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62 Cards in this Set

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List the 6 structures along the posterior abdominal wall (from the lower third of the abdomen).
Abdominal Aorta, Gonadal Vessels, Common Iliacs, Ureters, Rectum, Urinary Bladder
List the 3 types of bone in the posterior abdominal wall.
Lumbar vertebrae, Wing of the Ilium, Sacrum
List the 4 muscles of the posterior abdominal wall.
Quadratus Lumborum, Psoas Major, Psoas Minor, Iliacus
List the 4 fascial compartments of the posterior abdominal wall.
Thoracolumbar fascia, Transversalis fascia, Psoas fascia, Renal fascia
List the 7 nerves of the posterior abdominal wall.
Subcostal, Iliohypogastric, Ilioinguinal, Genitofemoral, Obturator, Lateral femoral cutaneous, Femoral
What spinal levels and rami is the lumbar plexus formed from?
L1-L4; Ventral Rami
What spinal levels is the sacral plexus formed from?
Halves from what spinal levels join to form the lumbosacral trunk?
L4, L5
What does the lumbosacral trunk end in?
Lumbosacral plexus
What spinal levels does the lumbosacral plexus of nerves include fibers from?
The iliohypogastic nerve has fibers from the _____ _____ _____ and supplies the skin in the _____ region.
L1 ventral ramus; Suprapubic
The ilioinguinal nerve has fibers from the _____ _____ _____ and innervates skin along the _____ _____, _____ of _____, _____ _____ or _____ _____ and _____ _____.
L1 ventral ramus; Proximomedial thigh; Root of penis; Upper scrotum or Mons pubis; Labia majora
The genitofemoral nerve has fibers from ___-___ and supplies _____ and _____ skin as well as skin over the _____ _____.
L1-L2; Cremaster m.; Scrotal; Femoral triangle
The subcostal nerve has fibers from ___ and supplies the skin over the ______ _____ _____ and _____ _____.
T12; Anterior gluteal region; Greater trochanter.
The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve has fibers from ___-___ and supplies the skin over the _____ _____.
L2-L3; Lateral thigh
What is the disorder with the main symptom of lateral thigh numbness due to lesion of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
Meralgia Paresthetica
List the 3 nerves that supply 3 patches of skin along the superior anterior leg just inferior to the pubic crest from lateral to medial.
Subcostal n., Genitofemoral n., Ilioinguinal n. (also supplies lateral part of genitalia)
What nerve emerges from the medial border of psoas major and enters the thigh via the obturator foramen? What spinal levels does it represent?
Obturator n.; L2-L4
What nerve innervates adductors of the thigh and innervates a patch of skin medial and above the knee?
Obturator n. (L2-L4)
What nerve innervates knee extensors and thigh flexors as well as the skin over most of the anteriomedial thigh.
Femoral n. (L2-L4)
What nerve emerges from the lateral border of psoas major and separates into several anterior femoral cutaneous branches and the saphenous n. either before or after it passes under the inguinal ligament?
Femoral n. (L2-L4)
The obturator nerve emerges from the _____ border of _____ _____ and enters the _____ via the obturator foramen.
Medial; Psoas major; Thigh
The femoral nerve emerges from the _____ border of _____ _____ and separates into several anterior _____ _____ branches and the _____ nerve either before or after it passes _____ the _____ ligament.
Lateral; Psoas major; Femoral cutaneous; Saphenous; Under; Inguinal
What are the branches of the obturator nerve?
Anterior, Posterior
T1-L2 spinal nerves contain the axons for _____ _____ neurons that leave the spinal cord via the _____ roots and _____ _____ branches in the region.
Preganglionic sympathetic; Ventral; White communicating
What passes from paravertebral ganglia to adjacent ventral rami?
Gray communicating branches (rami communicans)
The thoracic _____ trunk passes _____ the _____ _____ ligament and becomes the _____ _____ trunk.
Sympathetic; Under; Medial arcuate; Lumbar sympathetic
What is the sympathetic trunk (thoracolumbar) a division of?
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
What nerve exits via the greater sciatic foramen, emerges from the inferior border of piriformis, and runs to the popliteal fossa and branches into the tibial and common fibular nerves?
Sciatic n. (L4-S3)
What spinal levels does the sciatic n. have fibers from?
