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64 Cards in this Set

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What is being overweight mean?

Being too heavy for one's height

What does being obese mean?

Having more than the amount needed for your body fat

What is the BMI for a overweight person?

25-29.9 kg/m^2

What is the BMI for a obese person?

30 kg/m^2 or more

Why are Americans eating more?

Improper portion sizes

Eat more because of appetite, not because they are hunger or need it

Exercising less

What is being underweight mean?

Little fat stored

How does having more fat then needed affect your body?

Mental problems: depression, low self esteem

Lung problems: sleep apnea, asthma

Fatty liver

Gallbladder disease, gallstones

Blood glucose: elevated fasting blood glucose, type 2

Gynecological: abnormal periods, infertility

Arthritis, gout

Gastroesophageal reflux

Heart: cardiovascular diseases, elevated blood triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke

Increased risk for breast, colon, uterus, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, thyroid, and thyroid cancers

What happens when you are underweight?

Greater risk of early death

BMI for underweight people:

Under 18.5 kg/m^2

What is BMI?

Body mass index

Evaluates weight

In relation to height



Lbs/(in)^2 x 703

Is BMI accurate?


What is one step on how to eat healthy?

Adjust intake to your metabolism and body needs

Bioelectric Impedance Analysis


Fast, easy, painless

Sends painless current through body-> measures how much resistance was between when it was first sent and when it returned-> fat is a poor conductor (less water than lean fat)

Amount of resistance is proportional to body fat

GI tract and bladder have to be empty

Hydration has to be normal

Cannot be taken between 24 hour of hardworking excersise (sweat-> low body water)

What is skinfold thickness

Believes that the amount of fat under skin represents entire body

Thickness of the amount of subcutaneous fat in multiple areas is taken with calipers-> equation estimates amount of body fat

Don't need anything to be put in body & accurate for normal weight

Less accurate for obese or elderly

Water and air displacement is:

Uses underwater weighing

lean tissue is denser than fat

the difference between the weight on land and the weight underwater is used to calculate body volume and density

accurate and non-invasive

Require special equipment can I use it cannot be used for some groups for example small children and frail adults

Another way to measure is using an air filled chamber

accurate and more convenient

expensive and not available easily

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry


Uses two x-rays

calculates total body mass, bone, mineral mass and the amount and percentage of body fat

Also tells body composition in specific places & evaluates the amount of visceral fat ( associated with risk of heart disease and other diseases)

How does Apple body shapes affect health?

They are connected to more cardiac problems and diabetes

How is a pear-shaped body affects health

They lose weight quicker than an apple

What is the correlation between waist circumference and health risks

men: BMI of 25 to 34.9 with a waist greater than 40 indicates that there is a visceral fat storage

Woman: BMI of 25 to 34.9 with a waist of greater than 35 inches indicates visceral fat storage

What is energy balance

Energy in = energy out

How do you measure the energy content in food

Put dried food in a chamber, outside the chamber is water-> you burn the food -> the amounts of heat raises the temperature of the water-> The amount of the temperature of the water that increases is calculated any correlates with the amount of heat that is given off by food

What is basal metabolic rate


Amount of energy use during resting time

it's measurements are given when the subject :

is in a warm room in the morning ( before they wake up)

at least 12 hours after the last food or activity

Energy requirements of a sedentary person

2500 kcal

Energy requirements for physically active person

3000 kcal

Energy requirements of a very active person

Feasting is:

Energy in is greater than energy out

Fasting is:

Energy in it is less than energy out

Hierarchy of Body Energy Use

Do genes or environment determine body shape?


Pima Indians

Two groups of the same genetic tribe (genetically susceptible to being more fat than average) were living in two different lifestyles-> those who lived in the USA had a higher average BMI

Regulation of Energy Balance

Set Point


Set Point

Point at which you cannot gain extra weight


Feeling of being full and satisfied

What are the 2 hormones that regulate body weight?

