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60 Cards in this Set

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Which statement does not desribe the role of major nutrients in the body?
A. They give teeth and bones their rigidity and strength.
B. They regulate body processes.
C. They provide energy.
D. They help maintain acid-base balance.
B Vitamins
a. function as enzymes
b. function as co-enzymes
c. are water soluble
d. both b and c
When a water-soluble vitamin is consumed in excess of body needs, the excess of the vitamin is:
a. not absorbed.
b. excreted in the urine
c. stored in the liver, bone and adipose tissue
d. excreted in the feces
Which of the following vitamins is most likely to be lacking in the vegetarian diet?
a. niacin
b. vitamin D
c. vitamin B12
d. thiamin
The daily allowance for vitamin C will be met if a person consumes:
a. a medium-sized citrus fruit
b. 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice
c. 1/2 cup of apple juice
d. a and b
e. a and c
Almost all (99%) of the calcium in the body is used to:
a. provide energy for cells
b. provide rigidity for the bones and teeth
c. regulate the transmission of nerve impulses
d. maintain the blood level of calcium within very narrow limits.
The acid loving bacteria associated with gastric and duodenum ulcers is:
a. streptococcus
b. H. Influenza
c. H. Pylori
d. staphlococcus
Water in the body does not serve as a:
a. component of compounds
b. participant in chemical reactions
c. lubricant
d. source of energy
The most reliable source of vitamin D in the diet is;
a. meat
b. fruits and vegetables
c. fortified milk
d. enriched breads and cereals
The emulsifying compound manufactured by the liver, stored int he gallbladder, and released into the small intestine when fat is present is:
a. cholesterol
b. bile
c. acetyl CoA
d. glycerol
Fluoride deficiency is best known to cause:
a. mottling of teeth
b. osteoporosis
c. nutritional muscular dystrophy
d. dental decay
e. heart disease
Which of these diseases is associated with a lack of B6 (folacin) in the diet?
a. rickets
b. neural tube defect
c. beriberi
d. pellagra
A diet low in fat-soluble vitamins will result in a more rapid onset or deficiency symptoms than one low in water-soluble vitamins
a. true
b. false
Which of the following are fat-soluble vitamins?
a. B,C,D, and niacin
b. E, niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin
c. A, D, K, E
d. B, A, C, D
e. C, B1, B2, B6
Over consumption of the fat-soluble vitamins could result in:
a. accumulation, which aids in the prevention of colds and infections
b. a non-observable condition, because they are excreted
c. possible toxicity, due to accumulation in the liver
d. decreased amino acid synthesis
Vitamin K is best described as:
a. being responsible for energy metabolism
b. promoting healthy epithelial tissue
c. being involved with blood clotting
d. enhancing calcium utilization
Vitamin A toxicity is likely to occur from:
a. consuming too many dark green and deep orange vegetables
b. eating liver once a month
c. consuming high-dosage vitamin A supplements
d. drinking too much Vitamin A-fortified milk
Which group is least susceptible to iron deficiency anemia?
a. women of childbearing age
b. children
c. older infants
d. teens during their growth spurt
e. men 20-45 years of age
The most reliable source of fluoride is:
a. meats and whole-grain cereals
b. iodized slat
c. dark green vegetables
d. public water
e. milk and milk products
The specialized proteins that inactivate foreign bacteria and viruses are
a. enzymes
b. antibodies
c. hormones
d. collagen
The lipoprotein thought to protect against cardiovascular disease is
a. LDL
c. IDL
d. HDL
e. chylomicrons
Which vitamin is associated with birth defects of the head, face, and spinal cord when taken beyond the recommended allowances?
a. A
b. C
c. D
d. E
The pyloric sphinctor functions to:
a. prevent the contents of the intestine from backing up into the stomach
b. secrete acid into the stomach
c. hold the food in the stomach long enough for it to be thoroughly mixed and liquified
d. a and c
This cartilage structure allows food to enter the stomach and keeps its contents from backing up into the esophagus
a. lower esophageal sphincter
b. gall bladder
c. duedoenum
d. pyloric spchincter
Pancreatic enzymes are first in contact with chyme in this part of the GI tract:
a. epiglottis
b. esophagus
c. stomach
d. small intestine
e. large intestine
Carbohydrates differ in their arrangement of
a. saccharide units
b. peptide linkages
c. double bonds
d. amino acids
e. lipid units
The villi of the small intestine:
a. provide an enormouse surface area across which absorption can take place.
