ (female) are the sex hormones.
Testosterone (male), estrogen and progesterone (female) are the sex hormones.
Hormone levels are controlled by _________ feedback.
Asexual reproduction:
1. Advantages: 2. Disadvantage:
Asexual reproduction:
1. Advantages: faster, easier
2. Disadvantage: no variety. Offspring are the same as parent.
Sexual reproduction:
1. Advantage:
2. Disadvantage:
Sexual reproduction:
1. Advantage: variety
2. Disadvantage: more time, effort and risk.
Sexual reproduction
During Meiosis, One cell divides ______to make ______ DIFFERENT cells.
During meiosis... All 4 cells are ______(n) meaning they have half the number of chromosomes
found in the parent cell.
4. Makes gametes (sex cells). In humans __ sperm cells or ___ egg and three polar
bodies are produced each time meiosis occurs.
Fertilization occurs in the
fallopian tube.
A fertilized egg is called a
The fetus develops in the uterus
After few days, human cells begin to _____________ – that is they start to form types of cells
(nerve, skin, bone, etc)
Humans have _____ chromosomes, or ____homologous pairs.
46 chromosomes
23 homologous pairs.
DNA is made of 4 bases:
Base pairs:
A-T, C-G (in RNA, A-U and C-G)
______ carries the genetic code to ribosomes
Changes to DNA are called
________ _________ inserts genes of one organism into the genes of another. Enzymes are used to cut and copy the DNA segments. Bacteria are often used because they have no nucleus protecting their DNA and they reproduce very quickly,
allowing large amounts of medicine (insulin) to be made.
Genetic engineering
The gene to make human _________ was inserted into bacteria. These bacteria can
now make _________that is exactly the same as human _________. This insulin is used by
diabetics. This is safer than the cow and sheep insulin that were used in the past.
___________ ____________proposed that natural selection is the mechanism that causes species to
Charles Darwin
The basic steps in natural selection are:
1. Overproduction of offspring.
2. Competition for limited resources.
3. Survival and reproduction OR death.
Organisms that are better adapted to their environment and able to reproduce
successfully are considered _______. Unfit organisms die, and their traits are eventually
removed from the gene pool.
Evolution is usually driven by a change in the
To evolve, variations must exist in a species _____________the environment changes. They
do not get a trait just because it is needed.
Variations exist in evolution primarily as the result of __________ __________ and _____________,
sexual reproduction and mutation.
Species with more variation are better able to survive _______________ changes.
____________is a theory that says change occurs slowly.
____________ ____________is a
theory that says evolution happens in quick spurts.
Punctuated equilibrium
Creation of new species usually requires geographic isolation which eventually results
in ___________________ ___________
reproductive isolation.
_____________ is needed to keep an ecosystem going. The ___________comes from the sun and is
made usable by producers (plants and other autotrophs)
Energy is passed on to other organisms in the form of _______
Energy is passed on to other organisms in the form of
Since all organisms must use
energy for their own needs, most energy is lost before it can be passé to the next step in the
food chain. As a result, organisms _______on the food chain have less energy available to them
and must have smaller populations.
The maximum size of a population is called the
carrying capacity.
H. The negative effects humans have had on the environment are all mostly due to the
increasing _________ ________
human population.
_____________________refers to the variety of life on earth.
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on earth.