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52 Cards in this Set

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Normal male and female body fat percentage

male: 10-25%

female: 18-35%

What regulates biological hunger?


What type of effect must a weight loss medication have in order to be approved by the FDA?


-you typically gain back more weight than you lost after you stop taking the medication

List some characteristics of healthy eating

- flexible food intake

- at least 3 meals a day

- eating without fear or guilt

- only eat when you feel hungry

Define what it means to live in an "obesigenic" environment
an environment in which it is very easy to gain weight
What is "disordered eating"
someone who isnt diagnosed with an eating disorder but is obviously on their way to having one; often starts with a "diet"
List the 3 D's from NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association)

1. Dissatisfaction with body

2. Drive for thinness

3. Dieting

define size prejudice and provide an example

we as a society REALLY judge people for their size

ex: fat people have no self control, they're lazy, etc. (these are wrong and discriminatory)

factors that contribute to negative body image

- magazines

- music videos

- TV
- teasing by friends and family

- mother's bad habits

- parental pressure to be thin

What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder
a mental disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts about a perceived flaw in appearance
Define eating disorder
when unhealthy eating behaviors produce drastic weight changes and put health and eve life at risk
What percentage of 13-18 yr olds suffer from an eating disorder?


(3.8% girls; 1.5% boys)

EDNOS stands for what
Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
List the Female Athlete Triad

- Disordered eating (weight control and calorie restriction)

- Amenorrhea (lose menstrual cycle)

- Osteperosis

Steps for giving help for a body image or eating disorder

- locate support & treatment resources

- have a compassionate conversation

- focus on behaviors that worry you and explain how they are unhealthful

- discuss the support and treatment options you have located

- know that one conversation won't always do the trick, but they'll know they have you around

Fat soluble vitamins & characteristics

A, D, E, K

- stored in liver & fat

- toxic in excess

- found in fatty part of food

Water soluble vitamins & function

8 B vitamins and Vit C

- needed for energy production, amino acid metabolism, and cell division

name the 8 b vitamins

hint: The Robin Never Passes By Pretty Flowering Crabapples






Pyridoxine (B6)


Cobalamine (B12)

Thiamin, Riboflavin, & Niacin are involved in
energy production pathways

Deficiency signs of Vit B6


poor growth, depression, poor immune function, and skin breakdown
Folate is needed for

cell division, red blood cell formation, and neural tube formation

Vitamin B12 is involved in


red blood cell formation and maintenance of nerve and bone cells

In order to absorb vit B12, you need

HCl, pepsin, and intrinsic factor

- if you lack intrinsic factor, you need shots of B12

Deficiency signs of vit B12

nerve damage, dementia, confusion, balance problems
Vitamin C is used for
antioxidant to preserve food (ascorbic acid), iron absorption, collagen formation, immune function, antihistamine effect
What vitamin is the most easily damaged in storage and cooking?
Vit C becasie air changes it and its water soluble
LAck of Vit C is called
Vitamin A (and carotenoids) is needed for
to form visual pigment in retina and to maintain cornea, for cell differentiation, reproduction, bone growth, maintain epithelium, antioxidants
Good sources of Vit A

animal sources: liver, fish oils, eggs, fortified milk

other sources: canteloup, peaches, sweet potatoes, and other orange foods (not oranges though)

Third world countries provided with fortified "golden" rice to prevent vit A deficiency

Vitamin D characteristics

- both a vitamin AND a hormone

- transformed by sun in skin and transformed to active form in the liver and then kidney

- regulates calcium and phosphorus levels in blood

- aids in immune system and skin cell development

Vit D deficiency

- those with dark skin and older adults are less able to produce vit D from the sun

- those with not enough fat or too much fat have trouble absorbing vit D

- Rickets: bowed legs

- being seen in dark skinned Americans in smog filled cities

Vitamin E functions


- antioxidant for fat soluble compounds

- protects unsaturated fats in cell membranes

Vitamin K

- involved in blood coagulation

- found in leafy green veggies and bacteria in gut

List the minerals involved in fluid balance

- sodium

- chloride


List the minerals involved in nerve transmission and muscle contraction

- sodium

- potassium

- calcium

- magnesium

List the minerals involved in energy metabolism

- phosphorous

- magnesium

List the minerals involved in bone maitnenance

- calcium

- phosphorus

- magnesium

- flouride

Sodium functions

- fluid balance: high blood sodium = thirst

- acid-base balance

- nerve transmission and muscle contraction

- regulated by kidneys, limit to 2300 mg/day

Potassium functions

- fluid and electrolyte balance

- nerve transmission and muscle conraction

- protective against hypertension

Calcium functions

- 99% in bones

- regulates muscle contraction

- blood clotting

- nerve transmission

- maintains normal BP

Magnesium functions

- >50% in bones

- protein synthesis

- ATP formation

- muscle contraction

- blood clotting

- immune function

- may protect from HTN and CVD

Iron characteristics

- regulated at site of absorption

- Heme (animal) iron is better absorbed

- Vit C enhances absorption

- girls often low because of menstruation


- found in bone, eyes, and prostate

- healing, growth, blood clotting, to activate vit A in eyes, make sperm, taste perception

Nutritional needs during pregnancy

- energy!!! Extra serving from each food groud every day

- extre 25g protein

- folate & b12 for blood fomation

- vit d

- double iron

- zinc

Possible complications during pregnancy

- gestational diabetes

- preeclampsia/eclampsia

Nutrition needs while breastfeeding (even greater than during pregnancy)

- extra 500kcals/day

-less folate and iron needed than during pregnancy

- more energy and fluid needed for milk

- what mommye ats baby eats

Breast vs. Bottle feeding

Breast: less allergies, less problems with constipation, hard to overfeed, inexpensive, convenient, better for enviro, delays fertility

Bottle: easier for weak infants, never cows milk!!, need care with sanitation, demand feeding

Solids are introduced at 4-6mo old, list the order of which foods should be offered first

1. iron fortified rice cereal

2. pureed fruits and vegetables

3. pieces of small chopped meats, soft fruits, vegetables, and crackers

common deficiencies of elderly people
vit D, b12, iron, calcium, and zinc

Define food borne illness
illness transmitted from food or water that contains an infectious agent , poisonous substance, or a protein causing an immune reaction
4steps to prevent food borne illness

1. clean

2. separate

3. chill

4. cook

Define POPs

Persistant Organic Pollutants

chemical released into the atmosphere from industry, agriculture, cars, and waste disposal