b. store fat-soluble vitamins
c. produce hydrochloric acid
d. inactivate enzymes accidentally consumed with food
e. perform different functions depending on whether they are int eh duedonum, jejunum, or ileum
Hydrochloric acid (HCL) plays an important role in gastric digestion because it:
a. neutralizes the food mass
b. creates an optimum medium to kill most bacteria and viruses
c. prevents hydrolysis
d. absorbs water
the colon is part of the:
a. stomach
b. liver
c. small intestine
d. large intestine
the glands which produce gastric enzymes are located in the:
a. mouth
b. stomach
c. small intestine
d. liver
e. gallbladder
Peristalsis is a term that refers to the:
a. circulation of blood in the blood vessels
b. absorption of food in the intestines
c. mixing and moving of food through the lymphatic system
d. last phase of digestion
e. action of the circular and longitudinal muscles of the digestive tract
The end product of carbohydrate digestions is a:
a. glycerol molecule
b. fatty acid
c. carbon dioxide molecule
d. monosaccharide
e. carbon atom
The end product of all the starch hydrolyzed in the body is:
a. fructose
b. glucose
c. maltose
d. sucrose
The function of bile in digestion is to:
a. emulsify fats into smaller particles
b. start the digestion of protein
c. protect the stomach and small intestine from the action of HCL
d. enhance absorption of disaccharides
What is the correct sequence of molecules in protein digestion?
a. prot-dipep-polypep-urea
b. prot-polypep-dipep-amino acids
c. prot-amino-urea-non essentamin acids
d. prot-glucose-stored fats
Absorbed water-soluble nutrients are first transported to the ______ to be metabolized for use by the body.
a. kindey
b. heart
c. brain.
d. liver
Which of the following organs does not contribute juices during digestion?
a. salivary glands
b. liver
c. pancreas
d. kindey
A substance in food which is not digested and remains in the digestive tract to stimulate its muscle contractions is:
a. bile
b. amylase
c. fiber
d. starch
Which of these is NOT a diagnostic criteria for bulimia?
a. a feeling of lack of control over eating during binges
b. lack of appropriate coping skills
c. abnormally thin appearance
d. low self-esteem
Contributing most to the weight of the living humab nody is:
a. calcium
b. zinc
c. water
d. iron
e. protein
The major hormone that affects the basal metabolic rate is:
a. insulin
b. gastrin
c. thyroxin
d. cholecystokinin
Roger has a normal weight of 75 kilograms. If his activity level is 50% of basal how many kcalories does he need to maintain his body weight?
a. 1,000
b. 1500
c. 2000
d. 2700
e. 3200
Most of the weight loss that occurs during the first few days of eating a very-low-kcalorie diet is from:
a glycogen loss from liver and muscle
b. water loss from tissues
c. oxidation of fat
d. oxidation of protein
A person who eats 75 excess kcalories every dya will gain about one pound of body weight every:
a. day
b. week
c. 3 weeks
d. 7 weeks
e. 10 weeks
There is a positive correlation between obesity and all the following, except:
a. the incidence of diabetes
b. atherosclerosis
c. longer life span
d. increased surgery risk
e. varicose veins
The RDA for protein for a 55kg, woman is _____ grams per day.
a. 30
b. 44
c. 55
d. 100
The typical anorexic is:
female, teenaged, educated, middle-class
In reality, anorexia is:
a. losing water weight only
b. starving to death
c. simply a fad diet
d. only damaging herself psychologically
The best approach to weight loss is to:
a. eliminate all fats from the diet
b. reduce daily energy intake and increase energy expenditure
c. avoid food containing carbohydrates
d. greatly increase protein intake to prevent bdoy protein loss.
e. cut down on water intake
A moderate rate at which weight can be lost consistently week after week is:
a. 1-2 pounds per week
b. 3-4 pounds per week
c. 4-5 pounds per week
d. 7-8 pounds per week
What is the most probable kcalorie need per day for a 110 pound sedentary woman?
a. 800-1200
b. 1200-2000
c. 2000-3000
d. more than 2300
The Minimum energy needed to carry on vital body processes is known as the:
a. basal metabolism
b. kcalorie
c. physiological fuel value
d. heat of combustion
e. coefficient of digestibility
Bulimia may best be described as:
a. the following of a normal diet
b. the compulsive consumption of food
c. eating dependent on social stimuli
d. absence of hunger and refusal to eat
The energy value of food is usually expressed in:
a. milligrams
b. ounces.
c. kcalories
d. international units
e. micrograms
The theory that the body tends to maintain a certain weight by means of its won internal controls is referred to as the ____ theory.
a. environmental
b. external cue
c. internal cue
d. set point
Weight gain results from:
a. consuming a diet in which a high percentage of calories is form carbohydrates
b. calories from fat
c. calories from protein
d. positive energy balance
e. negative energy balance
Which of the following diseases are more likely to affect overweight people than those of normal weight?
a. diabetes
b. heart attacks
c. marasmus
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b, c
To lose 2 pounds of body fat per week, a person must reduce caloric intake by ____kcal per day less than the energy expended.
a. 1000
b. 500
c. 250
d. 2000
e. 3000
In dealing with body weight, the individual should be primarily concerned with:
a. bone structure
b. weight
c. fatness
d. caloric intake
How many different kinds of amino acids make up proteins?
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 20
e. over 50