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23 Cards in this Set

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animal meats

source that does not have carbs except milk (8-12g)

6 essential nutrients

1. carbohydrates

2. protein

3. lipds

4. water

5. vitamins

6. minerals

Simple and Complex Carbohydrates

Simple - quick energy, simple to digest, effect blood sugar

Complex - swwet potato, beans,

Fiber - helps lower cholesterol, quick elimination, keeps us fuller, maintains BS


sugars and starches, 45-65% of total daily calories, spares fats and proteins (prevent ketosis), 4 calories/gram, main source of energy (excess stores as glycogen in liver and muscles)

Fiber, advantages and disadvanrages

Advantages: complex CHo delays glucose absorption and slows gastric emptying, cholesterol, quick elimination, 20-35 grams

Disadvantages: over 50 grams, interferes with meds absorptioon (calcium, iron, thyroid meds)

Pros and Cons of Carbohydrates

Pros: cheap/abundant, quick energy, complex CHO (fiber)

Cons: dental caries, excessive amount increases calories and weight and tryglycerides, empy calories (sugar)

Protein Sources

Animal (complete protein): meats, milk and cheese, egg, soy (only vege source)

Plant: legumes (soybeans, lentils, peanuts)

2 plant proteins = complete protein (complimentary protein)

Protein functions

repair, growth and development, regulates fluid balance, antibodies, hormones, enzymes, neurotransmissions

4 calories per gram

Protein balance of nitrogen

Negative nitrogen - catabolism, receiving insufficient protein and the body is breaking down more tissue than building

Positive Nitrogen - anabolism, nitrogen intake is greater than exertion

Goal is Nitrogen balance

Protein daily intake

10-20% of calories, .8grams/kg (apprx 50 day)`

Fats (lipids)

most dense form of energy - 9 calories/gram

insulation and cell wall

Saturated - animal fats (solid at room temp), raise cholesterol

Unsaturated - vegetable fat (liquid at room temp (oils), lower cholesterol

Trans fat

fat the occurs when manufacturers partially hydrogenate liquid oils so that they become more solid, raise cholesterol


fatlike substance found only in animal products, not an essential nutrient (body makes sufficient amounts)


the form of fat that travels in the lymphatic and circulatory system

Fats (lipids) digestion

slower, bile (pancreatic lipase for breakdown), most fat is absorbed in small intestines and transported to the liver by the lymphatic system, most remains in the body (3% excreted)

occurs in small instestine

9 calories/ gram

aids in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and provides insulation, structure and temperature control

20-35% of caloric intake


accounts for 50-60 of weight

2-3k - females

3-4k - males


organic compounds needed by the body in small amounts, no calories/energy,

Water Soluble: C and B

Fat Soluble: ADEK

2 cups of fruit, 2 and 1/2 of vegetables

needed for metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fat

Water Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin C

Vitamin B complex

Ascorbic acid







absorbed through intestinal wall strait into bloodstream, not stored in body, excess excreted in urine

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin A - carrots, egg yolk

Vitamin D - sunlight

Vitamin E - vegetable oils , wheat, whole grain

Vitamin K - leafy vegetables

absorbed with fat into lymphatic circulation, excess stored in fat and liver,


inorganic elements in all body fluids and tissues in form of salts or with organic compounds

Calcium - milk

Phosphorus - milk

Magnesium - leefy vegetables

Potassium - whole grains

Iron (micromineral)

Sodium - salt

Sulfer - meat

provide structure within body, regulate body process

Diarrhea > 500 ml in 2 days

Vomiting > 5 days

1/2 normal intake for 5 days

Diarrhea > 500 ml in 2 days

Vomiting > 5 days

1/2 normal intake for 5 days

BMR calculation

Weight x 11 (men) 10 (women) x

1.2 sedentary

1.3 light activity

1.4 moderate

1.5 high activity

BMI calculation

weight in kgs/ (height in meters x height in meters)

19-25 normal

>25 overweight

> 30 obesity