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52 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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absorption of fat soluble vitamins
dependent on ileum and pancreas
common effects of B vitamin deficiency


function of vitamin A
constituent of visual pigments (retinal)
Vitamin A toxicity



skin changes

sore throat

vitamin A deficiency
night blindness

dry skin
function of thiamine (B1)
part of thiamine pyrophosphate (cofactor for ox decarboxylation of a-ketoacids and branched chain AA dehydrogenase)

cofactor for transketolase in HMP shunt
beriberi types
dry-polyneuritis, symmetrical muscle wasting

wet-high output heart failure, edema
symptoms of Wernicke-Korsakoff
Wernicke-nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, confusion

Korsakoff-anterograde amnesia, confabulation
function of riboflavin
cofactor in redox reactions (like FADH2)

derives FMN and FAD making 2 ATP
deficiency of riboflavin
angular stomatitis


corneal vascularization
function of niacin
constituent of NAD+, NADP+ (redox reactions)

derived from tryptophan using B6
deficiency of niacin
pellagra (can be caused by Hartnup's disease, decreased tryptophan absorption; INH; carcinoid, increased tryptophan metabolism)

diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, glossitis
function of pantothenate (B5)
constituent of CoA and component of fatty acid synthase
deficiency of B5
dermatitis, enteritis, alopecia, adrenal insufficiency
function of B6 (pyridoxine)
converted to pyridoxyl phosphate (transamination)

decarboxylation reactions

glycogen phosphorylase

heme synthesis

synthesis of niacin from tryptophan
absorption of fat soluble vitamins
dependent on ileum and pancreas
common effects of B vitamin deficiency


function of vitamin A
constituent of visual pigments (retinal)
Vitamin A toxicity



skin changes

sore throat

vitamin A deficiency
night blindness

dry skin
function of thiamine (B1)
part of thiamine pyrophosphate (cofactor for ox decarboxylation of a-ketoacids and branched chain AA dehydrogenase)

cofactor for transketolase in HMP shunt
beriberi types
dry-polyneuritis, symmetrical muscle wasting

wet-high output heart failure, edema
symptoms of Wernicke-Korsakoff
Wernicke-nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, confusion

Korsakoff-anterograde amnesia, confabulation
function of riboflavin
cofactor in redox reactions (like FADH2)

derives FMN and FAD making 2 ATP
deficiency of riboflavin
angular stomatitis


corneal vascularization
function of niacin
constituent of NAD+, NADP+ (redox reactions)

derived from tryptophan using B6
deficiency of niacin
pellagra (can be caused by Hartnup's disease, decreased tryptophan absorption; INH; carcinoid, increased tryptophan metabolism)

diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, glossitis
function of pantothenate (B5)
constituent of CoA and component of fatty acid synthase
deficiency of B5
dermatitis, enteritis, alopecia, adrenal insufficiency
function of B6 (pyridoxine)
converted to pyridoxyl phosphate (transamination)

decarboxylation reactions

glycogen phosphorylase

heme synthesis

synthesis of niacin from tryptophan
deficiency of B6

hyperirritability (induced by INH and OCPs)

peripheral neuropathy
function of B12
cofactor for homocysteine methyltransferase and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase

stored in liver (several year stores)

synthesized by microorganisms

only in animal products
test for B12 deficiency
schilling test
deficiency of B12
macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia

neuro symptoms (optic neuropathy, subacute combined degeneration, parasthesia)

mechanism of heart disease in B12 deficiency
homocysteine and N-methyl THF can't be converted to methionine and THF

leads to homocysteinemia and thrombosis
myelin damage in B12 deficiency
methylmalonyl CoA can't be converted to succinyl CoA

affects posterior columns, lateral tracts (spasticity) and dementia
function of folate
coenzyme THF for 1 carbon transfer

involved in methylation reactions

synthesis of nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA
deficiency of folate
most common deficiency in US

macrocytic megaloblastic anemia with NO neuro symptoms

used to make choline, important for fetal brain

green leafy vegetables
function of biotin
cofactor for carboxylation

pyruvate to oxaloacetate

acetyl CoA to malonyl CoA

propionyl CoA to methylmalonyl CoA
deficiency of biotin


caused by antibiotics and raw eggs (whites bind biotin)
function of Vitamin C
necessary for hydroxylation of proline and lysin in collagen synthesis

facilitates iron absorption by keeping Fe2+ reduced, which is more absorbable

cofactor for dopamine B-hydroxylase, which converts dopamine to Nepi
vitamin c deficiency

swollen gums



poor wound healing
function of vitamin D
increases intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate
sources of vitamin D
D2 is ergocalciferol (milk)

D3 is cholecalciferol (sun)

25-OH D3 is storage form

1,25-OH D3 is active form (calcitriol)
vitamin D deficiency
rickets in kids

osteomalacia in adults

hypocalcemic tetany
vitamin D excess
loss of appetite


seen in sarcoidosis, where epithelioid macrophages convert vitamin D to its active form
function of vitamin E
antioxidant, protects RBCs from hemolysis
vitamin E deficiency
increased fragility of erythrocytes, neurodysfunction
function of Vitamin K
catalyzes gamma carboxylation of glutamic acid residues on clotting proteins

made by intestinal flora
deficiency of vitamin K
neonatal hemorrhage with increased PT and aPtt but normal bleeding time
vitamin K dependant clotting factors
2, 7, 9, 10, C, S

antagonized by warfarin
zinc deficiency
delayed wound healing


decreased adult hair

alcoholic cirrhosis in alcoholics