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24 Cards in this Set

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1. Eating Disorders
---Anorexia Nervosa
an eating disorder involving a psychological loss or denial of appettite, followed by self-starvation.

Treatment: psychological hospitalization as well as possibly physical complete hospitalization

Signs and Symptoms: rapid loss of body mass, hair loss, fatigue, low bone mass, low body temp. Lanugo
---Bulimia Nervosa
an eating disorder in which large quantities of food are eaten at one time and then purged from the body by vomiting

Treatment: 16 weeks of psychological and physical hospitalization

signs and symptoms: tooth decay, swollen salivary glands, stomach ulcers, irritation of esophagus
Female Athlete Triad
a condition characterized by disordered eathing, lack of menstrual periods(amenorrhea) and osteoporosis
2. Nutrion Label
---Regulating Agency
Regulates the normal intake for average U.S. used to create serving sizes of food on labels
---What is DV?
Daily Values- a set of standard nutrient-intake values developed by FDA and used as a reference for expressing nutrient content on nutrition labels
3. MyPyramid
---Recommened daily intake of food groups
Grains- 6-11 servings
Fruit- 2-4 servings
Vegetables- 3-5 servings
Dairy- 2-3 servings
Meat,poultry, fish- 2-3 servings
Fats, Oils and Sweets- Use sparingly
4. Characteristics of the Exchange System
A system for classifying foods into numerous lists based on the foods' macronutrient composition and establishing serving sizes, so that one serving of each food on a list contains the same amount of carbohydrate, protein, fat, and calorie content.
5. 2005 Dietary Guidelines
Published every 5 years by HHS and USDA provides advice for people to have good dietary habits
6. Energy Expenditure
Basal Metabolic Rate- the minimal amount of calories the body requires to support itself in a fasting state when resting and awakein a warm quiet envirnment. amounts to 1 kcal per hour for men and .9 kcal per hour for women
---Thermic Effect of Food
The increase in metabolism that occurs during the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of energy-yielding nutrients. This represents 5% to 10% of calories consumed.
---Activity Level
Low Activity-
Very Active-
-1.0 Men and 1.0 women no exercise
- walks 2 miles a day 1.11 men 1.12 women
-walks 7 miles a day 1.25 men 1.27 women
-17 miles a day 1.48 men 1.45 women
---Energy Balance-
a state in which energy intake in the from of food beverages and alcohol matches the energy expended primarily through BMR and PA
7. Obesity and Weight Management
---Calories in a pound of fat
---Difference between hunger, satiety and appetite
Hunger is the desire for food, appetite is how much food it make take to satisfy that hunger and satiety is the feeling of satisfaction from food feeling full
---Methods used to measure Body Fat
underwater weighing, air displacement
---Body Mass Indes (BMI)-
weight in kilograms dvided by height in meters squared; a value of 25 and above indicates overweight and value of 30 and above indidcates obesity.
condition caused by excess body fat
---Android Obesity-
when body fat is mostly stored in abdominals
---Gynecoid Obesity-
the type of obesity in which fat storage is primarily located in the buttocks and thigh area
---Goals of good weight reduction programs-
meet nutritional needs, adjust to accomodate eating habits, large selection of foods. promote changing habits helpe change obesity
---Characteristics of a fad diet-
promotes quick weight loss, limits food selections, and diet at specific riituals often reccomend expensive supplements
8. RDA and DRI
Reccomended intakes of nutrients that meet the needs of nearly all healthy individuals of similar age and gender. These are established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences
The overarching frameworks for nutrient recommendations made by the Food and Nutrition Board, a part of the National Academy of Sciences
9. Nutrient Density-
The ratio derived by dividing a food's contribution to nutrient needs vy its contribution to calorie needs. Wshen its contribution to nutrient needs exceeds its calorie contribution, the food is considered to have a favorable nutrient density.