Ghrelin and Leptin

Contributing Factors for Obesity

Inheriting metabolism

Adaptive Thermogenesis: Changes in amount of energy used due to things like changes in temperature or food intake

Futile cycle: two opposing reaction occur and in the end wastes energy

Brown Adipose Tissue: burns in food quicker. More metabolically active

Differences in Energy Expenditure during Physical Activity


Amount produced and secreted is determined by insulin levels

Produced by adipocytes and is in hypothalamus

Fatter= more Leptin released

Inhibits food intake and weight gain, increases energy usage

How to determine who should lose weight

measure height & weight ( see if they are in healthy BMI range)-> assess for obesity related problems that increase risks-> make recommendations for weight loss (obese or overweight with one or more obesity related condition)

Weight Cycling

When you keep going on a diet and then coming off and then going back to your original bad habits. Then you get determined and start dieting again. Goes over and over.

More toxic for your body, compared to not dieting.

How to manage your weight:

Balance intake and output

Decrease calories

Don't get too hungry

Increase activity

Physical Activity

Good for weight management

Adults: minimum 150 min/ week

Behavior Management

Good for weight management


A) antecedents: find what causes the problem ( TV)

B) Behavior: what is the problem ( eating too many chips)

C) Consequences: what will you do due to the behavior ( get upset and fat)

Fixing the problem:


B) eating fruits

C) happy and healthy

Suggestion for weight gain

Find the clinical reason for weight loss

Increase energy dense foods

Eat more frequently

Replace water w/ milk and juice

Strength chaining

A healthy diet:

Too many changes leads to failure

Diet plans:

Weight watchers

Jenny Craig




Body Reset

Flat Belly diet


Dukan/ Atkins diet

Biggest loser


Glycemic index diet

South Beach diet

A bad diet :

Diet plans:

Weight watchers

Jenny Craig




Body Reset

Flat Belly diet


Dukan/ Atkins diet

Biggest loser


Glycemic index diet

South Beach diet

Weight Watchers

Low calorie; social support

Pro: cheap, flexible

Con: N/A

Jenny Craig

Low calorie, prepackaged, weekly counseling

Pro: convenient

Con: expensive, needs purchase of special foods


Low cal, liquid formula, 2 meals/ day

Pro: convenient

Con: needs special food purchase, no social support


Health Management Resources

Meal replacement

Pro: Rapid Weight loss

Con: severe cal restriction (at the beginning), not flexible for eating out


Low carb

Pro: simple to follow

Con: eliminates some food groups, no social support

Body Reset

Train your body to burn cal faster

Pro: rapid weight loss

Con: has unsound science, difficult to follow, no social support

Flat Belly diet

High mono- fat, specific foods for certain time

Pro: safe, nutritious

Con: complicated to follow, no social support


Controlling blood sugar controls weight

Pro: cheap, flexible

Con: questionable principle, no social support

Dukan diet

High protein

Pro:promotes quick weight loss

Con: lots of specific rules, no social support

Biggest loser

Healthy food and regular excercise

Pro: safe, easy, effective (short term)

Con: bad for long term


Prepackaged meals

Pro: Rapid weight loss

Con: no social support, doesn't promote long-term behavior change

Glycemic Index Diet

Promotes good carbs

Pro: inexpensive

con: poor guidance (mainly carbs), no social support

Atkins diet

very low carb

Pro: cheap, rapid weight loss initialy

Con: not good for long tem, no social support

South Beach diet

Low carb

pro: cheap, good for heart

con: you lose mainly water at first, no social support

Bariatric surgery

Recommended sometimes for people with a BMI of 35 or more comes in three ways:

gastric banding,

gastric sleeve or gastric bypass

Gastric banding

Adjustable band that's around the stomach

Gastric sleeve

Removal of part of the stomach

Gastric bypass

Restricts the size of the stomach and bypasses part of the small intestine