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119 Cards in this Set

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abdominal angina/bowelgina
 post prandial (15 min) abdominal pain due to insufficient blood flow to meet the visceral demands. Postprandial Angina
most common cause of abdominal angina/bowelgina
atherosclerotic vascular disease
autonomic neuropathy
damage to nerves affecting the GI tract leads to  ability to move food
inflammation of the appendix in patient 10-30 yoa
acute appendicitis
3 signs of appendicits besides Rosving's and Blumberg's

P.O.D. burst
Dunphys (coughing pain), Obturator (internal rotation pain), Psoas (extension of R thigh if appendix is pelvic)
why use radionucleide scanning to dx acute appendicitis?
WBC attach, shows inflammation
Overarching term for inflammatory conditions of the large intestine and sometimes small intestine
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (not IBS which is less severe)
2 main types of IBD
Ulcerative colitis & Crohn's dz
Difference between Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's dz?
Location and nature: Crohn's is ANYWHERE in GI w/ skip lesions, UC is restricted to colon and anus
Crohn's buzzwords
Ilieitus, transmural, skip lesions, small intestine, non-bloody diarrhea, ocular uveitis & episcleritis
physical findings of Crohn's
apthous uclers (cankers in mouth), clubbing of nails, ocular sx (uveitis/episcleritis) leading to blindness if untreated
diagnostic imaging for Crohn's
STRING sign, COBBLESTONE appearance
Labs for Crohn's (2)
anti-saccharomyces cerevesiae Ab (ASCA) in 70% of cases and p-ANCA Ab (ANCA) in 19% of cases
Buzzwords for Ulcerative Colitis

Defecation Often mucus-like
and with blood[2]
Tenesmus More common[2]
Fever Indicates severe disease[2]
Fistulae Seldom
Weight loss More seldom
Large intestine, transmural, Bloody diarrhea, 15-30 year olds, pseudopolyps, aSca, aNca Ab's (same as Crohn's)

Symptoms in Crohn's disease (versus UC):
Defecation Often porridge-like[2],
sometimes steatorrhea
Tenesmus Less common
Fever Common
Fistulae Common
Weight loss Often
symptoms as a result of half or more of small bowel resection or loss of absorptive function
Short/Small Bowel Syndrome
Signs of Small/Short Bowel Syndrome
signs of MALNUTRITION– pallor, bruising, alopecia, spoon nails, delayed growth, glossitis, cheilosis, dry skin,  DTR
a functional, chronic GI disorder of unknown cause characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel habits
Irritable Bowel Syndrome = IBS
2 CRITERIA for IBS (proper names)
ROME II & MANNING criteria
ROME II criteria for IBS
12 weeks discomfort w/ one of either relief by defecation, change in frequency, change in appearance of stool
MANNING criteria for IBS
distinguishes from organic dz: frequent, loose bm's w/ remaining sense of incomplete evacuation, and mucorrhea (each 25%)
Where is IBS pain usually?
anemia, family hx colon cancer, fever, melena/hematochezia/rectal bleed, palpable abdominal mass, recent antibiotic use, weight loss, gluten intolerance
aka's for Traveler's diarrhea (3)
Montezuma's Revenge - Tut's Tummy -Tourista Tummy
most common cause of traveler's diarrhea
E. coli bacteria (contaminated food and water in foreign countries)
IBS and Short Bowel Syndrome lead to malabsorption of ?
Vitamin B12 malabsorption
most common laxative abusers
anorexics and bulimics
melanosis coli
black or dark brown discoloration of the mucosa of the colon, due to the presence of pigment-laden macrophages within the lamina propria. The pigment comes from anthraquinone in laxatives. The condition is benign and reversible (laxative abusers)
Not only can regular laxative use cause dependence, but can damage the?
muscular function of the bowel and/or mask a more serious cause of constipation
Complications of laxative abuse:
** Intestinal paralysis, IBS, gastritis, pancreatitis, melanosis coli**
Laxative abuse physical findings
Sx of malabsorption and dehydration
antibiotic associated colitis is known more often by the name?
