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16 Cards in this Set

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Nurses assist parents after discharge by _ or __ visits and __ __.
home - clinic - telephone calls
Careful __, good __ skills, and knowledge of __ practices are necessary during home visits.
planning - communication - cultural
Clinic visits include the same __ & __ as home visits but do not allow the nurse to assess the __. They are (less/more) __ cost-effective, however.
assessment and teaching - home - more
Telephone calls after discharge from the birth facility are (less/more) __ expensive than home or clinic visits but do not allow the nurse to assess the __ or __ environment in person.
less - assess - client - home
All __, particularly older, used articles, should be checked by parents for safety.
Infants younger than 1 year old or weighing less than 20 pounds should use a __ car seat. Older infants need car seats that face __. All should be placed in the __ seat of the car.
rear-facing - forward - back
__ is a major source of concern for parents. They should be reassured that infants are not __ by prompt attention to their needs.
Crying - spoiled
__-crying without obvious cause that lasts 3 or more hours a day—usually occurs in the __ or __ and often disappears after __ months. The cause is unknown, and infants with colic grow and develop normally.
Colic - afternoon or evening - 3
Infants may sleep __ or more hours at night by about __ weeks.
five - 12
Common signs of teething include __, __, decreased __ & __, rash, and red and swollen __. High __ or other signs of illness are not caused by teething.
drooling, irritability, appetite & sleep - gums - fever
Diaper rash may be caused by prolonged exposure to __ & __ diapers or __ to substances in diapers or disposable washcloths. It can become __.
wet and soiled - sensitivity - infected
Both breastfed and formula-fed infants vary in amounts taken at each feeding but average about __ oz per feeding initially and _-_ oz per feeding at 8 weeks of age.
one - 4 to 6
Solid foods should be started at __-__ months of age when the __ reflex is gone and __ can be digested by infants.
4 to 6 - extrusion - solids
Well-baby checkups are important for assessment of __ & __, __, and __. Immunizations safeguard infants and communities from spread of __ diseases.
growth and development - guidance - immunizations - communicable
Parents should learn signs of __ in the infant and when __ medical care is necessary. They should seek immediate medical attention if infants have __ difficulty or are diffi­cult to arouse from __.
illness - immediate - respiratory - sleep
The nurse should teach parents about current knowledge about __ and the fact that the cause remains unknown. Parents should be taught to place infants in a __ position in their own bed for sleep.
SIDS - supine