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98 Cards in this Set

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GI tract is a __________, ____________ tube.

flexible, muscular

Small intestine is about ______ _____ in length.

10 foot

GI tract extends from the _________ to the _______.

mouth; anus

Teeth ________ & __________ foods.

crush; tear

Tongue _______ & _________ food around.

mixes; stirs

________ moistens food in the mouth.


Once food is swallowed, it's called a ___________.


Food passes _________ the pharynx and across the _________ into the _____________.

through; epiglottis; esophagus

Bolus slides down the ______________, through the _________ _____________ _____________ (LES) to the stomach.

esophagus; lower esophageal sphincter

Stomach adds _________ __________ to begin digestion.

gastric juices

Stomach turns the bolus into a semi-___________ mass called ________.

liquid; chyme

Chyme is released through the _____________ sphincter to the ______ ______________.

pyloric; small intestine

Upon entering the small intestine, chyme passes by the opening to the common _________ __________.

common bile duct

Fluids enter into the small intestine from the ______ & _______.

pancreas; gallbladder

Chyme travels through the three segments of the small intestine, the _________, ___________, & __________.

duodenum; jujenum; ileum

Large intestine is also known as the ___________.


Chyme passes through the __________ valve into the colon.


_________ travels through the colon and into the _________.

Chyme; rectum

Colon withdraws _________ from the chyme.


Upon entering the rectum, chyme is now a ________-__________ waste.


When it is time to _________, the ______ sphincter opens to allow the wastes to pass.

defecate; anal

Spontaneous motion in the digestive tract accomplished by involuntary muscular contractions:

Gastrointestinal Motility

Successive wave of involuntary muscular contractions passing along the walls of the GI tract that push the contents along:


Peristalsis begins in the _____________.


Peristalsis involves _____________ & _____________ muscles.
circular; longitudinal

A periodic squeezing or partitioning of the intestine by its circular muscles that both mixes and slowly pushes the contents along:


Segmentation occurs in the _______________.


____________ helps to mix chyme with __________ ___________.

Segmentation; digestive juices

Liquefying process begins in the _________.


After food has had _________ added, and is _______ and ________ by the mouth, the stomach further _______ & _______ it before it is released by the pyloric sphincter.

saliva; chewed; stirred; mixes; kneads

In addition to ___________ & __________ muscles, the stomach also has _____________ muscles.

circular; longitudinal; diagonal

Gastric _________ secrete ___________ into the stomach to mix with and help liquefy chyme.