Cause of pseudomembranous colitis (usually)
ANTIBIOTICS- Clostridium difficile associated colitis and diarrhea which releases toxins and causes plaques
Labs for pseudomembranous colitis
Anemia, increased WBC, hypoalbuminemia (low albumin) - these people are very sick!!
an alteration in the normal flora of the intestines due to the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics
pseudomembranous colitis physical symptoms/complaint
non-bloody, FOUL-SMELLING diarrhea
physical signs of pseudomembranous colitis
steattorhea (low albumin in blood due to overgrowth of bacteria that changes flora of intestine), tenesmus, pneumaturia
straining, especially ineffectual and painful straining at defecation or urination
tenesmus -found in pseudomembranous colitis early + late stages
pneumaturia (opening from colon to vagina allows feces or air to pass)
found in pseudomembranous colitis late stage
dilation of the abdominal aorta due to weakening of the vessel wall
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - asymptomatic until sig. enlargement or rupture. Males >50
Most common cause of AAA
atheroemboli from small AAA produce livedo reticularis of the feet
peripheral emboli
livedio reticularis of AAA
blue, net-like patches of the skin on the limbs, which becomes intense on exposure to cold
risk factors of AAA
"high blood pressure, hx of smoking, hereditary disease (Marfan’s, Ehler Danlos)
Stable/intact AAA sx
asymptomatic, possible livedo reticularis (blue toe syndrome) due to emboli
1. Abrupt abdominal or BACK pain, Unaffected by movement, 2. Feeling of fullness or NAUSEA, 3. LIVIDEO RETICULARIS, 4. PULSATION in abdomen
SEVERE abdominal pain that may radiate to GROIN/BACK/LEGS with a fast pulse (losing blood)
preferred screening method for AAA
blockage of the small intestines, hindering the transport of substances
small bowel obstruction
most commonly due to POST OPERATIVE ADHESIONs
small bowel obstruction
may be strangulated/complete or non-strangulated/incomplete
small bowel obstruction (and either functional or mechanical obstruction)
Small bowel obstruction = intestine _______ proximally and _______ distally
dilated proximally, collapsed distally (there's nothing in it to keep it open)
how would small bowel obstruction cause death?
Prolonged > venous bld flow compromised, edema, local tissue anoxia w/ ischemia > necrosis > perforation > peritonitis > death
blockage of the large intestines, hindering the transport of substances
large bowel obstruction
What causes small bowel obstruction that is different from large bowel obstruction?
Small: post-operative adhesions, Crohn's disease, gallstones, foreign bodies Both: hernias, impacted feces, volvulous, malignancy Large: IBD
Small bowel obstruction due to? Large bowel obstruction due to?
Small = POST OPERATIVE ADHESIONS vs. Large = ACUTE OBSTRUCTION (cecal or sigmoid volvulus)*****
Most common causes, in order, of large bowel obstruction:
Carcinoma, Sigmoid diverticulitis, Volvulus = most common causes 90% of colonic obstruction
What may occur with fistula of sigmoid colon to the bladd secondary to diverticulitis or cancer?
Pneumaturia, mucinuria, or fecaluria
Large bowel obstruction on radiograph
FILLING DEFECTS on barium study. Endoscope: sessile or pedunculated polyps
NON-obstructive severe colitis episode w/ total or segmental DILATION of the COLON w/ assoc. SYSTEMIC TOXICITY
TOXIC MEGA-COLON …a common complication of Inflammatory Bowel Dz (IBC)
my be complication of ANTIBIOTIC colitis, Crohn's, radiation colitis
TOXIC MEGA-COLON …a common complication of Inflammatory Bowel Dz (IBC)
Physical exam presentation of toxic megacolon
abdominal DISTENTION/tenderness, pain, FEVER > 105*F, signs of toxicity, dehydration, peritonitis (perforation)
Plain film of toxic megacolon IF bowel perforation
free air under diaphragm indicates bowel perforation
CONGENITAL megacolon
A congenital disorder characterized by ABSENCE of ENTERIC n. (ganglion cells) of intestine
Loss of Enteric innervation in Hirschprung's dz leads to
FUNCTIONAL obstruction and intestinal DILATION PROXIMAL to affected segment (nothing gets by)
What is ALWAYS affected in Hirschprung's congenital megacolon dz?
