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79 Cards in this Set

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Calories in Carbs, Protein, Fat, Alcohol

Carbs: 4 kcal/gram

Protein: 4 kcal/gram

Fat: 9 kcal/gram

Alcohol: 7 kcal/gram

High Blood Pressure


Folate during pregnancy

600 mcg/day

Protein Requirement for a healthy adult

.8 grams protein/kg of body weight

pounds/2.2 = kg; kg x .8 grams

Normal BMI

18.5 - 24.9


weight (Ibs)/height (in)^2 x 703

Water: for every pound lost in physical activity, you need to consume...

...3 cups

Potential Red flags for nutrition misinformation

1 - Is something being sold?

2 - Does the product offer new remedy for problems not easily solved?

3 - terms used like "miraculous", "detoxify", "studies prove", "secret"

Recommended % for Carbs, Fat, and Protein

45-65% from carbs

20-35% from fats

10-35% from protein

What percent of the diet should be saturated fat?

<7% - 10%


Providing a wide selection of foods within a food group


Select foods from different food groups


Diet with all the essential nutrients

Nutrient Density

Provide substantial amounts of vitamins and minerals and relatively few calories

Typical American Diet

- High in: saturated fat, fatty acid, cholesterol, simple sugars, Na, Omega-6

- Low in: fruits and veggies, fiber, omega-3, K, Ca


Dietary Reference Intakes (new/developing)


Recommended Dietary Allowances


Food for bacteria

- plant foods

Functions of Carbs

- Energy

- Prevents ketosis

- Protein Sparing, body and dietary

- Sweetener


Glucose + Galactose

- Milk sugar



- bread

- alcohol

Starch Food Sources:

corn, legumes, grains, potatoes, vegetables

Dietary Fiber Food Sources

bran, legumes, avocados, berries, Fiber 1 products

Soluble Fiber Functions

- can lower blood cholesterol (slows/binds)

- may reduce risk of heart disease

- slows glucose absorption (insulin control)

Insoluble Fiber Functions

- increase fecal time

- may reduce risk of obesity (no calories)

- may reduce risk of colon cancer (moves carcinogens out)

Recommended grams of fiber:



Men: ≥ 38 grams

Women: ≥ 25 grams

Lactose Intolerance

What to do?


Reduction in Lactase

What to do?: eat dairy with fat, use lactase treated milk products (lactaid)

Symptoms: lactose metabolized by large intestinal bacteria = gas, bloating, cramping, discomfort, diarrhea

Functions of Fat

- Satiety

- Insulation

- Protection

- Help absorption of fat-soluble vitamins

- Energy dense

- Parts of cells

- Flavor, aroma

Classification of Lipids

- Sterols

- Phospholipids

- Triglycerides


- Essential component of cell membrane

- Forms hormones (precursor): estrogen, testosterone, Vitamin D

- Precursor to bile acids

- Found only in animal products

Omega 3 types

ALA: plants (flax seed, kiwi, chia seeds)

EPA: marine

DHA: marine

EPA and DHA needed for brain health

Omega 3 Sources

- fatty fish, canola, hemp seed, flaxseed, chia, green leafy vegetables, and walnuts

Omega 6 Sources

- Found in vegetable oils, meats, eggs, and dairy

Omega-3 and pregnancy

- brain development

- affect learning outcomes

Omega-3 Effects

- ↑ blood clotting

- ↑ inflammatory responses

Omega-6 Effects

- ↓ blood clotting

- reduces risk of heart attack

- large amounts may ↓ inflammation pain with rheumatoid arthritis

Possible Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids

Decrease risk of or helps with symptoms of:

- Heart disease

- Hypertension

- Cancer (colon, breast, prostate)

- Memory loss/Alzheimer's

- Depression

- Ulcerative colitis

Essential Fatty Acids Ratio

2 Omega-6: 1 Omega-3

Linolenic vs Linoleic

Linolenic = Omega-3

Linoleic = Omega-6

Trans Fat are made by...

partial hydrogenation

Trans Fat found in...

baked goods, french fries, crackers, margarine

Effects of too much trans fatty acids in diet?

