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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the bone health nutrients?

Vit A, Vit D, Vit K, Vit C (Collagen synthesis only).


Collagen Synthesis

Component of connective tissue found in bones, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels etc


Mighty Antioxidant Nutrients

Beta-carotene and other caretenoids (plant foods), Vits. C + E, selenium= mineral (also riboflavin) but not Vit. A.


Blood Clotting Nutrient

Vitamin K

Blood Formation Nutrients

Vitamins B6, Folate, Vit. B12

2 Vits 1 other

Immune Function Nutrients

Vit. A, Vit D, Vit C (also Vit. B6)


Hypervitaminosis A

Excessive Vitamin A Supplementation

Vit. A


Monster forming


Excessive intake of beta-carotenois

When is vitamin D considered a vitamin?

When obtained from dietary source

When is vitamin D considered a prohormone

When precursor form is synthesized from the sun.

Which vitamin is only for people who fail to produce enough from exposure to sunlight /UV light.

Vitamin D

Free radicals

Electron seeking compounds ....incomplete

What's Enrichment?

Adding back nutrients that were lost during food processing


Adding nutrients that weren't present in the food to begin to begin with or adding an additional amount of a nutrient(s) already present

Enrichment example

Enrichment of processed grain products and white rice with thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, & iron

Fortification examples

Vit. D added to milk or extra Vit. C added to Apple juice

Anemias caused by Vitamin deficiencies

Hemolytic anemia (Vit. E), microcytic hypochromic anemia (Vit. B6), megaloblastic anemia (folate), pernicious anemia (Vit. B12)

Hemolytic anemia

Preterm infants - Vit. E deficiency

Mycrocytic hypochromic anemia

Vit. B6 deficiency. (Micro=small, -cytic . Hypo=low, -chromic=color: Small pale red cells RBCs.


AKA macrocytic. Folate def. (Mega=large: large nucleated immature RBCs. )

Pernicious Anemia

B12 def. Or any defect in Vit. 12 absorption

Pernicious : leading to death