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41 Cards in this Set

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What is feasting?

Feasting is excess energy consumption

What is excess carbohydrate stored as, and where?

It's stored as glycogen, and in the liver and muscles. But once the limited glycogen stores are full, the excess is used for energy.

What is excess fat and protein stored as?


What is fasting?

Fasting is voluntary energy deficit.

What will the body do when you're fasting?

The body will use the glycogen stores and fat for energy, and ultimately use body tissue for energy.

What does fasting result in?

Rapid initial weight loss.

Why does weight gain quickly after fasting?

Because of the lowered BMR as a result from the loss of lean muscle mass.

What is energy balance?

When the calorie intake = calorie loss

How many calories that we store in excess is 1lb of fat?


How many calories to expend per day to lose 1lb a week?

500 calories.

What are the three ways we expend energy?

#1 To increase basal metabolic rate.

#2 voluntary activity (physical)

#3 Through the body's metabolic response to food (thermic effect)

What is EER?

Estimated energy requirements, it is used to determine the number of calories your body needs.

What should be taken into account when calculating EER?

Gender, age, growth (because BMR is high during periods of growth), physical activity level, height and weight

What is Body Mass Index?

BMI is used to evaluate a person's health risks associated with being underweight and overweight

What is an underweight BMI?


What is a normal BMI?


Overweight BMI?


Obese (Class I) BMI


Obese (Class II) BMI


Extreme Obesity (Class III) BMI


What are the drawbacks to BMI?

Fails to show how much weight is actually fat

Fails to show where the fat is located

It is not suitable for athletes, because they have more muscle mass, so their BMI is a lot higher.

Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Not suitable for adults over 65

What is anthropometry?

Involves direct body measurements (eg. waist circumference, fat fold test)

Where is visceral fat stored and what is visceral fat associated with?

Visceral fat is stored in the abdominal cavity, and is associated with an increased risk of disease (CVD, heart problems, diabetes, stroke, HTN).

Which is worse, carrying fat around the center of the body or around the lower body?

Carrying fat around the center has higher risk of death than those who carry carry fat in their lower body (pear shaped)

What does a high waist circumference indicate?

Risk of disease, even if BMI is normal.

What is the healthy waist circumference for males and females?

Males : 102 cm or 40 inches

Females: 88 cm or 35 inches

What are skinfold measures?

This calculates the thickness of a skin fold at areas on the body using callipers and provides an estimate of total body fat.

FFactors that contribute to Obesity?

Genetics and Weight
Environmental Stimuli

Genetics and weight

Genetic make up greatly influences how efficiently our body uses and stores energy.

What are the proteins that may play in the development of obesity?

Lipoprotein Lipase - enables fat storage, those with high LPL will store fat more easily

Leptin - appetite suppressing hormone

Ghrelin is an appetite stimulating hormone

What is the fat cell number theory?

That body fatness is determined by the # and size of fat cells

Set-point theory

The theory that the body tends to maintain a certain weight, by means of its own internal controls.

Environmental Stimuli

Overeating, learned behaviour , and physical inactivity.

Food is everywhere. Elevators, cars.

Buffets etc.

Obesity Treatment

Aggressive treatment may be warranted for some individuals who are obese, dependent on the medical problems that the obesity is causing.

Medication and surgery

What is the only weight loss medication that is approved for sale?

Orlistat (Xenical)

What are three lifestyle components to achieve a healthy body weight?


Physical activity

Behaviour modification

Weight loss strategies?

1) Following calorie diet

2) Watch portion sizes

3) Choose foods with lower energy density

4) Avoid empty calories

5) Splitting up meals

6) Drink water instead of beverages

7) Keep a record

How much physical activity each week for adults 18-64

150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity

What are muscle strengthening activities

To increase muscle strength, power, endurance, and mass

What are bone strengthening activities

Weight bearing and designed to promote bone growth and strength.

What do behaviour modifications take a look at?

Cues that are causing behaviours which are resulting in consequences.