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34 Cards in this Set

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What is an electrolyte?
in solution, they dissociate into ions and conduct electricity (e.g potassium, sodium, and chloride)
What are the two mechanisms which regulate the amount of electrolytes present in the body?
gastro-intestinal tract via absorption and excretion
the kidneys
Where is Potassium absorbed?
rapidly throughout the entire small intestine.
How is Potassium absorbed?
colonic mucosal cells with a potassium-hyrdogen-ATPase pump, which exchanges intracellular hydrogen for luminal potassium
Is potassium stored in intracellular fluid, or extracellular fluid?
98% in intracellular fluid- it is the major intracellular cation
Where is potassium stored?
there are no storage sites for potassium
What is hyperkalaemia?
an excess of potassium in the plasma
What are some factors that affect the movement of potassium?
blood pH
How does insulin promote the shift of potassium into cells?
stimulating the Na/K ATPase pump
stimulating glycogen synthesis
increasing phosphorylated glucose intermediate metabolites
Acidosis shifts potassium into / out of the cell
out of the cells
Alkalosis shifts potassium into / out of the cell
into the cells
Why must potassium intake be monitored in renal disease
because the kidneys are unable to deal with a normal load
What is the major regulating hormone in potassium excretion
Factors increasing renal potassium excretion:
increased urine flow
increased sodium reabsorption
aldosterone, ADH
low magnesium
Factors decreasing renal potassium excretion
renal failure
low urine flow
low sodium delivery
What is the main function of potassium
maintenance of the cell membrane potential and a cofactor for enzymes
What are some functions of potassium
transmission of nerve impulses
production of energy
synthesis of nucleic acid
maintenance of normal blood pressure
Potassium, as a cofactor for enzymes, is required for:
activation of Na, K ATPase
activity of pyruvate kinase
secretion of insulin from the pancreas
protein synthesis
What is the clinical deficiency for potassium
What are the symptoms of hypokalaemia
muscle weakness and cramping
intestinal paralysis
What are some foods that are high in potassium
Tomato juice
What is the most important function of sodium?
to regulate the balance of water inside and outside of the cells
Where is sodium absorbed
95% is absorbed in the small and large intestines
What is the major source of sodium for the body?
reabsorption of sodium from the urine
What organ controls the sodium balance in the body?
How is sodium excretion controlled by aldosterone
renin converts angiotensin to angiotensin -> ACE converts to angiotensin 2, which causes secretion of aldosterone, which increases retention of sodium and chloride and water from the kidneys
When is ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) secreted?
secreted by the atria of the heart in response to stretching of the atria that occurs with increased blood volume.
T/F ANP suppresses the secretions of renin, aldosterone, and ADH
Is chloride found in the extracellular or intracellular fluid?
extracellular fluid
How is chloride concentration regulated?
indirectly by sodium regulation within the body (as it follows sodium's entrance into and out of the body)
Is the reabsorption of chloride passive or active?
passive in the proximal tubule and active in the ascending loop of Henle and the distal tubule
What is Hyponatremia?
clinical deficiency of sodium
What are symptoms of hyponatremia
muscle cramps
List some low salt foods
brown rice
olive oil