RECTUM = most cases involve the rectum and sigmoid only
OLGILVIE syndrome
acute PSUEDO-obstruction causing dilationg of the CAECUM, right colon and perhaps rest of large intestine
What causes OLGILVIE syndrome?
FUNCTIONAL obstruction of caecum onward due to IMBALANCE of AUTONOMIC innervation.
OLGILVIE syndrome patient commons
Recent severe SURGICAL or MEDICAL stress [ MI, sepsis, respiratory fail]
TRICHURIASIS is an infection of the? Caused by?
LARGE intestine, caused by WHIPWORM = Trichuris triciura. Children worldwide eating feces-contaminated soil. Eggs in stool.
ABNORMAL growth of cells in colon
Describe colon cancer patient
>50, POLYPS (adenomatous), genetics/family hx, HIGH FAT/CHOLESTEROL and LOW FIBER diet, ALCOHOL, SMOKING
Long term IBD w/ rectal bleeding, melena, mucus in stools, tenesmus, fatigue, abdominal pain
Finding on a DRE [digital rectal exam] of colon cancer patient
rectal bleeding and/or mass. Patient may have no symptoms or significant ones: weight loss, pallor, ascites, liver mass
Diagnostic imaging for colon cancer/adenocarcinoma
APPLE CORE appearance in barium study
Labs of colon cancer
cancer antigen 19-9, Fecal occult blood test, CEA antigen
term for small cut or tear in skin of anal mucosa due to stretching
enlarged VEINS of rectum
Difference between EXTERNAL vs. INTERNAL hemorrhoids
INTERNAL are usually PAINLESS b/c no receptors inside rectum
Labs of hemorrhoid patient
name some hemorrhoid risk factors
preggers, familial, constipation, colon malignancy, portal hypertension, prolonged sitting, obesity, loss of rectal tone, surgery, episiotomy, anal intercourse (nothing like E. coli on your penis)
a feeling of weariness, tiredness or lack of energy
chiropractic school. FATIGUE.
a generalized feeling of discomfort, illness or lack of well being assoc. w/ disease state
MALAISE - can be accompanied by a sensation exhaustion or inadequate energy to accomplish usual activities
WEAKNESS = may be subjective (patient complaint) or objective (MRS testing). May be general or localized.
GIGANTISM is a hormonal disorder due to ?
EXCESS HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE via anterior pituitary, most commonly from a BENIGN pituitary ADENOMA
name the ANTERIOR pituitary gland hormones

TSH, LSH, FSH, ACTH, GH, Endorphins, Prolactin
name the POSTERIOR pituitary gland secretions
When does GIGANTISM occur?
BEFORE the growth plates/epiphyses close, then the elevated GH (and IGF-1) result in gigantism
How does gigantism produce the clinical manifestations?
Persistent hypersecretion of Human GH from Anterior pituitary adenoma causes HEPATIC secretion of ILGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor)
Patients w/ too much IGF-1 are prone to?
Anterior pituitary adenomas are most common cause of gigantism but what else can?
Hypothalamic dysregulation due to head trauma or radiation increases GHRH (gr hor regulatory hor), EXOGENOUS GH or IGF-1 or GHRH from a hormone -secreting tumor [pancreatic, lung]
benign pituitary adenoma
Why do people develop acromegaly?
AFTER EPIPHYSES CLOSE: Persistent hypersecretion of Human GH from Anterior pituitary adenoma causes HEPATIC secretion of ILGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor)
AGE for acromegaly vs. gigantism
Acromegaly: 30-50 y.o. w/ High risk of GASTRIC POLYPS Gigantism: children before epiphyses close
Describe acromegaly patient
hirsuitism, diaphoresis, frontal bossing, prognathism, coarsening facial features, swollen eyelids, nose, soft tissue of hands and feet, galactorrhea, polyuria, polydipsia
Why galactorrhea in acromegaly?
pituitary stalk affected so crashes prolactin release, causing galactorrhea
Why sleep apnea in acromegaly?