Increases your risk for heart disease

- raise LDL, lower HDL

Reducing Risk of CVD: American Heart Association

- < 20-35% of total kcal from fat/day

- < 7-10% from saturated fat

- < 300mg cholesterol a day

CVD Risk Factors

- family history

- ethnicity

- tobacco exposure

- hypertension,

- ↑ cholesterol

- diabetes

- obesity

CVD nutritional Advice

- <20-35% of total kcal from fat/day

- < 7-10% from saturated fats

- < 300 mg cholesterol a day


takes excess cholesterol out of cells

How can you increase HDLs?

- be physically active

- avoid smoking

- eat regularly

- eat less total fat, trans fat

- eat more omega-3

- moderate intake of alcohol


deliver cholesterol → cells/tissues

Functions of Protein

- blood clotting

- energy

- enzymes & hormones

- fluid balance

- building block of body compartments

- contribute to acid/base balance

- immune function

- gluconeogenesis

- transportation (lipids, minerals, O2)

Complete Proteins (food sources)

Meat and animal byproducts, quinoa, hemp seed

Incomplete Proteins (Food Sources)

Plants sources

Lacto-ovo vegetarian

Eat dairy and eggs


only eats fish

Partial Vegetarian

Everything but red meat

Possible concerns with a vegetarian diet

- iron

- zinc

- B12

- Vitamin D

Vitamin C Sources:

Citrus, red/green peppers

Vitamin C Functions:

- antioxidant

- immune function

- ↑ absorption of iron

- possibly CVD, cataracts, cancer, colds

Vitamin C Deficiency/Toxicity

Deficiency: Scurvy

Toxicity: GI distress, diarrhea




- liver

- green leafy

- legumes

- cereal

- orange juice

Folate Functions

- coenzyme

- DNA synthesis

Folate Deficiency

- megaloblastic anemia

- neural tube defects (spina bifida)

Vitamin E




Sources: wheat germ, plant oils

Function: antioxidant, scars, ↓ risk of cancer

Toxicity: least toxic

Which type of vitamins participates in energy metabolism?

Water-soluble vitamins

Most toxic vitamins

A and D

Functions of Water

- temperature regulation

- aids in digestion

- transporter

- solvent

- cleanser

- fluid balance

- overall metabolism

What vitamins and minerals are antioxidants?

- Vitamin C, E

- Carotenoids

- Zinc

- Selenium

Ways to prevent spina bifida:

- enter pregnancy at a healthy weight and exercise

- sufficient amounts of choline, folic acid, B12

Minerals important for water balance

- Sodium

- Potassium

- Chloride

- Phosphorus

- Magnesium

- Calcium


Food Sources:




Food Sources: Red meat, cereal, legumes

Functions: immune, RBC formation

Deficiency: Anemia

Toxicity: hemochromatosis


Food Sources:



Food Sources: Shellfish, red meat, cereal, dairy

Functions: immune, antioxidant, growth, taste perception, sexual development, wound healing

Deficiency: opposite of functions


Food Sources:




Food Sources: legumes, dairy, fish

Functions: bone development, blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, enzyme regulation, reduces blood pressure

Deficiency: osteoporosis, rickets, tetany, hypertension

Toxicity: kidney stones, hypercalcemia


Food Sources:


Food Sources: Brazil nuts, seafood, organ meat

Functions: antioxidant


Food Sources:




Food Sources: Avocado, baked potato, beans, orange juice

Functions: electrolyte, helps lower BP, muscle contraction

Heartburn treatments

- smaller more frequent meals

- separate liquids from meals

- wait 2 hours before lying down

- limit spicy foods

- avoid smoking, chocolate, peppermint, coffee, alcohol

- reduce excess weight


Essential nutrient

- Food Sources: egg yolk, wheat germ, beef, legumes, chicken

- Deficiency rare

- important for cell membrane, early brain development, apoptosis, lipid metabolism

Constipation Treatments

- fiber + water

- probiotics

- magnesium

- prunes

- reduce stress

Hypertension treatment


- rich in K, Ca, Mg

- reduced Na

Diarrhea treatment

- drink plenty of fluid and replace electrolytes

- pedialyte

4 fish to avoid during pregnancy due to high mercury content

- swordfish

- shark

- king mackerel

- tile fish