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73 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 roles of water?

-medium for chem rx

-transports nutrients

-maintain body temp

-acts as a protective cushion

-transport waste from cells

What are the symptoms of dehydration?


-dry skin

-blue lips and fingertips

-shallow breathing

What are the symptoms of H2O toxicity?

rapid weight gain

-low blood electrolytes


What is the function of sodium?

retain water

What is the toxicity of sodium?


What are food sources for sodium?

salt and processed food

What is the most important organ in regulating sodium?


What are the functions of calcium?

-blood clotting

-nerve and muscle activity

-involved in healthy blood pressure

-strengthens bones and teeth

What is a symptom of calcium deficiency?


-increased by:

-low estrogen

-low calcium intake


What are food sources for calcium?


-leafy greens


-fish with bones

What is the function of iron?

Iron binds hemoglobin to help with oxygen transportation.

What is caused by iron deficiency?


What is caused by iron toxicity?

liver damage

bloody stool


What is the leading cause of fatal accidental poisonings in US children under 6?

Iron toxicity

What are food sources for iron?




What deficiency causes people to crave and eat non-nutritious substances such as clay or ice?


What is the function of zinc?

growth and development

What are symptoms of zinc deficiency?

-poor growth

-slow wound healing

-delayed sexual development

What blocks the absorption of zinc?

high levels of iron

What is the function of fluoride?

part of bones and teeth

What is caused by zinc deficiency?


What is caused by zinc toxicity?


-discolored, rotting teeth

-bone softness

What is the function of iodine?

-part of thyroid hormone

-regulates metabolic rates

What is caused by iodine deficiency?


-enlarged thyroid

-slow metabolism

-weight gain


mental and physical abnormalities

What is caused by iodine toxicity?

Toxic Goiter

What are food sources for iodine?

fortified salt



What are the functions of phosphorus?


-part of cell membrane

-part of DNA

-part of ATP


What are food sources for phosphorus?

meat, milk, soft drinks

What is the function of magnesium?

involved in healthy blood pressure

What are food sources for magnesium?

whole grains, seafood, chocolate

What are the functions of potassium?

involved in healthy blood pressure

regulates heart beat

What is caused by potassium deficiency?


What is caused by potassium toxicity?

can stop heart

What are food sources for potassium?

fresh fruit and veggies

What are the functions of sulfur?

-combines with toxic substances to make harmless compounds

-part of insulin

What is the function of chromium?

helps insulin attach to cells so glucose can enter them

What is the function of vitamin A?


-bone and tooth growth

What is caused by vitamin A deficiency


night blindness


What are the symptoms of vitamin A toxicity?

-bone fractures

-birth defects


What are food sources for vitamin a?



What are the roles of beta-carotene?

-calcium absorption

-bone health

What is a sign of beta-carotene deficiency?

macular degeneration

What are food sources for beta-carotene?


sweet potatoes


What is the function of vitamin E

Cell membrane integrity


What are food sources for vitamin E

veggie oil



What are the functions of vitamin K

-blood clotting

-bone formation

What can be caused by vitamin k deficiency?


What vitamin can be made from bacteria in the gut?

Vitamin k

What is a food source for vitamin k?

green leafy veggies

What vitamin are babies given shots of at birth?

Vitamin K

What are the functions of thiamin?

- the reinforcement, storage, and use of energy from nutrients

-supports healthy move cell membrane to muscles

What is caused by thiamin deficiency?

Beri Beri

Wernickle korsakoff

What is a food source for thiamin?


What is a role of riboflavin?

- the reinforcement, storage, and use of energy from nutrients

What is caused by riboflavin deficiency?



-cracks in corners of mouth

-red eyes and skin

what are food sources for riboflavin?



True or false: Riboflavin can be disturbed by the sun


What is the role of niacin?

- the reinforcement, storage, and use of energy from nutrients

What is caused by niacin deficiency?


What is caused by niacin toxicity?




-vasal dilation


What is the role of B6?

- the release, storage, and use of energy from nutrients

What is caused by B6 deficiency?

-greasy dermatitis

-microcytic anemia

What are the roles of folate?

- the release, storage, and use of energy from nutrients

-growth and development

-splitting RBC precursor

-cell reproduction

What is caused by folate deficiency?

spina bifida

neural tube defects

What are food sources for folate?



leafy green veggies

Which vitamin masks a B12 deficiency?


What are the functions of B12?

- the release, storage, and use of energy from nutrients

-splitting RBC precursors

-nerve function

What is caused by b12 deficiency?

pernicious anemia

What are food sources for B12

animal sources

Which vitamin needs intrinsic factor to be absorbed?


What are the roles of vitamin C?

-collagen synthesis


-amino acid


What is caused by vitamin C deficiency?


-pinpoint hemorrhages

-weak connective tissue

-may lose teeth

What are food sources for vitamin C


