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29 Cards in this Set

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charged atoms
extracellular fluid
outside cells
interstitial fluid
fluid between cells
intracellular fluid
fluid inside cells
the thirst mechanism
a 10% decrease in plasma volume or a 1-2% increase in plasma particles causes a dry mouth and stimulates the hypothalamus
released by the pituitary gland when salt concentration is too high or blood volume or blood pressure are too low- causes the kidneys to reabsorb water
the rennin angiotensis system
rennin is released by the kidneys when blood pressure is low; rennin activates the blood protein angiotensin; then angiotensin contricts blood vessels and causes the kidney to absorb sodium and water
a hormone released by the adrenal glands and it causes the kidney to reabsorb sodium and water, so blood pressure increases
obligatory water loss
the minimum amount of water required to dispose of wastes in the urine
excessive water loss; usually due to too little intake, diarrhea, or vomiting- symptoms: thirst, weakness, dry skin, delirium, and exhaustion
water intoxication
excessive water intake in a short period of time; symptoms: confusion, convulsions, and then death
the movement of water from a high to low concentration
a positive atom
a negative atom
salts that break apart in water and conduct electricity
a blood pH less than 7.35 and it depresses the nervous system
a blood pH greater than 7.45 and it overexcites the nervous system
the bicarbonate buffer system
made of 3 components:
1. H+ (reacts with bases to make H2O)
2. HCO3- reacts with acids and bases (neutralizes acids- reacts with bases to make H2O and CO3-2)
3. H2CO3 (reacts with OH- to make H2O and HCO3-)
Na (sodium)
required for muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and regulation of extracellular fluid- minimum people need is 500 mg/day- toxic amount is 5,000 mg/ a day (toxic symptoms-swelling, hypertension)
-good sources: salt, processed foods
Cl (chlorine)
part of the HCl molecule and it is in extracellular fluid; a deficiency never occurs- toxicity occurs at 10,000 mg- causes vomiting
*good sources: table salt, processed foods
K (potassium)
the main positive atom inside of cells- required for muscles and nerves- it minimum is 2,000 mg/day- deficiency causes weakness and arrythmias- toxicity occurs at 11,000 mg and its symptoms are weakness, vomiting, and cardiac arrest
*good sources: fruist, vegetables, meats, beans, milk products
Ca (calcium)
required by bones, muscles, and blood clotting- acidity favors absorption- also, it requires a protein to be absorbed- fiber interferes with its absorption- deficiency causes slow growth, bone loss, and tetany- toxicity occurs 2,500 mg and it causes constipation, kidney stones, and rigor
intermittent muscle spasms
hard or stiff muscles
parathyroid hormone
moves calcium from the bones to the blood
moves calcium from the blood into bones
P (phosphorous)
needed in ATP, DNA, RNA, phospholipids, hydroxyapatitie, and the phosphate buffer system- deficiency symptoms are weakness and bone pain- toxicity occurs at 4,000 mg and causes calcium to be excreted from the body
*good sources: milk, meat, beans
Mg (Magnesium)
needed in bones- also holds Ca inside tooth enamel- also required by over 300 enzymes- deficiency causes weakness, confusion, and difficult swallowing- toxicity occurs at 350 mg- causes diarrhea, dehydration, and alkalosis
*good sources: green vegetables, nuts, beans, seafood, and chocolate
S (sulfur)
stabilizes proteins and it is used to make insulin- deficiency is unknown- its toxicity suppresses growth
*good sources: meat, milk, nuts, and beans