glands; juice

_________ sphincter opens briefly, about ____ times a minute to let portions of the chyme into the intestine.
Pyloric; 3
Digestive juices come from (5):
Salivary glands
gastric glands
small intestine
liver via gallbladder
Excretory glands in the mouth are called:
Salivary glands
Saliva contains:
Primary enzyme found in saliva:
Sole nutrient which begins break down in the mouth:
Initial breakdown of ____________ occurs in the stomach.
Enzyme which breaks down proteins in the stomach.
What is an deactivated when entering the stomach?
Salivary enzymes
_________ protects the stomach from ___________
Mucus; gastric juices
___________ ___________ of the stomach prevents bacterial growth.
Strong acidity
___________ ___________ of the stomach prevents bacterial growth.
Strong acidity
Small amounts of fat are digested in the stomach by gastric _________.
Small amounts of sucrose are digested in the stomach by:
Stomach acid
Attachment of a protein carrier to _________ occurs in the stomach.
Vitamin b12
Pancreatic juice contains _________ __________ and _________________.
Digestive enzymes; bicarbonate
Pancreatic juice contribute enzymes that digest which nutrients?
Fats, proteins, carbohydrates
Substance which neutralizes chyme upon entry into small intestine:
Sodium bicarbonate
Bile is secreted by:
Bile is stored in:
Bile _________ fat so that enzymes can work on it.
Rate of digestion depends on:
Content of the meal
Digestion is quicker if meal is rich in:
Simple sugars
Digestion is slower if meal is rich in:
What protects against infectious bacteria in the GI tract?
Intestinal flora
GI tract and small intestine have ____________ _______ that confer specific _________ against intestinal diseases.
Defending cells; immunity
______________-________________ nutrients are disassembled to basic building blocks and then they are _____________.
Energy yielding, absorbed
__________, __________, & ___________ are absorbed as they are, intact.
Vitamins, minerals, water
Undigested residues such as some __________s, enter the colon as a semi-solid mass to be eliminated.
Most absorption occurs where?
Small intestine
Intestinal surface contains _________ and _______________, which absorb nutrients.
Villi , microvilli
Nutrients ready for absorption early are absorbed where?
Near the top of the intestinal tract
Nutrients that take longer to be digested are absorbed where?
Towards the bottom of the intestinal tract
Rather than harming the digestive system, _______________ certain foods can actually enhance each other's used by the body.
What vitamins found in fruits can aid in the absorption of iron?
Vitamin C
__________-___________ nutrients and small __________ molecules are released directly into the bloodstream.
Water-soluble, fat
Larger _____ and ___-___________ vitamins are released into the lymphatic system.
Fats, fat-soluble
Fats require _____________ for transport.
Fats require _____________ for transport.
Triglycerides and other large lipids cluster together with special __________ to form ____________, a type of lipoprotein.
Proteins, chylomicrons
Trace the path of blood from heart through digestive system and back to heart.
Heart -> Arteries -> Intestinal Capillaries -> Hepatic Portal Vein -> Hepatic Capillaries -> Hepatic Vein -> Heart
Lymphatic system is a ____-______ route for fluids to travel to the _________.
One way, heart
Lipids always travel ________ with a __________.
Bundled, protein
As ________________ circulate, cells remove their lipid contents, and they get smaller and smaller.
When the liver picks up chylomicron remnants, it creates ____.
Very low density lipoprotein;

Created by liver cells to transport lipids;

Primarily composed of triglycerides
As triglycerides are removed from VLDL, the protein content becomes a bit _______ in comparison with fat, creating _____.
Higher, LDL
Low density lipoprotein;

Derived from VLDL;

Composed primarily of cholesterol
Lipids returning to the liver are known as ______ because the have very ________ protein weight in comparison with fat.
HDL, high
High-density lipoprotein;

Transport cholesterol back to the liver;

Composed primarily of protein
Elevated concentrations of ______ are associated with high risk of _________ ___________.
LDL, heart disease
Elevated concentrations of ______ are associated with low risk of _________ ___________.
HDL, heart disease
For ways to improve HDL/LDL ratio:
Weight control

Poly- or monounsaturated fatty acids instead of saturated in the diet

Soluble fibers

Physical activities
Illnesses caused by food or water:
Food Bourne illness
What is caused by eating food containing infectious microbes?
Food Bourne infections
What is caused by eating containing natural toxins or toxin-producing microbes?
Food Bourne intoxication
How can people get food Bourne illnesses?
Unsafe food handling practices by the hand of consumer or producer
Program put in place to keep food safe (HACCP):
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
Who is working with other countries to help them adopt safe food-handling practices?
How to check for safe packaged goods at stores (3 steps ):
Check "sell by" date

Inspect safety seals and wrappers

Check cans for bulges
How can one prevent did Bourne illnesses when dining out? (4)
Wah hands with hot, soapy water before meal

Expect clean eating areas, utensils, and food prep areas

Expect piping hot cooked food and fresh, cold uncooked food.

Refrigerate take-home items within two hours.
How to protect oneself from food Bourne illnesses (4 steps):
Keep a clean, safe kitchen (wash everything between steps)

Avoid cross-contamination

Keep hot foods hot (140 or higher)

Keep cold foods cold (40 or lower)
Precautions necessary for preparing meat/poultry?
Cook to proper temperatures
Precautions necessary for preparing/eating seafood? (3)
Cook until opaque

Choose pasteurized oysters

Keep it cold, clean, alive before (but at least first two)
Some ___________ wastes produce "off" smell.
Food safety when traveling to foreign countries?
Wash hands & use antiseptic gel/wipes frequently

Eat only well cooked, hot, or canned food

Raw produce should be washed in purified water

User only water that has been boiled or purified

Avoid improperly pasteurized/refrigerated dairy products