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53 Cards in this Set

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Nutritional Science
The science of food, the nutrients and the substances therein, their action, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease, and the process by which the organism ingest, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes, and excretes food substances.
The items consumed by the organism that provide nutrients.
The collection of foods consumed by the organism.
provide energy.
-Carbohydrates (CHOH) - sugars, starches, and fiber
-Lipids (CH) - soluble in organic solvents, but not water
-Proteins (CHON) - made up of amino acids
Vitamins and Minerals; do not provide energy
compounds needed in very small amounts that help regulate and support chemical reactions
inorganic elements that promote chemical reactions and provide structure (usually proteins)
founds in plants. often used to refer to chemicals that may provide a positive health benefit, but are not otherwise essential nutrients.
a phytochemical that interferes with a nutrient in the diet
Food Toxin
a chemical in food capable of producing injury, illness, or death.
-5th century B.C.
-Father of Medicine
-Principles of Health
Hippocrates' Principles of Health
1. Food is power that reaches into every sinew of the body
2. When more food than is proper has been taken, it occasions disease.
3. Hard work is undesirable for the underfed.
John Seuart Curry
Artist in Residence, CALS, University of Wisconsin
E.B. Hart
-involved in the first single grain study
-discovered vitamins and trace minerals
-treatment of anemia
Elmer McCollum
discovered vitamins A and B
vitamin deficiency; bow-legged
Harry Steenbock
discovered how to produce vitamin D to supplement foods using UV light; put vitamin D in milk.
-treatment of anemia
treatment of anemia
1. Fructose (ketose - double bond in the middle)
2. Glucose (aldose)
3. Galactose (aldose)
-present in all disaccharides
-from plants, milk, eggs, NOT MEATS
-fructose and galactose are often transformed to glucose
-usually taken in the form of sucrose (glucose + fructose)
-from ripened fruits and veggies
-only in the form of lactose
-formed by condensation reactions
-glucose + glucose
-alpha 1-4 linkages
-glucose + fructose
-alpha 1-4
-table sugar
-glucose + galactose
-beta 1-4; cannot be broken down
-pulls water into the gut
Lactose Intolerance
-some people lose lactase in their GI tract.
-usually people in the souther hemisphere
-gas, diarrhea
-bacteria builds up in colon and produce gas
-glucose polymer
-storage form of glucose (in muscle and liver)
-not a dietary source of glucose
-OH groups have a negative charge and bond well with water
-alpha 1-4 and alpha 1-6 linkages
-tons of branches; more than amylopectin
-potatoes, wheat
-4:1 ratio of amylopectin to amylose
-highly branched
-less branched than glycogen (glycogen has alpha 1-6 bonds)
-can be modified to modified food starch to make TV/frozen dinners so that when you heat it up it doesn't get soggy
long strings of alpha 1-4 linkages
-plant cell wall
-3-10 monosaccharides
-some people get gas when they eat these because the bacteria metabolize them and produce gas
-easier to digest if you eat frequently
-raffinose and stachyose
-galactose + glucose + fructose
-we don't have the enzymes to break it down
-galactose + galactose + glucose + fructose
-cannot break down
Insoluble Fiber
does not dissolve in water
-cellulose, hemicellulose, lignins
-long strings of glucose containing beta linkages
-most pure form = cotton
-provides bulk to fecal material
-all plants
-can be soluble sometimes
-made of carbs and found in the stem
-decreases intestinal transit time
-wheat, rye, rice, veggies
-NOT polysaccharides
-polycyclic alcohols
-increases fecal bulk
-estrogen like effects
-whole grains, flax seeds
Soluble Fiber
absorbs water like a sponge
-hemicelluloses, pectins, gums, and mucilages
-can lower blood cholesterol
-diets high in soluble fiber will maintain a feeling of satiety because it slows gastric emptying
-can be beneficial for diabetics
Pectins, Gums, and Mucilages
-soluble fiber; delays gastric emptying
-slows glucose absorption
-can lower blood cholesterol
-citrus fruits, oat products, beans
-diets low in insoluble fiber
-popping of the lining of the large intestine
-internal layer spreads out between muscle layers
-asymptomatic fiber is the first to get caught in pockets causing the inflammation
-must remove fiber from diet until symptoms subside
Cancer and Fiber
-diets low in fiber do not cause bowel cancer
-diets high in fiber tend to be low in saturated fat which is a healthier diet and leads to less cancer
Constipation and Fiber
-too much insoluble fiber and no water
-common in elderly
RI of Carbohydrates
AI = 130g/day is minimum
-45-60% of total energy
DV = 300g/2000kcal intake
RI for Fiber
AI = 38g/day for males; 25g/day females
DV = 25g/2000kcal intake
RI for Simple Sugars
<10% of total energy
diets high in sugar do not necessarily lead to obesity but diets high in sugar tend to be high in fat
Dental Caries
sugar is metabolized by bacteria in the mouth to form acid that wears away the tooth enamel.
Nutritive Sweeteners
Lactose, Maltose, Glucose, Sucrose, Fructose
Alternative Sweeteners

-sweetness based off sucrose = 1
-not heat stable
-made of phenyalanine and aspartate
-PKU warning necessary
-frozen desserts, yogurt, ice cream
-heat stable
-heat stable
Sugar Alcohols
in sugarless gums and candies