The sciatic nerve exits via the _____ _____ _____, emerges from the _____ _____ of _____, and runs to the _____ _____ and branches into the _____ and _____ _____ nerves.
Greater sciatic foramen; Inferior border of piriformis; Popliteal fossa; Tibial; Common fibular
The posterior femoral cutaneous nerve exits via the _____ _____ _____, runs deep to _____ _____, and emerges from its _____ _____.
Greater sciatic foramen; Gluteus maximus; Inferior border
What nerve exits via the greater sciatic foramen, runs deep to gluteus maxumus, and emerges from its inferior border.
Posterior femoral cutaneous n.
What spinal levels does the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve have fibers from?
The nerve to quadratus femoris enters via the _____ _____ _____ and innervates the _____ _____, _____ _____, and _____ _____.
Greater sciatic foramen; Hip joint; Inferior gemellus; Quadratis femoris
What nerve enters via the greater sciatic foramen and innervates the hip joint, inferior gemellus, and quadratus femoris?
Nerve to quadratus femoris
What spinal levels does the nerve to quadratus femoris have fibers from?
The nerve to obturator internus exits via the _____ _____ _____ then re-enters the pelvis via the _____ _____ ____ and innervates _____ _____ and _____ _____.
Greater sciatic foramen; Lesser sciatic foramen; Superior gemellus; Obturator internus
What spinal levels does the nerve to obturator internus have fibers from?
The pudendal nerve exits via the _____ _____ _____ then re-enters the pelvis via the _____ _____ _____ and innervates most of the _____.
Greater sciatic foramen; Lesser sciatic foramen; Perineum
What nerve exits via the greater sciatic foramen then re-enters the pelvis via the lesser sciatic foramen and innervates most of the perineum?
Pudendal n.
What spinal levels does the pudendal nerve have fibers from?
What spinal levels does the nerve to levator ani and coccygeus have fibers from?
What nerve exits via the greater sciatic foramen and emerges along the superior border of piriformis?
Superior gluteal n.
The superior gluteal nerve exits via the _____ and emerges along the _____ border of _____.
Greater sciatic foramen; Superior; Piriformis
What spinal levels does the superior gluteal nerve have fibers from?
What nerve exits via the greater sciatic foramen and emerges along the inferior border of piriformis?
Inferior gluteal n.
The inferior gluteal nerve exits via the _____ and emerges along the _____ border of _____.
Greater sciatic foramen; Inferior; Piriformis
What spinal levels does the inferior gluteal nerve have fibers from?
The nerve to piriformis has fibers from spinal levels ___ and sometimes ___. It exits via the _____.
S1; S2; Greater sciatic foramen
The perforating cutaneous nerve has fibers from spinal levels ___-___ and it passes ______ the _____ _____.
L5-S2; Through; Sacrotuberous Ligament
What nerve passes through the sacrotuberous ligament?
Perforating cutaneous n.
List the 2 nerves of the lumbosacral plexus with mixed anterior and posterior divisions.
Sciatic n. (L4-S3), Posterior femoral cutaneous n. (S1-S3)
List the 4 nerves of the lumbosacral plexus derived from anterior divisions.
Nerve to quadratus femoris (L4-S1), Nerve to obturator internus (L5-S2), Pudendal n. (S2-S4, Nerve to levator ani and coccygeus
List the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus derived from posterior divisions.
Superior gluteal n. (L4-S1), Inferior gluteal n. (L5-S2), Nerve to piriformis (S1 sometimes with S2), Perforating cutaneous n. (L5-S2)
What are the superficial nerves of the gluteal region called?
Cluneal nerves
Dermatomes _____ with themselves and cutaneous nerve distributions.
The _____ cluneal nerves have fibers from lateral cutaneous branches of dorsal rami of L1-L4.
The _____ cluneal nerves have fibers from lateral cutaneous branches of dorsal rami of S1-S3.
The _____ cluneal nerves have fibers from ventral rami of S1-S3.
The inferior gluteal nerve has fibers from between the ___-___ _____ _____.
S1-S2 ventral rami
The internal pudendal nerve has fibers from between the lumbosacral trunk (__-__) to the ___ _____ _____.
L4-L5 to the S1 ventral ramus