Soft tissues increasing, including tongue (macroglossia), which blocks airway
Endocrine and organ problems of acromegaly
hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular dz, fatty liver
Imaging of ACROMEGALY**
Increased size of SELLA TURCICA, SPADE FINGERS, POSTERIOR VERTEBRAL SCALLOPING, INCREASED HEEL PAD SIZE, distal tufts are spade-like, increased vertebral BODY size then DISC SPACE increased
What do CT/MRI/GI studies for acromegaly show?
COLONIC polyps/tumors*
Main lab of acromegaly
Main one is GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST = very reliable!!!! Increased GHRH, Increased IGF-1, Increased Prolactin…..decreased TSH if hyperthyroid, LFT abnormal due to fatty liver
What is the most reliable test for acromegaly and when?
After the Glucose tolerance test, next test for acromegaly?
IGF-1 - GH secretion from pituitary into blood leads to release of IGF-1 from liver. GH level high? Then so is IGF-1
Pituitary function test for acromegaly
after glucose tolerance test and IGF-1 and GH, check the non-tumor part of pituitary for proper hormone release
Abnormally short stature with NORMAL body proportions caused by a hormone deficiency
proportional dwarfism/GROWTH HORMONE deficiency due to ANTERIOR pituitary tumor from brain infection, trauma or radiation
A child that grows less than 2 inches per year, or who is only as tall as children two or more years younger
proportional dwarfism/GROWTH HORMONE deficiency due to ANTERIOR pituitary tumor from brain infection, trauma or radiation
Growth hormone deficiency is also called?
PROPORTIONAL DWARFISM = pt has diabetes INSIPIDUS due to posterior pituitary ADH, slow growth before 5 y.o.
Post-partum necrosis of the anterior pituitary **
SHEEHAN'S syndrome = most common cause of HYPOpituitarism. Must be due to HEMORRHAGE. ***
a GH deficiency plus deficiency of at least one other ANTERIOR pituitary hormone
HYPOpitutarism (most important one to know for test is SHEEHAN's syndrome due to hemorrhage)
idiopathic, chronic, inflammatory autoimmune destruction of myelin in CNS (esp. cerebellum)
Multiple sclerosis Females 20-40 MOST COMMON TYPE: SECONDARY progressive from relapse/remitting to neurological decline
4subtypes of MS
PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE no remission w/ attacks NOT evident, PROGRESSIVE RELAPSING attacks ARE evident
Why pain in one eye w/ MS
20-30% patients have OPTIC NEURITIS and lose RED vision = dyschromatopsia
Exacerbation of MS symptoms due to HEAT
UHTHOFF'S phenomenon
brainstem signs of MS
ataxia, nystagmus, internuclear ophthalmoplegia w/ emotional liability, depression, memory loss
Inflammation or demyelination of the optic n.
optic neuritis (assoc. w/ MS = along w/ Marcus-Gunn pupil, Charcot's triad, Uhthoff's sign)
L'Hermitte's sign, Charcot's triad (SIN), Marcus-Gunn pupil, Uhtohoff's phenomenon
Multiple sclerosis Females 20-40 MOST COMMON TYPE: SECONDARY progressive from relapse/remitting to neurological decline
SIN: Scanning speech and Scotomas (blind spots), Intention tremor, Nystagmus - It's a SIN to have MS.
Pupil responds by constricting to INDIRECT light shone into other eye because opposite side of brain compensates. Shine it directly into abnormal eye produces no constriction. Due to crapped afferent pupillary pathway on ipsilateral/direct side. Can be both that constrict to a lesser degree than normal.
L'Hermitte's sign, Charcot's triad (SIN), Marcus-Gunn pupil, Uhtohoff's phenomenon
shock like dysthesia down an extremity upon neck flexion