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41 Cards in this Set

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Minerals are Inorganic Chemicals

- More than 18 mineral elements are believed to be essential for mammals

Minerals are divided into two categories

Macrominerals: Required in large amounts

Microminerals: Required in small amounts

- known as "trace elements"

Or "trace minerals"


- Minerals account for most of the body's mineral content and are required in the diet in large amounts


1. Phosphorus (P)

- Aids in both and teeth formation

- Muscle formation

Phosphorus (P)


- Spontaneous fractures

- Rickets: A disease of young animals, a failure of calcification of osteoid and cartilage of the bones which become bowed and a persistence with enlargement of the epiphyses so that the joints appear swollen. Animals are lame and dentition is delayed.

Phosphorus (P)


- Bone loss

- Urinary Calculi

- Secondary hyperthyroidism (felines)

Feline Hyperthyroidism

- Most common hormonal abnormality and is a common disease of aging cats.

- Affects multiple body systems due to an overabundance of the thyroid hormone, which increases the metabolism.

- Because of this increase the cats body systems function at an accelerated rate and may not be able to sustain.

- increased appetite

- weight loss

- hyperactivity


2. Calcium (Ca)


1. Aids in bone and teeth formation

2. Blood clotting

3. Muscle function

4. Nerve transmission

5. Membrane permeability

- Helps things go into and out of cell

Calcium (Ca)

Deficiency (3)

1. Decreased bone mineralization

2. Tetany: Steady contraction of a muscle without distinct twitching, continuous spasm

3. Convulsions

Calcium (Ca)

Excess (3)

1. Nephrosis (any kidney disease)

2. Enlarged costochondral (rib/cartilage) junctions

3. Effects bone and cartilage maturation

Calcium Phosphorus Ratio

- Maintained at 1:1

- Imbalance can lead to bone malformation

- Nutritional excesses are more common than deficiencies.

- High levels can be harmful

- Can cause hip dysplasia and Wobbler's syndrome.


3. Potassium (K)

1. Aids in muscle contraction

2. Transmission of nerve impulses

3. Osmotic balance (Na/K pump)

Potassium (K)

Deficiency (3)

1. Anorexia

2. Locomotive problems (Na/K pump)

3. Heart and kidney lesions

Potassium (K)

Excess (3)

1. Rare

2. Paresis: slight or incomplete paralysis; does include frequent falling, stumbling

3. Bradycardia: slow heart rate


4. Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

1. Aids in osmotic pressure

2. Transmission of nerve impulses

3. Water metabolism

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)


- Inability to maintain water balance

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

Excess (5)

1. Thirst

2. Pruritis (itching)

3. Constipation

4. Seizures

5. Hypertension, and death


5. Magnesium (Mg)

- Component of bone, intercellular fluids

(Secondary component: can make it without Magnesium but won't be the same)

- Neuromuscular transmission

- Carbs and Lipid metabolism

Magnesium (Mg)

Deficiency (4)

1. Muscle weakness

2. Hyper-irritability

3. Decreased mineralization of bone

4. Calcification of aorta

Magnesium (Mg)


- Urinary Calculi (crystal aggregations) of dissolved minerals in urine

(Also found in Phosphorus)

Microminerals (6)

- Also known as trace elements

- These minerals are required in small amounts in the diet


1. Zinc (Zn)

- Activator of 200 enzymes

- Protein synthesis

- Carb metabolism

- Skin and wound healing

Zinc (Zn)


- Alopecia

- Conjunctivitis (no other mineral)

Zinc (Zn)


- Relatively non toxic.

- Toxicity due to consumption of pennies


2. Manganese (Mn)

- Activation of enzyme, lipid, and carb metabolism

Manganese (Mn)

Deficiency and Excess

- Rare


3. Selenium (Se)

- Immune function, interacts with Vitamin E to help prevent cellular damage

Selenium (Se)

Deficiency (2)

1. Muscular dystrophy

2. Renal (liver) mineralization

Selenium (Se)

Excess (7)

1. Vomiting spasms

2. Staggered gait

3. Salivation

4. Decreased appetite

5. Dyspnea

6. "Garlicky Breath"

7. Nail Loss


4. Iodine (I)

- Aids in thyroid production of thyroxine and triiodothyronine (T3)

Iodine (I)

Iodine Deficiency-Iodine excess

Similar to deficiency

1. Goiter

2. Enlarged thyroid glands

3. Apathy

4. Myxoedema: A mucinous degeneration with thickening of the skin-hypothyroidism.


5. Iron (Fe)

- Aids in activation of O2 and CO2 transport (hemoglobin and myoglobin)

Iron (Fe)

Deficiency (2)

1. Anemia (carrying capacity of cells)

2. Listlessness (lack energy/cognitive function)

Iron (Fe)


- Anorexia Exception opposite of deficiency in all other minerals.

- Sensitive to Liver.


6. Copper (Cu)

Catalyst of hemoglobin production.

Copper (Cu)


- Aortic Rupture

Copper (Cu)


- Hepatitis and increased liver enzyme activity

Macromineral vs Micromineral


- Measured in the diet as a percentage %


- Measured in parts per million (ppm) or mg/kg

Considerations: (4)

1. Solubility

2. Metabolic interaction with other nutrient compounds.

3. Animals ability to store the mineral

4. Signalment:

- Breed

- Sex

- Repro status

- Overall health


- Most mineral reactions are antagonistic and can occur during processing, digestion, storage, or transport.

- Presence of one mineral reducing the transport or efficiency of another.

- Work against each other


- 2 minerals reacting in a complimentary fashion either enhancing biologic unction or sparing the other mineral

- Work together

(Ca&P) (NaCl)