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42 Cards in this Set

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What is the test for whether or not the principal will be liable for torts committed by its agent?

1) A principal/agent relationship, and

2) the tort was committed by the agent within the scope of that relationship

The principal/agent relationship requires...

1) Assent - an informal agreement between principal and the agent

2) Benefit - Agent's conduct must be for principal's benefit

3) Control - Principal must have the right to control agent by having power to supervise manner of agent's performance

Will the principal be vicariously liable if its agent gets the help of a "sub-agent" and the "sub-agent" commits the tort?

Generally no because the principal does not assent to the sub-agent's help nor does he have the right to control the sub-agent.

Will the principal be vicariously liable if a principal borrows another principal's agent?

Generally no because the borrowing principal does not have the right to control the borrowed agent.

Waht is the key distinction between an agent and an independent contractor?

No right to control the independent contractor

Is a principal generally vicariously liable for the tort of an independent contractor?

Generally no, because no right to control

What are the exceptions to the general rule about vicarious liability and independent contractors?

1) Vicarious liability if the independent contractor is engaged in an inherently dangerous activity, or

2) If the principal held out the independent contractor as an employee

What factors must be considered when trying to determine whether the activity was within the scope of the principal/agent relationship?

1) Action was within the scope of job description

2) Frolic v. detour

3) Did the agent intend to benefit the principal

What is the general rule regarding intentional torts committed by the agent and vicarious liability for the principal?

Generally outside of the scope

What are the exceptions to the general rule regarding vicarious liability and intentional torts?

1) Intentional tort was authorized by the principal, or

2) The tort was natural from the nature of employment, or

3) tort was motivated by desire to serve principal

What is the test for determining if the principal is liable for a contract entered into by an agent?

The principal is liable if the principal authorized the agent to enter into the contract

What are the four types of authorization?

Actual express, actual implied, apparent, and ratification

What is actual express authority?

When the principal used words to express authority to agent. - Actual express authority can be oral and even private.

What is required for actual express authority if the underlying contract must be in writing?

The express authority must be in writing as well.

How can express authority be revoked?

1) Unliateral act by either the principal or the agent, or

2) Death of the principal

What happens if the principal is found to be incapacitated?

Express authority will pass incapacity of principal if the agent received power of attorney that doesn't expressly terminate upon incapacity of principal

How can actual implied authority arise?

1) Necessity - Agent has the implied authority to do all tasks which are necessary to accomplish expressly authorized tasks

2) Custom - By custom acts are performed by agents w/ agent's title or position

3) Prior Dealings With the Principal and Agent - Which agent believes to be authorized to do through prior acquiescence

What must be shown for apparent authority?

Two part test:

1) Principal "cloaked" agent wwith the appearance of authority, and

2) third party reasonably relies on appearance of authority

What must be shown for a contract to be ratified?

Authority can be granted after the contract has been entered, if:

a) Principal has knowledge of all material facts regarding contract, and

b) Principal accepts its benefits.

c) Exception: Ratification cannot alter the terms of the contract.

What is the general rule regarding agent liability for contracts they entered into on behalf of the principal?

Authorized agents are generally not liable on their authorized contract

What is the exception regarding agent liability and contracts they entered into on behalf of the principal?

If principal is partially disclosed or undisclosed, authorized agent may nonetheless be liable at the election of the third party.

In return for reasonable compensation and reimbursement of expenses, agents owe principals...

1) Duty of care not the negligent in acting for principal

2) Duty to obey instructions that are reasonable

3) Duty of loyalty to the principal

What actions are prohibited under the duty of loyalty that an agent owes to the principal?

1) Self-dealing (Agent cannot receive a benefit to the detriment of the principal)

2) Usurping the principal's opportunity, or

3) Secret profits (making a profit at the principal's expense without disclosure)

What is the definition of a general partnership?

Association of two or more persons who are carrying on as co-owners of a business for profit

What is the key factor for general partnerships?

Sharing of profits - contribution of money or services in return for a share of profits is prima facie case of general partnership

What is the rule regarding an incoming partner's liability for pre-existing debts?

Generally not liable for prior debts but any money coming in from new partner can be used to pay debt.

What si the rule regarding a dissociating partner's liability for subsequent debts?

Dissociating partner are liable for future debts until actual notice of dissociation is given to all current creditors and publication notice is given to all potential creditors.

What is the defintion of general partnership by estoppel?

One who represents to a third party that a general partnership exists will be liable as if a general partnership exists.

What remedy is available for a general partner that suffers from a breach of his partner's breach of the fiduciary duty?

Action for accounting - General partner can recover damages for losses that are caused by the breach and may disgorge profits made by breaching party

Can individual general partners transfer property owned by the general partnership?


Can general partners transfer their share of the profits from a general partnership?

Yes, profits are the personal property of the partner so they may be transferred

Can general partners transfer their share in management of the general partnership?


What is the general rule regarding how to determine whether the partnership or the partner owns certain property?

Look at whose money was used to purchase the property

How is management divided if there is no agreement?

Each partner is entitled to equal control

Absent an agreement does a partner get a salary?


What are the default rules regarding distribution of general partnership profits and losses?

Absent an agreement, profits are shared equally. Absent an agreement, losses are shared like profits.

How does dissolution of a general partnership begin?

Upon any material change in partnership including death or dissassociation of any partner

What is the real end of the partnership called?


What is the period between dissolution and termination called?

Winding up

What is the priority of distribution for winding up a general partnership?

1) Outside creditors must be paid

2) Inside creditors must be paid

3) Capital contributions by partners must be paid

4) Profits, surpluses or losses ditributed to partners

What is the definition of a limited partnership?

A partnership with at least one general partner and at least one limited partner

Define limited partners

Limited liability, not liable for obligations but cannot manage without giving up limitations